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The Lovecats

By: Silent Whisper

Many Thanks to STACIE for beta reading this story:o)

This story is rated NC-17! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 1

Rock Creek, 1861

Buck left the cemetery with a hanging head, the memories of Noah dead still too fresh to give him any peace. He had prayed to the spirits all morning, asking them to look after his late friends. He had thought of Ike a lot, and as if the sorrow for his best friend's death wasn't enough, Noah had just died three days ago. It all seemed so unnatural that the most gentle and calm of his friends had passed on, when many of them lived by a thread every day, not even thinking twice of the danger they put themselves in.

He met Jimmy and Cody on the bunkhouse porch as he returned to the station, heard Kid and Lou talk to Teaspoon and Rachel inside. The death of Noah had taken hard on them all, but it couldn't be undone. Buck entered the bunkhouse, looking at the faces of his friends as he passed them in the door. They looked just as unsure as he did, not knowing quite where to begin the grieving. Rachel gave him a quick hug as he came in.

"You went to the cemetery?" she whispered in his ear and he nodded silently.

Before anyone could say anything else, they all heard Cody greet someone outside.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Buck Cross. I heard he was stationed here…?" a female voice spoke.

"I'm Buck Cross," Jimmy said, thinking enough bad news had reached Buck's ears recently, wanted to help him anyway he could. Buck looked out the window, his heart skipping a beat, his breath caught in his throat.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you, I was looking for someone else," the woman said with a polite nod, turning on her heals. She scolded herself for not telling people she looked for a half-breed. She hated to call him that, and so only asked around for a man his height, with dark, probably half-long hair and handsome features. She should have known she would walk into a dead end.

"Kate!" Buck hollered from the door, stumbling out, amazing himself as much as anyone else that he stayed on his feet.

Kate turned around looking into the frantic eyes of a man she once loved very dearly. She wondered if she still did perhaps, but couldn't know until she met him again.

"Buck! My God, it's you!" she cried, running to meet him, hugging him hard.

He hugged her back with equal urgency, exhaling deeply. Kate sensed even through her magnificent joy that something was troubling him, pulled out of the embrace to look at his face. He was smiling, but in his eyes the pain and hopelessness showed, his shoulders looking heavy with grief.

"Kate, what are you doing here? How did you find me?" he asked, still smiling, which he hadn't done in days.

"I've looked all over for you, for three whole months!" she smiled, hugging him again.

Buck giggled almost childishly, Kate's still deep green eyes giving him all the support he needed to deal with his sorrow and put it behind him for a moment.

"I can't even begin to describe how I missed you," he spoke, then suddenly remembered why he and Ike had left Salt Lake so suddenly all that time ago. "But…"

"I missed you too! God, Buck, when I realized you hadn't seen my note I almost thought I'd die. It hurt so terribly all over, I can't even put it into words. You must think such horrible things about me…"

"What note?" Buck asked sternly, dismissing everything else she said with a frown, holding her by the shoulders.

"This note," she said lowly, handing him a wrinkled piece of paper from her handbag.

Buck read it, the lines making his hands tremble.

"I love you, Buck, and I will follow you wherever you choose to go. I'm waiting at the saloon for you. Love always, Kate."

He looked up, her silent nod telling him it was a sincere note, written the same day he thought she had deceived him and lied him straight in the face.

"It lay on the pillow. You must have missed it, I heard you and Ike rode off like you had fire on your tail," Kate spoke, her voice teary and eyes moist.

"I'm sorry," Buck whispered, leaning down to place a kiss of support and even guilt on her cheek.

Kate turned her head in sheer desperation, her arms reaching to cling around his neck, their lips meeting with a force from two years of unanswered passion. The spectators on the bunkhouse porch gasped, their eyes opening wide as the two young people seemed to lose all sense of time and space, kissing furiously for a long minute.

"They're watching," Kate smiled a bit embarrassed, as she finally let go of him and took a step back.

"Let them watch. They could use some entertaining," Buck smiled, cheeks blushing from the hot kiss.

"Something's happened here, hasn't it? Something sad…" Kate said, Buck nodding, still amazed by her gift to apparently sense what people around her were feeling.

"A friend passed away the other day. And things have been a bit tense lately," he explained, looking her over with hungry eyes, cheeks still blushing from the kiss.

"You've grown," she smiled, looking him over too, her thin lips parted in a wide grin. "And in all the right places too," she smiled, stroking his arms.

"You look great, too," he nearly whispered, shaking his head. "I can't believe you're here!"

"Well, I am… Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends?" she asked shyly, looking past his shoulder to the bunkhouse.

"Sure, come on!" he smiled, taking her arm.

As they walked over to the porch Kate smiled at her old lover. He was just as handsome as he had been the day she met him, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was still as good in bed. Perhaps even better…

Eating dinner that night was for a change very nice, the remaining riders, Kid and Lou, Rachel, Teaspoon and Kate seated around the table talking and laughing.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Rachel asked, looking at the pretty redhead on her left.

"Well, we met in Salt Lake City about two and a half years ago. Just very briefly," Kate said, almost blushing at the memory.

Cody nudged Lou in the ribs, smirking widely as he whispered in her ear, "Judging from that kiss it couldn't have been too briefly!"

"Yeah, Ike and I were there looking for a job," Buck explained, looking at Kate across the table. She blushed even more.

"How come you're here now then, miss Kate?" Teaspoon asked politely, and she couldn't have felt more like an outsider. The whole world must have seen her nervousness.

"Well, Buck and I grew pretty close," she started, looking for confirmation in the Kiowa's eyes, and he nodded silently. "I guess I just wanted to see him again."

Buck cocked a brow, then took a deep breath, his hands moist. He couldn't help but think he was falling for her again. Perhaps he never stopped falling at all? That she wanted to see him meant a world. ***

It was growing late, and everyone was just waiting for Buck to follow Kate to her hotel. They exchanged knowing glances every now and then, smirked behind their backs. Buck knew what his friends were thinking, and he couldn't help but hold his hopes high too. Why did she want to see me?

"This has been great, I can't thank you enough for a such welcome," Kate said, her politeness mixed with her sweetness causing Rachel to smile.

"It was our pleasure," Jimmy smiled.

"Anytime, miss Friedrisch," Cody smirked, tipping his hat. Kate smiled, looking at Buck.

Buck felt almost defeated, knowing he had none of that charm Cody had. He was jealous of the smile he brought to Kate's face, and was hoping they could get out of there soon.

"Buck, will you come with me to the hotel, I have something to tell you," Kate finally said, and Buck's face lit up again.

"Sure," he smiled, allowing her to loop her arm in his.

She waved goodbye to her new friends and walked by Buck's side toward the hotel, occasionally smiling up at him, resisting the urge to kiss him again. He was fighting the exact same feelings, trying to beat the thoughts of her naked body out of his mind, just like he once did when he was younger. But the feeling was just as strong and warm as it had been then.

Chapter 2

They reached her room, and she sat herself on the big bed and simply smiled at him. Her green dress reminded him of the first night he spent with her, when they talked themselves hoarse and really got to know each other.

"Well, well, Buck Cross, you've really matured," she said.

Buck was confused, wondering if that was good or bad. And if so, what did she think of him before?

"You really look great, you know that?" Kate smiled, her voice lower now, and Buck could tell she was hiding something from him.

"Why were you looking for me?" he asked directly.

"I wanted to see you."

"You said you've been looking for me for three months, why?" he probed.

"Buck, come here. I have something to tell you, and I don't want you to get mad, okay? I should have come to look for you sooner, but things have been a bit rough. But I'm here now and I'll tell you everything if you just listen."

Buck nodded, sitting down by her side.

"What's wrong?" he frowned at her glassy eyes.

"First I wanted to kill you for leaving, but then I found out that…" she paused, looking into his coffee eyes, taking his hand in hers.


"That I was pregnant."

"What?" Buck whispered, his breath caught in his throat and thoughts swirling. "By me?"

Kate nodded.

"At first I could only pray and wish, but when I saw her I just knew. She's a wonderful little girl, Buck, and she's yours," Kate smiled, tears falling down her delicate cheekbones, his hand rising to wipe them away.

"Are you sure?" he whispered, and she nodded.

"I always made all men… well… pull out before… making me pregnant, so it just had to be you. But I wasn't sure at first, but I wished it so hard. Oh Buck, she looks just like you!" Kate smiled, her tears changing into those of happiness. "I couldn't ask you to pull out, it would have ruined everything! Please Buck, understand…"

Buck felt dizzy, his body frozen at first, melted only by Kate's warm smile. He took her into his arms, holding her tightly, rocking her back and forth. "Tell me about her," he begged, his own tears brimming in his eyes.

"She's got thick, curly hair, the same color you have, and her skin is tanned, almost like yours. Her eyes are green in the middle and almost black around them. Oh, she's so pretty, Buck, you'll see!" Kate smiled, hugging him tighter.

"Where is she?" Buck asked, still trying to visualize the soon two-year-old girl Kate had just described.

"She's with Sherri in Baltimore. You remember Sherri, don't you?"

"Yeah, I remember. Ike told me she was beaten that day…"

"She was, badly too. Barry would have done the same to me, but I managed to get away while he was chasing you. He told me he got to you and did horrible things to you and Ike, but I never believed him. I just knew you got away," she smiled, pulling out of his affectionate embrace.

"Yeah, we did. Barely. But Barry didn't ever touch you, did he?"

"I just told you I got away, Buck, I promise," the pretty woman by his side smiled warmly, her small, pale hand rising to touch his cheek. "What are you doing tomorrow?" she asked.

Buck thought for a second, then his smile disappeared. "I have a mail run. I won't be back until the day after tomorrow," he spoke, his voice full of disappointment.

Kate nodded, removing her hand from his cheek. She knew she had no right to ask what she would ask next, but she did it anyway, the desperation hitting her like a blow in the face. "Buck, will you stay here tonight?"

He answered by kissing her tenderly, their lips touching lightly for a short moment.

"Of course I'll stay," he said, kissing her again, this time adding some of that passion growing in his belly, and her warm tongue was soon meeting his.

"Oh Buck, take me," she begged in a quick breath, kissing him again. "Before I lose my mind!"

He had dreamt of hearing her say that for over two years, and now when she really did it felt unreal. He had to kiss her even deeper to reassure himself that this was not a dream and not a fantasy. It was real. Her hands had already opened his shirt, and he was struggling with the buttons on her dress.

She refused to leave his mouth with hers, forcing his shirt from his shoulders with trembling hands, feeling him slowly lower her onto the covers of the big bed, now having reached her camisole with his hands. He was desperate to touch her naked skin, but first he had to get rid of all her clothes. He never had realized why women had to wear so many skirts and underwear all the time, and he was especially frustrated over this right now. Kate smiled, then covered his mouth again, her tongue swirling around his. He was finally rid of her dress, which opened in front by a, what it seemed endless, line of buttons. Her pink satin camisole had small details of lace and roses made out of the same fabric, and he knew she would want it to last awhile. If he would tear it apart she would never forgive him.

Her hands were tugging at his pants, trying to open them without looking, not wanting to miss a single kiss. She could feel his growing erection through the fabric, and was instantly given new energy to work on opening them. She finally felt his manhood in her hands and his fingers brushed against her nipples through the camisole. He moved on top of her, still kissing her furiously, his hands moving to caress her face. He felt like a blind man for her features and curves, his lips investigating her mouth.

He had to have her, clothes on or no clothes on, and finding her moistness with his fingers he rubbed her for a moment. Just to prepare her. She was moaning under him, squirming as his fingers worked her, her hands trying to push his pants lower down his buttocks without luck. She couldn't wait to have him, her every nerve ready to explode with passion. When he finally entered her, groaning lowly, she felt her first orgasm already coming on. She let one hand remain on his buttocks, keeping him right there so he wouldn't get any ideas, and the other hand moved to stroke his chest.

He groaned again, leaving her lush lips to arch his head back in pleasure. She pulled him down again, meeting his thrusting hips right as she climaxed around his shaft. He panted in her ear that he couldn't wait any longer, and she threw herself on top of him, riding him until he started to moan loudly.

His hands were occupied with teasing her breasts through her camisole, which was by now sticking to her sweaty skin, defining her curves even clearer. She continued to move frantically until he could hold out no longer, and forced her onto her back again, pumping for all he was worth. She screamed as her second orgasm overcame her, and it was even better than the first. She could swear she saw stars, and he growled into the pillow as he released. He felt the orgasm from his toes to his ears, and it seemed to last an eternity. Just like last time with Kate, he thought. She moved slightly under his weight and felt him release a second time, his unspeakable pleasure quivering through his body. When he rolled off of her he was totally exhausted, still dizzy and ready to faint. She laid herself on his stomach, kissing him carefully. He wiped at her damp face, smiling weakly into her emerald eyes. Neither of them spoke, and there seemed to be impossible to find any words, but they were both growing anxious to get rid of their clothes. Kate sat up and pulled the camisole over her head, displaying her breasts. In a second he was half sitting in front of her, licking her skin and nipples with tender strokes of his tongue. While he did that she helped him with his pants, pulling them to his knees. He was growing bigger already, and soon he pushed his pants off completely in sheer desperation. He returned to her breasts, but this time pushed her down onto the bed with him. He laid over her with his mouth taking one nipple at a time, making it hard and swollen. She let her hands hold his head in place, brushing through his thick hair. She gasped as he took a careful bite just above her breast, then one at her neck.

