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     My Favorite Artist from my Home Town Osaka-Mr. Tatsuo Kamon came to see my show in December during my show at Contemporary Gallery Yuki-sis in Tokyo.


The reason why I loved his song and listened for years while I lived in the US for the last 25 years is that the song he writes remind me of the days I grew up in Osaka, Town of Jokes and comedians. I felt similar to his way of making songs and my way of making sculptures by using everyday topics and look at them from another angle and questions them. So my Gallery director Yuki Terashima wrote a letter and send a press release and He and his wife came to see my show. They are nice people and understands art and they kindly spent more than an hour and half in the gallery!

    He saw I was making self portrait, and said, "Can you make me one?"

前回来廊された時に、 去年の僕の個展に、幸運にも嘉門さんが来てくださった事がご縁で、嘉門さんの著書「丘の上の綺羅星」に関する作品を作らせて頂きました。 この本は、嘉門さんのデビューのきっかけにもなった、「ヤンタン」のプロデューサー渡辺さんと、嘉門さんの若い時代のエピソードがおもしろおかしく、同時に暖かい、昭和の空気を感じる文章で描かれており、何度も人間臭さが身近に感じられ泣きました。 そんなこの本からこの作品は生まれました。

So I made a piece about him. I have read his two novels called "Okano Ueno Kiraboshi" and "Ta・ka・ku・ra". Both had filled with his back ground and his warm friendship with people who he spent time with. You need to read these books to know why I made those details with Jaguar, etc. He liked so much and he may use this piece for his next CD jacket!

細部には嘉門さんの鶴光師匠に、同級生高倉さんのカブ65に乗って弟子入りを願い出た16歳の達夫少年から、高倉さんと少年時代大阪万博で集めたバッジ、ラジオ番組ヤンタン恩師の渡辺さんにお礼に出世したら買ってあげます! と約束したジャガー、等 嘉門さんの去年出版された丘の上の綺羅星に描かれています。… この作品が、次の嘉門さんのCDジャケットに使われるかも? 嘉門さんのブログにも書いてあります。

      Hiro's group show called "Desire"

For the last 15 years, the Lighton International Artists Exchange Program has fostered the sharing of ideas around the world. For this exhibition, more than 30 artists from 22 countries answer the question, "What do you desire?" The answers, some shrouded by cultural constraints, reflect some of the most important political and social issues of the day.

           When: February 5 - May 21, 2016

          Where:Gallery Yuki-sis, Tokyo, Japan

3-2-12-#202,Nihonbashi Honcho,Chuoh-ku,Tokyo


      Hiro's group show called "UFO hsd arrived at Yuki-sis" at Gallery Yuki-sis, Tokyo, Japan

           When: 3/12 - 3/26/2016

          Where:Gallery Yuki-sis, Tokyo, Japan

3-2-12-#202,Nihonbashi Honcho,Chuoh-ku,Tokyo


      Hiro's Solo Exhibition at Gallery Yuki-sis, Tokyo, Japan

           When: 12/05/2015 - 12/19/2015









           When: 12/05/2015 - 12/19/2015

          Where:Gallery Yuki-sis, Tokyo, Japan 3-2-12-#202,Nihonbashi Honcho,Chuoh-ku,Tokyo 103-0023,JAPAN

Tel : +81(0)3 5542 1669 


      Hiro's 6 day Story Telling Figurative sculpting workshop at Vallauris Institute of Arts

I made this almost life size piece in for days and glaze them in two days!

Napoleon was born in 1769, I was born 200 years later in 1969. He came to Vallauris in 1815 and I was there in 200years later in 2015, so I had to make piece about him!

           When: 9/21/2015 - 9/26/2015

          Where:Vallauris Institute of Arts 69 bis avenue Georges Clemenceau 06220 VALLAURIS - FRANCE

Tel : +33 493746913 / +33 660916620


      Hiro's 2 day Figurative sculpting workshop and 11 days residency concentrating face at Maison des métiers d’art de Québec, Canada

           When: 9/4/2015 - 9/5/2015

          Where:Maison des métiers d’art de Québec, Canada


     "Quail Trail", Signature Publi Art for Naranja Park, Oro Vally, Arizona. Created with Jason Butler, worked with 10 local high school students.


