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The Lovecats

By: Silent Whisper

Chapter 16

It was near dawn when the wagon pulled by two hysterical horses came tumbling down the street to the doctor's surgery. Kid hollered out for the doctor to come out, while Lou sat by Buck's side crying helplessly. Buck hadn't moved nor spoken for over three hours, and his heart was beating weakly in his chest. Lou could barely feel his pulse at all, though maybe it was because of her trembling hands. She couldn't tell, but she knew what her gut instinct told her.

"What is going on here?" doctor Barnes yelled out his window, pulling his robe tighter to stay warm despite the biting cold wind of the autumn night.

"He's been shot, you gotta hurry!" Kid bellowed and jumped off the wagon to take his dying friend in his arms.

He carried Buck inside and waited for the doctor to come downstairs. When he finally did he was only half dressed and looked awfully tired. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at Buck.

"Help me remove the bandages," he told Kid who dared not do anything else.

"Tell me he'll make it, doc. He's fought so hard all the way back here, he's got to make it!" Kid was crying when he spoke, not dedicating a single second to wipe the tears away. He removed the bandage around Buck's head and looked hopefully into Barnes' eyes.

"Tell me what happened, Kid. Is this a bullet wound too?" the doctor asked, pointing at Buck's bloody forehead.

"Yes, the bullet went right through him somehow. I saw it hit a tree. You can't survive being shot through the head, can you?" Kid asked anxiously, looking down at Buck's pale face, feeling fresh tears fall from his eyes.

Barnes studied the injury to Buck's head. Two wounds with less than an inch in between stretched horizontally from above his eyebrow to his hairline.

"It looks like the bullet went very close to the skull. If he's lucky there might be a chance," Barnes said with a hint of hope as well as hopelessness. Kid didn't know how to interpret it.

"Just save him, doc. He can't die, not after what I said to him. Not after our argument." Kid suddenly realized just how much he would miss Buck and how much he would blame himself for what happened if he lost him. He had been worried all along, but then only because he knew he was losing a friend. Not until now he realized what friend. "Save him, doc."

"I'll do my best, Kid."

Barnes dressed the wounds on Buck's forehead just temporarily, and then turned his attention to the wound that really needed his medical experience. "I'm gonna have to open his chest and I need your help. Can you do it?" he asked.

"If it's to save Buck, I can do anything," Kid promised and glanced over his shoulder.

Lou stood in the door, her skin pale and shoulders shaking in rhythm with her sobs. She looked up at her husband and wished his arms were around her, holding and comforting her. But he was occupied with helping the doctor, who was doing his best to save the close to lifeless form that laid in front of him. The two men began their work and pretty soon it was too much for Lou to handle. She ran out in the dark street, found an alley which was even darker and disappeared into the shadows. She felt her stomach writ at the thought of what had just happened, the things she had just witnessed. She let her forehead rest against the wall and waited for her body to catch up with her swirling mind, but she found herself vomiting before that happened.

Kid came out on the porch outside the doctor's surgery, sinking down heavily on the bench beside Lou. They sat silent, Lou waiting for her husband to tell her what had happened inside.

"We did what we could, Lou."

Lou's eyes closed hard and the tears, that she had so successfully kept away for the past three hours, came back to her eyes. She had expected to hear this, but it didn't hurt until she actually heard it.

"He died just a minute ago."

Kid's voice was still low and calm, but his eyes were empty and his looks seemed to reach a blind spot somewhere in front of him. His arm landed around her shoulders and Lou allowed herself to lean into him and cry freely.

They sat like that for a moment, just letting time pass as if nothing of the occurred was real. Kid closed his eyes and remembered Buck's dying breath, the fight to get him back and the emptiness of realization afterwards.

Doctor Barnes sighed and looked at the body in his surgery, wiping at his own sweaty forehead, not taking any notice to the blood on his hand that left a red mark on his skin. He sighed again, heavy and loudly. "Dammit, Buck. I thought you were gonna make it, why the hell did you have to die like that? Didn't I fight hard enough? Huh?"

He sighed again, not quite understanding his own urge to blame Buck for what had happened. He took a white sheet from the closet and spread it over the Kiowa's body, but hesitated before pulling it over his pale face. He decided to check one last time, to give it one more try. He didn't know why, but he had to know for sure that he had done his very best to save him. He placed his hand over Buck's nose and felt for a breath. Nothing. He pulled the sheet down to his waist and let his hands drop over his chest. Closing his eyes and saying a silent prayer he began to pump Buck's dead heart, hoping against hope and wishing against wish that it was for some good.

Kid wasn't yanked back to the present until he heard doctor Barnes voice calling for them.

"Come in here!"

Lou held on tight to her husband's shirt, not ready to go in and see her best friend dead. Noah had just passed on a month ago, this was just too much for her to handle. But Kid rose anyway and left her on the bench. Somehow he knew it couldn't get worse. A few short moments later he came tumbling out on the porch, gripped Lou's arm and pulled her inside.

Chapter 17

Kid was standing with doctor Barnes in the doorway to the room where Buck laid. The brown haired man was restless.

"Doc, how is this possible? He was dead, you said so and I saw it!"

"I know, Kid. He was dead, but he came back to us. I can't explain how it's possible, only that he did come back. But he's very weak and the wounds are still bleeding. I wouldn't take out the victory in advance if I were you. I'll keep an eye on him and do my best with the fever, but that's all I can do right now." With that said the doctor excused himself to other patients, leaving Kid and Lou alone in the room with Buck. Lou sat on the side of Buck's bed, stroking his hand and occasionally his face, mumbling soothing words to him. Her tears hadn't stopped falling and she lifted a hand every now and then to wipe them from her eyes.

"He's alive, Kid. He's really breathing and I feel his pulse," Lou said with a bright light in her eyes. "I know he's gonna make it, he came back to us."

"Yeah, he did…" Kid sighed and sat himself beside his wife. "God, if I could undo this…"

"It's not your fault, Kid. It's no one's fault. The men who did this are dead and Buck is not. He's back with us," Lou smiled though still crying, bringing a hand to her husband's cheek.

Kid leant in for a kiss and then rose.

"Look after him now, I'll be back when I've told Teaspoon and the others."

Lou nodded and watched her husband leave the room silently. She turned back to Buck and stroked his face carefully.

"Stay with us, Buck. You came back and now all you have to do is stay," she mumbled while caressing his pale skin, holding his hand tightly in hers.

Teaspoon mounted his horse early that morning, setting off in the direction of Fairfield. Kid had informed him of what happened that night, and Teaspoon had judged from the description of the men that they could be the ones he had been looking for. They still hadn't been caught by any posse that had tried to track them down.

Kid and Jimmy watched their father figure ride off, then walked together toward the doctor's clinic. Rachel and the others were already there, watching over Buck, who still hadn't moved nor spoken since he was shot. But he was alive and that was all they could ask for at the present.