He continued to lick and kiss her neck, but she wanted to give him something in return. She carefully pushed him back and moved down between his legs. He willingly let her fondle with his testicles and rub is length. She soon took him in her mouth and began sucking hard. Buck had often thought of the way she did that two years ago, and it had saved him from going insane many times. Just the memory of her lips touching his most intimate parts made him breathe harshly and he had often relived those moments in his head.

Kate was suddenly very amazed, and surprised, when she felt herself climax even though she wasn't the one pleasured. When she came she must have bit him, for he yelped suddenly and looked at her with eyes a mixture of heaven and hell. She smiled and continued her sucking and licking, and very soon he had to buck his hips and groan deeply, eyes closed hard and teeth gritted. Kate moved to sit on top of him again, feeling his hard member stretch her inside.

"You really have grown in all the right places," she smiled wistfully. She rode slowly, moving only her waist and hips. He laid passively on the bed, letting her do the work. His hands soon grabbed the sheets, holding tightly as he reached his climax. He released instantly when she fell over his chest, groaning in her own climax. Together they remained there for some time, until their damp bodies began to cool off and they had to shift to stay warm.

Kate laid herself in his arms, smiling into his face. He smiled back, kissing her lips lightly. They just looked at each other for a long minute, then Kate finally spoke. "You're still talented," she smiled, kissing his neck.

"What you gonna do about it?" he asked in a challenging tone.

"Oh… maybe I could let you become my pupil…" she murmured as she continued to kiss him.

"Mmmhhh… And what would you teach me?"

"First lesson…" Kate started, pushing him over on his back.

"What's that?" he asked with a daring smile.

"Shut up and get down to work," Kate stated firmly, placing a finger over his lips and climbed onto his stomach.

Soon they were making love again, and when they finally slept it was close to dawn already. Buck held Kate in his arms, again thinking about their child. He had to admit he had momentarily forgot all about that, but lying there in the dark with Kate purring in his arms, he again tried to visualize the child that was a part of him and the love he had shared for Kate a long time ago. When he fell asleep he dreamt about what she might look like, and it caused his lips to part in a wide smile.

Chapter 3

Kate turned in her lover's arms, looking at his face. He was still sleeping deeply, the smile on his lips puzzling her. Watching it she smiled too, wondering what he must be dreaming. She studied him like she had done once before, stating he was still gorgeous, only a little different. He looked like he had been around and seen a lot of things, even with his eyes closed. Otherwise she could read all about that in his wonderful dark eyes. He looked so sad, but still happy and contented. She had been told all about Noah and the death of Ike at dinner that night, but still she wondered what had changed him so severely. Looking at his cheeks she noticed his dimples were gone. She hadn't noticed them before, but now when they were gone she could tell they were missing. Even though he was smiling in his sleep he looked sad. She wanted to take that sadness away, and therefor flicked her tongue over her lips and pulled herself closer to his ear.

"Buck," she whispered. "Buck, I want you… Oh, Buck…" she smiled and then continued. "Buck, I wanna feel you inside me… I want you to take me, Buck… Please, Buck…"

She let her tongue brush against the shell of his ear, and smiled as he finally started to shift some. "Oh, Buck… Won't you take me, Buck… I want to hear you scream, Buck," she whispered and took the tip of his ear between her lips.

With a smaller whine he looked up, staring into her smiling eyes. "What were you doing?" he asked with an almost worried look on his face, but still seemed pretty amused.

"Me? Nothing…" she smiled, glancing at the ceiling in a very guilty expression.

Buck chuckled softly, taking her by the arms and pinning her under his weight.

"What were you doing?" he repeated, this time tickling her when she refused to answer.

"Nothing!" she squealed, laughing until she was out of breath.

"Nothing? I heard you, you were up to something," he stated, a firm look on his face as he continued to tickle her.

"No more, I give up, please!" she cried then laughed harder still.

"Then what were you up?" he asked, finally stopping his tickling to instead brush some hair out of his face.

"Nothing," she insisted, jumping out of bed before he could tickle her again.

He remained where he was, stretching out in the big bed, just glancing at her occasionally.

"You gonna grow roots there?" he asked finally, and she took a hesitant step towards the bed.

When she had finally settled under the covers, he immediately started tickling her again.

"Oh, you…!" she cursed, then began tickling him back.

"No, no!" he shouted, trying to get away.

"You yield?" she asked from her position on top of him, holding him down by his arms.

"I yield," he promised, breathing deeply as she moved away from him.

This time he held his promise and only laid by her side, looking at her with investigating eyes.

"You're really pretty," he said, placing his index finger at her cheek, tracing her jaw and chin.

She kissed his lips tenderly, then suddenly broke free to stare at him.


"Didn't you say you had a mail run today?" she frowned.

"Yes, I do. Three hours ago," he smiled.

"What?" she whispered in surprise.

"What will you boss say?"

"He can't say much. It doesn't matter, really it doesn't. I mean, The Express is as good as dead already, beaten by the telegraph and all that. We'd all get sacked sooner or later," he explained, but Kate wasn't satisfied.

"What are you gonna do instead?" she asked with a frown.

"Stay in bed all day with a very pretty young lady," he whispered huskily in her ear, causing her to smile at first and then giggle. His warm breath on her neck tickled her, and his tongue and lips nibbled at her ear for a moment. She started squirming some, her fingers rubbing his nipples. His lips found her jaw and neck and kept themselves occupied there, sucking gently at her skin until she had several reddish marks to show it. Kate sighed deeply, letting her arms circle his strong neck. He moved slowly on top of her, finding her breasts with his hands. Taking her nipples between his fingers he rolled them until they were hard. She was gasping and sighing occasionally during this sensual foreplay, seeking his lips with hers.

She let her tongue stroke his lower lip until he desperately kissed her ever so deeply. She let one hand drop to his middle, feeling his warm, hardening member throbbing against her leg. She took it in her hand and felt it grow in both length and thickness, rubbing it until he groaned, still with his lips covering hers. She broke free suddenly and looked into his eyes.

"Let me be the first to say it this time," she begged into his questioning face.

"I love you, Buck," she whispered in his ear, kissing it tenderly.

"I love you too," he smiled, kissing her lips again, then moved to kiss her cheeks one after the other and then her forehead. "I've always loved you."

Kate smiled and hugged his muscular back. Feeling her erect nipples against his chest he found new energy to prepare her for his pulsing hardness. His right hand went down to find her pleasure bud, and as he rubbed it she started moaning under him. She let her thumb rub his now very swollen head causing him to moan too, both of them breathing harshly with arousal.

Though Buck was more than ready for her, he couldn't help but leave her lips to kiss her breasts, belly and hips. She smiled, wondering what he was up to, since this was new to her. She had seldom received any pleasure from a man, and though she had no idea what Buck was about to do next she knew it would be good. He had never disappointed her that way before, so why should he now?

Buck let her curly red hair caress his face as he kissed her midsection. Moving his mouth lower he started licking her love bud, making Kate first stiffen in surprise and almost fear, but she soon melted as he continued to pleasure her. He was lapping his tongue back and forth over her hardening bud, slipping his hands under her thighs to reach her buttocks. He kneaded and massaged them while licking her until she was ready to scream.

"Aaah, Buck…" she began but as unable to finish the sentence.

He returned on top of her, licking at her breasts, taking her nipples between his teeth. She was climaxing shortly, her hands traveling over his warm back to find something to hold on to. She cried out his name, hardly noticing his member entering her as she closed her eyes and accepted the best orgasm she'd ever had. Buck began to move in and out, making her moan harder and harder, breathing his name occasionally.

"Buck, more!" she begged, moving her hips with his, hearing the bed hit the wall every time he thrust into her.

She let her legs wrap themselves around his back, making her experience even better. Buck couldn't get enough, feeling so aroused he thought he was going insane for sure. He had never been more eager to pleasure a woman, not even Kate. But his hips moved frenetically until his entire length slid in and out of her tight love tunnel, and he was moaning her name over and over. He felt Kate contract around him without stopping, her lips parted in a silent scream while he continued to pump. He heard himself scream and growl, but it felt distant. He didn't return to the present until he was completely milked and softening rapidly inside his lover.

"That was amazing," Kate panted, stroking his sweaty chest as he fell to his side, trying to catch his breath without luck.

"I know," he exhaled deeply, his head landing heavily on the pillow. It took several minutes before they were breathing somewhat normally again, looking at each other in silence. Suddenly they both began to giggle, Kate allowing Buck to envelope her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I love you, Kate," he said, surprised at how natural those words came to him.

"I love you too," she purred, patting his arm.

Together they drifted off to a light sleep.

Chapter 4

Buck and Kate walked side by side toward the way station, his arm around her waist and her hand resting on his shoulder. The riders and Rachel all witnessed the couple laugh with one another as they came closer to the bunkhouse, stopping momentarily to kiss affectionately.

"Mornin' Buck, Teaspoon's looking for ya!" Cody informed with a wide grin. "Miss Friedrisch," he added and tipped his hat politely.

"I better calm him down, I'll be right back," Buck spoke to his newfound love and kissed her only briefly to run toward the barn in the next breath.

"I see you two have really become reacquainted…" Cody smirked at Kate, who was feeling suddenly very insecure and lost without Buck at her side.

"Well," she started, clearing her throat. She was stopped in her thoughts as Buck all but backed out of the barn with Teaspoon hollering something at him.

"Excuse me," she murmured and collected her skirts to rush to Buck's assistance.

"Buck, are you aware of what time it is?!" Teaspoon shouted, standing only inches from his employee's chest.

"No, but I can guess it's pretty late," Buck murmured.

"Not only have you not been around to finish your chores, but do I have to inform you that you missed a run this morning?" Teaspoon continued, looking with burning eyes into Buck's face.

"I know, and I'm sorry," Buck said calmly, just as Kate reached his side.

"Marshal, it's all my fault," she insisted, but Teaspoon would have none of it.

"Buck, I expect you to follow company rules around here, and skipping a run without informing anyone is not company rules. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, but…"

"Teaspoon, please," Kate cut him off.

"Ma'am, I don't expect my riders to let their girlfriends take the blame, Buck here's the one I'm mad at," Teaspoon said, but Kate again begged him to listen.

"It was all my fault, I kept him last night even though I knew he had chores to do. It was extremely selfish of me and I apologize. But please, don't blame him for being a sweet and kind soul, there are not too many of those around here as far as I understand," she finished, looking with honest eyes into Teaspoon's face, giving him a stare that could have melted any man.

"What was the reason you held him, miss Kate?" Teaspoon asked in a lot calmer tone, glancing at Buck.

"We figured we would tell you over lunch. I think you all deserve to know," Buck explained, taking Kate into his arms.

Just then Rachel rang the bell at the bunkhouse, causing a rush to the table.

"Alright, but it better be good. And Buck, you'll take care of this place for the rest of the day, you understand?" Teaspoon said, his voice still hard but his anger seemed to have subsided.

Buck nodded and headed toward the bunkhouse with Kate still in his embrace.

"He's not really as bad as he seems," he smiled against her ear, kissing her cheek.

Kate just nodded, having to admit to herself she had never been yelled at that way before. She sat beside Buck at the table and silently greeted everyone good morning.

"Buck?" Teaspoon turned to him with an inquiring stare.

"Yeah," Buck started as he cleared his throat. "Uh, everybody… Kate told me something last night which will probably change a few things…"

"What is it, Buck?" Kid asked, seeing the mixed expression on his friend's face.

"Apparently, we have a daughter," Buck forced out, nervously looking to Teaspoon.

The people at the table all gasped at first, then as realization sank in they smiled.

"Buck, that's wonderful!" Rachel smiled, running around the table to hug him carefully, then Kate.

"Congratulations, Buck! Seems you beat us to it," Kid smiled, hugging his wife from the side. She smiled also and let her head fall against her husband's neck.

Buck again glanced at Teaspoon, wondering if his reason to skip that run had been good enough.

"A daughter, huh?" he asked, his eyebrow cocked.

"That's right," Kate nodded with a proud smile.

"But where is she?" Cody asked almost skeptically.

"She's in Baltimore, with a friend of mine. I didn't want her to travel all across the country until I was certain I'd found Buck. I figured I'd go get her in a few days or so. When we've figured out what we want to do and all…" she trailed off, glancing nervously at Buck who sat almost dumbstruck.

"Yeah, exactly…" he murmured.