     "Treat Yourself": Solo Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's recent work 甘いものやスナック、おつまみなど、人に ”遠慮なくどうぞ” と 薦めるのにTreat yourself (自分にご褒美を) とよく言います。 「お父さん、またビール?」 「いや、、、ちょっと喉が渇いてね…。」 「えー!甘い物、大丈夫?」 「今、働き過ぎて頭が疲れてるからね。」 「お菓子ばっかり食べて!!」 「今日は友達が来てるからね…。」 ★体力つけるのに肉食っとこう!」 ★チーズはカルシウムだから…。  ★頑張ったからね。今日だけはね…。★★★景気づけに乾ぱーい!!! アメリカ生活でよく見られる、現在の僕たちのシーンですね…

           When: July 11th(Fri) - 28th(Sat), 2014

           Opening Reception: July 18,2014 5:30-7pm

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima Exhibition coincide with Osaka Art Fair : Contemporary Art Expo at Hotel Granvia Osaka 26F July 11,12,13, 2014.

          Where: Inoue Gallery/ Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery, shinsaibashi Inoue Bldg. 1-3-10 Shinsaibashi-Suji Chuo-ku.Osaka 542-0085.Japan

          Contact:p 011-81-(0)6-6245-5378

      My Gallery in Tokyo called Yuki-sis gallery will have an Opening at the New Location. Exhibit of the gallery's 15 artists.

           When: October 12, 2013-

          Where: Nihonbashi Kozakura 202, Nihonbashi honmachi 3-2-12, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


      Arizona Biennial, Tucson Museum of Art, Over 1,250 works were submitted to Arizona Biennial 2013 and 80 pieces were selected for the exhibition.

           When: 07/20/2013 - 09/29/2013

     Join us for the first ever Biennial Bash on Sunday, September 29 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at TMA! Enjoy live music by Daniel Martin Diaz and Blind Divine and wine and light bites as we celebrate the close of Arizona Biennial 2013. Silent auctions of works in the Biennial and of CAS artist members provide the opportunity to collect some of Arizona's best contemporary art!

          Where:Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block 140 North Main Avenue , Tucson, AZ 85701 USA


      “The Figure – Sculpture in Ceramics”, Ceramics Museum Westerwald, Germany : the title of the 2013 Ceramics Talent Award of the Nassauische Sparkasse was highly topical and the international response was greater than ever before – 388 artists from 45 countries applied for entry. After the first round of judging by a panel of experts, 112 participants were eligible with their work

           When: 09/21/2013 - 1/26/2014

          Where:Ceramics Museum Westerwald Lindenstraße 13 D - 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany MANAGING DIRECTOR Monika Gass Telefon: 049 (0) 26 24 / 94 60 10 Fax: 049 (0) 26 24 / 94 60 120 e-Mail:

      Faculty Exhibition, 15 artist from Pima College will show the examples of their work

           When: 09/03-10/11/2013

          Where: Bernal Gallery, Pima College, West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam Rd, Tucson, AZ 85709


      Eight Young Artists Build 21-Foot Public Sculpture Watch the delightful and inspiring story of how eight young artists, working with local sculptors Hiro Tashima and Jason Butler, designed, fabricated and installed a major work of public art for the Ward 3 neighborhood of Mountain View. The project was made possible through a collaboration of TPAC with the Pima Association of Government (PAG) and Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT).

click here for an 8 minutes video

           When: 09/03-10/11/2013

          Where: NE corner of 1st Ave and Navajo Rd (N of Ft Lowell), Tucson, AZ


      My Gallery in Tokyo called Yuki-sis gallery will exhibit Hiro Tashima's work

           When: July 13- 21, 2013

          Opening, Artist talk: July 13

          Where: Bunkamura 2-24-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8507 Tel: 03-3477-9111 (switchboard)