The days passed slowly, and there had been a whole week since Buck was hurt. There had been no signs of Kate or her daughter yet, and the riders were starting to doubt that she would return. In the afternoon of the tenth day since she left Rock Creek, Jimmy, Cody, Kid and Lou were sitting outside the doctor's clinic waiting for Barnes to finish his examination of Buck's injuries. The wounds had bled often during the days he had been lying there all lifeless, but they were now finally starting to close.

"I bet you ten dollars she ain't comin' back," Jimmy muttered, looking over his friends with skeptical eyes.

"Maybe she was just held up in Baltimore?" Kid said.

"Like hell she was! She ain't written or anythin'!" Jimmy cried, kicking at the dirt on the porch.

"I have to agree with Jimmy. If she was held up she would've written. Who wouldn't?" Cody asked, looking from face to face.

"I knew all along there was somethin' suspicious about her. Showin' up here after all that time, tellin' him he's got a daughter… Makes no sense…" Jimmy continued to mutter angrily, staring at the floor.

They all sat quiet for a few minutes, occasionally throwing a glance inside the clinic, hoping for doctor Barnes to come out and give them some good news for a change.

"Now what the hell's takin' him so long!" Jimmy cried suddenly, looking up.

"I hope he's alright," Lou said lowly, leaning into her husband's embrace.

She let a hand fall over her stomach like so many times before during her marriage, smiling carefully so no one would see. Suddenly she was struck with the memory of the promise she made to Buck.

"Kid, I gotta talk to you."

She rose and took his hand, leading him from the porch.

"We'll be right back," Kid promised, following his wife across the street.

Before they went very far however, they were met by Rachel and Teaspoon coming from the post station. They were just about to tell them they needed some privacy when they had to rush out of the stage's path.

"Rock Creek, ladies and gents! Rock Creek!" the driver hollered and pulled the horses to an abrupt stop.

The driver jumped down and opened the door to the stage, letting his passengers out. Kid let go of his wife, whom he had just saved from being run over, and looked up at the stage. A short woman with burning red hair and green eyes looked back at him from under a green hat. She lifted her skirt, which was just as green, and climbed down, then turned back and took a small child in her arms.

"Hello there!" she called and hurried to reclaim her bags so she could walk up to her friends and show them her daughter.

"Kate!" Rachel cried and ran toward her, opening her arms in a hug. "I was just about giving up hopes on you!"

Her eyes traveled down to Kate's waist and met the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen on a child. They were green in the middle, with thick, dark rings around them and the blackest pupils she had ever stared into. Her skin was a lightly tanned bronze, with just a faint hint of freckles over her nose and cheeks. Her facial lines were delicately chiseled just like on her mother, with high cheekbones and a small chin. Her neck was long and slim also, her head carried high with a mature gracefulness. It was amazing to see a child of such young age look so grown up. Her hair had the same curls her mother had, but its color was the one of a man she knew well. Looking again into those piercing eyes Rachel saw what others doubted; this was no one else but Buck's child.

Kate sat by Buck's bed, clasping his hand in hers, crying silently. Her eyes though overflowed with tears never left his face, looking for any signs of life. He had been unconscious all of the three days she had been back, and so much longer before then. She had returned with her daughter as promised, but also with her very best friend in the whole world, Sherri Webster. They had waited for a train back to Rock Creek, but there had been a storm and the railway was destroyed by flood a few miles before Baltimore. The awaiting passengers were directed to travel by stage. It had taken a lot longer than she had wished for, and right now she wished she hadn't left at all.

Sherri came inside the room with her best friend's daughter and her godchild in her arms. She watched with sad eyes as Buck's chest heaved shallowly up and down, the rest of his body being totally lifeless. Kate heard her friend come in but regretted to leave Buck's face with her eyes.

"Katie, if you don't eat something soon there won't be anything left for Buck to see when he comes around," Sherri spoke gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What if he doesn't come around? I've talked to him for days without receiving any answers. He's not moving and he's barely breathing. What if he dies again?" Kate asked without looking up, squeezing Buck's hands tighter.

"He's gonna have to come around, Katie. He knows you're nuts about him, and I'm sure he knows by now you wouldn't ever forgive him if he died. Besides, you've told me over and over again how much he's asked about Sherryleen."

"Mama!" the girl cried and climbed into her lap, hugging her mother's waist hard.

"Hey sweetie," Kate mumbled and returned the hug, fresh tears falling from her eyes when thinking her daughter may never speak to her father.

"Dad," the girl said calmly, looking over her shoulder at Buck's pale face.

"That's right, honey. That's your dad," Kate smiled weakly, drying her tears with the back of her hand.

"Hear that, Buck? Your baby's here…"

Sherri patted Kate's shoulder, praying silently that her friend would once again look into the dark coffee eyes she had heard so much about, praying that her friend would once again feel his strong arms embrace her in the night, just like she had dreamt they did so many times during her brief visit to Baltimore. But looking at his pale face there was nothing called strong to find and his eyelids were heavily closed, sealing the windows to his soul.

Chapter 18

Another week passed. Kate stayed by Buck's side, only leaving when her exhausted body seriously craved it, to either eat or sleep. Sherri took care of Sherryleen most of the time, knowing her friend needed to be left lone with the man she was about to marry, even though it looked mostly like there would be a funeral sooner than a wedding.

One early morning found Kate dozing on a chair beside Buck's bed. Her fiancé had been unconscious for 20 painful days already. She was dreaming of the sight of him awake, holding their daughter tightly in his arms and smiling. That smile that melted her every time she saw it. She could feel his warm, strong bear hug even in her dream, inhaling the scent of his hair, skin and clothes, looking into his warm, smiling, coffee eyes. She saw his thin lips mouthing "I love you" and she heard her daughter giggle in his arms. His hand moved to touch hers and Kate nearly screamed when she sensed she was waking up. She wanted to stay in his arms and feel his love, but her eyes slowly opened and she could just barely hear him call her name before the dream died in a foggy blur.


Kate jumped, feeling her fiancé's hand on her arm. He looked at her through barely open eyes, his head still heavy on the pillow and his weak body nearly motionless.

"Buck? God, I thought I'd never see your eyes again," she smiled they moment she regained her composure and lent forward to kiss him carefully.

"What happened?" Buck asked, his voice just above a whisper as he furrowed his brow in pain.

"You were shot, sweetie," Kate whispered back and kept her face close to his, clutching his hands and held them tightly.

"I dreamt about you," he murmured, closing his eyes. A lazy smile spread across his lips as he remembered the dream. "I saw you and a child. You held my hand and told me you wanted me back, but then Ike showed up. He pulled me away from you, and I knew I had to fight. I thought I was dying, it hurt so much…" he trailed off and looked up just briefly, then closed his eyes.

"You did die, honey. But you came back," Kate smiled, unable to resist kissing his dry lips one more time.

"I died…?" he murmured and frowned weakly.

"Yes, doctor Barnes said you did. But you didn't go away, you came back."

"I'm glad I did…" he nearly croaked and smiled again, feeling her soft, warm lips on his.