"It's wonderful news, you two," Lou smiled, taking her husband's hand and placed it on her stomach. No one saw it, and Kid didn't understand, but Lou smiled to herself and began dreaming of the future.

They continued the lunch in the same cheery tone as the night prior, though Jimmy was missing, having taken Buck's run that morning.

Buck and Kate walked side by side, hand in hand toward the creek nearby town. Buck looked down at her and they both smiled, silently enjoying the night. Kate pulled him up to a big tree and let her arms cling to his neck. They kissed carefully, their lips brushing against the other's. Buck's arms hugged her closer to his torso, deepening the kiss until their tongues were sliding over the other's lips. Kate pulled free and looked up at his honest face.

"I've dreamt of this," she smiled.

"Me too," he spoke, kissing her again.

"I can't believe I found you," she whispered as she kissed him back.

"How did you?"

"Lucky guess," she smiled wistfully.

"Yeah? I've spent two years guessing where you'd be, but nothing happened…"

"I'm here now, ain't I?" she grinned, cupping his chin with her hand.

"I love you, Buck."

"I love you too," he whispered as their lips met, taking her hand to lead her back to town.

Placing his precious love on the big bed in her room, Buck kissed her for a long, drugging moment. She let her hands remove his shirt while they kissed, starting to squirm under him as the arousal took the better of her. His hands moved over her already bare breasts, sending electrical sensations through her body, creating goosebumps all over. Her nipples hardened instantly, but his hands continued to rub them sensually, making the nerves in the deepest pit of her stomach tangle until she moaned her pleasure. His upper body was warm against hers, his nipples erect as well only from kissing and touching her. There was an increasing hardness against her thigh, which she reached down to touch with her hand. He groaned deep in is throat, moving his lips to kiss her neck. He nibbled on her ear until she sighed deeply in delight, brushing through his hair with her free hand. Her other hand was occupied opening his trousers, where the bulging hardness was still growing. When she had him in her hand he moved lower, started kissing her breasts. She had to let go of him as he moved lower still, to kiss her belly. He excused himself for a straining moment so he could remove his trousers, then returned to her bellybutton, circled it with his warm tongue. He let one hand move down to her curly area, letting his index finger search for her little bud. Rubbing it between two fingers for a minute he smiled as she moaned, then let the same two fingers slide into her love tunnel. He moved his face lower to lick the insides of the thighs, teasing her wistfully until she pressed her legs together and forced his head to stay in the middle. He massaged her steamy hot tunnel with his fingers while his tongue worked her pleasure bud. She climaxed shortly, but before her orgasm came he pulled away, leaving her eyes screaming for him to stay. He smiled again and kissed her lush lips, groaning deeply as her tongue met his.

They were both pretty desperate to continue, but Buck liked to see her pleading eyes search for him when he moved and to have her hands reaching for him. He gave her a wistful grin and sat up by her side, trying to figure out what to do next. Before he could think of anything, Kate threw herself up and took a firm hold of his member. She licked and sucked until he nearly screamed, her fingers searching for that spot below his sac. He fell against the bed with her still working him, both moaning in rhythm with her sucking. She continued by taking his testicles into her mouth, sucking on them for a few moments each. When she finally let go of him, he was the one to change tempo. Placing himself on top of her he placed his member by her opening, teasing her into another climax, this time entering her right as she came. She screamed his name, moving with him as he began to thrust, slowly making love to her. Shortly there was nothing else heard in the room than the moans and screams the couple made as they both reached their peaks of passion.

Chapter 5

Rachel came bursting into the bunkhouse, where Cody was slowly waking.

"Where's Buck?" the woman asked angrily.

"I dunno, Rachel, ask Jimmy," Cody groaned, pulling the covers over his head.

"He didn't come back last night, did he?" Rachel continued, glancing out the window to see Kid and Lou emerge from the house.

"Don't look like it," Jimmy said, dusting off his jacket. He had just returned from his run. "His bed's not used."

Rachel sighed deeply, walking out to greet the newlyweds.

"Have you seen Buck?" she asked.

"Nope. Why, is he gone?" Kid asked back.

"Looks like he didn't come back last night either. I'm getting tired of this game."

Kid and Lou shrugged, walking with her to prepare breakfast in the bunkhouse.

Buck awoke from the warm sun beaming through the window, stretching carefully in Kate's arms. He was sore, stiff and tired, but looking at his lover's peaceful face he had to smile contentedly. She stirred and looked up moments later, smiling also.

"How long you been awake?" she asked.

"A couple of minutes maybe. Good morning," he said, pulling closer to kiss her affectionately.

"Mmmhhh, I love this," she smiled and purred as his arms embraced her.

"Me too, and you know what else I love?" he asked.

"Tell me…"

"I love your eyes," he started, kissing her eyelids. "I love your cheeks," he continued, kissing them too. He continued to kiss all the parts of her face he mentioned. "I love your chin… you lips… your neck…"

"Buck, stop," Kate giggled, his warm lips moving lower.

"I love your chest… Mmmhh, and your breasts… I love your belly…" he continued.

"Buck!" she squealed, laughing as he continued underneath the covers.

"I love your thighs… your knees… Oh, and your feet…" He reemerged by her side after kissing her toes one by one.

"But your lips are probably the best, if I must choose…" he grinned, kissing them again.

As her lips began to trail down his neck he pulled away regretfully.

"What?" Kate wondered with a worried frown.

"I must get back to the station," he sighed sadly.

"Why? You said yesterday it didn't matter," Kate whined, hugging him hard to make him surrender.

"It doesn't. But I must, they're still my friends. I don't want them too angry, but I tell you what," he said, hugging her back just as firmly.


"If I go there today, I don't have to be there tomorrow… How about that?"

Kate smiled, but the disappointment still shone in her eyes.

"Alright, get outta here… I'll come by tonight, okay?"

"I'll be waiting," he smiled, kissing her once before climbing out of bed.

"I wanna tell you more about Sherryleen," she said as he started to dress.


"Our daughter. Her name's Sherryleen. You don't mind, do you?"

Buck smiled widely, leaning down to place a kiss on her lips.

"Of course I don't, Sherryleen is a perfect name," he said, kissing her again.

"Sherri's been really helpful, she took care of me and our daughter after I was forced to leave Salt Lake," Kate explained.

"Why were you forced to leave?" Buck frowned, picking up his shirt from the floor.

"I was pregnant, that's a no-no for saloon girls. Didn't I tell you that once?"

"Yeah, you did," Buck smiled, dreaming himself back to the day he first met Kate. "Why did you ever talk to me?" he added with a frown.

"You talked to me, remember? But the truth be told, I was kinda interested in you even before that… I saw you in town, you and Ike. I couldn't help but think you were the handsomest man I'd ever seen," Kate blushed.

"So, you were only interested in my body?" Buck said half seriously.

"At first, but as I got to know you I realized you were so much more than that. You were a wonderful soul and I'm sure a wonderful friend. I often wondered what would have become of us if you'd stayed… Or if the situation was different…" Kate trailed off.

"Well, it is now," Buck smiled, placing a last kiss on her forehead, then headed for the door. "I'd love to hear more about her. I'll miss you."

"Me too, be careful now," Kate smiled, watching him out the door.

She laid in the big bed just staring at the ceiling, helplessly realizing how lonely she felt without him. She knew all along her feelings for him hadn't died, but she never thought they would come back to quickly, so strong. She sighed and allowed herself to sleep some more, dreaming of her daughter in her father's arms.

Arriving at the way station minutes later, Buck was met by an angry Rachel. He sighed at the very sight of her, but he walked up to her to receive the yelling.

"Buck, may I remind you that you have responsibilities here?" she spat, standing in front of him with a basket of laundry in her arms.

"I know, but I'm here now, okay?" he said, holding his hands up to prevent her from erupting again. "I'm here all day, Kate won't come over until tonight."

"Buck, I think it's wonderful you and Kate are reunited, but you have a job to do as well. Maybe you better discuss this with Teaspoon?" Rachel spoke, a lot calmer already.

"What's there to discuss?" Buck asked.

"Your future for one thing. Buck, you have a daughter to support!"

"I know, and I'm gonna find something else. Just not right now, I have chores," he excused himself to the barn, half running there to get away from all the yelling.

He felt as if he was torn in two different directions, both wanting to finish his chores and be a good boy, and still he wanted to spend all the time in the world in Kate's arms. He had wanted to be with her for over two years, and now when she was finally there within reach he had too many other responsibilities to take care of. It was eating him alive, and if that wasn't enough the stress was killing him. He wanted to be in three places at the same time, but Kate's arms seemed to pull hardest. Rachel was right, he had to talk to Teaspoon about the situation, and if possible change it for the better.

Chapter 6

Lou and Kid, Jimmy and Cody stood behind the barn, all watching their Kiowa friend chopping wood across the yard.

"Has anyone else noticed a change in him since Kate came here?" Cody asked.

"Sure have," Jimmy agreed, glancing at the newlywed couple.

"We haven't been around him much," Kid excused himself, not wanting to be a part of this conversation that was building.

"No, we've been kinda busy, since we moved to the house and all…" Lou continued, smiling at her husband.

"I bet you have," Jimmy smirked.

"But I must say, though… He does seem a lot different," Lou said.

"Yeah, much, um… I dunno, he's different!" Cody stammered.

"I heard him talk to Rachel this morning, and he was plain rude," Jimmy chimed in, leaning against the corral fence, still with his eyes fixed on Buck who continued with his chores, unknowing.

"That's not the change I was talking about," Lou said.

"What were you talking about then?" Jimmy asked lazily.

"He's so much happier, haven't you seen it? He's got this light in his eyes, all glistering."

"He does look like he's struck gold," Kid nodded.

"I think it's weird, that's all. She shows up here after all that time, tells him he has a daughter and then makes him sleep with her… I mean, has he ever missed a run before? Something stinks in this story," Jimmy said.

"Maybe they're just very happy to have found each other?" Kid tried.

"No, Jimmy's right. Have any of you heard him say anything at all about Noah or Jesse? Before Kate came here he was devastated!" Lou cried, hushing herself so Buck wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, I agree. He used to be so… moody, hard to reach… I'm glad he's changed, I mean sure he's a lot happier since she came, but still…" Cody started and didn't have to finish. They all knew what he meant.

"What if that child isn't his?" Jimmy said thoughtfully after a few moments in silence, receiving both worried and confused glances from his friends.

Rachel was making dinner when an exhausted Buck came inside the bunkhouse, barely removing his boots and hat before falling headlong onto his bunk.

"You alright?" Rachel asked worriedly, receiving a silent nod.

Minutes later the other riders and Kid and Lou came in, seating themselves at the table.

"It's not done yet, you'll have to wait," Rachel said, the riders grunting while retreating to their bunks.

"Now, what did you do to Buck?"

"We didn't do anything, he worked his… hands off before we could even help him," Jimmy said, watching his language carefully.

"Guess he wanted to make up to us for not showing up this morning," Cody grinned, turning to look at the already half sleeping figure to his right.

"Don't you want some dinner, Buck?" Rachel asked but received no answer.

"Let him sleep," Jimmy smiled, grinning with Cody.

"Yeah, if Kate's coming by he'll need to be rested," the blond man laughed with his friends.

Kid and Lou couldn't help but see at least some humor in it, but Buck seemed to either ignore them or he didn't hear them. He was turned to the wall, his blanket pulled up over his shoulder and his head sinking into the pillow. Lou smiled, resisting the urge to walk over and kiss him for being so cute. Instead she placed her lips on Kid's, surprising him in his laughter.

Buck awoke suddenly by a soft hand on his shoulder, and turning he saw it was Kate. She smiled down at him, sitting on the bedside behind him.

"Hi," she whispered, leaning down to kiss him.

"God, I totally forgot you were coming over," he spoke with a dry voice, kissing her back.

Glancing over her shoulder he saw the people in the bunkhouse were all staring at them, smiling knowingly. He sat up, embracing Kate's slender waist, kissing her neck. If they so gladly wanna stare let's give 'em a show…

Kate obliged and kissed him back, but soon withdrew.

"Don't you wanna eat?" she asked.

"Are you?" he asked back and she nodded. "Then sure."

He climbed out of bed and walked with her to the table. The riders and Rachel stifled their giggles, and Teaspoon seemed to be the only one who didn't really care. He offered Kate some space beside him.

"Thanks," she said, still somewhat wary of the old marshal. He had surely scared her the other day.

Buck sat beside her, looking at the smirking Jimmy across the table. Cody, who sat beside Jimmy, was nearly shaking as he tried to keep his mouth shut.

"What?" Buck asked.

"Nothing," Jimmy promised, giggling with Cody, nudging him in the ribs.

"Good," Buck continued, looking over the watching faces. "May I have the stew please?"

Kate walked beside Buck to the hotel. He was about to tell her something she didn't want to hear, but first he wanted to apologize for his friends.

"They're not always like that," he smiled sort of embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it," Kate smiled back, squeezing his hand. "I love you anyway."

