Lazar Bear Productions Presented: The Derek Trucks Band! With Special Guests: Papa Mali December 7, 2007 At Events at The Tower Aloha Tower Market Place in Honolulu
Lazar Bear Promoter Les Hershorn.
New Orleans "Original" Papa Mali opened the show as a One Man Band!
Derek Trucks is perhaps the most important guitarist of his generation! His sound is distinct, unique and immediately identifiable. Only a handful of other musicians can say that!
Derek Trucks with bassist Todd Smallie, vocalist Mike Mattison and percussionist Count M'butu
Drummer Yonrico Scott. Yonrico has been drumming for Derek for over 10 years!
Percussionist Count M'butu made the trip to Hawaii with the Band this time ;-)
Derek Trucks with bassist Todd Smallie. Todd has played with Derek since 1994!
Derek Trucks with vocalist Mike Mattison. Mike is the "new guy" having been with The Derek Trucks Band for "only" the past 4-5 years.
We caught you smiling again, Derek Trucks ;-)
Keyboardist/Flautist Kofi Burbridge and Derek Trucks.
Keyboardist/Flautist Kofi Burbridge and Derek Trucks.
Vocalist Mike Mattison and bassist Todd Smallie.
Derek Trucks with bassist Todd Smallie.
Keyboardist/Flautist Kofi Burbridge wearing his University of Hawaii visor.
Go WAC Champion UH Warriors in the January 1, 2008 Sugar Bowl!!!
Derek Trucks with wife Susan Tedeschi in the background.
Susan Tedeschi with yours truly. ;-) Photo By: Dion "Boogie" Scott
All Other Photos By Steve Stoddard
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