"I love you so much, Buck. I thought I was losing you," Kate whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too… And Sherryleen… She's here, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is," Kate broke out in a wide smile. "She's at the station with Sherri."

"Why's she there?" Buck asked, the words coming out slow and slurry.

"I'll tell you later, but you need to rest now. I'll be here all the time, you wake up when you feel better. I'll just go tell doc you're okay."

Buck nodded carefully and drew a deep breath. He was sleeping exhaustedly when Kate and doctor Barnes returned a few minutes later. Barnes examined him for a time, but it didn't seem to disturb him the slightest. Kate waited patiently outside the door for the doctor to tell her of Buck's condition, which he finally did almost an hour later.

"I must tell you, miss Friedrisch, he might be a little different from before. He was shot through the head, and even if the bullet most likely missed the brain there might still be some damage I cannot see on the outside."

"I know," Kate nodded to the doctor, brushing some hair from Buck's brow. "But he seemed just fine."

"Maybe he was lucky, but there still might be other injuries. Just keep an eye out for signs of that, okay?" Barnes looked her deep in the eyes and she nodded.

"Yes, sir."

A week passed, and though everyone were looking and listening for changes in Buck he seemed to recover and was acting normal. Kate hadn't let him meet Sherryleen yet, since she knew he was still much too tired to stay awake very long. But on the ninth day he seemed to be ready.

"Look at you, sitting up and all!" she smiled when she walked in through the door, carrying her daughter on her arm.

Buck only nodded and looked at the little girl. The child looked at her father with big eyes, meeting his stare. Buck sat leaning against the headboard of the bed with several pillows behind his back, looking at the child he had longed so to see. For two months he had known she existed, and though Kate had told him many times what she looked like none of what she had said was enough to describe the child in her arms. Buck melted at the sight of this beautiful, stunning child, looking into her extraordinary eyes where he saw a twinkle.

"Sherry honey, say hello to your father," Kate smiled, looking at Buck. "Buck, this is our daughter. Your firstborn."

Buck tried to swallow a lump in his throat, holding back the tears that rose to his eyes. The child opened her arms and reached for him, which led Kate to place her in her father's arms. Buck felt the tiny arms tightly around his neck, the soft curls of her hair in his face as she snuggled up close to his chest, holding on for dear life. His own arms moved to embrace his daughter and he closed his eyes to really keep the tears from falling. They sure were close to doing so. When he finally looked up, he saw Kate was crying too, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I've dreamt of this moment," she whispered as she sat on the bed and moved to carefully sandwich her daughter between her own body and Buck.

"Me too," he whispered in her ear, placing one arm around his fiancée. "You must've spoken well of me," he murmured.

"When you were still unconscious she was with me at least once every day, asking about you. It's like she already knows you somehow," Kate murmured, swallowing the lump of emotions in her throat.

"Dad," the girl suddenly said, as if just stating he was there with her, finally.

That was enough to make Buck release the tears. He hugged his child tighter despite the pressure on his healing chest, wondering if he wasn't going to wake up from this dream soon. Thinking hard on it, he soon accepted that it was reality and not imagination, which sent fresh tears down his cheeks.

"I love you," he whispered to both Kate and their daughter, feeling both of them hug him harder, tighter.

Time had no meaning. Life stood still. It was just the three of them, there together, alone. A couple of hours later, Sherri and Rachel found them sleeping in Buck's cot, the happy couple snuggled close to their daughter who laid between them, one arm from each parent around her tiny figure.

Chapter 19

Doctor Barnes had decided Buck needed at least another week in bed before he could leave the clinic, but with Kate and Sherryleen visiting him several times a day it wasn't so bad. He grew stronger every day and was soon almost too well to stay in bed. But when Kate didn't force him to stay in his cot, Sherryleen did. "Daddy sleep," she often demanded when Kate failed to make her fiancé see he needed to rest. It always made both adults fall into a fit of laughter.

"She sure does talk a lot!" Buck grinned and held his little girl tight against his body.

"Yeah, she does. You should hear what conversations she has with her dolls!" Kate laughed.

"How many dolls you have?" Buck asked his daughter who looked up at his face and thought for a moment.

"Mandy, Lisa and Emma!" the girl replied proudly.

"How many are they then?" Kate asked curiously.

"Three!" Sherryleen smiled just as proudly, holding up three fingers.

"She counts too?" Buck was speechless.

"I've been trying to tell you, she's amazing!" Kate smiled and leaned in for a kiss. But before she reached Buck's lips, Sherryleen caught her mother's affection on her cheek, laughing loudly.

"Why you!" Kate giggled, hearing her daughter squeal in happiness, wriggling in Buck's arms until she sat leaning her back against his chest.

"Mama loves," she smiled.

"Yes, I do! I love you," Kate smiled and caught her daughter's cheek between her fingers.

"Loves daddy!" Sherryleen laughed and broke free. She wriggled again so she could place an affectionate kiss on her father's cheek.

Buck and Kate were both so occupied just listening to their daughter, they didn't notice the door opening. Teaspoon announced his presence with a careful cough.

"Teaspoon, what are you doing here?" Buck asked in surprise, letting his daughter move to her mother's arms.

"I thought I come see ya, is all. You doin' better, son?" the old man asked and approached the cot.

"Yeah, I'll be out of here soon. You haven't come to fire me, have you?" he asked concernedly, relieved when the marshal shook his head.

"Of course not. Why, hello there precious!" the old man suddenly lit up in a twinkling smile when he saw the child in Kate's arms.

He glanced at Kate and received an affirming nod, then lifted the child into his arms. Sherryleen laughed as the marshal played with her and lifted her high in the air. Buck glanced at Kate and smiled, reaching out to take her hand. She squeezed his back and gave him a kiss before Teaspoon turned around again, setting the child down on the floor.

"You sure are a wonderful little girl, ain't ya?" he spoke in a childish voice, kneeling beside her. Sherryleen nodded proudly and then climbed up in her mother's lap again.

"I gotta tell ya, Buck. You sure did alright here," Teaspoon said and cocked a brow at the young Kiowa.

"Thanks, but it's really Kate's doing. Without her…" Buck paused to glance at the woman he loved. "Without her none of this had ever happened."

Teaspoon nodded and looked at the couple and their daughter, smiling a soft and almost dreaming smile.

"Make me kinda wish I had grandkids," he said. "You sure got a pretty one here."

"Well, if you don't tell anyone, we might just let you borrow her sometimes," Kate said and smiled back. "She's a handful, but I'm sure a strong marshal like yourself could handle that!"

"That'd be a sight," Buck mumbled and broke out in a laughter with Kate and Teaspoon.

"You two mind if I go into some pretty serious business here?" the marshal suddenly changed the subject.

"Sure, what's up?" Buck asked.

"I was just thinking the other day… Now that you're a family, you can't exactly stay at the hotel, can you?"

"No, and we won't. I've already bought us a place to live in," Buck announced, nodding at Teaspoon's unspoken question.