"I wouldn't if I were you, they can really be…" he started with a growing urgency in his voice. "Okay, let's not go into that," he chuckled, placing his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, I can't wait to wake up with you tomorrow," she purred, leaning into him as they continued to stroll slowly in the moonlit darkness.

"Um… There's something I gotta tell you," he started uncomfortably, looking down into her emerald eyes.

"What now?"

"I have to take Jimmy's run… tonight."

Kate pulled free from him in disappointment.

"But you promised!" she cried.

"I know, I didn't think I'd have to do it… I'll be back after dark tomorrow. I'm sorry," he sighed, taking her chin in his hand.

"Buck, you promised we'd have all day together," Kate insisted, melting as his lips touched hers.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Can't you come up now?"

"No, I gotta be ready in an hour," he sighed again.

"I just wanna talk about Sherryleen," Kate whined, hugging his waist. "Please?"

"I can't…"

"So, you'll be back tomorrow, huh?" she changed the subject.

"After dark."

"Will you come over then?"

"I'll be really tired," he promised.

"Doesn't matter, we'll just sleep then. I just wanna be with you…" she said, falling against his chest, feeling his arms around her.

"I've never had anyone waiting for me like that before," he smiled, looking up at the sky.

"You do now," she whispered, kissing his neck. "And you better like it…"

"No problem!" he smiled, taking her hand again, proceeding toward the hotel.

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and was on his way again. Kate looked after him and smiled, blowing him a kiss before entering the building behind her.

Chapter 7

Kate was asleep in her bed when Buck came in, placing the key she had given him on the table inside the door. He pulled his clothes off, wearily standing over the lovely figure under the quilt covers. He went around the bed and laid down, easing himself down between the sheets to hug her from behind. She stirred and tried to turn around when realization sank in and she smiled, relaxing in his embrace.

"I didn't think you'd come," she murmured, placing her hand on top of his on her stomach.

"I got tied up at the station in Blue Creek. I'm sorry I woke you," he whispered back and kissed her shoulder.

"I was hoping you would," she purred and took a deep breath, smiling at the wonderful feeling to have him there.

"I'm really beat," he spoke sadly, hoping she hadn't forgotten he said that before too. He really couldn't make love to her in this state, or he would pass out.

"I know, but I love lying here with you," she smiled and turned over on her back.

Though the room was dark she could see the exhaustion in his eyes, and actually on his entire face. She lifted her hand and placed it on his warm cheek. His hair damp from the shower he had had chilled his neck, but his face was warm from the long ride and physical strain.

"You okay?" she asked and he smiled wearily.

"A bit stiff, but yeah, I'm okay."

"Turn around," she said with a sudden change in her voice, and tired as he was he obliged without arguing.

Her hands worked miracles on his back and shoulders, kneading and massaging every muscle until he was sighing contentedly. Kate could tell he was beginning to relax some, his head sinking into the pillow and his muscles much softer now. She kissed his shoulder and hugged his waist loosely, settling in for some more sleep before dawn would break.

The morning came in a hurry, waking the sleeping couple. Buck turned stiffly to look at Kate, who smiled at him a bit sheepishly.

"What are you up to?" he asked suspiciously, looping his arms around her.

"Me? Why would I be up to anything?" she replied, letting one hand trail down his chest toward his manhood.

"Knowing you …" he grinned, kissing her lips lightly.

"Kate, I'm really tired," he said as he rolled over on his back with a sigh.

"Still? Doesn't sleep do anything for you? What planet are you from?" Kate giggled, climbing to lie over his chest, looking into his eyes. "Isn't this exciting at all?" she mumbled lowly and slipped her hand under the waistband of his longjohns.

"Could be," he said, feeling her fingers trace his length.

"What's wrong? Don't I treat you good?" Kate tried with a seductive smile, touching his scrotum.

"You know I love you," he started, taking her wrist to lead her hand away from him. "But I'm really beat, I'm sorry."

Kate sighed, rolling off of him. She glanced at him sheepishly, her lips forming a silent 'O' as she sank into her deep thoughts.

"You are up to something," he chuckled.

"I was," she admitted nonchalantly. "But not anymore, since mister I don't care how sexy you are or how much you try to seduce me, is too tired," she spoke quickly, turning away from him with a mocking glare in her eyes.

Buck had to laugh. He rolled over on his side again and took her into his arms once again.

"You're really cute when you do that," he said, kissing her neck.

Kate turned over her shoulder, meeting his lips, placing his hand on her breast.

"Still too tired?" she asked.

"Well," he started, slipping his tongue into her mouth in a long, deep kiss. "Convince me."

"Thought you'd never ask," she smiled and turned in his arms, pushing him onto his back.

She moved her hand down to pull his longjohns down on his thighs, taking his limp manhood in her hand, two fingers caressing his testicles. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and surrender to the lust filled passion he saw in her deep green eyes, meeting her lush pinkish lips for a soul searching kiss. She smiled in satisfaction over the warmth in her hand where his member was slowly growing.

"Well, cowboy… Wanna go for a ride, or you wanna stir up some dust of your own?" she asked in a slow, creamy voice.

"Ladies first," he smiled, awaiting her next move.

She moved between his legs at that comment, pulling his longjohns to his ankles and finally getting rid of them completely. She then knelt between his knees, which she spread some to give herself better access to his swelling erection. She took it in her hand, rubbing it up and down, content with just watching it grow at her sensual touch. She finally leant forward to first kiss and then suck on his throbbing head. She glanced up at him, feeling his legs cocking beside her. He climbed up on his elbows to watch her, seeing his entire length down to the root of his manhood disappear into her warm, wet mouth. He let out a shallow moan, breathing ruggedly as she continued to suck him in and out of her mouth. He was already on the brink of orgasm, but she withdrew from him and climbed up over his hips, lowering herself slowly onto his member. She stopped halfway down, rising again.

She continued to tease both of them this way, lowering herself further every time. She smiled as she heard his frustrated moan, grunting for her to continue.

She felt him deep inside her, sliding all the way down, finally. His eyes closed, but he remained on his elbows, his legs buckled behind her, almost offering her something to lean on. She began to ride his rock hard pole of pleasure, slowly moving up and down, back and forth.

"You're killing me," he panted, his hips bucking to meet her.

"Don't worry, sugar. You'll live," she spoke seductively, falling onto his chest to kiss him deeply.

He panted even harder, his breathing becoming punctuated with soft little sighs of pleasure as she rose herself again, and continued her rocking with his stiffness still growing inside her.

"You're really killing me," he breathed heavily, his head falling back in a silent scream of bliss.

Kate smiled and began picking up speed. She rode him hard and fast, occasionally falling back against his thighs when her body gave out, shivering in orgasm after orgasm. Buck let out a cry of agony and intense ecstasy, collapsing onto the mattress, panting so heavily every breath became a moan.

"You're not giving up on me, are you?" Kate asked, her hands reaching for his sweaty face, her body tight on his.

"You got me into this, you have no right to complain!" he near shouted, arching his head so far back he saw the headboard of the bed.

Kate rose herself and began riding somewhat slower, her hands landing on his stomach, tracing the muscles showing there with her fingers. His breathing was calming somewhat, but his heart remained galloping in his chest, pounding so hard it hurt. He looked up at her again, reaching for her breasts. He took both nipples between his fingers and rolled them pebble hard. She moaned and kissed him again, her fingers working on his nipples too. She soon pulled herself up and picked up speed once again.

Buck's vision went all black as he reached his climax, the room swirling around him so violently he thought he'd be sick, his eyes rolling so far back Kate saw only the really white parts. Almost a full minute later he found himself mumbling the same words uncontrollably.

"I'm alive, oh I'm really alive…"

"I told you you'd survive," Kate panted, all but falling off of him. "God, that was beautiful!"

Buck was still fighting to catch his breath, but he nodded at her remark.

"What a morning," he mumbled finally, turning to embrace his lover.

"And you thought you were too tired," Kate scolded him playfully, encircling him with her arms.

"I was!" he cried, smiling into her hair. "I've got some great news, by the way," he added.

"Yeah, and what's that?"

"On Tuesday Jimmy and Cody are both out on runs, and won't come back until Wednesday morning. Kid and Lou are going on a honeymoon on Monday and Rachel will be visiting a friend in Cedar Creek. So…" he paused, kissing her neck while he continued. "The bunkhouse will be all empty, and it's only me and Teaspoon at the station… What do you say?"

"You asking me out, Buck Cross?" Kate smiled, letting her head deeper into the pillow to allow him better access to her neck.

"No, I'm asking you to come home with me," he grinned, his kisses growing more intense at her collarbone.

"Me and you in the bunkhouse? Just the two of us, all alone? Now, what could possibly go wrong…?" Kate smiled wider, all but pushing his head down to her chest, gasping as he began sucking on her nipples.

"Nothing from this position," Buck mumbled and continued what he started.

Chapter 8

As Buck and Kate came to the post station later that day, Buck decided he should have that talk with Teaspoon. He excused himself to find the marshal, leaving Kate in the bunkhouse with Jimmy. She smiled awkwardly and sat on Buck's bunk.

"So, you two alright?" Jimmy asked, sitting at the table cleaning up his two Colts.

"We're fine, shouldn't we be?" Kate asked back.

"No, I was just wonderin'… He's barely ever around anymore, I haven't had a chance to ask him," Jimmy murmured.

"Well, we're fine."

There was another silence, Jimmy turning his attention to his guns and Kate nervously stroking the blanket she sat on, trying to smooth it out until there wasn't a wrinkle in sight.

"Where you from?" Jimmy asked suddenly, startling her.

"Uh, here and there…" she mumbled, looking around in the room.

"You and Buck met in Salt Lake City, right?" Jimmy continued without looking up.

"That's right. I was working at a saloon there when he and Ike came into town," Kate explained, not liking what this conversation was coming to.

"Now, what would a pretty lady like yourself do working at a saloon?" Jimmy grinned, still having eyes only for his guns.

Kate rose silently, heading for the door.

"What ladies do most in a saloon, I suppose," she murmured and disappeared outside.

Jimmy looked up suddenly, shocked. And Buck slept with her?

Buck found Teaspoon behind the barn, mending the corral fence.

"I'm glad it's you, Buck… we need to talk," the marshal said without looking up, several nails sticking out from the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too," Buck said lowly, kneeling to pick up a new plank for Teaspoon.

"You know I'm not too happy about how you've been dissing your chores lately," Teaspoon mumbled, reaching for the hammer.

"Yeah, I know…"

"What you plannin' to do?"

"I dunno… Kate and I haven't discussed it yet."

"But you're stickin' together, huh?"

"Of course. Teaspoon, I know what you're likely to say, but we do love each other. That's the truth," Buck spoke honestly, helping the marshal with another plank.

Teaspoon put down the hammer and stood straight, looking into Buck's eyes.

"Son, I never had any youngens, but I know what kind of commitment that is. Now, you may not have much choice, but it's now you're about to make the decisions that will make your child's future. You with me?"

Buck nodded.

"If you love Kate, and you're ready to live a life with her and your daughter, then you must plan ahead some, not just live day by day as it comes. You gotta find a place to live and a paying job. You know the company is likely to shut down the Express any day now, and I think it's time you look for something else. You're all gonna have to do it sooner or later, but since you got a family already I think now might be a good time to do some of that plannin'…" Teaspoon cocked an eyebrow, receiving another not from Buck.

"I will," he said lowly.

An hour later the bunkhouse was crowded by Kid and Lou, Jimmy, Cody and Teaspoon.

"Where's Buck?" Lou asked, not to find out, just to state he wasn't there.

"Probably with that girl of his," Jimmy muttered from his bunk.

"Been spendin' a whole lot of time around her lately, hasn't he?" Cody grimaced.

"That's good, ain't it?" Teaspoon chimed in, sipping at his afternoon cup of coffee.

"But don't you think it's weird, he barely even knows her!" Lou said, obviously disturbed by the facts.

"Apparently good enough to, uh…" Cody began.

"Dance!" Jimmy filled in with a big grin to go with it.

"Oh, come on! You guys know what I mean! You're all so obsessed with the thought of them together, but have you all forgotten about Noah?" Lou cried, tears in her eyes at the mentioning of her late friend.

"No one's forgotten, Lou," her husband spoke calmly.

"I think it's good Buck's found himself someone to love," Teaspoon said, his old eyes looking over the riders and the newlyweds.

"But he's supposed to be grieving!" Lou cried angrily, the tears close to brimming over.

"Of course he's grieving, Lou," Cody said.

"But she's got a point. He's barely ever around for his chores," Jimmy pointed out.

"And he did skip that run the other day…" Kid said thoughtfully.

There was a pause in the discussion, the riders looking from face to face, no one knowing where to continue.

"That's why I told him to go lookin' for a new job today," Teaspoon spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.

"He quit?" Cody asked.

"You fired him?" Jimmy spoke unbelievingly.

