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Past Updates
Past Updates-a collection of my past updates!

· November 21, 2001 - Changed the main page layout to a Christmas scene. Don't copy it please! >.< I hate it when people do that. I've also added another rant to the opinions section about the September 11 attack. Cha!

· November 7, 2001 - O.O; Wow I really haven't updated this site for a long time have it? I've just been so wrapped up in the World Trade Center attack, along with school starting again. -_-; *mutters abouts school* Now where was I? Oh yeah. ^^ I'm sorry folks (why did Looney Tunes just get into my head??) ^_^; but my computer crashed on me a few weeks ago and I lost basically EVERYTHING. *sighs* So I must start over getting more things to add to the site. But the good thing is that I'm probably back for a while... I think. o.o

· July 28, 2001 - STILL backing files up... but I've quit for a little while. Added more awards I've won, cleaned up the broken links in the links section, and cleaned up the broken links in the awards won section. That's all for now, cha!

· June 30, 2001 - Still working on backing up my files. Anyways, I've got a new 4th of July layout thanks to my friend Mousey! Much thanks to her! I've also added seven new banners, some more fanart, added more awards I've won, and updated the updates page! ^^ That's all for now, cha!

· June 21, 2001 - Wow I'm getting *really* lazy with my updates. ^^ As you probably noticed, the front page has been changed to a snazzy new summer layout. There have been many minor updates in multiple sections of the site (new awards, pictures, java script edits, etc). I'm working on backing up all the files right now, so don't be expecting a major update for at least two or three weeks. Gomen minna! Cha!

· May 10, 2001 - As I've recieved many wonderful letters telling me not to close my website down, to ask permission if the button can be used on the site, they love my site so much they'd have no point to go on the internet after I closed it down (I don't get this person.. ^_^;), etc. While there were also flames about the picture, but I can take the bad as long as there's some good. So everyone, the website is now reopened! The old enter image will be kept here until I get permission or rejection from the owner of the Sailor V Shrine that I got the idea from. Until then, I'm making the 50x50 pictures in the galleries and information sections thumbnails so to decrease loading time. So far only the group gallery is finished, but I hope to get the couples and a few more done with before it's time to study for a science test that I happen to have tomorrow. Cha! · May 9, 2001 - ::Sobs:: After the two hours of work put into making the button on this page (which I took off), I got enough flames for it being "too much like whatever website it is's site's button." Shows you how people like MoonBunny (who was nice enough to reply to my request in one day about how to make thumbnails) and the people who will be left un-named who flame my whole freaking site. The colors clash. The material is boring. Your button looks too much like another site's. *To clear things up here I did not copy the image and edit it. ::sniffles:: I made that by myself and you !@#$'s who tell me that it isn't mine and is too much like something else, then who needs your opinions?* I am on the verge of crying my heart out right now, for the people who happen to make my day awful. How can you flame a website for origional ideas, images that I edit and edit and edit all by myself for lots of hours? The website will be shut down for a week or so, just to show you that I will not be treated like a cheater and a stealer... but I will origionally redo my website again (well.. some parts of it).

· May 6, 2001 - Hi everyone! I've added in some pictures that have been sitting in my Sailor Moon folder doing well... nothing for the past few months. I've also made a multimedia section in the misc page. Again, I have tied up some tiny script errors I made, and added some small things to a couple pages. Lastly, the Web Review page is about 95% finished, but I don't think I'll have enough time to tie up the loose ends tonight. Expect it to be up by tomorrow or Tuesday! Cha!

· May 5, 2001 - Again, I've added and changed a few misc. things around the site, no major updates as of right now. I am, though, about 80% finished with making a new layout for a web reviewing part of this site! Due to be finished by the end of the weekend! ^_^;

· May 4, 2001 - Hi minnasan! I've changed a few little mistakes I had made which Sea God helped me to fix. I was notified that the Michiru's Music Game was not working very well with Netscape users, as probably would be with AOHell ::ahem... did I just say that?:: ^_^; users as well. So, for all you people out there who do not have Internet Explorer can now click on a little link besides the number that says "song." I'll be trying to add some more things asap! Cha!

· May 1, 2001 - Konnichawa minnasan! Everything is up and running (I'm pretty sure...) and I've also added an animations page for animations from the *real* TV anime series. That means no RPG images. Sorry for you people who love looking at those, but I am just trying to keep a real series page here. -_-; Well, I've gotta run now, I have a massive science and math test to study for that are both tomorrow! ::great:: Cha!

· April 30, 2001 - Hey guys! I've finished updating the layout of the rest of the pages so they "match" with the rest of this site. And, I've finished the Michiru's Music Game! Try it out and you could win an award

· April 29, 2001 - Okay, I know I've been promising to redo these pages into a "border-lined layout," which is a promise I haven't been keeping very well. Want to hear my escuse? ^_^; I'm working on making some fun game pages so you guys won't get that bored here. I know, I know... a lot of you people have been telling me that you love my site and there's nothing wrong with it, but common! Every site has something wrong with it, including my site. I definitly have to admit that since I know this website isn't the best on the web. Just stick with me here, okay? -_-;

· April 26, 2001 - Hey guys! As you *may* have noticed.. I've been adding some of the bordered outlines to some of the side pages. I decided they look better like that, so I'm adding that to everyone. I'm going to have one hell of a night redoing these pages. -_-;

· April 25, 2001 - Ack! I just realized that Anime Exchange seems to be down or something, which means no more Sailor Moon counter. ::starts bawling:: Anyways, I've decided to add some box border things that I have located on the main page for the pictures. It seems a lot more organized looking to me. ^_^;

· April 22, 2001 - Hi everyone! It's me, Sailor Galaxy and I've decided to make a better layout for this site. Don't worry, it won't be much longer until it comes out. But I personally love this front page, and since it doesn't take long at all to load, I've decided to keep it and not to use the splash page anymore. That takes way to long to load, don't you guys think so?