"You have?" Kate asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah, on my way to Fairfield. It's a great place, like you've spoken of. The owner said he accepted cash and promised he'd keep the place for me, so all that's left is the signing of the contract. I was supposed to have done that and paid for it when I got back, but I had Jimmy go over and tell him what happened. As soon as I'm out of here I'll go fix everything," Buck explained.

"You fell for that cabin, huh?" Teaspoon smiled and Buck nodded. "I'm glad you listened to your heart, son. And that you took my advice, of course!"

The three adults laughed, but Kate was a bit confused.

"You knew about this, Teaspoon?"

"Buck here told me before he left for Fairfield. Said he thought it'd make a good place for youngens. And you got one here already," Teaspoon smiled at Sherryleen.

"Well, there's always room for another one…" Buck mumbled. "But I don't think we need to tell him. Do we?" he asked Teaspoon.

"I gotta say, you've done a good job at hidin' it, but I know alright," the marshal said. "I caught ya talking one night, wasn't my intent. But don't worry, I won't tell nobody. Though I think Rachel too has seen the ring."

"So you know about us gettin' married, but is that all?" Buck asked.

"All I heard was about a baby, but the ring says it all, don't it?" Teaspoon smiled kindly.

"Guess so. But we'd appreciate if you don't say anything, I don't think the others will be too happy for us," Buck said, smiling sadly at his fiancée.

"Son, you gotta realize sooner or later they're just watchin' out for ya. As they need to realize you two are really serious about this. You're gettin' married, which is great, but they are still your friends. Your family, Buck."

Buck listened to Teaspoon's words with a silent nod. Kate glanced at him, hoping he would say something, but he seemed lost in thoughts.

"How can I act as if they're my friends when they're whispering behind my back? They're treating both of us as if we were a disease. What gives them, as my friends, the right to do that?" he asked thoughtfully.

"I dunno, son…" the marshal nodded. "I dunno, but with all the trouble here lately, and Noah and Jesse, they're probably just keen on keeping ya here. They're probably scared you gonna run away with Kate here, and the way they show it only makes you wanna run further."

He paused and thought for a moment, looking over the faces of two worried, confused and probably hurt souls, then continued.

"But they showed they care when you got shot, didn't they? Perhaps you should just talk, all of you? Then they'd see how much you mean to one another, and you'd see what you mean to them. Who knows, if you just explain everything, including your feelings for each other, and meet them halfway it will be alright?"

Buck nodded again, but didn't snap back to reality until Sherryleen jumped onto the bed from Kate's arms. She clung herself around his neck and held him in a comforting hug. Buck let his arms embrace her, but he couldn't be present in the affection. Teaspoon was right, as usual, but he couldn't bring himself to meet them halfway. He still thought they had treated both him and Kate wrong, and with his new life ahead of him he felt almost as if he didn't care what became of them all. But Teaspoon was right.

Chapter 20

Buck looked suspiciously over to the table. Kid, Lou, Jimmy, Cody, Teaspoon and Rachel all sat there, waiting for him to come join them. He closed the door behind him, walking up to his bunk, which he hadn't slept in many nights lately. He had finally been allowed to leave the clinic but was still weak, a fact that only made his new task even harder. He had promised Teaspoon and Rachel he would come over, and hopefully at least try to make his friends see that Kate and Sherryleen were for real. After leaving his hat on his bunk, he drew a deep sigh and sat down between Teaspoon and Rachel at the table. He felt like it was an actual court trial, where he was the prosecuted.

"Well, I'll let you go first, Buck. Everybody, please listen to what he's got to say," Teaspoon said, turning to look at Buck's sweat damp face.

"What's there to say?" Buck began, looking up somewhat embarrassed, searching the faces of his friends for some sign of understanding.

"I think maybe this is all our fault," Kid stated wisely, also looking at his friends while he spoke.

"Not entirely," Buck contradicted, though he felt like Kid was right. But agreeing would only lead to a harder wall to break down between them. "I can understand that with Kate coming here without warning us first, and then telling me of our daughter, you guys get angry. But… There's nothing to be angry about, really. We loved each other once, and when we met again we found that love still exists. I don't see what's so bad about that…"

"Nothin's bad about that, Buck," Lou said in his defense, but both Jimmy and Cody were ready to burst at her side.

"Buck, she used to be a whore! That child may not even be yours!" Jimmy cried, stating the facts they all wanted to let him know but didn't know how to tell him.

"And you don't think I know that?" Buck exclaimed, shocking every one at the table.

"You knew?" Cody nearly whispered.

"I met her at the saloon in Salt Lake," Buck began in a tired tone, hoping he wouldn't have to repeat himself. "Ike and I met her and Sherri…"

"Sherri too?!" Cody and Jimmy both exclaimed in chorus.

It had been plain to everyone that the two men were interested in the young blonde, but they apparently knew nothing about her and had asked even less.

"Yes, Sherri too," Buck nodded, closing his eyes for a minute. His head hurt just by thinking of how long this conversation would take. "We met them, at the saloon, and yes, they were both prostitutes. Okay?" When his friends nodded he continued. "I bumped into Kate the following evening and we started talking. We share things in the past, horrible things, and we got along real well. Yes, we fell in love. I only knew her for a short couple of days, but it was enough. Sherryleen is our lovechild, and if you have a problem with that I'd appreciate it if you could simply tell me face to face," Buck concluded by looking sternly over the faces around the table.

"I have to agree on that, you should all be ashamed of yourselves!" Rachel said. "The way you been goin' out of your way just to avoid Buck and Kate, that's ridiculous!"

"Maybe we outta be ashamed of ourselves, but you haven't exactly handled this smoothly either, Buck." Buck turned to Cody and looked him square in the eye. His own eyes narrowed as his anger began to take the better of him. I knew this was a bad idea…

"And how would you have wanted it to be handled then, Cody?" he asked sarcastically.

"You could've done your chores like you was supposed to," the blond man continued.

"And since I didn't, you have a right to treat me and Kate like we have the plague? Huh?"

Buck's temper was beginning to rise violently and they all knew it. Usually they would all have dropped their cases and avoided the subject, but this couldn't go on any further, and they all knew that too. Teaspoon had avoided interference in the conversation, but was just about to speak when Rachel broke the silence.

"No one's treatin' you like that, Buck. Don't be silly."

"Silly? I'm the only sane person here!" the Kiowa cried angrily.

"Now hold on…" Teaspoon began, knowing the conversation was getting out of hand.

"You hold on, I'm not finished! I'm sick and tired of always being the peacemaker around here. I've had it, with all of you!"

An eerie silence settled over the table, but Buck wasn't going to let it stay that way for long.

"Kate and I are gettin' married any day now, and then we're moving out of town. We don't have to settle this, 'cos there's nothin' to settle. You don't ever have to see either one of us again once we're wed." That said, the Kiowa rose quickly and stalked to the door in two long strives, forgetting his hat as he went. He turned in the door and threw one fast look over the stunned faces.

