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By: Lynn

Stacie--thanks so much for reading this story. The input you gave really helped a lot. Also, if it wasn't for you I still wouldn't have it typed up.

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Lou woke up next to her husband. It was hard to believe that they had been married for almost a month now. It had been so nice. Every night they would came home to Rachel's house. Right after dinner they would lock themselves in their room.

At one time in her life, Lou would have never believed that she would have loved a man so much that she would allow him to touch her, let alone make love to her every night. But she loved it. She loved him. The way that he made her feel, the way he held her.

She had always told herself that she would not marry a man until he knew everything about her. Kid did know most of her past, but the one thing he didn't know could be the one thing that he could not forgive. After all, she still hasn't forgiven herself for what she did. But that was the past and all she could do now was live with the decisions she made years ago.

Maybe this would all be so much easier if Jeremiah and Theresa were here. A part of me still wishes that Kid and I had been able to get them. But they are happy. The people who adopted them are so nice, 'Miah and Theresa love them so much. At least I still get to write them and I'm sure Kid and I will visit them, someday. Although I know that this is the best for them, I still find myself wishing that they were here.

St. Louis

"No, please stop." The woman was screaming at a man holding a gun on her husband. "We won't tell anyone about you. You have my word."

The man fried the shoot that ended her husband's life. He smiled as he turned to face the woman. "Course you want tell no one, the dead can't talk." He fired once more and the woman fell to the ground.

Carrie had been babysitting Charlotte. Charlotte's parents had planned a night out and had asked Carrie to her watch her. That had said that they would be home late. But it was now the following morning. Well, maybe they went back to the house last night and fell asleep.

Carrie loaded Charlotte into the wagon and they rode out to find the late parents. They pulled up to the house. Carrie noticed that the front door was open and that something was not right. She told Charlotte to wait for her as she went inside only to find the bodies of Charlotte's parents lying dead on the living room floor.

Charlotte stayed with Carrie for a couple days. Carrie didn't have anyway of caring for Charlotte. She loved the girl very much but she didn't have the money or time it took to raise a child.

She remembered Beth, Charlotte's mother, had told her about a women named Louise. They kept in touch over the years and Beth had always said that if something were to happen to her and her husband then Charlotte was to be taken to Louise in Rock Creek.

Kid had walked into the room, Lou's back was facing him and he slid his strong arms around her middle. She jumped slightly, but relaxed very quickly. She loved Kid and couldn't begin to image what her life would be like without him.

His lips brushed against the back of her neck and moved up to her jawbone. He placed his hands on shoulders and turned her so that they were facing each other. He started to unbutton the top of her dress. His mouth went to her collarbone.

Lou closed her eyes and tilted her head back. He wrapped his arms around her and they started their way to the bed. Kid quickly undressed himself before moving onto the bed to help his wife finish undressing.

Lou moved closer to Kid pressing her soft white breasts into his chest. Kid moved his hand down over her body until he reached her hips. He moved his hand onto the inside of her thigh, his fingers drifted over her moist center, he knew that she was ready for him.

He rolled her onto her back and moved into position between her legs. He entered her slowly. Once fully inside, he allowed her to move on top of him. Lou moved so that she was sitting on him. Lou knew that this was one of Kid's favorite positions. He loved it when she 'rode' him.

He moved his hands to her hips as his eyes closed and he let out a soft growl. His hips began to buck and Lou knew that he was close. She began to move faster which made her own orgasm begin to form. Lou's body began to shake as she collapsed against Kid's body. He pulled her closer to him and held her as she trebled.

There was a knock at the door. Both had heard it, but neither wanted to stop what they were doing.

"Louise, there's someone here for you." Rachel had a pretty good idea of what the ex-rider and her husband were doing. She hated to interrupt them, but the young girl down-stairs seemed so upset that she just had to. "She says it's real important, it's about Charlotte."

Lou jumped off Kid, "I'll be right there!" She quickly tossed on her clothes and started to run out the door.

Kid had hoped off the bed right after Lou had. He put his pants on and grabbed her just in time to stop her off leaving the room.

"Kid, I have to go. I can't explain right now."

"OK, but before you go down there I need to tell you something first."

"Now? Kid please hurry!"

"OK, I have decided that I am leaving for Virginia at the end of the month. I need you to think about coming with me/"

"I'll think about it, but I can't right now."

