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A New Life Together

By Dreamer

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

“Oh Buuuck!” Lou’s voice had a singsong lilt to it as she entered the barn. Buck almost groaned, but didn’t. Instead a smile crept across his face. When she sounded like this it usually meant just one thing.

They had been married about three months now. He had shown up at the ranch several weeks after Kid had been thrown from a horse, dying in Lou’s arms. Buck stayed on to help and one thing led to another. A year after Kid’s death, Buck and Lou had made love for the second time in their lives. The first had been ten years before, while they had worked for the Pony Express. When they had found out that Lou was pregnant a month after that, they had married, with the remaining members of their Pony Express family present.

Lou’s pregnancy was going well. She had not had any morning sickness, was not gaining unnecessary weight and only had one craving. That’s what had almost brought the groan to Buck’s lips.

“Yes Lou?” he said from the stall he was working in.

“You were up early again today.” She entered the stall and he gave her a hug, holding her around the waist as she ran a finger up and down his bare, sweaty chest.

“I thought I’d get a head start on the chores. Maybe I’d have some free time this afternoon, take the kids riding or even down to the pond to swim.” Lou and Kid had had two beautiful children, Quinn who was now seven, and Emily who was two and a half.

“Well I missed you when I woke up this morning.”

“You needed the rest.” He placed a kiss on her forehead and held her close to him. He still found it hard to believe that she had married him. He knew that he could never take Kid’s place in her heart and he didn’t want to. But he also knew that he held a place there too. And they were happy, very happy. They had talked about this, and both felt that Kid would have approved. Buck had even prayed to the spirits, coming home feeling much better about their decision.

“Well, I have to admit I feel more rested. But….” Now she was getting to the point of her visit to the barn, besides wanting a morning hug and kiss. She turned her head slightly and kissed his chest, her tongue reaching out to brush against his nipple. Just this slight touch was enough to get him breathing heavier. He was very lucky indeed.

“Where are the kids?” he said as his hands rubbed her back.

“Asleep. It’s still very early.” Her mouth was moving along his shoulder blade as his hands dropped to her waist, then her hips. He began gathering the fabric of her skirt into his hands, pulling it upward. When his hands could slip underneath the clothing, he caressed her bottom, which was bare under her skirt. She hadn’t bothered with her under drawers yet, or stockings and shoes either.

“Buck,” she said huskily.

“Hmm?” His lips were busy placing kisses up and down her neck.

“Now?” Her hands were working at the ties to his buckskin trousers and sliding inside, one moving along to his buttocks, the other stroking his manhood, which was already aroused and hardening. Her touch increased the desire.

“Umm hmm.” He was already turning her, backing her to the hay bales at the back of the stall. Lifting her, he placed her on the bales, her legs spreading to accept him. She had only one craving with this pregnancy and this was it. At times she was insatiable. He never knew when she might come looking for him. They had learned how to be discreet, often having sex with minimal clothing removal just in case one of the children surprised them.

As he pushed her skirts back over her hips she continued to stroke him, his penis responding. She had her hand wrapped around it, pulling it closer. He teased her by pretending to hold back, but finally had no desire to wait any longer. He slipped the head of his manhood into her, and the rest followed quickly when Lou grabbed his butt and pulled him forward. Her eyes closed and she groaned slightly.

Buck moved his hands, placing them against the wall on either side of her as his hips began to move. His head leaned in to kiss her as one of her hands caressed his cheek and her other reached down between his legs. She was already breathing heavy. Their lovemaking sessions were frequent, but they rarely lasted long these days. Good thing for Buck or he’d never get any work done.

Her touch always sent electrical shocks through him. She squeezed his scrotum, her fingers trailing along the base of his manhood. He tried to be careful, now that she was pregnant, not wanting to get too rough, not pushing too far inside. But even with his caution, probably unneeded, the sex was very exciting and more than satisfying for them both.

Her teeth were biting into his lower lip, even as she sucked on it. A low moan escaped her as her desire increased. He moved a little faster, shifting his position slightly to bring the most pressure to her womanly core. It also brought more pressure on him. He pumped and ground his hips against her, both of them breathing heavy now. Her moans turned into gasps as he moved faster. Her back arched as she clenched around him. Then her hand squeezed him harder and he let loose. He bent his elbows, leaning in against her lips, their heads leaning against each other’s shoulder.

They were recovering slightly when they heard tiny feet running around the corner of the barn. She pushed his manhood back inside his trousers as his hands reached up to massage her shoulders and she hastily tied his trousers for him. Then she straightened out her skirt. Buck was already looking at the door as Quinn ran inside, dressed only in his trousers and long john shirt.