"One more thing… Kate's pregnant too, how 'bout that?" Then he closed the door and all but ran into town, where his family awaited him at the hotel.

"They can go to hell for all I care!" Buck cried, incapable of believing his fiancée was taking their side.

"Buck, honey…" Kate started carefully. She had learnt how to deal with him when he was mad. "Sweetie, they're your friends. I know deep down you love them, just as much as they love you. Come on, lie back down."

She patted the bed and he hesitantly gave in to the dull pain in his chest and head. He lied down beside Kate and let her arms embrace him, soothing his nerves. Sherryleen was already sleeping, in a small bed that had been placed by the wall in their room a couple of days back. They lay for a time just absorbing the darkness and the silence.

"I'm sorry," Buck mumbled suddenly.

"It's okay, you rest now."

"No, I mean it. I have no right letting my anger towards them out on you. Thanks for not giving me what I deserve," he said and lured out a smile on her lips shortly before he kissed her.

"You should be resting," Kate smiled between kisses, but Buck heard her voice was already filled with lust, and he knew she wouldn't force him to sleep now.

"Later," he smiled back, trailing kisses down her neck.

"You're still healing," Kate pointed out, gently brushing over the pink scars on his forehead.

"I heard once this is the best way to heal," he murmured and continued to kiss her soft skin.

"Besides, I'm good for at least one more lesson tonight."

"There's not much more I can teach you," Kate purred huskily.

"Then we'll jut spend some time reminiscing… Oh, I remember this one," Buck giggled, reaching her breasts with his lips.

He kissed and licked her pale mounds, straining the cleavage on her nightgown so he could reach more of her.

"Try taking it off," Kate nearly laughed, placing a finger under his chin to bring his head up again, kissing his lips passionately.

Buck reached for the hem of her nightgown and pulled it over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Then he went back to work, licking and sucking on her nipples until they were hard and close to swollen. Her hand reached for his swelling member and worked it while he tongued her chest. Their breaths were rapidly growing shallow and fast, both of them ready to explode with desire, like always. Buck felt her wonderful, full lips on his forehead, kissing him there and moving towards his left earlobe. She sucked at his ear and ran her nails through his hair until he shuddered in her arms and had to break free and look at her.

"You're truly amazing, you know that don't you?" he asked and went back to work, kissing her pale skin all over her neck and chest.

"I'm irresistible," she played along, smiling above his head.

"Amazingly irresistible," Buck agreed and moved lower. After kissing her soft belly where another life was growing, he moved between her legs and spread them open for better access. He licked and kissed her, pulling away before she reached her climax. He moved on top of her and entered her a little at a time. He positioned her legs one by one just below his armpits and she willingly wrapped them around him. He plunged into her until they were both going wild with desire, moaning and sighing.

"Don't wake Sherry," Kate warned, looking into her lover's dark eyes.

He was biting his lip to keep the scream in his throat, letting his hips grind into her with increasing speed. Before long he couldn't help the heavy moans any longer and they were both getting very close. Kate's legs tightened around his chest and her head arched back when she came, breathing his name exhaustedly. It didn't take much more before Buck exploded too, rolling with her in the bed. Before either of them could stop it, they crashed violently to the floor, still joined like only a man and a woman can be.

The next thing that was heard in the room was Buck's moan and Kate's laughter.

Chapter 21

Buck gasped for air and stared at the ceiling. His forehead and face were damp with sweat and his breathing rapid. He turned slightly to his right where Kate stirred.

"You dreamt of Noah again?" she asked, her voice showing how tired she was though her emerald eyes were wide open.

"And Ike and Jesse. It was the worst ever."

Kate pulled herself up and wiped at his forehead, letting her fingertips carefully rub his scull, curling his hair around them. They laid there for a time, in comfortable silence while Buck's nerves calmed. He had dreamt of Noah almost every night since he died, and lately Ike and Jesse haunted his dreams equally much.

"When are you gonna realize it wasn't your fault?" Kate asked suddenly, still letting her fingers sensually walk through his hair.

"If I had been there the day Noah died maybe I could have prevented it. And if I had run a little faster Ike would never have died," Buck replied shortly, still staring at the same spot on the ceiling.

"Okay, let's ponder you did run a little faster that day when Ike was killed," Kate started and Buck could already hear the sarcasm. "Then you would have pushed him aside, right? And taken the bullet for him."

"Back then I would gladly have done it, and you know that," Buck argued.

"Sure, but if you had died instead, imagine how guilty Ike would have felt the day I came back with Sherryleen. He would probably never forgive himself. And you would never meet your daughter. And she would never meet her father, who she loves so much."

Buck turned and looked into Kate's smiling face, and he had to smile too, turning again to see the sleeping figure of his beloved daughter.

"He would have walked around with all that guilt in his heart, and he would never find peace. At least this way you, me and Sherry are happy. Isn't that worth something?" Kate asked seriously.

Buck contemplated her wise words and nodded silently. "Yeah, it is," he whispered.

"If you'd died that day, or any other day, I and Sherry, and Ike, would all have been miserable forever. I for one am thrilled you're alive and well now. When I came back here and heard you were hurt I thought I would kill myself. I thought you were never gonna see your little girl," Kate said and finally gave in to the tears.

Buck sat up and gathered her into his arms, rocking and soothing her.

"I'm here, it's alright now," he whispered in her ear.

"It was never your fault they died, so don't you ever blame yourself," she sobbed and hugged him hard.

"I won't, I swear," Buck replied and placed his head on hers, caressing her face with one hand, wiping away her tears. "I won't ever do that again."

"I love you so much, Buck. I can't see you in such pain."

"You make it all better," he promised and smiled above her head.

"Yeah? Then why do you have those dreams all the time?" Kate asked, pulling herself together some.

"I just need time, that's all. You're the best help I can get," Buck whispered and kissed her when she looked up.

"You gotta make friends with everyone at the station before you can get rid of the guilt," Kate stated wisely.

"I know, I know…"

"I love you, Buck. Promise me you'll make friends with them," she begged and kissed his cheek.

"I promise. I love you too."

Kate looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity there she knew he possessed. His silent nod told her he meant what he said. Hugging him she felt that his lips began to explore her skin, like countless times before. Soon the were making love like only two people that are meant for each other can do, and all memories of the dreams, arguments and lost friends were vanished from both their minds.

Waking that morning Buck felt both Sherry and Kate in his arms, his favorite girls sleeping soundly still though the sun was high in the sky. He looked out the window and felt the warmth on his face, then smiled into Kate's eyes when she slowly woke. She smiled back and stretched, careful not to wake her daughter.

"Good thing this bed is big," she smiled between yawns, collecting Sherry in her arms.

"Perhaps we should steal it and put it in our new bedroom?" Buck suggested.

They had already been out to their new home a couple of times and planned their future there. Like Buck had more or less predicted, Kate had fallen in love with the place the moment she saw it.

"Now, that's a plan!" Kate laughed, kissing him lovingly.