· April 3, 2001 - Hi guys! I've decided that the old layout I had (splash page) was getting pretty boring. Wouldn't you agree? Anyways, I saw this kind of a layout, and thought to myself "Wow, that is so kawaii!" So, I decided to try it out, and personally, I love how it turned out! Anyways, I'm going to do simple revamps on most sections so they will be "compatible" with this layout. Hope you guys will enjoy the change! Oh yeah - most of the new links won't be up for a while / won't be working, just so you guys know and I won't get like a thousand complaints telling me something I already know!

· April 2, 2001 - Hope everyone had a great April Fools day! I know I did! Now - back to the site: I've finished everything I was redoing / finishing up! That includes the awards to win section, computer goodies, and adding finishing touches to the rest of the sites. I have lots more ideas, but they won't be finished for a while. After all, you can't expect me to make a great looking site in twenty minutes! ^_^;

- Wow guys, it's been a long day! I think I've done the most around the site today than for the past few days! Every little glitch (I think...) is gone from the websites up and accesible right now. I've also added some desktop wallpapers in the computer goodies section, made "the basics" aka an about me section, made a list of my mp3 songs I have on napster this moment, and made a quilt page. I hope to get games for you guys to play on here by tomorrow - since I've gotten a few complaints that this is a boring site and I should have something fun for people to do / play on here. I'm taking their advice! ^_^

· April 1, 2001 - Happy April Fools Day! Hope everyone is going to / has played a trick on a friend or family member! I know I have! ^_^; Anyways, as you all may have noticed, I've finished redoing the pictures / information section! Yippee! Now it's time to tie up the little loose ends left on the other stuff around the site, and to start on the computer goodies section! Since this week is my spring break, I may actually finish everything I have planned and start planning something else! Heh.. ^_^;

· March 31, 2001 - Ack! I know, I know, you're probably wondering where I've been for the past few weeks. Just to keep you informed, I've had A LOT of tests and quizes that teachers just love giving out before the end of the third quarter. But now I'm on my spring break, so there's going to be a ton more updates!

· February 28, 2001 - First things first - this again going to be a very quick review, since I have *lots* of homework to do. I've redone the fan fics section, changed some broken pictures and links, and added a little to the credits section.

· February 25, 2001 - This is going to be a quick review of what I've done. First off, I've started to move all the pictures and stuff from my other servers back to angelfire, since they now have offered me 50 megabytes of space! Woohoo! Also, I've added another link in the go exploring section, added some more pictures in the Usagi and Makoto sections, and redone the fanart section. Phew! I hope to update the fan fics section next!

· February 24, 2001 - Okay, first off I've redone the link me section, and well ^_^; that's it. I know that doesn't sound like much that I did, but wow it did take me like 30 minutes to do. Anyways, I've also been accepted into the Site Fights! Woohoo! Please, once I'm in the fighting stage, vote for me! Pleeeease!! Heh. Okay, enough of that for right now. Right now I'm working on making the awards to win section look better so that you can finally be able to visit the awards section on main.html! That's all folks!

· February 23, 2001 - Yikes! Sorry guys, I've had a pretty busy couple of weeks. Anyways, I'm going to shut the site down for a few days, since I've been getting complaints about some sections. Don't worry, it'll be back open soon!!

- Okay, the site is back up and running again. Sorry about closing it down for a while, I had to update some of the major sections of the site. Oh yeah, now to updates... I changed the look of the awards i've won (yeah I know, you still can't see them yet since I dont have a main page for everything, but if you want you can get a sneak peak at awards.html. I've also done the credits section and redone the links section. Phew! Took me like 3 hours! Right now I'm working on a new section, complete with a new contest that's going to be guessing which picture is what. That's all I'm giving away for that right now. ^_^

· February 4, 2001 - Okay, this is a miricle! Three updates in a row! Woohoo! Anyways, this will be a pretty short update, since I have a lot of homework to do today. And, internet always comes second, so I've only had time to do a quick update with the main page (this) and fix a couple broken links.

- Phew! Finally finished my grueling five hours of homework, and as a finality prize, I updates the Cats (Luna, Diana, Artemis) section as well as the Hotaru section!! Only four more to go until another total revamp of another section! ^_^; Not saying that I won't just not update anything right now, I could. Doing the same layout each time is getting pretty boring, don't you think?

· February 3, 2001 - Wow! two updates in row, it's amazing! Do you guys even read these? Oh well, anyways I did finish Mamoru and ChibiUsa last night, and now I just finished Setsuna. Next I will try to do the Haruka and Michiru sections, which includes uploading more pictures of the both of them and writing out the information I've gathered. (You know it takes forever to write the paragraph on each of their main pages!) Well, enough of my blabbing, I think you guys would like it much better if I got to work on the pages!

· February 2, 2001 - Is not updating for five days at a time becoming a habit? It seems like it! Technically I've just neglected writing an update on the main page, here, since I finished re-doing the Makoto section on Wednesday or Thursday, I can't remember which. Anyways, I just finished the Mamoru section and am working on Minako right now. I had forgotten which order I was going in, and since I don't really want to figure it all out again, I'm just going to use the order that is on the "batch o pics" page. As you can see, there are five *'s (is it just me or is the number five appearing a lot in the past few weeks...) in that section, meaning five senshi sections are finished! Woohoo! Since I do have another two hours that I can be on the net, I'll probably get Minako and ChibiUsa finished with, but I can't promise anything!

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