“Mama! Buck! Mama!” The boy was breathless as he ran around the corner of the stall. Buck turned and caught hold of him. As far as the boy could see, he had just been massaging Lou’s shoulders.

“Slow down! What’s wrong?”

“There’s an Indian out side the house.”

Buck took the boy by the shoulders.

“Where’s your sister?”

“I hid her beneath the back porch. He didn’t see me do it either!”

“Good job, Shadow. You two stay here.” Buck made his way to the barn door and out, grabbing his shirt along the way. Lou would normally have been right by his side. Buck knew that she could hold her own against anyone. He had never treated her differently from the other riders when they had ridden with the Pony Express. But she knew she had the baby to look out for. Still, she crept up to the door, pushing Quinn behind her, so she could see what was going on.

Buck quietly approached the man, who sat his horse at the front of the house. He said something to the Indian in Kiowa. Lou couldn’t tell what. When the man dismounted and the two men embraced, she decided it must be safe. They obviously knew each other.

She tentatively left the barn, concerned about her young daughter under the back porch. Buck turned and motioned to her that is was safe and she retrieved Emily. The little girl crawled sleepily from under the steps, still not quite awake. Lou picked her up and the three walked around to the front of the house. Quinn, who walked at her side as they went, moved over to stand slightly behind Buck, staring at the stranger from behind Buck’s leg. Buck, out of habit, placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder as he continued to talk, the words in Kiowa, but with a decidedly pleased tone to them. Lou moved closer.

Buck turned and spoke to her in Kiowa, not realizing that he hadn’t switched back to English.

“I don’t...” she started to say, when he realized his mistake. He drew her near, placing his other arm around her shoulder. His hand went up to brush back a stray lock of hair from her face.

“I’m sorry Lou. This is my brother, Red Bear. Brother, this is my wife, Lou.”

Lou reached out a hand to shake his. The stoic man looked at it, then slowly reached his out.

“Pleased to meet you, Red Bear. Buck has talked of you often.” She had no idea if Red Bear spoke English or not. In fact, now that she thought about it, she didn’t know where Buck had learned English. In all these years that she had known him, it never occurred to her to ask.

“You have taken a wife, little Brother?” The man surprised her. He did indeed speak English. What a relief to Lou. At least now she would be able to talk to him.

“Yes. Three moons ago. She has made me very happy.”

“And she already carries your child? You have been very busy brother.”

Lou stifled a laugh. If only Red Bear knew what had just been going on in the barn!

Buck squeezed her tighter, trying to keep her from letting the laughter loose. He knew why she wanted to laugh. Chances were good that his brother already knew what they had been doing and was merely waiting for them to finish. Quinn seeing him had just been coincidence.

“She has born two fine children already. She will make a good wife.” Buck said this in Kiowa, not sure that Lou would appreciate the comment, but needing to express himself as a Kiowa would. Certain abilities were appreciated over others in the Kiowa nation. Lou would not like it that he continued to tell his brother that she was a good and obedient wife, able to cook and clean as well as bear his child. Love was often a secondary consideration in a Kiowa marriage. The man that had a well-trained woman and happened to love her too was just extra lucky. Buck knew that Red Bear had married for love, but not all men did.

Besides, Lou was rarely obedient, and her cooking skills were something that had just developed over the years she was married to Kid.

“Have you eaten?” Buck asked, in English now. It was proper manners to offer food. Besides, none of them had eaten breakfast yet.

Red Bear shook his head and Lou headed to the house, Emily on her hip. The little girl looked at Red Bear between tousled curls, her thumb finding her mouth.

“Quinn, go and gather the eggs.” Buck told the boy at his side. Quinn ran off, eager to return. Buck walked Red Bear up to the house after turning his horse loose in the corral where it could eat and drink. He quietly explained to his brother about a white man’s breakfast.

Lou had sat Emily down and the little girl was already playing with a doll on the floor. She looked up expectantly as Buck entered the room. He didn’t disappoint her. Reaching down he lifted her up and over his head. The little girl’s squeals filled the room. Even Red Bear smiled, remembering his own daughter at that age. Buck sat her back down in a tall chair that brought her up to the height of the table. Then he pulled a chair out for Red Bear, explaining once again in Kiowa that this was where they sat and the food was placed on the table. In the Kiowa world, they sat on the ground. Red Bear sat as Buck pulled down mugs and filled three with coffee, handing one to Red Bear and placing the other two on the table. He stepped behind Lou, who was already frying bacon at the stove, and placed his hands on her shoulders, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek before joining his brother at the table.