"Teaspoon, ain't he workin' here no more?" Lou asked, seeking her husband's embrace.

"I'm waitin' for him to quit, I don't wanna give him the boot," Teaspoon said. "He said he'd look for a new job and then he'll let us know what happens. Until then he'll work half here part time."

"And all his because of Kate?" Cody asked.

"She'll bring him down!" Lou cried.

"Maybe he's got something planned, they do have a child to think of," Kid tried.

"And how do we know it's his?" Jimmy cried doubtfully, looking deep into everyone's eyes. "We haven't even seen it yet!"

"Exactly, Hickok!" Teaspoon spoke, getting tired of the spilling anger in the rider's voice. "We haven't seen the girl, and we don't know Kate. If she says Buck is the father, then we'll believe her."

"But she used to be a whore!" Jimmy cried, causing another spine chilling silence between the people in the room.

Chapter 9

The following Tuesday morning found Jimmy and Cody mounted and ready to leave on their run. They looked first to the porch, where Buck stood alone watching them off with a cup of coffee in his hand, then at each other, exchanging a knowing glance. No one had spoken to Buck about their little conversation in the bunkhouse, and it was obvious the only one who didn't care was Teaspoon. He had dismissed everything Jimmy said moments after the words came out, saying it was none of their business. After stating that he had left.

Rachel came out of the house with a handbag and a small hat in her hands, approaching the riders at the barn. Teaspoon had hitched a horse and a wagon there, on which the blonde beauty would be escorted to Cedar Creek. After that Jimmy and Cody would ride on in separate directions, to return again the following day.

Buck was happy his friends were leaving, having felt a distinct difference in the air between himself and the others. They seemed to avoid him, though he couldn't understand what he had done wrong. He had finished his chores around the station just like he agreed to with Teaspoon, and he had also taken two short runs to nearby stations. He couldn't understand what the grudge was all about. A couple of days without the other riders around couldn't exactly make things worse, he thought.

The riders waved to Teaspoon as they began to move out, but didn't bother to cast Buck a look. He leaned against the railing and sipped at his hot coffee, glancing at Teaspoon. He knew the old man was holding back something, but before he could summon enough courage to go and ask him about it, Kate emerged from town and blew all the uneasy thoughts off his mind. He smiled and welcomed her with a hug.

They spent the morning and most of the day walking by the creek, Kate revealing more and more about their daughter. Buck held her pale hand in his tanned, squeezing it occasionally when his emotions became too thick in his throat. Kate wanted to tell him everything about their lovechild, and the more he knew the harder to keep from crying. He had never before been so happy, having a woman that he loved more than anything by his side and her child just waiting in Baltimore. He asked her when she would go fetch her, eagerly searching her deep green eyes for the answer.

"There is something we need to discuss before I get her," Kate said, a sad tone creeping into her voice.

"Is it money? I know I owe you for two years, and I'll make that up to you. Really, Kate. I'm responsible for this as much as you, and I'll do whatever I can to help you. Both of you," Buck spoke honestly, looking deep into her eyes. She blushed suddenly and looked away.

"Buck, sweetie… it's not money. I just wanna know what will happen after I bring Sherry with me here. We can't stay at a hotel for the rest of our days, and…" she paused, looking up to meet his eyes. "Buck, she needs a father."

"And you found me. I'm here for you, Kate."

"Let me reformulate that… She needs a family. She's been raised mostly my me, and Sherri's helped a lot. She's never had a father figure, and never a safe home. I'm not asking you to make any commitments to me, but I must know exactly how you feel, Buck…" she looked up again, her tone still somewhat sad.

"I love you," he whispered and covered her lips with his. "I love you sweetheart, and I'd love to make commitments to you."

Kate broke the affectionate kiss, a warm smile on her pink lips. Her eyes sparkled with renewed hope. "Let's not get too hasty," she spoke wisely. "I've made other plans for tonight," she whispered huskily and kissed him again, leading him back toward the station.

Teaspoon met the couple as they came back. He watched them first from a distance, then approached them with a light heart. Seeing them together was all the proof he needed of their love.

"Good evening you two," he said and tipped his hat at Kate.

"Good evening," she blushed, still holding Buck's hand tightly in hers.

"I'll leave you to yourselves, I just wanted to say good night and good bye," Teaspoon continued.

"You going somewhere?" Buck frowned.

"There's a couple of highwaymen on the loose a few miles out of town. I've been asked to join a posse to track 'em down. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but Rachel and the others are informed. Wish me luck!" the marshal grinned, walking to his horse.

"You sure you don't need another gun?" Buck asked.

"Pretty sure, but I appreciate the offer, son. Take care of Rachel while I'm gone!" Teaspoon begged as he mounted.

"Of course," Buck nodded.

"And each other," Teaspoon added and gave Kate a wink.

"Will do, marshal!" she smiled and felt her cheeks get hot again.

They waved him off, then looked at each other in silence.

"Well, it looks like it's only us after all…" Buck said slyly, taking Kate's hand.

"You hungry already?" she asked as she was lead towards the bunkhouse.

"Well, I'm still a little surprised you cook, but… no, I'm not hungry yet…" he smiled over his shoulder. Kate smiled too, followed him up on the porch. He opened the door and let them both in, standing in front of her to kiss her deeply. She felt his tongue slide over her teeth, his hands rising to her head, his body tightly against hers. She smiled as she realized just what was on his mind, feeling a growing bulge down his middle. She clung her arms around his neck, feeling him lift her off her feet. He moved toward the table, sitting her down on it. His head lowered to her chest, where his hands were already busy opening her dress. He bit carefully at the upper side of her breast, where it was revealed in a low cut. He had first been quite surprised to see her in such a revealing outfit, which caused his thoughts to drift back to the day when he saw her at the saloon in Salt Lake City, but the shawl she had worn around her shoulders had covered enough to keep her dignity. Now he couldn't be happier she had chosen such a dress, his lips kissing feverishly at her naked skin. The shawl had long since fallen to the floor.

Kate gasped and held his head at her chest, running her fingers back and forth though his thick hair, sighing in pleasure as his lips moved lower through her now open dress. His hands cupped her breasts, letting his thumbs brush over her hardening nipples, his tongue sliding wetly over her skin. She felt him tug at the hem of her dress, lifting it up to her waist. She trailed her fingers down to open the top of his shirt before he moved upon the table as well, gracefully as an animal, still with his head like stuck to her chest. Kate laid down with him on top, struggling to open his trousers. She felt his hard member in her hand, sought his lips with hers as he finally looked up. They kissed only long enough for Buck to again feel the hot passion overcome him, and he grew desperate to have her. He entered her wetness moments later, moaning ruggedly.

Kate was breathing heavily under him, using her arms to hold him tightly against her body, not letting go for anything in the world. Buck's thrusts made her moan in delight, her hips moving to meet his. He picked up speed and rode her faster and faster, feeling her fingers dig into his back. He heard both himself and Kate nearly scream instead of moaning, their shared passion filling the room with cries of lust. He soon felt Kate contract around his still growing erection, her hips like frozen for a short moment. He continued to thrust until he couldn't take it anymore, screaming out his pleasure as he came. They panted for a long moment, until Buck realized he must be heavy and therefor moved off the table. Kate was blushing hot still and was shaking all over while she fastened and corrected her dress. Buck smiled almost shyly at her while dressing, his hands still shaky too.

"I'll never be able to eat at that table again," he smiled.

"Then where do you suggest we have dinner?" Kate asked.

"There's always the floor," Buck suggested, looking toward the fireplace. "Over there could be pretty nice for example…"

"Well, start a fire then," Kate said seductively, taken by surprise when he swung her into his embrace and kissed her hot lips for a long minute. "Over at the fireplace, silly!"

Buck smiled and let go of her. He knelt by the fireplace and started picking with the sticks and matches, while Kate moved over to the stove. She had a special treat for him that her mother had taught her how to make, and after eating there was only one thing she could think of making…

Chapter 10

Buck clung his arm around Kate's waist, scooting close to the body he had come to worship. He was so tired and spent his eyes wouldn't stay open, and all he wanted to do was sleep, preferably forever. Kate's voice broke the silence and yanked him away from the sweet dream forming in the back of his head.



"I need to tell you somethin' honey," Kate continued, placing her hand on his on her hip, spreading his fingers to slide her own in between.


"You listenin'?"


Kate smiled, letting her body relax against his behind her back.

"That's alright, baby. I'll tell you in the morning, I want your full attention for this," she decided, settling in to sleep.

"Mmmhh…" Buck mumbled again and sank deeper into the pillow.

Cody and Jimmy were getting closer and closer to the station, both tired and hungry from their almost non-stop ride. It was only a few hours after dawn, and if things went their way they would be back before lunch.

Meanwhile, Buck and Kate were waking in he bunkhouse. Kate stretched in his arms and smiled at his tired expression.

"You slept well?" she asked and touched his warm cheek.

"Like a baby!" he smiled back tiredly.

"Did you sleep enough?" Kate asked next, a wistful smirk parting her lips.

Buck sighed and grunted in good humor, remembering what he had promised her when he had been as spent as a man can get. He would make love to her again as soon as he could, wanting to or not. If he didn't Kate threatened to stay in Rock Creek another month before going to Baltimore to get their daughter. Secretly, Buck wouldn't mind having her there longer, but with her hand brushing over his nipples and her hips moving slowly over his shaft he had to say what she wanted to hear.

"Mmmhh," he smiled slyly, shifting beside her.

"Then what are you waiting for?" she purred, taking his head in her hand to bring him to her lips.

Jimmy brushed the dust off his trousers and walked toward the bunkhouse. There were no signs of Buck or Kate anywhere, but since it was almost noon he had to assume they were in town. Opening the door o the bunkhouse he met the last sight he would ever dream of seeing. Buck and Kate lay totally engulfed in each other in Buck's bunk, him on top and her squirming underneath, both moaning and breathing heavily.

Jimmy swallowed the shock and backed out the door, seeing Buck's sweaty body move over Kate's under the sheets.

"Buck, someone just came in," she panted, her hands gripping his biceps hard.

"I know," he answered in a moan, grinding his hips into hers. "I don't care," he breathed and continued to thrust until he reached a senseless state of ecstasy. Jimmy's face looked pale when Cody approached the steps, but he soon regained his composure and stopped his friend from going in.

"You don't wanna do that," he assured him.

"Why not? Jimmy, what's wrong with you?" Cody asked with a frown. "I'm just gonna leave my things and get a meal!"

"Not yet you're not. They're in there," Jimmy answered shortly.


"The lovecats, perhaps," Jimmy raised a brow.

"Buck and Kate? So what, I know what they look like."

"I don't think you do," Jimmy nodded.

"What's wrong with you?" Cody repeated and approached the door, again stopped by Jimmy's hand.

"They're… you know, dancing!" Jimmy hissed.

"They're… in there?!" Cody cried.

"Shut up, you fool! Yes, in there!"

Cody felt something thick in his throat and nodded silently.

"I'm gonna look after my horse," he murmured and went back to the barn, shaking his head.

Buck sighed and closed his eyes. Kate was biting her lips to keep the scream in her throat, climaxing harder than ever. Buck moaned deeply and let his head into the pillow. He screamed silently at first, not finding his voice until it was almost over. He laid panting for a long time before looking up.

"You're too good for me," he whispered and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," Kate smiled.

"A lot," Buck agreed and attempted to roll off her.

"Please, not yet," Kate insisted and held him in place.

"Is this how our life is gonna be?" Buck asked after a few moments of contemplation.

"Our life? I like the sound to that…" Kate smiled. "And I sure hope it's gonna be like this!"

"Kate, will you marry me?" Buck asked without thinking, his mouth moving without giving her a chance to answer. "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I love you so much I couldn't ever imagine life with someone else, and we have our daughter, and…"

"Buck!" Kate broke his trailing thoughts.

He looked into her green eyes and finally realized what he had just done. He waited for the answer, trying to hear it before she even spoke it.

"Yes, you idiot!" she giggled. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Buck's face softened.


"Yes! How many times do I have to say it?" she laughed, lifting her head to kiss his trembling lips.


Buck deepened the kiss until their tongues were dancing endlessly, both gasping for breath but still kissing just for the thrill of it.

Buck walked out on the porch half dressed, meeting Jimmy standing by the railing. He nodded at his friend, too happy and filled with joy and love to allow anyone to spoil it. Especially the mood around the station lately. Jimmy nodded back, though there was something in his eyes. He seemed restless and before long he stood tall and opened his mouth.

"How the hell did you even come up with an idea like that?!" he spat and pointed toward the door.

"So it was you… Sorry!" Buck answered casually, a dreaming sparkle in his eyes.

"Sorry?!" Jimmy blurted. "What if Rachel had come in there?!"

"Rachel ain't here."

"But she could've been! Dammit, in the bunkhouse?!" Jimmy continued.

"We lost track of time, you weren't supposed to have seen it," Buck shrugged.