Exhibition information click here

      My Gallery in Tokyo called Yuki-sis gallery will participate in Affordable Art Fair Hiro Tashima's work

           When: April 4- 7, 2013

          Opening: April 3(Wed)7-10pm

          Where: Metropolitan Pavilion 125 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011

      Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's work

           When: Jan 12-March 10, 2013

          Opening: Feb 2(Sat)6-9pm

          Where: Obsidian GALLERY 410 N Toole Ave. #130, Tucson, Arizona 85701

          Contact:p 520-577-3598


      Group show to be held in conjunction with the 45th General Assembly of the International Academy of Ceramics in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

           Jane Sauer Gallery is known for its fine reputation among art admirers, collectors, museum curators, art critics, and artists. They exhibit museum quality artists works.


          Where: JANE SAUER GALLERY 652 Canyon Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

          Contact:p 505-995-8513

      NCECA(National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) is pleased to inform that the work, Organic Banana in a Supermarket has been chosen for Ecumene: Global Interface in American Ceramics to be held in conjunction with the 45th General Assembly of the International Academy of Ceramics in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The response to the call for entries for this exhibition was strong, with 1024 innovative works submitted from around the world. The jurors, Jane Sauer, Clark Baughan, James Marshall, and Linda Ganstrom have selected 38 works for the exhibition.

           Ecumene: Global Interface in American Ceramics will be hosted by the Santa Fe Community College School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery,

          When: August 29 – September 20, 2012. The closing reception will take place on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 from 5-9 p.m. at the SFCC School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery.

          Where: Visual Arts Gallery 6401 Richards Avenue Santa Fe Community College Santa Fe, NM 87508

          Contact:p 505-428-1501

     "Black Chocolate Rain Banana and Organic Banana": Solo Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's recent work

           When: July 7th(Sat) - 28th(Sat), 2012

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima Exhibition coincide with Osaka Art Fair : Contemporary Art Expo at Hotel Granvia Osaka 26F July 6,7,8, 2012.

          Where: Inoue Gallery/ Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery, shinsaibashi Inoue Bldg. 1-3-10 Shinsaibashi-Suji Chuo-ku.Osaka 542-0085.Japan

          Contact:p 011-81-(0)6-6245-5378

     "The Figure Has Soul": Group Exhibition of Tom Bartel, Jack Earl, David Furman, janis Wunderlich, Hiro Tashima and few others at Fuller Craft Museum. Curated by Gail Brown.

           When: October 8th - February 5th, 2012

           What: Exhibition of Recent Figurative Works by Hiro Tashima, and others.

          Where: Fuller Craft Museum, 455 Oak St. Brockton, MA 02301

          Contact:p 508-588-6000


     "The Figure Has Soul": Group Exhibition of Robert Brady, Arthur Gonzalez, janis Wunderlich, HIro and few others at Lacoste Gallery. Curated by Anne Wollman.

           When: October 14th - November 5th, 2011

           What: Exhibition of Recent Figurative Works by Hiro Tashima, and others.

          Where: Lacoste Gallery, 25 Main St. Concord, MA 01742

          Contact:p 978-369-0278



           Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by City of Tucson to make a public art for the entrance of "Michael Perry Memorial Park"

We work with 7 high school students and a college student as an assistant. Mostly will be completed by the end of July, 2011

Click here for the video of the News This was a TV news on July 28, 11

Click here for the Newspaper Article on August 1st, 11

Click here for the video of the show ファイルを新しくしました前回見られなかった方はもう一度上をクリックしてみてください。

     "Organic Banana": Solo Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's recent work

           When: April 13th(Wed) - 27th(Wed), 2011

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima

          Where: Shinjuku Takashimaya Department Store, Art Gallery 10th Floor

          Address: 5-24-2, Sendagaya, shibuya, Tokyo 151-8580 Phone: 011-81-(0)3-5361-1111

          Contact: Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery,

          Contact:p 011-81-(0)6-6245-5378

     "Organic Banana": Group Exhibition of Louis Carlos Bernal, Ann Simmons-Myers, Hirotsune Tashima titled "Portraits"