“I’m glad you came Brother. But what brings you here?”

“When you left last time you said that you were living here. You have visited me in my world several times. I thought I would visit you in yours.”

Buck had to smile at this. It had taken a great deal of courage for his brother to risk coming here. Most of his Kiowa people were being forced onto reservations, or worse. Red Bear had so far eluded the blue coats gathering them up. Buck himself had eluded them, barely escaping being caught several times in his travels. But Buck had always been able to find Red Bear when he had tried to. In fact Buck had been to see him twice after he had come to live here with Lou, but it had been at least six months since he had done so. And it was before he had even considered marriage.

“This is the wife of your dead friend, is it not?” Red Bear asked unexpectedly and in English. Lou stiffened slightly, but Buck tried not to react.

“She was the wife of my friend. Lou was also my friend when we rode for the Pony Express. We are happy together. The children are happy.”

“You are willing to stay in the white world?”

“Yes. Lou understands that I am Kiowa. She respects my beliefs and traditions. The children are learning about my people so that they will see that there is good in all cultures. They are learning the Kiowa language. I would like to bring them to the village someday, if they would be welcome.”

“And this does not bother you Lou?”

Lou turned from the stove and looked at Red Bear. She walked over and stood by Buck, placing her hands on his strong shoulders, as Quinn came running in to the room, a basket of eggs in his hands.

“Red Bear, I love your brother for who and what he is. That includes his Kiowa heritage. He would not be who he is if it were not for the life he lived in both the Kiowa and white worlds.”

“And what of you boy?” he said addressing Quinn. “It does not bother you that Running Buck is Kiowa? That he may be scorned among whites and that you might be made fun of because of him?”

Quinn thought for a moment, not sure exactly what this conversation he had walked in on was about. But he felt as though he needed to defend Buck.

“If anyone makes fun of me, it’s because they don’t know any better. Once they get to know Buck, they’ll change their minds.”

“And if they don’t change their minds?”

“Then that’s their problem. Buck is a very nice man. I love him like I loved Papa. He’s been good to me. He taught me to ride Papa’s horse better and how to swim. He’s teaching me to hunt and track, and how to survive in the woods if I ever get lost. Not all boys are that lucky. And Emily loves him too. I wouldn’t like it if he ever left us.”

Red Bear sat and thought over what he had been told. A smile formed on his lips.

“I think you have chosen your family well, little brother.”

Buck grinned.

They spent the day together as a family. Red Bear tried to help Buck with the balance of his chores while Lou packed a picnic lunch. Then they headed off to a nearby pond.

Lou sat on a downed tree. Buck tossed off his shirt and moccasins and waded in to the water with the children. Red Bear stood on the bank and watched, then removed his moccasins and leggings and joined them. Lou could do nothing but laugh at the sight of two Kiowa warriors having a water fight with two little kids. When Buck heard her laughing, he ran out of the pond, dripping water, and picked her up, carrying her to the edge of the pond. She screamed as he threatened to drop her into the water, but instead he just shook water from his hair onto her, and jumped back in himself.

As they headed home that evening, Red Bear took his leave, promising to visit again when he could. The children were worn out and fell asleep in the carriage. Buck carried them in as a tired Lou headed to bed herself.

Buck undressed the children, Quinn barely waking. Buck turned down the oil lamps and headed to bed himself. Lou had other ideas.

When he entered their room the lights were already out. He made his way to his side of the bed and undressed, sliding beneath the covers. He turned to slip his arm around Lou’s waist. He had developed the habit of falling asleep with his hand on her stomach, enjoying the feel of his child growing inside her. Lou’s hand usually rested on his chest, or occasionally around his member.

Her hand found it’s way there tonight, and began to massage it. Lou tossed back the covers and moved down below his waist. Her mouth encircled the head of his manhood. He moved some pillows behind his head and watched her as she sucked on him, her lips brushing up and down his length and returning to the tip. She would look up occasionally with a wicked little look on her face.

He couldn’t help but respond to her actions. His manhood began to swell in her mouth. She liked to torment him by sucking hard on the head with her hand cupped around his scrotum, her tongue occasionally running along the very tip, or her finger trailing a path up and down him. He was hard in moments and wanting her.

