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E-mail your best screenshot/s with your name and a caption in "". To get a screen shot from TFC press the F5 (default) button when playing the game. Then look in C:\SIERRA\Half-Life folder. It should be in bmp form with the map you were playing on and a number. Then attach it to your E-mail and send it to me at If you could please leave it in it's original format. If the file takes too long for you to upload, change the picture to jpg format. But PLEASE don't change the size of the pic.

Submitted by: Aaron Hanke "Rocket"

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"That's Right! Thought you could steal MY flag. HA!"

Submitted by: Nick Fleming

I have just one thing to say "WOW..."

Submitted by: Brad

"A Heavy Weapon Guy that wished he lived in the 70's. Bogie down!!!"

Submitted by: evlsci4

"No where to go..."

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"Who said I have bad luck? At least I'm still alive! NO NO AHHHHHHHH..."

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"Die Spy Die!!!"

Submitted By: Geoff Lamb

"hwguy has a sore trigger finger"

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"What to do in your spare time"

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"Subjects: Heavy Weapons Guys. Mission: KILL KILL KILL"

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"This Medic has NO idea what he's getting into"

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"Night on the mean streets"

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