"Bit I did! For God's sake Buck, you have a hotel room all to yourselves, why couldn't you be there?" Jimmy continued in the same distressed tone.

"We simply weren't, okay? I told you I was sorry," Buck explained calmly.

Jimmy took a few deep breaths and kicked at some invisible dirt on the porch.

"So, uh… was it any good?" he asked when curiosity took the better of him.

Buck smiled widely, looking like an embarrassed school boy.

"Well, look at her… Of course it was good, more than good!" he said proudly.

"You're one lucky fish, you know that don't you?" Jimmy laughed.

"I don't know about fish, but yeah… I feel kinda lucky," Buck said and thought of how her answer sounded again. Yes, you fool!

"Just don't ever let me see that again!" Jimmy smiled and pointed at the bunkhouse door, receiving a shy smile from Buck.

"Not making any promises yet," he chuckled.

Chapter 11

Kate found Buck behind the barn, chopping wood. She helped him stack them for a moment, then called for his attention.


"Mmhh…" he murmured, obviously uninterested in a conversation.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Kate begged.

"Can it wait? I'm busy…" Buck continued to murmur, raising the axe above his head.

"No, I don't think it can. Please?"

When the axe impacted with the log Buck turned to her suddenly.

"What is it, you look awful…" he said, turning to pick the pieces from the ground.

"I'm fine, but we need to talk."

"Yeah? Why, you having second thoughts?" Buck asked, suddenly cold inside. What if she thinks we're rushing things…

"Of course not, sweetie!" she smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Buck! Kate! Dinner's ready!" Jimmy called from the bunkhouse porch.

"We, uh… we better go before he gets offended. He's not the best cook, you see," Buck smiled. Dammit, there's something in her eyes…

They walked side by side to the bunkhouse, but with every step Buck felt something was wrong. Something told him he should ask her what it was, but another part of him wanted to just stay silent. Eventually that part of him won.

The following night Buck and Kate strolled the length of the porch, both glancing up at the sky. The bright stars shone down on them, making the darkness comfortable and cozy. They held each other's hand, enjoying the silence and privacy. Suddenly Kate broke free and leant against the railing, pulling him close to her.

"Buck honey, I must talk to you."

Buck shook his head and leant down to kiss her lips carefully, then deepening it with his tongue.

"Please?" Kate spoke, but was cut short by Buck's searching lips, moving down her neck.

"Buck, please. It's important…"

"So's this…" Buck mumbled before sucking on her exposed collarbone.

Kate sighed in both pleasure and frustration, giving in to the growing passion in her stomach. Before she knew it she was dragging him with her to the hotel.

Kate brushed her lover's hair back from his face, waking him carefully. He was only dozing after a morning of pure ecstasy, but still it took some time before he opened his eyes.

"I love you," he purred and willingly accepted her lips which descended to his.

"I love you too, Mr. Cross…" Kate said, just tasting the words thoughtfully.

"Mrs. Cross…" Buck smiled drowsily, her fingertips working miracles on his scalp, causing pleasant shivers to run all the way up and down his spine.

"It's gonna be so wonderful," Kate said dreamily, sighing contentedly.

"I'm gonna have to get you a ring," Buck stated.

"You sure better!" Kate giggled, then relaxed again.

"Maybe I better get on it right away," Buck said, rising from the bed.

"Do you really have to? Buck, we still haven't talked…"

"We can talk later, I gotta work now so I can afford a wedding ring. Not to mention the wedding itself!" Buck shook his head at her sullen mood.

"I have money for that," Kate assured him.

"No wife of mine will pay for her own wedding," Buck stated half seriously, pulling on his clothes. "Come over for lunch and we can talk then."

He pulled on his boots as well, then turned back to her.

"That is, if you can put up with Jimmy's cooking for a little longer!"

Two days past before Kate found herself alone with Buck again. A sudden mail run to Blue Creek had come between her plans to talk to him, but now she was determined to have that talk. Finally.

Buck had run into Rachel on his way back, and the two of them were now sitting on the porch, drinking afternoon coffee.

"Buck, can you come with me to the hotel? Now please," Kate spoke somewhat sternly, which surprised both Buck and Rachel.

"Uh, sure…" he replied, rising slowly. "Is something wrong?"

"No, just come now."

Buck threw an eye over his shoulder at Rachel, shrugging his shoulders. Wonder what's so important now all of a sudden…

Entering Kate's hotel room she immediately closed the door.

"Kate, what's the matter?" Buck asked, concerned eyes looking over her pale face.

"Nothing's the matter, I just want you to listen."

"Okay, fine."

The tone in Buck's voice was the one of hurt pride and sarcasm.

"What was that for?" Kate asked accusingly.

"Somethin's been buggin' lately, but you ain't tellin' me what it is!" Buck said, hearing a frustrated sigh from Kate.

"I've been tryin' to tell you somethin', but you ain't ever listening!" she cried.

"I've been busy! You always come at me when I have a million things on my mind!" Buck cried back.

"Name one!" Kate spat, a dead second following when they both just stared at each other.

"This ain't leading to anythin'," Buck said hopelessly, though unable to lose that harsh tone.

"Buck, I want you to leave," Kate said firmly.

"Figured," Buck nodded slowly.

Kate watched him take those two heavy steps toward the mahogany dark door, watching him leave with a sinking heart. They had just argued for the first time and only one of them knew why.

Buck was pacing the bunkhouse back and forth, the sound of his boots against the wood floor causing everyone in the room to growl at him to stop.

"I gotta think!" Buck cried back, sighing hopelessly, still pacing.

"Buck, come with me," Rachel begged, taking his hand.

He followed her with yet another deep sigh, walking with her to her house.

"Buck, you must apologize."

Buck turned to Rachel with a hopeless expression.

"I know, but for what? I didn't start this, I don't even know what's bothering her!"

"It doesn't matter. As the man you're bound to apologize anyway. It's the law of romance," Rachel stated and walked up to him.

She put her hands on his shoulders and smiled at him.

"I tell you what you must do. You go into town, you buy her some flowers and then you apologize. Big time. You hear me?"

"I hear you. Thanks, Rachel."

Rachel watched him off with a knowing smile on her face. Oh Buck, you're in for one hell of a surprise…

Buck knocked softly on the door to Kate's room. He didn't expect her to open, but when she did he was twisting the rose he had bought her between his fingers with a guilty smile on his face.

"Can I come in?" he asked carefully, glancing up at her from under his hat.

Kate sighed tiredly at first, then started to giggle.

"You look so silly," she scolded, opening the door more so he could enter.

"I got this for you," Buck said and handed her the red flower.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to," she replied, smelling the flower with a smile creeping upon her lips. "It's beautiful, though."

"That's why I bought it, it reminded me of you," Buck smiled with a sense of victory and leant down to kiss her. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Come here," Kate invited and sat herself on the foot end of the bed, pulling him down beside her. "I just wanted to tell you that it's not you, me and Sherryleen anymore."

Buck looked puzzled.

"You found someone else?" he whispered, his head swirling with thoughts of guilt and pain.

"No, no! Buck, you're so blind!" Kate smiled warmly, patting his cheek. "I'm having a baby!"

"You what?" Buck asked, his voice still just above a whisper.

"We're gonna have a baby, Buck. I just found out last week, I hope you're not mad…"

Buck cupped her chin with a careful hand, bringing her lips to his. The warmth in his heart couldn't be put in either words or thoughts, it was better than anything he had ever experienced.

"Just kick me next time, alright?" he begged, causing his fiancée to convulse in a fit of laughter.

"You bet!" she giggled. "We're gonna have to get married real soon, or we'll have no room for guests!"

"We're gonna have to get engaged first, and I still don't have a ring," Buck said, holding her waist with his arms, his hands on her stomach where another life was slowly growing.

"Should we tell anyone? You said they been whispering behind your back lately, maybe they have something against us…" Kate looked nervous.

"I think it's best to just give them some time to digest all this. I mean, about you and me and our daughter… God, I can't wait to see her!" Buck buried his face at her neck, kissing her with warm lips. "And this one," he whispered and patted her stomach carefully.

"I love you," Kate smiled, leaning against him.

"Not as much as I love you," Buck assured her, rocking her carefully in his lap. "I can't wait to see what else the future holds in store for us…"

Chapter 12

Time passed rapidly, and soon they had been together for a month. Kate had been making plans for the weekend, but all she told Buck was to ask that he'd be relieved of his chores over the two days she had in mind. Teaspoon was hard to convince, but after a couple of days he finally agreed the two could use a weekend to themselves.

"I don't know for sure, but I think she's planning to leave town," Buck said in his defense.

"Where to?" Teaspoon, who had returned to town empty-handed four days prior, asked curiously.

"I have no idea, but she's been packing some dresses. I don't think I was meant to see it, but I got a little curious," Buck admitted and blushed.

"Well, enjoy yourselves now. And remember, you're back here on Monday morning for your run to Fairfield. Not one minute later than Cody comes back with the pouch, you hear?" Teaspoon warned and Buck nodded with a confident smile.

"I hear, Monday morning!"

Buck found himself dressed in his Sunday best and waiting for a train only a couple of hours later, all on orders from the woman he loved. He paced back and forth, waiting for Kate to show up. If this is one of your tricks, girl…

"Here I am!" her soft voice called.

Buck spun right into her embrace and met her lips, inhaling a sweet smell of lilac. He took a step back and looked at his travel companion, who for the occasion of their first weekend together wore a purple dress with white lace and black velvet around neck and wrists. Her emerald eyes twinkled at him when she smiled, the sun catching the white pearls around her neck.

"You look beautiful," he whispered and leaned in for another kiss. When they broke free the train was just pulling up behind them. "Where are we going anyway?"

"St. Louis," Kate answered and cast a last glance at Rock Creek.

"St. Louis? What are we gonna do there?"

"Celebrate," she answered mysteriously and sat herself down on the soft seat, leaning against the window wall.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with our present state, I suppose…?" Buck smiled, receiving a nod while sitting down on the opposite side from her.

"You got a ring yet?" she asked curiously, sitting up straight.

"I might…" he smiled.

"Can I see it?" she asked eagerly.

"Now? It wouldn't be the same!"


"No," Buck shook his head.

"Just a peek? I'm gonna wear it forever you know!"

"Exactly, you'll have plenty of time to look at it later," Buck said, positioning himself comfortably against the seat.

Kate sighed, forming a contemplating expression as she leaned back against the wall, glancing at him until he began to blush.

"No!" he cried, laughing softly.

"You can't resist me, Buck. Face it!"

"I can, and I will resist you! You're not gonna see it yet!" he laughed still.

"You have it on you?" she asked.

"Yeah, I… No. I don't have it on me."

"Busted!" Kate smiled and left her seat just as the train began to move.

She fell into Buck's arms, both giggling loudly, making the people in the wagon turn to stare at them. Buck glanced at them briefly, then helped his fiancée to sit beside him and lean her head on his shoulder. To keep her from searching his pockets, he held both her hands, looping his left arm though her right. Kate snuggled by his side all the way to St. Louis.

They came to their hotel, retrieved their key and luggage and soon found themselves alone in their room, gazing out the window where the afternoon was slowly turning into evening. Buck laid down on the king sized bed, resting his head on the soft white pillows. Kate turned to him and smiled. She knew that look in his eyes. Lust, desire. She moved closer and leaned down to kiss his lips lightly. He lifted his head to deepen it, but she moved away.


"Please?" Buck begged, cocking his eyebrows until she laughed aloud.

"Don't do that, you look so silly!" she giggled and swatted at his chest.

"I want you," he stated more than begged.

"Later, we should get ready for dinner now." Buck shook his head and reached up to embrace her upper body, pulling her down on the bed with him. He rolled on top of her to stop her from escaping, burying his face at her neck.

"Buck, we must get going!" she cried and broke free despite his efforts to hold her.

"I need you!" he cried just as loud and pulled her down again, the surging in his middle making him grunt. He was just barely beginning to harden.


Buck felt her body slip away a second time, and this time he sighed and gave up.

"Thank you," Kate smiled, patting his cheek.

"When's later?" he asked with a dark voice, the obvious disappointment showing all over.

"After dinner. If we skip dessert it'll be sooner…" Kate smiled seductively, heading for the door.

She waved a finger at him and he rose from the bed. He followed her through the hall and out in the street. She navigated through the city until they reached the restaurant where she had made reservations.

Sitting by the round table, with the lacey white table cloth, the pinkish rose in the tall glass vase and the lit white candles on it, Buck had to smile a wide and satisfied smile. Kate's eyes truly glistered in the candlelight, her entire soul on fire with happiness and wellbeing. Buck dug in his pocket until he found the little box he had carried with him all day. Kate had been waiting almost too impatiently for this moment, but she had forgotten about it at their arrival to St. Louis. Now she found herself staring hopefully at the little dark navy box in her lover's hand.

"Give me your hand," he asked and stretched his out. Kate placed her hand in his and smiled into his eyes, finding herself almost nervous.