That was the idea. Lou crawled up and over him, sitting on his stomach and leaning forward and teasing him with her breast, moving her nipple to his lips and pulling away. He finally growled and reached around her back, pulling her forward and taking her breast in his mouth, his lips sucking hard on the nipple or running kisses around it.. Then he rolled her over in the big bed. She automatically spread her legs, wanting him, pressing against his buttocks to draw him into her. Her hand reached for him and directed him inside.

She came as the hard muscle slid gently inside, spasms and shudders overcoming her, a silent moan escaping her lips and her back arching. Her body relaxed. She was finishing quickly these days and rarely desired to continue after she did. This often left Buck in a predicament, especially if Lou had started out particularly aggressive. How he finished depended on how Lou was feeling. He accepted this willingly, being more concerned with her needs than his own at this time.

He could tell she was tired tonight and figured he would be left to fend for himself. The pregnancy had Lou’s emotions and needs in a jumble, and she was always apologetic and feeling guilty when she didn’t want to go on. Especially when she had gotten him excited in the first place. There were times, when she was feeling needy, that his touch was all she required, his fingers or lips doing the work. He had enough control by now to not get overly excited when that was all she wanted, which meant he wasn’t always in the situation he was in at the moment.

He started to pull out, intending to wait until she was sound asleep and slip outside to finish what had been started, if he needed to by then.

But she grabbed him as he did, turning to her side so her back was to him, and guided him back in. He slid between her legs, using the pressure of her legs together, and began to move. Her hand moved around to her front and played with him from there. His hands joined hers, his fingers slipping inside her again, spreading her slightly. When he was close, she tipped her hips back and guided him inside from behind. His head slid inside, probing her entryway and rubbing against her bud.

One of his hands grabbed her hip, alternately holding it steady and moving it against him as he moved inside her. Lou’s hand slipped between her legs and stroked the muscle exposed there. The combination sent shock waves through him and his manhood released its pent up pressure.

Lou turned her head and their lips met, tongues touching as she murmured her contentment. One hand reached up and she stroked his face as he brushed his lips down her neck. Then she turned her head back to the pillow, their fingers intertwined across her stomach, his member still between her legs, and closed her eyes.

“I love you Buck Cross.” she sighed as she fell asleep.

Buck nestled his chin against her shoulder and counted his blessings.

The months flew by. Lou’s stomach grew, making her more uncomfortable as each month passed. The baby was very active, more than with her previous two pregnancies, making it difficult to sleep for long. Rachel sent a message that she would come for the birth.

Buck spent long days working the ranch, going in to town for supplies, and watching over the children as much as he could. He truly disliked going in to town. The people there talked behind his back more than usual because of Lou’s condition. It was one thing for him to be out at the ranch working for Lou, another for him to be married to her and for her to be carrying his child. He ignored their stares, but in the back of his mind he was worried about how his child would be treated.

Lou ignored them also, coming in to town most Sundays for church, at least until her last two months. Then she was just too big to travel comfortably.

Lou’s desires diminished only slightly, but Buck had managed to keep himself under control, feeling that after a point in the pregnancy it could not be safe for him to truly ‘dance’ with his wife. He still made love to her, making her feel desirable, but he only used his fingers and mouth. Sometimes all it took to please her was to caress her breasts. Other times he dare not even touch them. He had to laugh at times over the degree of her needs. But he accommodated her as best he could, abstaining himself.

It wasn’t always easy. He found her very desirable, even pregnant. At nights he would kiss her stomach, his hands rubbing over it, and he would talk to the baby within, sometimes in English, sometimes in Kiowa. Then he would lean back against the headboard of the bed, Lou leaning up against his chest. They would fall asleep this way, his hand pressed against her stomach so he could feel the movement of his child.

They spent evenings watching the children play in the yard from the porch swing or sitting on the steps.

They sat one night, about two weeks before Lou was due, discussing names while Emily chased Quinn through the yard, one of the dogs yipping at her heels. Buck sat on the top step, Lou on the next one down, between his legs and leaning against his chest. His arms were draped casually over her shoulders, his chin resting on top of her head. Her arms rested against his legs. They were trying to find a name that felt appropriate to both cultures and weren’t having much luck.

“Mmmm. I don’t know about that one. What I do know is that this child of yours has not stopped moving all afternoon.” Lou said as she shifted slightly for the twentieth time since she had sat down.

“Well, I’m sure you’re going to give me a feisty little girl.” Buck said as he reached down to feel the baby move.

“Or a hell cat of a son!” Lou giggled as her hand joined his. They both still watched the yard where Quinn now tossed a stick for the dog and Emily was studying something in the dirt.

“Then we should name him Cougar.” Buck said jokingly.