           When: Sept 7th - Oct 22th, 2010

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima, Louis Carlos Bernal, and Ann Simmons-Myers,

          Where: Pima College, Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, 2202 W Anklam Rd, Tucson, AZ 85709

          Contact:p 520-206-4500

     "Organic Banana": Solo Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's recent work

           When: July 7th(Wen) - 31st(Sat), 2010

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima Exhibition coincide with Osaka Art Fair : Contemporary Art Expo at Dojima Hotel July 9,10,11, 2010.

          Where: Inoue gallery/ Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery, shinsaibashi Inoue Bldg. 1-3-10 Shinsaibashi-Suji Chuo-ku.Osaka 542-0085.Japan

          Contact:p 011-81-(0)6-6245-5378

     Workshop at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio from June 21th - June 25th, 2010.>

     Tokyo Art Fair : Contemporary Art Expo at Tokyo International Forum.

Where: Tokyo International Forum. Marunouchi3-5-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery, Booth# D11

When: April, 2(Fri)11:00am - 9:00pm April,3(Sat)11:00am - 8:00pm April,4(Sun)10:30am - 5:00pm

     Artist-In-Residence at Florida Keys Community College in Key West from Feb 26th - Mar 15th.

The Citizen Key West, March 14, 2010, P1,3 You can click the image to make it bigger to read.



     Artist-In-Residence at Australian National University in Canberra from Jan 7th - Feb 2nd.

Camberra Times Jan 17, 2010, P7, You can click the image to make it bigger to read.


     "Departure: Solo Exhibition of Hiro Tashima's recent work

           When: August 18 - September10, 2009

           Opening Reception: August 18,2009 5-7pm

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima Exhibition coincide with Osaka Art Fair : Contemporary Art Expo at Dojima Hotel August 21,22,23, 2009.

          Where: Inoue gallery/ Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery, shinsaibashi Inoue Bldg. 1-3-10 Shinsaibashi-Suji Chuo-ku.Osaka 542-0085.Japan

          Contact:p 011-81-(0)6-6245-5378

     "Art Osaka 2009"

           When: 21st.(FRI) Preview / 22nd.(SAT) 23rd.(SUN) Open to the public

           What: Biggest Art Fair in Osaka. It is like S.O.F.A. expo in the U.S. Numbers of leading galleries and exhibition of Recent Works by many artist includes Hiro Tashima. Hiros pieces will be shown by Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery 11th Floor Room 1108. The 47 participating galleries are selected from Japan, Korea and Taiwan and they will show a diverse range of content from emerging unknown talents to internationally established contemporary artists. The fair is the best place to witness the cutting edge of the art scene in Asia.

          Where: Dojima Hotel, Room.1108 Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery 2-1-31 Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0004 Japan,

          Contact:p +81(0)6-6341-3259

     Small Art Objects 2009 Fete Picasso

           When: July 18-August 14,2009

           Opening Reception: July 18,2009

           What: Group Exhibition of works in all media. This year's theme is "Relating to BLUE". Hiro was a juror for this year's competition. He shows a piece as example of the juror's piece.

          Where: A.I.R Vallauris Place Lisnard, 1 Boulevard des Deux Vallons 06220 Vallauris France

          Contact:Phone: +33(0) 493.646.550 - Cell: +33(0) 616.583.956

     "Contemporary Japanese Ceramics"

           When: February 19 through March 17, 2009

           What: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics from the collection of the International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary

     Hiro was NCECA funded Visiting Artist in 2006. Other artist who is in the show includes, Yo Akiyama, Yasuo Hayashi, Hideo Matsumoto, Kimiyo Mishima, Akio Takamori and some others. You can click the name images to see all the participants.

          Where: a MUSEION No.1 Galériában in Hungary (Budapest, IX. ker., �ll�i út 3.)