Lou ran down stairs. She saw a lady she didn't know holding Charlotte.

Carrie smiled at her. "You must be Louise. I'm Carrie, the Johnson's told me all about you. They said you visit whenever you can, so I guess the two of you already know each other."

"Yeah, we do. Hi Charlie."

"Mama" Charlotte held out her hands and Lou took her from Carrie.

Kid walked into the room. Neither Lou nor Carrie had noticed him yet.

"So what are you doing here, Miss…"

"Oh please call me Carrie. I come here with sad news. The Johnson's were killed. Beth had always told me that if something were to happen to she and George that I was to bring Charlotte to you. Because you are her real mother."

"What?!" Kid stepped into the middle of the room where the ladies finally took notice of him. "Ma'am you are making a mistake. My wife doesn't have any children. Lou, tell her you don't have any children."

"Kid, let me explain." Lou's eyes were beginning to tear up. She had always planned on telling Kid. But not like this.

"Tell her!"

"Kid, I can't. It is true, Charlotte is my daughter."

Kid couldn't believe what he was hearing. Lou has a child! He had to leave. He headed right for the door and a few minutes later Lou heard him head off on Katy.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause problems for you. I would have kept her myself, but I can't care for a child right now.?"

"No, this isn't your fault, it is mine. Thankyou for being her."

"Then you will keep her?"


"I have something for her out in the wagon."

The two women walked outside. "Jimmy, could you please take this crate up to my room for me?"

Jimmy couldn't take his eyes off the child Lou was holding. The baby looked so much like Lou. The other women don't look like either Lou or the baby. Jimmy nodded and carried the small crate upstairs.

Lou told Carrie goodbye and followed Jimmy upstairs.

"Lou, where do you want me to set this?"

"Over by the window." Lou sat Charlotte, she was just over three and loved to walk everywhere.

The little girl had walked over to Jimmy and was trying to look up to see him, she started to lose her balance and grabbed onto his pant leg to keep from falling.

Jimmy reached down and picked her up. "And who might you be?" The girl started to squirm and Jimmy placed her back on the ground.

"Her name is Charlotte…McCloud, Charlie is my daughter."

Jimmy's mouth dropped open. Lou has a daughter. Well at least now I know why Kid left so fast.

"I really messed up. I should have told Kid about her along time ago." Lou moved her hands up to her face and began to cry.

Jimmy sat next to his friend on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Well, you know that I was raped, right?"

Jimmy nodded. "Kid told me about it a couple days after you told him."

"Yeah, I asked him to. Anyway, after I went to St. Louis. I started dressing like a boy and talking on odd jobs to get by. Well, after just a month I had to buy bigger pants. It happened again about a month later and once more about two weeks later. I didn't understand why, I knew I wasn't eating that much. I went to the doctor to find out why I was getting so fat. After he examined me he told me that I was carrying Charlie. I was only fourteen, I turned fifteen right before she was born. I don't know how to take care of myself, let alone a baby. Dr. Johnson and his wife asked me to move in with them. I later found out that they couldn't have children and I knew that they would make good parents. About two weeks after Charlie was born, I left a note asking them to raise her and I left. A month later I wrote a letter asking how she was doing. They told me they would keep her until I decided to come back for her. They also insisted that she keep my last name and they always told her that I was her mama."

"Lou, you did the best thing for her. You know that don't you? Gave her to a family that loved and wanted her."

Lou placed Charlotte in the room next to hers. She returned to her room and changed into her nightgown then climbed into bed. I'll understand if he can't forgive me for this. I know I should have told him a long time ago. Just please let me came home safe, so that we can talk about this.

Kid had been so upset by the news that he went to the saloon. He was deep onto the bottle when the bartender said that he had had enough. Kid had started to protest, but realized it would do any good.

He was about to leave when he saw a beautiful blonde, saloon girl. He started talking to her and although his heart was telling him to stop, his mind, clouded with liquor, was telling him to continue.

He walked back to the bar, paid for a night with the 'lady' and then went up to her room.

As soon as Kid walked in the room, he shut the door and pulled the girl to him. He started kissing her neck and collarbone. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm married Kid began to back off.

The girl thought that he wanted her to take over. So she moved in closer and started to work the buttons on Kid's shirt as she nibbled on his ear.

