All These Names Sound The Same!
In the games by Misunderstood Souls some of the characters' names are so
similar that there might be some confusion over who is who. Because of this I am putting
together this list with similarly named characters, and who each one is. I will try to avoid
major spoilers.
-Miya: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the First Generation. A girl from
Doesine who winds up married to the Antihero.
-Mia: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Fourth Generation. The only
daughter and youngest child of Jeddah and Donna Damnation
-Michael: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the First Generation. He is thought
at first to be a daemon, but proves otherwise after falling in love with a cleric.
-Michaella: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Second Generation. She is
the daughter of Michael and Jerika, and has managed to catch Carter Rotten's
eye from the moment of her birth.
-Mi: Character from Dark Star. She has a connection to Lord Marcus. (More as I learn more
about Dark Star.)
-Jaysa: Name "given" to Anna (Soul Essence) when she is kidnapped by the Director and taken
to the real world (not the T.V. show) during the Fourth Generation
-Jenessa: NPC from Plague. She is a Plague member and the rest is classified
-Jerika: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the First Generation. A cleric of Athena
who turns to The Hero after the Godhunter attacks.
-Katty: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Adora Campaign. An Adorian waif and theif who's real family is are the last people she would expect.
-Kathleen: Psudonym used by Zuriah (Soul Essence) while she resides among the mortals, and the only name her three daughters have to go by.
-Christine:Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Sixth Generation. She is one of twin daughters born to Johnny Jr. and Vivian.
-Kasaineko:Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Second Generation. She is the oldest daughter of Johnny Rotten and Wushi. Her research interest gets her in a lot of trouble.
-Creo: Character from Soul Essence. First appears in the Adora Campaign. She is the Guardian of Daydreams and Memories. She is one of the heads of the Twilght Theves.
-Sarah Micheles:
-Sarah Donovan:
-Lady Nemisis
-Johnny Rotten:
-Johnny Jr.:
-Johnny LeBeau:
-John (the palidin):