"I was thinking…" Buck began.

"Wow!" Kate teased, being instantly rewarded with a glare. "Yeah, what?"

"I was thinking that maybe it's about time we set a date for the wedding. Isn't it?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. Well, today seems to be a beautiful day…" she sighed and looked out the window.

They laid in silence for a minute, when suddenly they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"You sure?" Buck asked, already smiling wickedly.

"Only one problem…" Kate said thoughtfully.

"What's that?"

"No guests. I mean, sure Sherri would be invited, but what about your friends? You said before they aren't very happy for us…"

Buck met Kate's uncertain stare and bit his lip.

"I never dreamt of a very big wedding, but… What I'm saying is, I don't really care if they're there or not. As long as you are," he smiled warmly at her, kissing her forehead.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't miss my wedding for the world!" she laughed, waking her daughter up.

"Mama," the girl moaned and clung around Kate's neck, still sleepy enough to dream some more.

When the girl had fallen back to sleep, which didn't take long, the two adults began a serious talk of good things and bad things about a small wedding. A small wedding today.

Chapter 22

"It's all we ask, Teaspoon," Buck pleaded, squeezing his lover's hand.

The marshal looked him over and then moved his gaze to Kate, who was holding Sherryleen on her other arm. "I just don't think it's what you really want."

Buck sighed deeply and nearly lost is temper for a second.

"Teaspoon," he started near pedagogically. "We've been over this, several times. We want to get married, today. If you don't wanna perform the service, that's fine, we can easily arrange something else. But this really is what we want, and now we're asking you to marry us. Please."

Teaspoon nodded and thought for a second before he replied, trying to find a way to tell Buck what he meant. Without making it harder for all involved. "I know you two want to get married, and I'd love to perform the service. I just don't think, no believe, that you really want to get married when things are like they are."

"When things are like what?" Buck asked.

"Do you really want to look back at this day in ten years and realize how lonely that church felt? How much you'd rather want a crowded wedding, with all your loved ones present?" Teaspoon asked, trying to reason with them.

The couple looked at each other and shrugged both at the same time.

"Really, I don't think we mind," Kate said.


"Yeah," Buck nodded. "We want to get married today, but it's not to get back at any of the others. We just want to get married, is that wrong?"

Teaspoon shook his head, and raised his hand to clap Buck's back. "Of course not. If you wanna get married, then let's have a weddin'!"

Teaspoon looked down on the nervous couple in front of him. They stood clasping each other's hands, looking lovingly into each other's eyes. Teaspoon had seen one other couple that was this perfect, and he had wed them too. Now he closed the thick book in his hands and pulled on a wide smile.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, son," he said warmly and watched another one of his riders take his bride into his embrace and kiss her deeply.

Sherri and Rachel, who had been sitting on the front row with Sherryleen, rose and walked up to the couple, which were still kissing. Kate let go of her husband and was immediately embraced by her best friend, the two of them giggling happily. Sherryleen craved attention and was lifted up into Buck's strong arms, with her arms clutching around his neck. Buck took his wife's hand and together the three walked out of the church, closely followed by Teaspoon and the two witnesses. Well outside Sherri took her godchild from her father's arms and gave him a careful peck on the cheek.

"Congratulations, Buck. You both deserve this," she whispered and smiled.

Buck nodded his thanks and felt his wife's arms around his waist. She was ready for some real loving and he couldn't wait much longer either.

"Sherri, we really appreciate that you're taking care of Sherryleen for us," Kate spoke and hugged both her daughter and friend.

"It's a pleasure," Sherri smiled. "Besides, I'll miss her when I go back to Baltimore. She's such an angel!" Sherryleen laughed at the words and hugged her godmother tightly.

"I'm angel!" she giggled happily.

"You sure are, honey," Kate smiled and kissed her daughter's cheek.

The newlyweds said goodbye for now and hurried off to the hotel, Buck's hand pinching his wife's bottom discretely as they went.

Buck howled and rolled over on the side, pulling his giggling wife with him. They had made love for hours, and were both so tired and spent all they could do was laugh and mellow over their fortune to have found each other. Panting, Buck embraced Kate and held her against his chest.

"You're my God," he mumbled and kissed the top of her head.

"Goddess," Kate corrected with a half serious nod.

"No, you're a God," Buck insisted. "Goddess is such a… Well, God is a more powerful word!"

Kate shook her head unbelievingly, and thought it was just typical men to say something like that.

"So you're my God," Buck stated.

"Okay, then you're my prince," Kate giggled.

"You mean king?"

"Don't flatter yourself," Kate said seriously and pulled herself up to meet his lips, kissing him deep and long.

When she broke free she laid herself with her head on his chest, staring up at the ceiling. Buck too looked at an empty spot for awhile, just digesting the morning's events.

"I can't believe we're actually married…" he sighed lovingly.

"Finally," Kate giggled. "No more injuries for you, okay!"

"It wasn't my fault!" Buck laughed and stroked her shoulder.

"Like you tried to help it!" Kate argued and stroked his leg in return.

"Like you were there!" Buck giggled and drew a deep breath.

They rested for awhile, both giving the other a sensual massage in silence. Kate was the one to break the silence after a few minutes.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Wonderful…" Buck replied dreamily. "Very happy… And so hot for you I could scream!"

Kate giggled and looked up at him, turning over on her stomach.



"Well, this is the best day of our lives, perhaps we should spend it doing what we do best?" Kate said seductively and traced one of his ribs with her index finger, kissing his skin carefully.

"Then what have we been doing all morning?" Buck asked with another giggle.

"We've just been getting started," Kate said with a creamy voice and drew herself up to kiss him. Buck pulled away and took in a deep breath. He exhaled just as deeply and stared at the ceiling again.

"I'm so tired, what have you done to me?!" he exclaimed and turned back to her.

"Got you all warmed up," Kate said, biting her bottom lip seductively.

"I'm warm alright, but still tired."

"Then why don't you rest? We have all day, you know. And all night…"

Buck gave a growl and smiled at her, watched her laugh. That laughter her fell in love with once, and still sent a shiver of delight up his spine every time he heard it.

"I'm just so scared you won't be here when I wake up," he said seriously when they calmed down some.

"You know, Buck. I just wowed to stay by you forever."

"I know… Just now that it's all so perfect, I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin it."

"Don't worry, I'm scared too. But we can make it together. I ain't goin' nowhere…" Kate said seriously and kissed his chest.

"That makes two of us," Buck nodded thoughtfully.

"That's all we need," Kate said and pulled the covers up to her shoulder, settling in for sleep.

"I love you," Buck whispered.

"I love you more," Kate said with a wicked spark Buck knew well glowing in her eyes.

"I loved you longer," Buck played along, smiling above her soft red curls.

"What? No way, I saw you first!" Kate argued playfully.

"But I walked up to you!"

"Because I took a moment to breathe! I would've approached you later."

"But I beat you to it!" Buck giggled.

"Why, you…" Kate groaned and let her nails graze his stomach.