“Or name her Snapping Turtle.” Lou tried to think of the feistiest animal she could. They both laughed. Quinn turned to look at them, then returned to his play. “How about Dawn?”

“Doesn’t feel right. Dawn Mist? Misty Dawn?” He though about it for a few moments. “I don’t think so.”

“This poor child will never get a name.”

“We’ll know the right one when the time is right. I’ve prayed to the spirits. Maybe they’ll help.” Lou had long ago accepted his Kiowa ways. “The Kiowa don’t name their children until they are born. The inspiration comes with the birth. If we don’t think of one now, one may come to mind later.”

Lou had become suddenly still and didn’t reply to his comment. Buck, under most circumstances wouldn’t have thought twice about it. But Lou almost always had a reply for everything.

“Lou, are you all right?” he asked as he shifted to look at his wife’s face.

“Um hmm. But I think that we’ll be able to test your theory sooner that we planned. Buck, my water just broke.”

“Your what?”

“Buck, the baby’s coming. Now.”

He sat stunned for a second then jumped to his feet and moved around in front of her. One look at her face told him she wasn’t joking.

“Now? But I thought…”

“Well, your child has other ideas. He’s coming now.” Buck helped her stand as he called the children over. Rachel would be arriving any day now, so they figured he could go after the doctor if needed while Rachel helped Lou and stayed with the children. Now he had no other choices.

“Shadow,” Buck called the child by his pet name, “Go catch Katy and take her to the barn. I’ll meet you there shortly. You’re going to have to go for the doctor.” The young boy looked surprised, then his chest puffed up with pride at his important task and ran off to the corral.

“Little Dove, let’s go in the house. Can you sit with your Mama while I go saddle the horse for Quinn?” The little girl looked at him with solemn eyes and nodded.

“Yes Father.” She replied in a tiny voice. Two months before Quinn had approached Lou about calling Buck his papa. Lou had thought on it and told him that Kid would always be his Papa, but that Buck might be very pleased to be called father. She had talked to Buck about it one night after making love. Buck had risen early the next morning to pray and had spent the day at Kid’s grave. Then he had pulled Quinn and Emily aside that evening and told them that he would feel it a great honor to be called father.

Buck helped Lou up the stairs and left her under Emily’s careful watch. Then he went back down stairs, put water on to boil so the doctor could wash up and headed out to the barn. He hastily saddled Katy, double and triple checking the cinches. He hated sending the boy off by himself, but he had no other choices.

He lifted the child into the saddle, checking things once more.

“Now you be very careful, and ride straight to the doctor’s office. Ride back with the doctor. It’ll be dark by then and I don’t want to worry about you out there alone.”

“I can take care of myself, Father.”

“I know you can, Shadow. I know you can.” He touched the boys shoulder and the child leaned over to give him a hug. Buck’s heart soared.

“Is Mama gonna be all right?” the boy asked as they heard Buck’s name screamed from the house.

“She sure is. She went through the same thing when you and Dove were born.”

Buck led the horse out of the barn as he heard Lou yell.

“Buck Cross! You get your butt in here! Owwwww!”

Quinn looked worried. Buck smiled at him.

“I’d best get in there and rescue your sister. Her eardrums must be about to burst after that scream.” The boy grinned at him. “Now you get going. And be careful.” The boy kicked Katy and they trotted off. Buck knew that the boy would soon be galloping in his haste, even though Buck had told him not to unless he was with him. But Buck also knew that the boy had never fallen off Katy. And he would have done the same in the boy’s place. Buck turned and ran into the house as Lou’s scream rose again.

“Buck! Get in here! Now!”

Buck took the stairs two at a time, slowing as he walked into their room. Little Emily sat determinedly on the edge of the bed, patting her mothers hand with one of hers, the other plugging her ear to try and soften some of the noise from Lou’s screaming. He kissed the little girl on the head and handed her a doll.

“Emily, why don’t you go to your room and play now.” The girl walked reluctantly away, her head dropping to her chest. Buck stopped her, picking her up instead and giving her a hug. “You took very good care of your mother for me. You’re getting to be a very big girl. I’m proud of you.” The girl beamed at him.

“Do you want to stay for awhile?” The girl nodded. “Okay. You can help. Go get the blankets and diapers your Mama washed for the baby.” As the girl scrambled off he turned to his wife.

“Quinn is going for the doctor. Just hold on.”

“Buck, the baby is coming right now. Ohhhhh!” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. When she could speak again she said, “There’s no time for the doctor!”