But then again, Lou has sex with someone else. She had a child with someone else. What would it hurt for me to spend one night with another women?

"What's your name?"


"Is that your real name?"

"Is Kid your real name?"

Kid worked the buttons lose on Candy's dress and pushed it down to her waist. He lowered his head to begin suckling at her left breast. These are too big. She needs smaller ones, like Lou's…Forget it, Kid, you can't think about Louise right now.

Candy pushed Kid's shirt over his broad shoulders. She ran her hands over his chest to the top of his pants. She undid the ties and dropped to her knees. She pulled the pants down around his ankles.

Kid closed his eyes as he felt Candy take his penis into her mouth. She rolled her tongue around the tip. She heard Kid let out a light moan. She removed her mouth and replaced it with her right hand running up and down the length oh his shaft. She brought his sac into her mouth and began to suck.

Kid was beginning to forget all about Lou. In fact he wanted nothing more then to be inside of Candy's sweet, moist center. He slowly grabbed her by the arms bring her back to her feet. He quickly undressed her, before kicking out of the rest of his clothes.

Kid laid her on the bed. He ran his hand down her inner thigh and over the already moist area in between her legs. He wanted to taste Candy before he had her. He climbed in between her legs and slowly, taking in her scent , lowered his head. His tongue reached out for his first lick.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." Kid had started to get off the bed.

"Honey, that's OK. You don't have to do that if you don't want to. After all, you paid for me, you can have me anyway you want me."

"No, I mean I can't have sex with you at all."

"Well, Sugar, sometimes that happens to men. Why don't you come back up her and we'll see what I can do to help."

Kid had finished tying back up his pants and was now putting his shirt back on. "No, you don't understand. I can have sex. Believe me I want to have sex. But not with you. I need to go home to me wife, where I belong. Thankyou anyway."

Kid walked into the room he shared with Lou. He saw his sleeping wife on the bed and walked over to her. "Louise, why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep this from me? I have tried so hard to show you that I love you and would help you with anything."

Lou let out a soft moan and Kid stroke her hair until he was sure she was still asleep. He then removed his boots and shirt and climbed in bed next to her.

He lay there looking at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, but was only minutes before he heard a soft crying sound from the next room. Kid walked into see Charlotte sitting on the bed with her hands over and lightly put his hand on her shoulder, Charlotte jumped. Just like Lou. "Hi Charlotte, I'm Kid. Lou's husband."

The little girl moved closer to him. She pulled her hands away from her face and looked up at him with her huge chocolate eyes. "When me go home?"

"Well, I'm not sure." Something must have happened to the people she was living with. I wonder what it was. If it was something bad then how much should we tell her? She is so young. "You're goin' be staying with us for a while. It'll be lots of fun."

Charlotte nodded and climbed onto his lap. She laid her head against his shoulder. Kid held her for a long time, rubbing his hand over her small back until he was sure that she was asleep. He then laid her into her bed and covered her up. She really is Lou's. She looks so much like her. The hair, eyes and nose, those are diffidently Lou's.

Kid moved the hair on her forehead and placed a kiss there before heading back to bed.

Lou had been awaken by Charlotte's crying. It took her awhile before she realized who it was, she reached over to feel for Kid before getting out of bed. Kid still isn't home! Lou rushed to her daughter's room.

When she got there she saw Kid holding Charlotte, rubbing his hand over her back and talking softly to her. Lou couldn't hear what Kid was saying, but by the way Charlotte was lying close to him it must have been something she liked.

He is going to make such a good father. Lou's hands drifted over her still flat middle. Just wait 'til he finds out about you.

Lou saw Kid lay Charlotte down. Because she didn't want to get into the conversation she knew they would have, the conversation she knew they needed to have, she went back to bed and acted like she was asleep when Kid came back to their room.

Kid woke with an awful headache. Well, I guess I do deserve this. He walked down to the kitchen where Lou was sitting holding Charlotte.

She had been talking to Rachel, but once Rachel noticed Kid, she executed herself. Kid walked over to Lou and held out his hand to her, "We need to talk. But I don't want to do it here. Will you and Charlotte go on a picnic with me?"

"Of course. Just let me ran upstairs to get her a jacket."

"While you're doin' that I'm gonna get the buckboard. I'll meet you outside."

Kid took Lou and Charlotte to a meadow. Charlotte was amazed at the flowers and butterflies. Lou laid down a blanket and Kid brought the food over. The adults sat down and watched Charlotte catching the butterflies.