They settled back to rest and laid silent for a few minutes. Then suddenly Buck opened is eyes and spoke.

"You'll be here?"

"Go to sleep, I'll be here," Kate assured him drowsily. "And you better be ready…"

"For what?" Buck asked, the tone in his voice changing to the same he just had, when they argued playfully only moments ago.

"If you can't figure that out, you don't deserve to be my hubby!" Kate smiled and walked her fingers down toward the dark curls between his legs.

"I'm just checkin', that's all!" Buck assured her, joining her in laughter.

"Go to sleep now, you big baby, you…"

"But I'm your big baby, right?" Buck teased, knowing he was pushing her dangerously close to the edge of her patience.

"Yes! Go to sleep!" Kate laughed, failing in her attempt to sound harsh.

Buck settled down and they both fell silent again.

"I'm just checking," Buck whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too," Kate whispered back, stroking his stomach lovingly. "Go to sleep now, I'll be here…"

Only minutes later they both slept fitfully, snuggling close to the other, dreaming sweet dreams of happiness.

Chapter 23

Buck woke up without knowing what had disturbed his sleep. He was exhausted and wanted to drift back, but the instant he closed his eyes there was a careful knock on the door. Kate, who had snuggled up along his side resting her head on his shoulder, looked up and seemed just as confused as her husband. When the knocker behind the door made more noise, harsher this time, Kate lifted her head and placed a finger over Buck's lips.

"I'll get it," she whispered and kissed his cheek lovingly.

Kate loathed to move from the bed, but their guest wasn't going to wait much longer.

"Buck, Kate?" someone spoke.

Kate pulled on her robe and opened the door, meeting Lou.

"What can I do for you?" she asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"I need to talk to you," Lou said carefully. "Can I come in?"

Kate stepped aside and nodded, still sleepy.

"Lou?" Buck spoke up, pulling the quilt over his naked chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lou seemed startled seeing him there and turned around again. "Am I disturbing something?"

"Just Buck's beauty sleep," Kate smirked and Lou seemed to loosen up a little too.

"I never realized you needed that," she giggled.

"What did you want, Lou?" Buck asked to change the subject, rubbing his brow as a sign of discomfort.

"I need to talk to you, and I think you know what it's about," Lou said.

Kate saw the seriousness in Lou's brown eyes and cleared her throat.

"You probably have some to talk about, so I'll just go down to the lobby and ask they bring up a tub for us," she said and went behind the screen in the room and pulled on a dress.

Lou nodded and turned back to Buck.

"It's about the others, right?" Buck asked, though knowing the answer.

Lou waited to answer until Kate was out in the hall and the door was closed.

"I know you think they believe you betrayed them when you started seeing Kate," Lou started. "But that's not true. We were just concerned about you."

Buck cleared his throat and seemed somewhat distressed.

"So now you're here to talk some sense into me, or what?"

"No. After Noah died you seemed so sad and hurt… Hell we all were," Lou said and waited for a moment before continuing, the tears for her friend threatening to spill down her cheeks. "We just didn't want you to get hurt again," she concluded.

"Why should I get hurt? I told you I love her. I always did."

"Exactly. You gotta admit the odds were against Kate from the start. It seemed to us she was just after a father for her child, and picked you because she knew how much you loved her once. We speculated some, and jumped to conclusions a bit. We admit that," she said and approached the bed, sitting herself down on the foot end.

"I admit I might have over reacted some," Buck said and hung his head down, looking at his hands which were resting on his stomach.

"Maybe, but we all remember what happened when that Kathleen came to Sweetwater and had you twisted 'round her little finger oh so neatly," Lou spoke harsh and sarcastically.

Buck threw her a hard glare.

"I loved her. You may not understand it, but I did. Don't speak of her like that," Buck pleaded sternly.

Lou looked down and cocked an eyebrow. It was clear she wasn't going to change her opinion about Kathleen Devlin, but if Buck demanded she didn't put her down like that she wouldn't. Not in front of him anyway.

"But Kate isn't Kathleen," Buck said.

"We know, but it all seemed too perfect. The woman you loved came back to you, and walked right into your life with your daughter without even writing first."

"She didn't know where to find me. Sherri found out about me when she was going to send one of Kate's letters with the Pony Express. The clerk at the post office in St. Joe knew I rode for the Express and instead of sending the letter Kate came herself. What's so suspicious about that?" Buck asked.

"Well anyway, what I'm here to say is that whatever has happened the last couple of months, we're ready to just forget about it all. We heard you got married today," Lou said and smiled warmly. "Congratulations, when were you plannin' on tellin' us?"

"I don't know really. We just had to get married when we woke up this morning, and now it's done…" Buck cocked a brow and tried to look happy even after what Lou had said.

"I understand if you didn't want to invite us," Lou continued to smile. "Really, we understand that."

"It wasn't even like that," Buck contradicted. "We never wanted to get back at you, we just wanted to get married."

"Anyway," Lou said and drew a deep breath, hoping she had cleared the air between them enough to bring up the good news. "We were kinda hopin' you'd let us throw you a party tonight…"

Buck's eyes widened and he seemed distressed for a moment. Then he calmed himself and cleared his throat. "You… A… A party? What, for… for us?" he stammered.

"Yeah, since you didn't get the proper wedding you deserve," Lou nodded. "There should always be a party after a wedding, I thought you knew that," she smiled.

Buck smiled too, nodding. "Yeah, alright. If you promise there won't be any blamin' and stuff," he warned sternly.

"I promise," Lou said and held her hands up, shaking her head. "No one's gonna blame anyone!"

"Well, then I'd say you just got yourself two more guests," Buck seemed light at heart and happy for the first time since Lou came in the room.

Lou lit up too and kissed his cheek quickly. "I'm so happy for you," she whispered. "Really, I am. And as a matter of fact," she paused and placed his hand on her stomach. "As a matter of fact I promised you I'd tell Kid about the baby, and I just did today."

Buck smiled warmly and looked into her eyes. "I don't remember if I ever told you, but I'm very happy for you too."

He kissed her back brotherly but pulled away when he heard the door moving.

"Hey," Kate called and hurried to the bed. "Are you tryin' to steal my man?"

They broke out in a laughter and though Kate didn't know what had been said in the room, she could sense it was something very good. And looking into her husband's eyes she got it confirmed. "Well, I better get goin' back to the station then,"

Lou said and pulled herself together. "You'll tell Kate, won't you? I wanna see both of you tonight," she added.

"Sure, we'll be there. What time?" Buck asked.

"Say seven?" Lou suggested when she reached the door and turned the knob.

"Seven it is," Buck nodded and watched her leave.

"What is seven?" Kate asked.

"I'll tell you later," Buck said and pulled himself up to kiss her.

"Hey, the tub will be here any minute now," Kate said and melted into his embrace.

Right then there was a knock on the door.

"Told ya," Kate smiled and hopped off the bed, blowing him a kiss before opening the door.