"Kate Friedrisch, will you marry me?" Buck asked calmly, though in his chest his heart raced uncontrollably.

"Yes," she answered in a big warm smile, feeling the cold gold on her ring finger as Buck let the diamond ring slip onto it.

"I love you," he said kindly and took her hand between his both. He brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

"I love you too," she giggled and stretched her arm, allowing him better access to her hand.

From then on neither of them could stop smiling. Buck felt his cheeks hurt from the constant grinning, but seeing what effect it had on Kate he couldn't bring himself to stop either. She was giggling and laughing, letting him kiss her hand and wrist, looking sensually into her eyes. She stared just as sensually back, winking at him occasionally, knowing it made him grunt with desire for her. They were only interrupted by the waiter.

Chapter 13

After finishing their three-course meal, Buck leant back against the chair with a confident grin on his face. Kate smiled back, seemingly frozen for a minute, then suddenly Buck felt the toe of her shoe on the inside of his right leg. Settling from the shock he let her rub his leg, moving higher, without complaints. When she reached the inside of his thigh he bit his lip, but still he looked calm. Kate grinned wickedly and began to rub his groin. She heard a quick sigh before he sat straighter on the chair. His forehead was getting warmer already and his trousers began to feel suddenly very small.

"I don't think you outta do more of that," he said, but before he could ask her to remove her foot the waiter reappeared.

"Would you like some dessert?" he asked nicely.

"Yes please," Kate replied quickly before Buck could decline.

The waiter went for another menu.

"I thought you said we'd skip dessert?" Buck said, feeling her foot rub the hardening bulge in his pants.

"I changed my mind," she shrugged and smiled just as wickedly again.

"Your foot is gettin' mighty intimate," Buck pointed out, refusing a convulsion of pleasure that had begun to rise up his spine.

"Really? You mean like this?" Kate winked and put her toe between his nuts.

Buck merely grunted and gave her a slight nod. "Yes," he breathed heavily as the waiter returned. If he only knew what's happening under this table…

"Here you go ma'am, sir… I'll return to take your order in a minute," the waiter said but was stopped by Kate, who had already spotted what she wanted.

"That's unnecessary, sir. We'll just take an extra big portion of sorbet," she smiled and the waiter smiled back, scribbling down the order on his pad.

"Very good, ma'am," he said and was off again.

"I hate you," Buck said through gritted teeth and glared angrily at her.

"Hey now…" Kate smiled and increased the pressure at his groin, rubbing her toe there until he was ready to cry out.

"Sweetie, you keep that up and the fun will be spoiled," Buck stated with a nod.

"Let's just make this your next lesson. Patience," she giggled.

Buck glared back at her until the waiter returned. To really test his self-control Kate run her toe over the rock hard bulge just as the bowl of sorbet was placed on the table. Buck's knee hit the table and nearly knocked the candles over, causing Kate to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. The waiter just smiled and was off again.

"Now I really hate you," Buck stated more than accused.

"Why, ain't I good to you?" Kate smiled teasingly.

"No," Buck said simply as her foot suddenly dropped to the floor again.

"I wanna save all your strength for later," she whispered and took a spoon from the bowl.

With her foot gone it only took a couple of spoonfuls of the icy sorbet before Buck could relax some, feeling the painful strain down his pants withdraw. Kate kept her wicked grin in her eyes, and Buck could only guess what was to come.

Buck nuzzled Kate's neck as she tried to get their room key out of her handbag. She was giggling beyond control, trying to escape his tickling hands on the sides of her ribcage. Buck knew by now how easy he made her laugh by tickling her there. He bit at her neck, making her nearly choke on her own breath when she gasped and laughed at the same time.

"Buck, people are staring!" she squealed, laughing even harder.

"I thought that's why women wear make-up. To make people stare," Buck mumbled in her ear, nibbling at her pale skin.

"I can't get the key in the hole!" she giggled, using his strong shoulders to stay on her feet when Buck again tickled her senseless.

"I believe that's my job anyway. Gimme," he smirked and took the key from her small hand. Without looking he skillfully unlocked and opened the door.


Kate giggled and followed him inside. The door hadn't closed any sooner than Buck's shirt lay on the floor, together with Kate's handbag, shawl and gloves. Kicking off his boots Buck hungrily accepted Kate's warm lips, kissing her until he was out of breath. She brought him with her to the wall just beside the door, encircling his neck and head with her arms. Buck lowered his head to her neck, again biting playfully until she gasped and hugged him even closer.

"Take me," Kate whispered with a voice husky from lust.

Buck needed no further encouragement before he dropped his trousers and lifted her dress to her waist. Kate willingly spread open her legs and wrapped them around his back, trusting his strength to keep her safe above the floor with her back leaning against the wall. Buck had waited too long for this and was more than ready to have her internal muscles clamping down on him, why he immediately entered her with a low growl. He began to thrust hard and was already panting. Kate was moaning loudly, arching her head back against the hard wall when his engorged member reached all the way to her uterus.

"Yes! you're so good!" she cried when her first climax came, making her body quiver for several minutes. Buck wasn't going to be far behind, though his back ached from her weight on his member. He felt his legs quiver in a familiar way and sank to the floor. But before he could pick up speed again and release the pressure that threatened to make him scream, Kate was rolling him on his back and climbed off of him.

"No, what you doing?" he panted, watching her take his member in her hand.

She began to jack him off with her hand and then took his head in her mouth, sucking so hard Buck moaned and fell flat on the floor, seeing stars in front of his closed eyes. When he finally reached his peak he shot his load in her mouth, and laid panting until she had licked him perfectly clean.

"Who the hell taught you that?" he asked when he finally regain his composure enough to sit up.

Kate gave him a sly grin and let her mind wander to the first morning they shared together.

"Someone very special," she answered.

"I bet," Buck spoke as he stood, taking her hand in his.

He led her to the bed and pulled her down on the covers. She laid on his chest and kissed his neck for a moment, giving him the same reddish marks he so often had given her. When she figured he was ready for some real action she straddled his stomach and began working on his member which was slowly growing in her hand. Feeling his tongue stroke her butt cheek it didn't take a lot to figure out what he wanted. She smiled and let herself closer to his searching tongue. When she lowered herself to an inch above his face he had to reach out and taste her, at the same time feeling her wet mouth on his manhood.

Time passed slowly, the two of them satisfying each other with never ending passion, both of them pleased the other was having a good time. Kate let the pre-taste of what was to come fill her mouth as she sucked on his oozing member, while Buck felt the glow in his stomach grow warmer and therefor pushed Kate gently to the side. Pulling her down beside her he slowly entered the honeyed wetness he just moment ago had pleasured blind. Kate was so close to climax she had to hold her breath for a moment, doing anything to extend the pleasure. Buck pounded faster and faster into her, satisfied to hear her soft sighs and muted groans. He himself was growling like there was no tomorrow, feeling his hot seed inch its way up from his testicles.

"Faster! Harder!" Kate hollered, gripping his shoulders and dug her nails deep into them.

Buck lost all control and began thrusting so hard he neither saw nor heard anything at all. Kate cried out her orgasmic shivers and wrapped her legs hard around his back. He released a second later, giving up an inhuman howl.

They panted in each other's arms for a long time, just absorbing the afterglow in silence. Kate was the one to break the spelled moment.

"Wanna try something different?" she asked with a grin Buck knew well. It was the grin she always expressed when she was up to something.

"Like what?" he asked back.

"Like this…" she spoke mysteriously and leaned down to the floor over the side of the bed.

When her hand came back up she was holding a yellow silk scarf. Buck looked at her with a curious grin.

"And with that you plan to what?"

"Just this," Kate said before covering his mouth with hers, gripping his left wrist.

She kissed him deeply while placing his arm above his head, then reached for his right arm and brought it together with his left. She took the scarf and began tying him to the bedpost when he suddenly broke free.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a shocked expression, though he wasn't angry, merely curious.

"Relax," Kate smiled kindly him and tied the knot tighter.

When she was done Buck tried his best to break free, though without success. Both of them knew he could easily have escaped had he really wanted to, and in his eyes Kate saw the teasing smile that showed he was only playing along.

"You finished?" Kate smiled warmly when he relaxed finally.

"Yeah," he nodded, unable to help but feel a little aroused by his present position.

He was completely exposed to her, vulnerable and beyond all help should he need it. Kate trailed a path from his chin down between his nipples with her finger. She leant down and took one nipple in her mouth, sucking on it gently. Buck's manhood began to swell even without her touch, but with her fingers pinching one nipple and her teeth biting the other he was getting helplessly excited.

When she lifted her head again he thought she was going to move, but her head plunged back over his nipple, licking and circling it with her warm tongue. She repeated the same procedure several times, lifting her head only to lower it again, her tongue working his nipples pebble hard. When she finally heard him grunt she smiled a satisfied smile and moved closer to his middle. She traced his bellybutton and abs with her index finger, then let the same finger reach to the line of hair down to his still growing manhood. Her mouth descended to his abs and began licking them, while her right hand stroked his shaft. She was very pleased to feel it grow bigger and harder.

When she couldn't wait any longer, she straddled him and let his rod fill her completely like it always did. She placed her ankles on his shoulders and leant back on her hands which were placed on the covers by Buck's knees, moving her hips in circles until they were both beginning to moan.

Buck kept steady eye contact with his lover, who stared back with dark eyes. She smiled seductively at him which made him fight the restraints to reach out and touch her. But Kate was good with knots and he simply had to accept that he couldn't move his arms. Groaning he closed his eyes and let her do her thing, massaging his swollen and pulsing shaft with her internal muscles. Soon he felt her shiver and knew she was climaxing shortly. He opened his eyes and saw her head had fallen back, her eyes closed and mouth half open. She was moaning his name and many of the love names he had gotten used to over the month they had been together. Her legs buckled and her soft heals landed on his stomach, where his abs were working overtime to keep up with her tempo. Her toes curled and seemed to grip at his chest, her legs quivering wildly as her first throes of orgasm took the better of her.

Soon she couldn't hold the steady cadence anymore and began riding him fast and hard, still crying out her numerous orgasms. It didn't take much more than that before Buck felt his own toes curl and legs quiver. He bucked his hips under her and closed his eyes again. Her name came out in a strained tone before could do nothing but pant and moan. Before his pleasure even came to and end he felt her hands untying him. Kate looked down on him, kissing his closed eyelids. His arms, now free, just laid limply by his head like they had fallen when she removed the scarf. A long moment passed before Kate found her voice.

"Buck?" she spoke worriedly, touching his warm and sweaty cheeks.

"Mmmmhhh…" he grunted back, a lazy smile appearing on his swollen lips.

"God, I thought I hurt you," she breathed in relief, contemplating hitting him for scaring her like that but decided not to.

Buck opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at her. "That sure was different," he admitted and lifted his head to kiss her soft lips.

"I told you," she smiled back, lying down beside him, cuddling close.

Buck looked around for a moment, half sitting in the bed.

"What are you looking for?" Kate asked curiously, gripping his shoulder to pull him back down.


"Hmm, what?" Kate asked.

Buck leant down to the floor, bringing the yellow scarf up on the tip of his forefinger. He turned his head and smiled a wicked and indicting smile at Kate, who had to surrender to his beautiful eyes. She already felt his hand grab hold of her wrist.

Chapter 14

Buck and Kate parted outside the hotel back in Rock Creek the following evening. The whole train ride home they had discussed the future and caught up on some sleep. Buck knew Kate had packed the yellow silk scarf between some skirts, apparently saving it for another special night. But now she was leaving for Baltimore, and would return with their firstborn less than a week later. Buck was regretful to see her leave, but he himself would be riding before first light anyway. Kate had just packed some more dresses and other necessities and was now waiting for the next train. Buck watched her off before hurrying toward the post station to get some real sleep before dawn.

Before he reached the bunkhouse he heard Teaspoon call out for his attention.

"Buck hold on, I wanna talk to ya."

Buck nodded and seated himself on the porch steps, waiting for the marshal to come up to him from his shack.

"I've been looking for a job Teaspoon, just give me a few more days!" he said in his defense to the question yet not spoken, but the older man just shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll give you what time you need. But I wanna ask you something else."

"Sure, ask away," Buck said with a slightly nervous sigh.

"I just wanna know what you and Kate are gonna do?" the marshal spoke and noticed Buck expected there to be more before he finally answered.

"I've spotted this place for sale, just about a mile from town. But she doesn't know, and she's on her way to Baltimore already."

"Is it a good place to raise children? Can you afford it?" Teaspoon asked, choosing his words carefully, well aware of the situation between Buck and the other riders, knowing it must have the young Kiowa in a pretty emotional state.

"It's a smaller house, basically just a cottage. It might need some added rooms and I'd have to raise a barn and fences, but… yeah, I think it's a great place for a child to grow up in. And it's pretty cheap too."

"You think Kate will take a fancy to it then?" Teaspoon asked.