     "Ox 09"

  When:Feb 7-28, 2009

  Opening is on Feb 7(Sat), 2009 7-9pm

  What:Cerebrating Chinese New Year, Asian American Artists are invited including Hiro to show recent works

 Where:Dinnerware ArtSpace Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12pm-5pm and by appointment. 264 E. Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 | ph. 520.792.4503 |

     Phoenix Convention Center Public Art.

 Hiro has finished the installation. Opening is on Dec. 27, 2008

 You will see the actual piece, when you come to NCECA 2009 in Phoenix!

 You may click the image to see it bigger.

     "Art Osaka 2008"

           When: July 25 through 27, 2008

           What: Biggest Art Fair in Osaka (like S.O.F.A. expo in the U.S.) of leading galleries and exhibition of Recent Works by many artist includes Hiro Tashima. Tashima's work will be represented by Yoshiaki Inoue gallery on the 9th floor, room 908. The theme for this year's exhibition is �E�SIA�E�. The 47 participating galleries are selected from Japan, Korea and Taiwan and they will show a diverse range of content from emerging unknown talents to internationally established contemporary artists. The fair is the best place to witness the cutting edge of the art scene in Asia.

          Where: Dojima Hotel 2-1-31 Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0004 Japan,

          Contact:p +81(0)6-6341-3259

           What: Hiro Tashima is invited to work at A.I.R. Vallauris, France from mid May-mid June. He will have an workshop on May 31,June 1 and June 14-15.

           Here is the ink to the workshop. A.I.R. Vallauris



     "Teens in Art Careers Project"

           What: 3 High school students and 1 recent graduate have worked with Hiro Tashima to complete three murals (3'x5' each)for Mission Library in Tucson, AZ. The theme is the heritage of Tucson, which is titled "What's Next?"

          Where: Mission Library, 3770 S. Mission Rd. Tucson, AZ 85713

          Contact:p 520.594.5325

     "Small Favors III"

           When: May 2 - May 18, 2008

           Opening Reception First Friday, May 2, 5-9pm

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by many artist includes Hiro Tashima

          Where: The Clay Studio | 139 N. 2nd Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106

          Contact:p 215.925.3453

     "Mastery in Clay"

           When: October 5 through October 21, 2007

           Opening Reception: October 5, 5-7pm

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by many artist includes Hiro Tashima

          Where: The Clay Studio | 139 N. 2nd Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106

          Contact:p 215.925.3453

     "New Works: New Visions"-Recent Works by: Hiro Tashima, Maria Lee, Jay Gogin

           When: September 10 - October 19, 2007

           Opening Reception: September 12, 5-7pm

           What: Exhibition of Recent Works by Hiro Tashima, Maria Lee, Jay Gogin

          Where: Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, Pima College, West Campus, 2202 W Anklam Road, Tucson, AZ 85709

          Contact:p 520.206.6942

     "Small Favors II"

           When: May 4 - May 14, 2007

           Special Preview and Sale, Thursday, May 3, 6-8pm Opening Reception First Friday, May 4, 5-9pm

           What: Exhibition of small works priced right for biggining collectors for mother's day presents. Many artists who were invited to make small scale works. This "Hand Roll Sushi Girl" hangs on a wall.

          Where: The Clay Studio | 139 N. 2nd Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106

          Contact:p 215.925.3453 | f 215.925.7774

     "Tanuki Palace"�K��a

           When: March 17-June 3, 2007

           What: Exhibition of the works of Tanuki racoons which include painting scrolls, and sculptures.

          Where: Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan

          2188-7, chokushi, shigaraki-cho, koga-shi, shiga-Ken, 529-1804


         "594 Ceramic Artists who came to Shigaraki-The Legacy of the Artist in Residence"

           When: July 4-Sept24, 2006

           What: Exhibition of the works made by the Artist-in-Residence program for the last 15 years. Tashima was invited to show recent work together with their work from the collection.