Chapter 24

Buck smiled at his pretty bride, who sat opposite to him in the chest-high water, almost blushing when he looked at her. The water was clear part from a few soft white bubbles right at the surface. Kate suddenly giggled and her natural color returned to her freckled cheeks.

"What did I do?" Buck asked softly, smiling brightly.

"Nothing, you're just so wonderful," Kate said and leaned forward.

She kissed him sweetly and let her hand stroke his right cheek. When she pulled back, she reached down to the bottom of the tub and found the soap. She handed it to her husband who looked quizzically at her.

"Aren't you a gentleman?" she asked which confused him even more. "Wash my hair!" she nearly demanded and laughed that liquid laughter which melted Buck's heart.

"Alright, missus Cross. As you desire," he spoke with perfect British pronunciation and took the soap from her tiny hand.

He moved closer to her, and she leaned against the tub with a relaxed look on her face. When he started rubbing her pale skin with the soap she closed her eyes and moaned pleasurably. His careful hands reached her red silky curls, and he began massaging her scull with his fingertips, adding more soap until her head was crowned with small pearly white bubbles. Buck leaned in and kissed her while still working her hair, pulling it up in a bun to spread the soap to every little strand. He let one hand drop to the water, and brought with him a few drops up to her head again, adding more soap.

Kate broke the sensual moment with yet another giggle. She just had an idea.

"What?" was all Buck had time to ask before she had snatched the soap from his hand.

She giggled while bringing it to his scalp, rubbing his hair like he had done hers. Buck still had his hands in her hair while she began washing his, giving him all he had just given her. He looked into her emerald eyes which seemed to glister under the white hat, and her pink lips, swollen from all the kissing that day, had parted in a warm smile.

"I love you," he whispered and kissed her lightly on those wonderful lips.

Kate saw her chance and brought all his hair up onto the top of his scull, twisting it into a tight bun.

"Am I cute now?" he asked sarcastically and looked like a sad puppy.

Kate laughed again and splashed some water at him. He instantly returned the favor and looked at her sternly, splashing more water over her chest and shoulders. Kate giggled and had before long started a war in the tub, the two of them splashing water over each other. Buck took a careful hold of his wife's neck and brought her nose close to the surface, asking if she gave up. The same second he felt her nail digging into the inside of his thigh, and he gave a shout in pain.

"I'm gonna get you for that!"

"Come on!" Kate laughed and waved her hands in front of him.

Buck jolted himself up and fell over her, pinning her against the side of the tub, biting playfully at the side of her neck. She squealed loudly and laughed, enveloping him with her slender arms. When their laughter had subsided several minutes later, they remained embracing. Buck swung her around and leaned his back against the tub, hugging her in his arms.

"Please tell me we're gettin' a tub for the house," he giggled and nuzzled her neck.

"Two!" Kate smiled and drew a deep breath. She sat with her back against his chest, inhaling and exhaling deeply, her eyes closing. Time went by and their thoughts drifted toward the same topic. Buck's hand dropped from her shoulder and began playing with her right nipple absently. His chin rested at the crook of her neck and he nuzzled her there, kissing and nibbling at her warm skin. Kate's right hand went down to stroke his leg, reaching behind him, trying to find his buttock. She felt his member was beginning to find her caress just a slight bit too nice, and a sly smile played across her lips. She turned in his arms and kissed him wetly on the lips, not waiting for him to return it before she dove under the surface. Buck's eyes widened in surprise, then in shock. Her lips and tongue were sliding over his erection under water! He let his elbows rest over the side of the tub and tried to find a comfortable position, but ever time she plunged her head down on him his legs quivered wildly. When she broke the surface some time later he was breathing heavily and stared at her wide-eyed.

"You're too much," he breathed and tried to smile, but his manhood ached for attention after her treatment, and he couldn't focus on anything else.

"Then do something about it," Kate smiled seductively and gave a sensuous wink with her eyes. Buck positioned himself between her legs, moving her until she leaned against the tub, and pushed his hardening penis inside her. She embraced him and dug her nails into his back, meeting his every thrust with a deep moan. His grinding changed in tempo until water splashed over the side of the tub and created big pools of water on the floor, but neither of them cared. Kate's orgasm sounded loudly in the room and Buck wasn't going to be far behind. He emptied himself with a few more thrusts, giving long moans within every breath. He collapsed in his wife's arms and rested his head on her shoulder, murmuring soft words of appreciation.

They remained that way until Kate suddenly caught sight of the clock on the wall.

"Buck," she spoke and seemed to wake him from a slumber.

"Mmmhh…" he replied sleepily.

"We're gonna be late, we gotta wash up," Kate whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

"What time is it?" Buck asked without looking up. He would gladly fall asleep there and then, resting in his wife's arms with his manhood still deep in her honeyed core.

"It's after six," Kate said and attempted to rise.

Buck fell limply backwards and looked up tiredly. She smiled at him and grabbed a pitcher from the floor.

"Some party this will be," she mumbled and filled the pitcher, washing herself and her husband off. Buck still didn't move.

When she rose from the tub she took a towel and went to find some suitable clothes in her trunk, turning her back to Buck. She heard him rise, the water dripping on the floor before he dried himself off. She found the dress she wanted to wear and held it up in front of her. The same second she felt her husband's arms around her, and his engorged maleness pushing against her moist opening from behind.

"We're gonna be late," she whispered over her shoulder but wasn't disappointed when Buck continued to spread her cheeks apart.

"You should know better than to turn your back at me," he panted in her ear, biting at the small of her neck.

"I didn't think this was your style," Kate giggled and finally felt him enter her a little at a time.

"You think too much," Buck stated and began thrusting.

Kate needed something to brace herself against, but there was only the window in front of her. She leaned backwards and for a moment thought Buck had lost balance, but they both landed softly on the bed, Buck underneath and Kate on top. Buck panted and moved his hips wildly, moaning loudly into her hair. Kate moved too, clasping his hand beside her. They were both already close enough to explode, both closing their eyes while their instincts took over. Kate heard Buck scream under her and almost thought he was in pain, but then she felt that familiar feeling of his erupting member inside her. Her own orgasm was just a second behind, her hips moving so wildly she wondered if she could ever stop them.

Buck opened his eyes and listened to the silence. Kate lay on top of him still, staring at the ceiling. He squeezed her hand, which he still held tightly, and felt her respond mildly.

"I love you," he said in an almost stating tone.

"And I love you," Kate said with a deep sigh. A sigh of emotion.

"We'll be late."

"I know."

They remained silent for a time, staring at nothing at all, enjoying each other. When they finally moved they got dressed silently. Kate watched herself this time and never turned her back to him, smiling shyly when he looked at her quizzically. His lips parted too and he knew he would always remember this day. They both would. The day they proved to themselves and everyone else how much they loved each other. Their wedding day. Buck grasped his bride's hand and led her out the door, closing it silently behind them. They never bothered to lock it. The room was part of the past. They had an all new live ahead of them, with all new people and all new events. In an all new home. Together.

The End!

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