"It's the kind of place she's been speaking of that she wants, and it's located just below a big hill with trees and a lot of flowers and… I think she'd love it," Buck said thoughtfully, nodding to himself as he spoke, his eyes carrying a dreamy look as he stared at the ground in front of his boots.

"Then are you gonna buy it? If it feels right, and you think Kate and your daughter will like it there, then what are you waiting for?" Teaspoon smiled warmly, pleased to see the looks of love in Buck's eyes when he finally looked up again.

"Thanks, Teaspoon. You know I respect your opinion," Buck spoke with a growing smile.

"I've been married enough times to know what's important. I know the love between two people is the only thing that really matters, but when you have youngens the home you live in counts too. I think you should go for it, if you feel it's the right thing for all of ya."

"I think so too… Thanks," Buck nodded again, rising with the marshal.

"You got enough money? Not just for the cottage, but for everything else too."

"Yeah, I have a lot stashed away. And Ike left behind a great deal that's just sittin' there in one of his books. I know it sounds selfish, but I know also he'd want it to make things easier for me and Kate. After all, he kept beating himself up about splitting us up back in Salt Lake, and I just wish I could tell him we're back together…" Buck's voice filled with emotion and his eyes glazed with tears as he spoke.

"I'm sure he knows, son. I'm sure he knows…" Teaspoon sighed and landed his hand on Buck's shoulder, looking up at the sky with teary eyes.

While watching Buck disappear into the bunkhouse to settle in for the night, Teaspoon thought about that look in his eyes. He had seen it for awhile now, and he saw it in Kate's eyes too. He could simply ask them about it, but he recognized that look well enough to know what it meant without asking. He knew they were getting married, and if they didn't want him to know he wouldn't push them either. But he was happy for them and smiled after the Kiowa as he closed the door to the bunkhouse where the others were already snoring. ***

Buck was walking down the street in Fairfield, enjoying the sunny day and the fresh winds that washed over his face. When he looked up he suddenly saw Kid not far away across the street. He began running toward him, hoping he wouldn't lose him in the crowd.

"Kid, wait up!" he called breathlessly.

"Buck? Hey, what you doin' here?" Kid greeted his friend with a pat on the shoulder.

"Special delivery to the mayor. I'm going home tonight. But what about you, I thought you were still on your honeymoon?" Buck said while catching his breath.

"Well, Lou has been feeling a little bad occasionally, we thought we'd get back home and start on our new home instead."

"You still gonna buy that place down by the stream?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, I thought so. It's really a great place," Kid said dreamily, glancing into the store to his left. "I just wish Lou would come out of there soon," he grunted.

"She trying on a new dress?" Buck asked, glancing at the sign above his head.


Buck read the sign: Women's Clothing By Mary Garland. Glancing into the shop window he saw some dresses but also a more intimate piece of women's clothing. A smile lurked on his lips but he bit it away when Kid turned to him.

"What are you grinnin' about?" his friend asked him.

"I think someone's in for a treat…" Buck winked. Kid blushed and turned away. He decided to change the subject.

"So, how're you and Kate doing? Seen your daughter yet?"

Buck couldn't miss the hint of bitterness that came out with Kid's other sentence, but he decided to ignore it.

"We're fine. She's in Baltimore to pick Sherryleen up right now," he spoke proudly.

"Yeah? When's she comin' back?"

"This weekend. She's just gonna tie up some loose ends and then she's coming right back."

"You must be proud. I envy you, you know," Kid stated more than asked.

"I'm just really lucky," Buck grinned.

"You love her?" Kid asked suddenly, not looking at his friend.

"Of course. I'd die for her," Buck spoke honestly, knowing why Kid wouldn't look at him. He knew he'd see things he didn't want to see in his friend's eyes if he did, and Kid never wanted anyone to be mad at him. So he stood facing the street.

"You don't just think you love her because she treats you good between sheets?" Kid's next question shouldn't have surprised Buck.

"No matter what you say, or anyone else for that matter, I love Kate. Yes, so we've had some pretty good nights, but I do love her!" Buck spat, nearly expecting every face in the street to turn his direction.

"Okay, I'm just asking…"

"No, you're not! You're just like everyone else, you can't understand what you don't want to understand, you can't believe what you don't want to believe! I love her, Kid. Accept it, 'cos it won't change!"

"Alright, save your strength cowboy!" Kid spoke sarcastically, only adding to Buck's growing anger.

"I wasn't gonna say anything, but we're getting married as soon as she returns to Rock Creek," he said calmly, though his deep eyes grew even darker under his furrowed brow.

"Yeah? You serious?" Kid said, finally turning to look at his friend.

"Yes, I'm serious!" Buck spat angrily, just as Lou emerged from the dress store with a package under her arm.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" she asked.

"Nothing!" Buck cried and turned away.

Lou looked at her husband and saw the same thing there, the "you don't have anything to do with this so don't ask" attitude. She shrugged and climbed onto the wagon standing by the side of the street.

"Are you coming?" she asked after a couple of silent minutes, both men looking their separate directions.

Kid drew himself closer to the wagon and climbed onto the driver's seat, while Buck walked across the street to retrieve his horse from the livery. Only minutes later they were on the trail back to Rock Creek.

Chapter 15

Buck stayed a bit behind his friends on the way home, knowing for sure now that they had some grudge against either him or Kate. Why he couldn't understand, but Kid was the last person he thought would take sides, and now Buck had seen it happen anyway. He heard the newlyweds talk and occasionally laugh, but he wasn't in the mood to become a part of their conversation, just simply held his distance riding behind them. When his horse suddenly began to walk unevenly he jumped off and hollered to his friends to stop.

"What's wrong, Buck?" Kid asked.

"I dunno…" he grunted and knelt by his horse, taking his front hoof in his hand. "He picked up a stone, I gotta dig it out."

"Want us to wait?" Lou asked though she knew the answer.

"Nah, you go ahead, I'll catch up."

Lou nodded and shifted on the hard seat. Her husband still looked at Buck.

"We'll just find a place to camp, alright? See you later," he said and then gave the horses the only signal they needed to walk.

Buck watched them for a bit, then turned back to his horse and the stone he had to dig out. He didn't know if he'd let it take a little longer than necessary just to kill some time. Spending the night out with Kid and Lou wasn't what he had hoped for, even if he liked company better than loneliness. Sighing he began to pull at the stone.

Kid stopped the wagon and looked around. They were in a clearing which was nicely shaded by some trees. He got an affirming nod from his wife and jumped off the wagon.

"This'll make a great place for a camp," she said.

"Wrong, missy!" a dark voice spoke and startled them.

From the shrubbery to their left emerged a tall man with a long dark coat. He had a brown hat pulled down over his bearded face and gloves on his hands. Hands that held one cocked gun and a couple of saddlebags. He slumped the bags on the ground and trained the gun on the newlywed couple in front of him.

"I'm afraid this sight's taken. Right, Matt?" the man spoke and turned to his right. Not many feet away emerged another man, looking pretty much the same as the first, only younger.

"Right. We were here first, see. But now that you here, maybe you outta stick around for a little while!" the man named Matt spoke, also him raising a gun from his waist.

"But before we can start the party I think you outta drop 'em guns of yours. You too, missy!" the older man sneered and made sure his prisoners did what they were told.

Just then they all heard a horse come trotting down the slope in the direction of Fairfield, but Kid was too late to call for his friend to stop. Before he knew it Buck came riding in between the two gunmen, looking mighty surprised. He didn't have time to change that expression before both guns went off and he swayed in the saddle. Kid saw a bullet hit a tree behind his friend, but the other must have hit him. He watched in horror as Buck lost balance and fell limply to the ground. He threw himself on the ground and reached after his gun, and immediately fired it at the older of the two men. He fell to the ground and gripped at his chest, but his hand soon fell bloody down beside his dead body. Matt was too caught up with watching Buck to react in time, and soon also fell victim for Kid's bullet. When he had stated both men were unmoving, Kid rose and hurried to where Lou had crouched over Buck's body.

"Buck, can you hear me?" Lou tried nervously, feeling the tears rise to her eyes.

Buck didn't reply, but there was a large bloodstain on his chest in level with his heart and another on his forehead, just above his left eyebrow.

"He must've hit his head when he fell," Lou sobbed and felt her husband's arms embrace her.

"Buck, speak to me," Kid demanded but his friend remained unmoving. "I'm fixing the wagon, we gotta get him to Rock Creek," he murmured and was off. Lou leant over her friend and brushed his hair back with trembling fingers. Kid heard her suddenly cry out, and turning to her he saw her shaking all over, staring at him with eyes big as plates.

"Kid, he's been shot through the head!" she cried and turned back to the wound on Buck's forehead. Her tears fell endlessly from her face and she was sobbing loudly. "Buck, please say something," she begged, again wiping at his face.

Kid hurried with the blankets and bedrolls, trying to make the journey back to Rock Creek as comfortable as possible for his friend. Though he was pretty sure he wouldn't make it as far as Rock Creek.

"Buck?" Lou whispered and saw his eyelids flutter slightly. "Buck, can you hear me?"

"Lou…" Buck's voice was full of pain when he murmured a response. "Lou, help me…"

"Buck, I'm here. Take it easy, I'm right here. How are you?" Lou asked hesitantly, her mind completely disconnected from shock and fright for her friend.

"It doesn't hurt…" he replied with growing strength. "It's warm and nice…"

"Buck, open your eyes," Lou begged, wiping at her tears so she could see him.

"Lou, I love her…" Buck murmured and opened his eyes just a little. "I love her, you must tell her that…"

"Of course you love her, I know you do."

"Tell her I love her and our daughter… Promise me…"

"I promise, Buck. I'll tell her. Hell, you can tell her yourself, as soon as we get back to Rock Creek."

"No, I need you to tell her… I'm not afraid of dying… It's warm…" Buck murmured and closed his eyes again.

"I don't care if you're not afraid of dying, 'cos you ain't dying!" Lou cried and shook him carefully.

"You're not dying Buck, you hear me!"

"Get Kid…" Buck begged weakly.

"Buck, you can talk to Kid later, you'll be fine!" Lou sobbed.

"Get him… Please…"

Lou rose and ran into her husbands arms. She wanted to hold on forever, but wiped at her tears and told her Buck wanted to talk to him.

"Finish up here, we'll be leaving as soon as it's done," Kid murmured and crouched by Buck's side. "I'm here, pal."

"Kid? You gotta promise me somethin'…" Buck trailed off and didn't find his voice again for several long moments. "Promise me you'll take care of Lou… Love her no matter what… Like I love Kate…"

"Hey, you're gonna be fine Buck," Kid spoke worriedly, not getting rid of the quiver in his voice.

"Promise…" Buck whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, I promise. I'll always love her, you know that. I'll show you when you get better too."

"It's done, Kid!" Lou called.

"Come on, let's get you home, buddy."

Buck felt his body lifted off the ground, but it didn't hurt like he thought it would. He felt like he was floating all on his own, without Kid's strong arms. He knew his time had come.

When he opened his eyes again he saw the dark sky above them and Lou's worried face staring down on him. "I thought we'd lost you," she sobbed and stroked his face. The wounds on his forehead and chest had been dressed, but they were all red in minutes.

"Lou, promise me one thing…" he begged, his voice not stronger than a weak whisper.

"Anything," Lou sobbed and took his hands in hers, squeezing them carefully.

"Tell him about the baby… Please…"

"How did you know?" Lou asked and glanced up at her husband's back.

"I see in you what I've seen in Kate… Tell him, please…"

"I will, honey. Of course I will."

"Tell him now… Then if something would happen to him… Then he'd die knowing… Like I know…" Buck lost his voice again and closed his eyes.

"Buck, I'll tell him. I'll tell him now," she promised, but Buck couldn't hear her. He was coughing hard, trying to swallow the blood that threatened to choke him. Most of it came over his lips and ran down the side of his face.

"Hang in there, you'll make it," Lou whispered.

"I'm not afraid, Lou… But I need to know Kate will… that Kate will…" Buck's voice became a tortured moan and he closed his eyes hard.

"Kate will be fine, Buck. We'll all take care of her and your daughter, don't you worry!" Lou was growing desperate and could no longer hold her tears back one slight bit.

"I'm not afraid… I love her…" Buck whispered and slowly let his head fall to the side.

"Buck? Buck!" Lou cried and shook him violently to no avail.

Kid turned on the driver's seat and saw one of his best friends slowly leave Earth life.

"Buck, you hang in there, you hear me!" he called, still smacking the reins over the running horses, hoping they understood the urgency of the situation. Rock Creek was only a few more miles away.

"Buck, don't leave us," Lou begged.

"Dammit, Buck! You're getting married for God's sake! You got a daughter and Kate!" Kid cried.

Lou was too shocked to take any notice of the information that passed her ears. She continued to shake Buck's shoulders while her tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Buck, don't you leave me! Don't leave me!" she cried angrily, angry at him for dying and angry at the men who shot him. "Don't you leave me, Buck!"


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