           Pictures from the Tashima's workshop organized on July 9th, 2006

          Where: Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan

         "NCECA and Lighton International Artists' Exchange grant suported Artist-in-Residence in Denmark"


           When: June 4-26, 2006

          Where: International Ceramic Research Center, Skaelskor, Denmark

         "NCECA and Lighton International Artists' Exchange grant suported Artist-in-Residence in Hungary"

           When: May 12-31, 2006

          Where: International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary

 &  &








         "Life INsight"

           When: July 7th-November 4th, 2006

          Opening : July 7, 2006 5-9 pm

           Where: Kentucky Museum of Art and Design

          715 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition. The exhibition focus on Human experience

           Contact: 502-589-0102


         "An Extravagance of Salt & Pepper: Containers/shakers/concepts"

           When: May 6th-June 4th, 2006

          Opening : May 6, 2006 6-8 pm

           Where: Baltimore Clayworks

          5707 Smith Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21209

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition. The exhibition focus on the variety of Salt & Pepper shaker. Artist who were invited includes; Karen Massaro, David Furman, Tony Natsoulas and many others.

           Contact: 410-578-1919


         "Seize the Clay: Arizona Ceramic Artists"

           When: January 20th-March 19th, 2006

          Opening : Friday, January 27th from 5-7 pm

           Where: West Valley Art Museum

          17420 North Avenue of the Arts (North on 114th Avenue from Bell Road)

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition. The exhibition focus on Arizona's best ceramic artists

           Contact: 623-972-0635





         "Figure in Context"

           When: January 6th-29th, 2006

          Opening : Contact The Clay Studio

           Where: The Clay Studio

          139 N 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition. The exhibition focus on artists who work figuratively, but who also provide context, either with an environmental element ot juxtaposing the figure with same other object or subject that establishes content. Other invited artist includes Arnold Zimmerman

           Contact: 212-925-3453




           When: December 2-31, 2005

          Opening : Contact Santa Fe Clay

           Where: Santa Fe Clay

          1615 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition. In conjunction with Muesum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe's "Quiet Beauty: Fifty Centuries of Japanese Folk Ceramics from the Montogomery Collection"

           Contact: 505-984-1122


         "Mastery in Clay, 2005"

           When: October, 2005

          Opening : Contact The Clay Studio

           Where: The Clay Studio

          139 N 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition auctioned for The Clay Studio's benefit.



  Hiro Tashima's Figurative Sculpture workshop

  When:July, 2005

  What: Creating life size sculpture by using "Ashita No Joe" as the model.

 Where: Bunsei Art University, Tochigi, Japan

         "Talking Clay/Figurative Sculpture"

          Collaboration of Loveed Fine Arts and Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd

           When: May 28, 2005 - July 2, 2005

          Opening : June 2, 2005 6:00-9:00pm

           Where: Gallery Pahk

          988 Madison, Avenue, New York, NY 10021

           What: Hiro Tashima's invitational group exhibition coinside with Suculptural Object, Functional Art expo in NY.

          Click here to go to SOFA Art Expo's web site




         "Transformation 4: Contemporary Works in Ceramics Elizabeth R. Raphael Founder's Prize Exhibition"

           When: February 14, 2005 ~ March 24, 2005

          Opening : March 17, 2005 5:00-7:00pm

           Where: Alcazar Gallery at Baltimore School for the Arts,

          712 Cathedral Street

           What: Hiro Tashima's group exhibition coinside with National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts annual conference in Baltimore, a panel of jurors selected 29 finalists from a field of 202 entrants which included both national and international artists working in ceramics. The exhibition has traveled from Pittsburgh, Society for Contemporary Crafts. The jurors included Jimmy Clark, ceramic artist and director emeritus, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA; Thomas Piche, Jr., senior curator, Everson Museum of Art, syracuse, NY; Alexandra Raphael, enameler, London, England: Catherine Raphael, metalsmith and storyteller, Pittsburgh, PA; Margaret Raphael, filmmaker, Hunker, PA; and Janet L. McCall, executive director, society for contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA



           Click here to go to Society for Contemporary Craft's web site


         "Social Realisms"

           When: February 14, 2005 - April 22, 2005

          Opening : February 16, 2005 3:30~5pm

           Where: Park School

           2424 Old court Road, N.W. Baltimore, 410-339-4198x4506

           What: Hiro Tashima's group exhibition coinside with National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts annual conference in Baltimore

         "Hirotsune Tashima's Solo Exhibition "

           When: October 15, 2004 - January 1, 2005

          Opening : October 15, 2004 5~7pm

           Where: Tucson Museum of Arts Directions gallery

           140 N Main Ave, Tucson, AZ

           What: Hiro Tashima's solo exhibition

         "Asian American Ceramics" Invitational Exhibition

           When: October 1, 2004 ~ January 1, 2005

          Opening : October 1, 2004

           Where: Kentucky Museum of Arts and Design

           715 W Main St, Louisville, KY 40202

           What: Selected Asian American Ceramic Artist's Exhibition. Here are the artists included : Jun Kaneko, Akio Takamori, Toshiko Takaezu, Patti Warashina and others.

         "Here I am"

           When: July 10 - September , 2004

          Opening : July 12 6-9pm

           Where: Obsidian Gallery

           What: Invitational Group Exhibition. The piece "People Blooming"is shown in this show. It is cerebrating our mix culture in Arizona.

           Directions:St. Philips Plaza

           4320 N Campbell Suite 130, Tucson, AZ 85718

           Contact : 520-577-3598

         "Public Art for Jacob's Park"

           Where: Jacobs Park, Tucson, Arizona

           What: Public art for Jacob's Park. The city of Tucson commisioned Hiro Tashima to make the sculpture for the Water park for family and children. The sculpture will be displayed in the vegetation area in out door, inside of the fence for the swimming pool facility.

         "Conemporary Forum Artist Material Fund Recepient Exhibition"

           When: May 12, 2004~ June 27, 2004

          Opening : May 12, 2004 5:30pm~

           Where: Phoenix Art Museum

           What: Exhibition of Artist Material Grant Recepient for 2003

         "Edgy Characters"

           When: March 8~20, 2004

           Where: University of Indianapolis at the Wheeler Arts Community Center

           What: Selected Figurative Artist's Exhibition coinside with National Council on Education for the Ceramic Art Conference

         "Transformation 4: Contemporary Works in Ceramics Elizabeth R. Raphael Founder's Prize Exhibition"

           When: November 14, 2003 ~ February 28, 2004

          Opening : November 14, 2003 5:30-8:30pm

           Where: Society of Contemporary Craft 2001 Smallman St., Pittsburg, PA 15222

           What: On June 6, 2003, a panel of jurors selected 29 finalists from a field of 202 entrants which included both national and international artists working in ceramics. The jurors included Jimmy Clark, ceramic artist and director emeritus, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA; Thomas Piche, Jr., senior curator, Everson Museum of Art, syracuse, NY; Alexandra Raphael, enameler, London, England: Catherine Raphael, metalsmith and storyteller, Pittsburgh, PA; Margaret Raphael, filmmaker, Hunker, PA; and Janet L. McCall, executive director, society for contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA



           Click here to go to Society for Contemporary Craft's web site

         "SOFA Expo Chicago~NCECA Emarging Artists from 1995-2000"

           When: October 16~19, 2003

          Opening : Evening of October 16

           Where: Suculptural Object, Functional Arts Expo at NCECA exhibition area

           What: Invitational Group Exhibition for the "Emarging Tallent" recepients from 1995-2000 from the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts

           Directions:Chicago Navy Pier


           Click here to go to SOFA Expo's web site


           When: July 12 - September 13, 2003

          Opening : July 12 6-9pm

           Where: Obsidian Gallery

           What: Invitational Group Exhibition. The piece "Onsen-Hot Springs" was made specificly for this show. We hear so many serious issues everyday, how about warming up our body and relax?