Buck started to work. He had helped to deliver one baby after his friend Ike had died and had seen several born in the Kiowa village, but that had been a long time ago. Still, he had a good idea of what needed to be done.

He helped her undress as much as possible and propped her legs up and wide open. Then he propped her back up with several feather pillows so she was essentially sitting up, and laid out several layers of absorbent material Lou had set back, placing them under Lou’s hips to absorb the birthing fluids. Emily came back with the blankets, which he set off to the side and sent her quickly for several soft towels to wipe the baby off with. He moved the water pitcher closer and managed to run downstairs for the kettle of boiling water in between Lou’s contractions.

Emily sat by her mother’s head for a short time, then decided it would be a lot quieter and far less scary in her room. Buck placed a kiss on her head as she passed him, telling her there would be a new baby brother or sister very soon and that he would come get her when there was.

Lou was getting feisty in between contractions.

“Buck Cross, you’re never coming near me again!”

His safest reply was a simple “Yes Lou.”

She screamed again and Buck moved quickly to the foot of the bed. He took the towels and got ready as Lou pushed. The top of the baby’s head appeared. Buck was speechless as his child began its emergence into the world. He took its head as it slipped out and supported the baby as Lou pushed again. The shoulders pushed free and soon his new baby daughter was in his arms. Buck cleared the mouth and the baby began to wail.

“Buck?” Lou inquired tiredly.

“It’s a girl, Lou. A beautiful little girl.” Tears were welling up behind his eyes. His child was here. His and Lou’s.

The umbilical chord was still attached but he wrapped the baby in a soft towel and placed her on Lou’s stomach. Lou’s hands reached out to hold the baby as he tied off the chord and cut it with his knife. Then he moved the baby up to Lou’s waiting arms.

He watched his new daughter. Her tiny little lips moving and making sucking noises already. He would clean her up shortly, but for now he just wanted to watch her. He did wipe her face and head off with a lukewarm cloth, and did the same for a tired Lou. It was a fast delivery, but she was still worn out and sweaty.

Emily poked her head in the door and Buck pulled a sheet over Lou’s legs so as not to scare the little girl with all the birthing fluids and afterbirth now on the sheets. He motioned her in and she climbed up beside her mother once more.

The baby was making little mewing noises and Lou moved her to her breast, placing a nipple into the baby’s mouth. Lou’s finger caressed the baby’s cheek as she started to nurse for the first time. Emily leaned against her mother’s shoulder to watch, her thumb popping into her mouth. Buck thought that this must be the most beautiful sight a man could ever see.

Over the next hour Buck put an already sleeping Emily to bed, washed both Lou and the baby, changed the sheets, and was carrying the soiled ones to the wash tub while Lou and the baby slept when Quinn and the doctor arrived. The boy jumped down and ran to him in the moonlight. Buck snatched him up into his arms, although the boy was at the age where he was considering this as being too babyish. But at this point he didn’t care, he was more concerned with other things.

“Is Mama okay?” he asked in a rush.

“She’s just fine. You have a baby sister.”

“A sister?”

“Yep. Want to go see her?” Buck turned to the doctor and extended his hand. “Glad you could come Doc. Lou and the baby are upstairs.” He led the way. The doctor let Quinn have a moment with his mother, then kicked both of them out the door so he could examine the new mother and baby. Buck took Quinn to the barn to unsaddle Katy. The boy seemed a little too quiet and Buck knew something was going through the young boy’s head.

“Quinn? Something bothering you?” he asked when they had set Katy loose in the corral. The boy just looked at his feet. “What is it Shadow?”

The boy looked up at the window to the bedroom, it’s comforting yellow glow lighting up the night.

“I was too late.” He said quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t get the doctor in time.”

Buck picked the boy up and sat him on the corral fence rail. He studied the boy’s face briefly before he spoke.

“You brought the doctor faster than I could have. You did a great job, Shadow, and I’m very proud of you. Your Papa would have been proud too. Your new sister was just in a big hurry to come out into this world and wasn’t going to wait a second longer. I have a feeling that she’s definitely going to be like your Mama that way.” The two male members of the family laughed, knowing that when Lou got an idea in her head she was often unwilling to wait any longer than necessary to accomplish it.

The doctor left shortly after, pronouncing both Lou and the baby in good health. Quinn went to see his mother once more, then finally found his bed. Buck lay next to his wife and watched the baby nursing. His hand moved back and forth from his daughter to his wife, stroking his daughter’s cheek and watching as her tiny hand closed around his finger. He couldn’t help but kiss Lou, who tiredly returned the kiss, her lips parting slightly. Then they settled in to sleep.