"Charlie, make sure you stay were I can see you."

"Wow, you really do sound like a mom." Kid smiled softly, then sifted his eyes so that he was looking at the blanket. "Why didn't you tell me about her?"

"I had always planned to tell you, but the time was never right. Kid, I never meant for this to just be thrown at you."

Kid nodded, "She looks just like you. How old is she?"

"She's three, she'll be four in May. Do you really think she looks like me?"

"Yeah, she almost an exact copy. Does her father know about her? Did you love him?"

"Kid, Wicks is her father. And no, he didn't know about her."

"Wicks! Lou I'm so sorry."

"Its all right Kid. I should have told you sooner." Lou went on to tell him the story that she had told Jimmy the day before.

"Kid, I can't give her away again. I'm keeping her. I hope you can understand that."

"We need still need to talk about Virginia. I have been doing some thinking about it and I have made a decision."

"Kid, I can't go. Not now. I need to stay with Charlie and I ain't gonna take her into a war zone."

"I know, I'm not going either."


Charlotte walked over and sat in Kid's lap. She handed him a little white rock.

Kid smiled at the little girl who was quickly stealing his heart. He wrapped his arms around her and she cuddled in closer to him. Kid kissed the top of her head and then looked up into Lou's loving eyes.

"Kid, what do you mean that you have decided not to go to Virginia? It's not that I want you to go. It's just that you have always said that when war breaks out you would go back. We both knew that war is breaking out."

"Virginia holds a lot of memories for me, Lou. It is my home. Its part of me. I always said that if war broke out I would leave you to go back. And I did mean that. I know, I have always known, that you can take care of yourself. But now I'm ready to make new memories here with my new family."

"Kid what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is, well, Lou, I'll make a good father to her. That is if you'll let me. And I just fell like my daughter will need me more then Virginia. So what do you say Lou, can we raise her together?"

Kid, Lou and Charlotte had stayed in the meadow for most of the day before heading back to the way station. Charlotte had fallen asleep on the ride home. Kid carried her up to her room as Buck put away the buckboard and tended to the horses.

When they got to the house Lou decided to ask Rachel to save same food for the three of them to eat later. Rachel agreed knowing that Kid and Lou would need sometime alone to talk about Charlotte.

Lou walked into Charlotte's room just in time to see Kid kiss Charlotte's hair and turned to walk out the door. Kid grabbed Lou's hand and lead her to the bedroom. "We still have something that we need to talk about."

"Kid, we're going to have years together to talk about Charlie. Please let's just go to bed. We could finish what we started yesterday." Lou pleaded as she moved closer to the bed.

"Actually Lou, I, uh, I think I should tell you about this before we go to bed. In case, uh, you don't wanta go to bed with me no more."

Lou could see tears beginning to form in his eyes. She lowered herself so that she was sitting on the bed. This must be bad. Kid never cries and he really looks like he is going to. Oh, God, he changed his mind about Charlie.

Kid knelt on the floor before Lou. He took both of her hands in his before beginning. "Lou, I love you so much. I really do. But yesterday when I found out about Charlie, I , well, I felt hurt and deceived."

"I know I'm sorry. But Charlie loves you, please don't…"

"Shh…Lou, please let me say this. After I rode out of here, I went to the saloon and had a lot to drink. In fact the bartender cut me off. I decided that because you had been with another man, I didn't know that Wick's was the father. I decided that because you had been with another men, I had the right to be with another women so I paid for a…"

"Whore! You bought a whore!" Lou had tears began to pour down her face and she pulled her hands away from him. How could he do this to me. He 'danced with another woman…and a whore to make it even worse. "How could you?"

"Lou, I didn't. Well, not exactly, I did pay for her and I went to her room with her. I kissed her and things went on from there."

"I don't want to hear this anymore, just get out."

"No, not until you hear the whole story. After the kiss she, um, undid my pants and dropped to her knees and well, she, uh"


Kid had tears running down his face. "Lou, I stopped because I couldn't do that to you, I stopped because of you."

He reached out to touch her, but she recoiled and told him once more to leave, "Kid, I just can't talk about this right now. I need sometime to cool off before I say something that I will regret it the morning. Please go."

Kid nodded and walked out of the room to the bunkhouse.