           Directions:St. Philips Plaza

           4320 N Campbell Suite 130, Tucson, AZ 85718

           Contact : 520-577-3598

        "The Blue Sky" goes to the Airport!

           What: "The Blue Sky" was purchased by Phoenix Sky Horbor Airport. The piece is installed at the airport in the Fall 2004

The piece has 108 inches high and has metal structures inside for permanent display.

         online exhibit: Arizona Public Art!

           What: online exhibit: Arizona Public Art, Curated by Gretchen Freeman, the Arizona Public Art exhibit displays some of the most exciting public artworks created by emerging and established Arizona artists

Click here to go to WESTAF's web site

         'The Last Supper'

           When: July 6 - 28, 2002,

Opening : July 6 5-7pm

           Where: Soh Gallery

           What: Hirotsune Tashima's solo exhibition.

The theme is 'The Last Supper'.

           Directions: JR Chuoh Line, Higashi-Kogaeni Stn,

           2-14-35, Midori-cho, Musashi-Koganei city, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan

You may click the image to see the installation larger, or click here to go to Soh Gallery's web site

           Contact : 011-81-42-382-5338

         Looking back : 10 years~Evelyn Shapiro Fellowship

           When: May 3-June 23, 2002 Opening : May 2 5-9pm

           Where: The Clay Studio

           What: Works from fellowship recepient artists in the last 10 years.

                    Directions: 139 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19106

           Contact : (215)925-3453

         'Human being in the year 2001'

           When: July 28-Sept 16, 2001,

Opening : July 28 5-7pm

           Where: Soh Gallery

           What: Hirotsune Tashima's solo exhibition.The theme is 'Human being in the year 2001'.

           Directions: JR Chuoh Line, Higashi-Kogaeni Stn,

2-14-35, Midori-cho, Musashi-Koganei city, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan

           Contact : 011-81-42-382-5338

         Couplets : Duality in Clay

           When: November 1, 2000 -

Opening : November 1, 5-8pm

           Where: The Clay Studio

           What: Works from selected artists to show a couplets art in clay.

           Directions: 139 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19106

           Contact : (215)925-3453

         Ceramic National 2000

           When: October 6, 2000 - February 11, 2001,

Opening : October 6, 6-8pm

           Where: The Everson Museum of Art

           What: Works from selected artists who shows Contemporary American Ceramic, incuding : Peter Voulkos, Jun Kaneko, Robert Turner, Michael Lucero, Wayne Higby, Tony Hepburn, Don Reitz, Richerd Notkin, Adrian Saxe, Akio Takamori, Kurt Weiser, Betty Woodman, and some others.

           Directions: 401 Harrison St., Syracuse, NY 13202

           Contact : (315)474-6064

         Political Clay

           When: July 28-August 19, 2000, Opening : July 28 5-9pm

           Where: The Clay Studio

           What: Works from selected artists who makes political art in clay.

                    Directions: 139 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19106

           Contact : (215)925-3453

           No Trespassing~What about camping?~

           When: July 17-29, 2000,

Opening : July 17 5-7pm

           Where: Gallery Te

           What: Hirotsune Tashima's solo exhibition with installation and small works about the theme.

           Directions: Takekashi Bldg 1F, 3-5-3 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031

           Contact : 03-3538-6131

         "The Meat Market"

           When: July 15-July 30, 2000,

Opening : July 15 5-7pm

           Where: Sho Gallery

           What: Hirotsune Tashima's solo exhibition.The theme is 'The Meat Market'.

           Directions: Yokota Bldg 3F, 1-7-3, Kichijoji-Honmachi, Musashino City, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan

           Contact : 011-81-422-20-5126

         Humanity Preservation Operation

           When: June 3-June 15, 2000,

Opening : June 3 3-7pm

           Where: Cast Iron Gallery

           What: Humanity Preservation Operation~Hiro Tashima's Solo Exhibition~

           Directions: 159 Mercer St., New York, NY 10012

           Contact : (212)274-8624

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