The first signs of dawn found Buck sitting up on the hill by Kid’s grave, his new daughter cradled in his arms. Lou had fed her a short time before and then fallen asleep. Buck had felt a tug at his soul and had to answer it. Bundling up the baby he had headed up the hill, where he now sat, talking to Kid’s spirit.

While Buck’s Kiowa beliefs told him that Kid’s spirit was not at this site, Lou’s white beliefs felt that it was. And since Kid had been white, Buck accepted that it was possible.

“I wish to share this child with you Kid, as you have shared yours with me.” he said as he studied the marker. Shortly after they had married, Buck had ridden in to town and ordered a stone marker for Kid’s grave. It read as the wooden cross had, ‘Kid. Beloved Husband, Father and Friend.’

“Lou told me of a name. One that only you and she shared. I would like to give my child this name, in your memory.”

Lou awoke and was startled to find the baby gone. Her bedroom was situated at the back of the house, with windows on three walls. As she frantically looked around the room, her gaze fell on the window overlooking the hill where Kid was buried. This was just one reason she had chosen that sight for his grave. The other was because she and Kid had spent many days, and nights, on that hill, watching their little ranch grow.

She spotted Buck sitting there in the growing gray of morning, as she had often seen before. And she could tell that he was holding a small bundle in his arms. If she listened carefully, she could hear his chants carried on the wind. She relaxed and closed her eyes once more.

He returned to her side shortly after and lay back down to sleep. It had been a long night. Quinn wandered in and climbed into their bed, falling back asleep next to his mother. Emily soon followed, crawling up between Buck and the new baby, who lay in her mothers arms. She popped her finger into her mouth and lay down to wait for the others to awaken.


Only Emily heard the woman’s voice call quietly from below.

“Lou? Buck?” Rachel called. It was not like Buck to not be hard at work at this time of day. The house was too quiet. Breakfast should be on the stove and the children up and running about. She wandered through the house carefully, then started up the stairs. Emily met her at the top of the stairs.

“Emily? Where’s your Mama? Where’s Buck?” Rachel asked.

“Mama had a baby.” The little girl answered and pointed toward the bedroom. Rachel picked her up and crept to the bedroom door. Looking in she saw a small family asleep, a tiny bundle cradled against Lou’s chest, Quinn pressed against her back and Buck seeming to guard them all. She smiled as tears came to her eyes. Pulling the door closed, she carried the little girl to her room, helped her dress, and the two of them went downstairs to make breakfast.

The smell of coffee and frying bacon wafted up the stairs, awakening first Buck, then Lou. Buck left the bed as Lou raised up on her elbows.

“Did you make coffee?” she asked sleepily.

“No.” he said as he reached the door.

“Then who…”

“I’m going to find out.” And he was gone.

Buck was down the stairs without a noise. He could hear Emily’s voice and a woman’s, talking quietly. He stood for a moment in the kitchen door, watching the two as they worked.

“Emily, how do pancakes sound? Do you know where Mama keeps the molasses?”

“Cupboard on the left.” Buck answered. Rachel turned at the sound and opened her arms to the young man, who came to her and embraced her lovingly.

“Good morning Daddy. I see I’m too late.” She said as she pulled back a few inches and studied his tired face.

Buck grinned at the sound of the word.

“Go on up. Lou’s awake and I think Quinn is by now, too. I’ll take over here.” Emily was watching him and he moved quickly over to her, picking her up and swinging her around before planting her on his hip.

“And good morning to you Little Dove. Did you sleep well?”

The little girl nodded between giggles and Rachel went upstairs. She passed a sleepy Quinn on his way out of the room, giving the boy a hug as he headed to his room to dress. Rachel knocked on the door and entered.

“Rachel! I thought maybe it was you.” Lou said from the bed, her new daughter in her arms. Rachel moved to her side, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Let me get a look at her!” Rachel said as Lou handed her the baby. Rachel unwrapped her from the blanket. The baby had dark brown, almost black hair and a lot of it, and her skin was just a shade darker than most babies, her father’s heritage showing in her. When her eyes would open, they were a deep brown in color. But her features were delicate, like her mothers.

“Lou, she’s beautiful.”

“She is isn’t she.” Lou murmured.

“You need some more sleep. I’ll save you some breakfast.” Rachel headed out the door as Lou’s eyes closed once more.


Rachel stayed a month. Teaspoon, Cody, Sam and Emma all came for visits. Then the family was left to themselves to develop their own routines once more.