Lou picked up a pillow and cried into it. He cheated on me. How could he do that? I really had myself believing that I would be enough for him. But then again, it was my fault he went to the saloon in the first place. If I had just told him about Charlie sooner. The day I told him about Wick's would have been the perfect time. But I couldn't tell him, just because I was afraid he would start looking at me different. Kid was willing to take in my brother and sister, how could I not think he would he would take in my child? Lou sat the pillow on the bed and walked to the window, she had been sitting there for a few hours thinking about all this. He didn't have sex with her, he stopped because of me. That means something, right? Kid's human, just like everyone else, I guess I sometimes forget that. And just like everyone else he does deserve a second chance.

Lou lifted her room and knocked on Rachel's door, "I'm sorry if I woke you, but I need a favor."

"Of course, Louise, what is it?"

"Kid and I need to talk, somewhere away from here. Can you watch Charlie for me?"

"Sure I will. Where will you two be?"

"Not sure yet, maybe the hotel."


"Lou! Are you ready to talk now?"

"Yes, but not here. Can we go to the hotel?"

"Sure, whatever you want as long as you talk to me."

The two went to the hotel and as luck would have it the only room available was the one they had shared on their wedding night.

Kid walked into the room behind Lou and shut the door. He watched Lou walk to the window. He knew he had hurt her and if he could take it all back, he would. Kid sat the small bag, Lou had packed, on the floor by the bed.

"Kid, why did you tell me about her?"

"Because I don't want there to be any secrets between us. Well, I don't want you to keep any secrets from me and I guess if I'm gonna ask you to tell me everything, then I should tell you everything."

"Which one was she?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"No. I just want to know why you went to her, and if you are you're gonna go back?"

"Louise, I'm not gonna ever do something that stupid again. I'm not sure why I turned to her. I just know it was the wrong thing to do." Kid walked over to her. Lou was still looking out the window. He moved close enough that his chest was against her back and she could feel his breath on her hair as he whispered, "Louise, I do love you and I want us to work past this. But I will understand if you can't forgive me for this."

"It ain't you I'm mad at."

"Lou, you can't be mad at her, she was just doing her job."

"I'm not mad at her neither. I'm mad at me. If I'd told you about Charlie sooner, then you would have never went to her."

Kid kissed the back of her head. "Maybe, maybe not. Honey, I don't blame you for not telling me about her. I did some more thinking tonight, when I was sitting in the bunkhouse and realized that if I had a child you didn't know about I would be worried about telling you, too."

Lou smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Kid, where did you set the bag?"


"The bag. Where is it?"

"On the other side of the bed. Why?"

"I bought a surprise for you. Would you wait out in the hall until I get it ready?"

Kid decided that because she was at least talking to him right now, he would do whatever she asked him to. Kid paced in the hall, he had no idea of what Lou was up to he only hoped that she wasn't unpacking all his things, trying to tell him the hotel was his new home.

Lou opened the door just a crack and then walked next to the bed. As Kid pushed the door open, she gave him her best 'come hither' look.

Kid's mouth dropped open as he raced to shut the door, just in case someone was passing by.

Lou had brought the nightgown she had worn on the first night they had made love. She notice him there looking at her, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and press her lips to his.

Kid felt a passion that he had never experienced before. He could tell that tonight would be like something that he had never imagined.

Louise had noticed Kid was starting to became 'excited'. Before they were married it always felt like she was the domineering one, however on the wedding night she became much more passive during sex. Today, she wanted to be in control. She took two steps away from Kid and slowly removed her nightgown. She reached out and took Kid's hand in hers and led him to the bed.

Kid was more then ready for this; in the last two days he had had 'sex' twice, but was unable to release either time. Kid allowed Lou to push him onto the bed and place herself between his legs. Lou took his member into her mouth and began to lightly suck. Kid knew that he was way to close and begged for Lou to stop, after all, he wanted to please her also.

Lou withdrew her mouth and crawled up the length of his body, kissing every inch of skin that was in her path. She stopped once she was completely on top of him and her face was directly above his.

Kid shifted in positions slightly so that he was sitting on the bed with Lou facing him, sitting on his lap. Lou wanted nothing more then to feel Kid inside of her. But Kid was insisted on taking it slow, he wanted to show her just how very much she meant to him. He started kissing her jawbone, then slowly down her neck and over her collarbone. He made his way slowly downward until he reached her right breast, there he began to gently suck and every couple of seconds he would ran his tongue over her nipple.

Once the first nipple was completely erect, he started on the other one. After he felt the second one harden, he laid her on her back and left a trail of kisses that started in the valley between her breasts and ended once he reached the small curls that covered the area that Kid was craving.

Lou realized that once again she had became passive, but at this point she didn't care. Kid moved in between her legs and pushed them further apart. He lowered his head to taste his wife's unique flavor. After he heard a loud moan escape Lou's lips, he worked his way back up to her face. He waited until her body relaxed under him, and then he slowly entered her. Kid and Lou's eyes met and without saying a word they both knew that the other had forgiven them. The two shared a passion filled night of love making before drifting off to sleep.

Kid woke to see Lou sleeping next to him. It was very early; judging by the light coming though the window it must have been about five. He turned his head to look at Lou, she was so beautiful. Kid couldn't help but think of Charlotte, They look so much a like. And Charlie isn't gonna be dressin' like a boy, so in a few years I'm gonna have my hands full trying to keep the boys away from her. Oh Lou, I had always planned on us having children, I just never thought my first child would be three when I first got her.

"Am I really that interesting when I'm sleepin'?"

"To me you are. Lou, we really need to find a place of our own. Ya know? Somewhere for just the two, er, three of us to live."

Lou took Kid's hand in her own. "Actually, Kid it would have to be for the four of us." She placed his hand on her abdomen and softly laughed at the confusion that showed in his face.


"Kid, we gonna have a baby!"

"How? Wait, I know how, when?"

"Well, I'm about two months along so that means our baby should be here in about seven months." Lou took notice of the puzzled look that was still on her husband's face. "Kid, ain't ya happy?"

"Yeah, Honey, I'm very happy about this. It's just a lot to take in. I just got a daughter a few hours ago and now I find out that I'm, you're, we're gonna have another one soon. We really need to get a place of our own."

Kid and Lou decided it was time to tell everyone about Charlotte and of course, the new baby. But before they told everyone else, they thought Charlotte needed to know first. Once they got back to the way station they headed right to Charlotte's room. "Charlie, Honey, wake-up."

Charlotte woke to see Lou sitting on the bed next to her and Kid was sitting right by Lou. "Mama?"

Kid picked the girl up and settled her in his lap after sitting on the bed. "Sweetheart, your mama and me have somethin' to tell you."

Lou took Charlotte's hand in her own, "Charlie, you're gonna have a little brother or sister."

Charlotte smiled; she had always wanted a little brother, although she would settle for a sister, if she had to. "Which is it?"

"Well we don't know yet." Kid took Charlotte's hand and placed in on Lou tummy, then he explained that for now this was the baby's home. Charlotte didn't believe him when he told her that she had once been in there too.

After Kid and Lou answered all of Charlotte's questions, they headed downstairs to fill the rest of their family in on everything that had happened in the last two days.

Seven months later

"Kid would you just relax."

"Relax! Just how am I suppose to do that." Kid knew that everyone was just trying to help him but they didn't understand. After all, it wasn't their wife upstairs in labor.

Kid walked inside the house and saw Charlotte playing on the living room floor. Every time Lou cried out, Charlotte would look up at the ceiling.

Kid smiled at the four-year-old angel that was now such a huge part of his life. Kid picked her up and sat her in his lap. "Charlie, you know your mama is going to be all right, don't you?"


"Well then, what's wrong, Sweetheart?"

"Will you love the new baby more then me? Will it be your favor it?"

"Favorite? No, I will love you both the same. I have a lot of favorite things." Kid pulled out a small white rock from his pocket. "Do you remember this?"

"I gave it to ya."

"Yep! And it is my favorite rock because it was given to me by my first daughter. You will always be my favorite Charlie and no one else will ever take your place in my heart."

"Hi Lou"

"Come on in. Kid, Charlie, this is James."

Kid smiled and lifted Charlotte onto the bed. "Charlie, this is your new brother." Kid sat down on the bed and brushed the hair out of Lou's face.

After some time Lou, James and Charlie fell asleep and Kid watched over them. He realized that even though Lou and he hadn't always made the best decisions in the past, they must have at least made the right ones. After all, they were together and now had two wonderful children to prove that everything did work out.

The End

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