Lou went to town once a month to have the baby checked over and to pick up supplies. Buck took her the first two months, but the third month she went with Quinn and Emily. Buck heard them return. They were in the house when he emerged from the barn, so he took the carriage and unhitched the horse, rubbing it down in the barn. He heard Lou approach as he finished.

“Oh Buuuck.” She called in a sing song voice. He remembered that voice.

“Yes Lou?” he answered, a smile coming across his face.

“Guess what the doctor said?” she teased as he took her in his arms. His bare chest was sweaty from working and she traced a pattern across it in the light coating of dirt.

“And what would that be?”

She moved up on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear.

“Where are the kids?”

“Emily and Morgan are both napping. Quinn is watching them while he does some of his school work.”

“I thought I was never going to be allowed near you again?” he said as his lips brushed against her neck.

“I changed my mind.” Her hands were already undoing the ties of his buckskin trousers and pushing them down his hips. He needed no more encouragement.

His fingers grabbed the fabric of her skirt and pulled it up. Even with Quinn watching the girls, there was always the possibility of being interrupted, so he didn’t want either of them undressed. She unbuttoned her blouse as he laid her down in the clean straw, his lips finding her in hungry passion. Her fingers dug into his buttocks then moved around to wrap around him, stroking and squeezing the manhood that had started to swell at her first touch. It had been a long time.

He moved the folds of her skirt up, exposing her to him. He turned around and straddled her chest offering his swelling member to her. She pulled it to her mouth and began to suck on it as his mouth closed in on her eager womanly bud. His tongue moved over it and he slipped a finger inside, rubbing and licking until she was squirming beneath him. She sucked harder, pulling his member as deep into her mouth as she could. A low moan came from deep in his throat. She finally allowed him to pull out, only because she knew where he would go to next.

Buck crawled between her legs, taking her by the ankle and kissing her all the way up her leg. While he did so, he moved so the head of his member was pressing against her opening, but not entering her yet. As he moved, it rubbed against her, and she pulled her hands through her hair as she came, her back arching.

He reached over and lifted her hips, pushing his way inside her slowly, teasingly. She groaned and quietly begged him to continue, but he stopped, his hands moving up her stomach in a massaging motion. He cupped her swollen breasts, the nipples tender from nursing, and brushed over them gently. She pushed upward into his hands, one of hers moving around to join his in his gentle caress, her fingers brushing over her nipples also then moving up to pull his mouth down to hers. She urgently thrust her tongue in his mouth hoping that he would take the hint.

He continued on slowly. She began to thrust her hips against him, trying to move him in her, grinding her hips when that didn’t work. He finally laughed at her, causing her to slap him playfully.

“Buck Cross, this is mean! Don’t you know how much I want you right now?”

“No. Tell me.” He teased.

“If you don’t take me right now, I may just have to find myself a new man. I’m sure there’s one out there that can keep up with me.”

“Don’t you even think about it.”

“Okay. You’re more than enough man for me, Buck Cross. And you’re mine for ever.”

He grinned at her, kissing her checks, eyes and finally lips. Then he began to move inside her, tipping her hips to thrust in deeper. She wrapped her legs loosely around his hips and they moved together in a passionate dance. He moved in and out, pulling himself almost all the way out before thrusting deep inside her. She raked her nails over his back and buttocks, her fingers spread against his firm, lower cheeks.

He used his thighs to push her legs open further and began moving faster. Her internal muscles clenched over him as she came once more. Knowing this, he began to pump, his swollen member craving satisfaction. He was coated in sweat. Lou’s hand reached down between her legs, her fingers seeking his scrotum.

“Oh Buck!” she exclaimed in a heavy breathless whisper. “Harder. Oh please!”

His head fell backward as he moved, feeding his desire. He felt himself swell even further. Grabbing her hips he pumped harder and faster as Lou panted beneath him. His own breath came in gasps until he exploded inside her, her muscles contracting around him once more, not releasing him until he was completely finished. He collapsed at her side.

“Whoa, that was some ride big boy.” Lou said and they both burst into laughter. Lou smoothed her skirts and buttoned her blouse as Buck retied his trousers. He held his hand out to her to help her up and she headed to the barn door. Stopping there, she looked back at him, her eyes trying to look provocative. She hiked her skirt up one leg and stood sideways against the door, her bare leg posed against the wood.

“You. Me. Tonight.” She said in her sexiest bedroom voice. “Be rested up. It’s gonna be a long night!”

And she walked away to the house, humming a happy little tune.

The End!

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