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First Love

by Vera


This story is rated NC-17! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.


The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.


Buck Cross met his Kiowa girlfriend Dawn and his brother Red Bear outside of Blue Creek, Nebraska. He greeted Red Bear with a hug and Dawn with a hug and a tender kiss. Dawn excused herself briefly so the men could talk.

Red Bear let Buck know his wife and daughter were doing well. He also offered his brother his advice. "Morning Glory and I believe Dawn has strong feelings for you Running Buck. I will not tell you what to do or how to treat Dawn. I know you treat her with gentleness and respect and that will not change. Remember to be patient with Dawn and both of you must follow you hearts. Your hearts and the Spirits will not betray you if you listen to them. If you both do this you will know what you need and which way to go."

"Red Bear, I also have strong feelings for her. But I do not wish to overwhelm or frighten her. I sense she was mistreated by men in the past and I will not add to her fear and mistrust."

"Tell her that brother, responded Red Bear. Talk to one another and you may find yourselves in agreement. This time alone should allow you to do that."

Buck smiled as he saw Dawn returning. Buck did not realize Dawn overheard part of the discussion and decided it was time to risk giving him her heart. Buck helped her mount her horse and told Red Bear they would return to the village on Sunday or Monday. They wished each other safe trips and set out for their final destinations. Two miles down the road Buck met Louise McCloud his fellow express rider.


Louise, Buck and Dawn rode into Redford, Nebraska together. "Lou I will care for the horses and put our things away. I know you wanted to do a little shopping", indicated Buck. Buck also handed Dawn money. "Dawn this is for you to get something for yourself. Don't spend it on me or on supplies for the family. We will get some supplies before we leave town."

Dawn smiled and gave Buck a kiss on the cheek. "I will try to do as you ask."

Buck gave her a pointed look as Dawn and Lou turned to leave the stable. Buck hummed as he brushed and fed Lightening and Dawn's horse.

Jimmy Hickock walked in while Buck was working. "You sure seemed pleased about the impending blizzard" observed Jimmy.

"Well I‘ll be content to be snowed in a few days. Dawn and Lou are here and Kid is on his way. I'm do to meet him shortly. I hope you are joining us for dinner in Kid's suite."

"You bet I am replied Jimmy. Dinner and a warm bed are the best offers I've had today. See you in a bit for dinner."


Meanwhile Dawn and Lou made plans to shop. "Dawn, go with me to the dress shop on the corner requested Lou. I am buying a robe and night dress I saw there."

"The peach colored set asked Dawn?"

"No, I saw a light blue set. Peach would look beautiful on you, but it would make me look pale. Why don't you buy the peach set?"

"Lou, that woman wouldn't let an Indian anywhere near that store."

"People like that make me so angry," declared Lou. "It's a shame that's the only dress shop in town, otherwise she wouldn't get my business. I know what we can do. Give me the money and I will by your set when I get mine. We are about the same size. Meanwhile you can get a bottle of Lavender bath salts for me from the General Store. I will meet you there shortly."

Lou and Dawn followed through with their plans. Buck was leaving the room as they returned. Dawn gave him a sly smile. He grabbed her and gave her a hug and kiss. "I have to go meet Kid," explained Buck. "What mischief are you ladies up to?"

"I'll explain later" replied Dawn.

"I bet you will" replied Buck with a knowing smile as he left the room.

As soon as he left Lou and Dawn opened their purchases. Dawn held up the gown. "Dawn you will look beautiful in that with your coloring."

She blushed. "Thank you Lou. You are going to look great in that too. You are right blue is your color. Thanks for your help." Dawn left to go to the suite she and Buck had across the hall. The women smiled as they began putting their things away. Both of them were looking forward to the nights and days ahead. Dawn daydreamed about how it would feel to rest in Bucks arms for the first time.


Two miles outside of Redford Buck hailed Kid, another express rider. Though they were in a driving snow storm Buck easily recognized Kid's Palomino, Katy. Kid spotted the bright scarf Buck wore. "Kid, Dawn and Lou are already in our respective suites. Jimmy rode in an hour ago and he's joining us for dinner. I ordered dinner to be bought to your suite."

"Good enough Buck. Let's ride and get the heck in out of this before I catch pneumonia."

"Lou would be so worried she might forget to kill you" replied Buck as they spurred their mounts toward Redford.

"Ha, Ha Real funny" groused Kid. Within half an hour they reached the hotel stable in Redford. Both men groomed their horses, fed them and gave them extra blankets. They closed the stable doors securely and entered the hotel. Both men stopped at the front desk for their keys.

They heard a familiar voice as they started up the steps. "I see you two are looking for trouble. Hope you can handle it, especially you Kid."

"Jimmy" retorted Kid and Buck in unison.

"I'm sure you'll get in enough trouble for both of us," responded Buck. "You usually do."

"Really," replied Kid, "seems you are usually the one we bail out or find sleeping in our rooms. Besides with this storm it's too violent outside to get in trouble inside."

As Kid put his key in the lock Jimmy responded "Please, you and Lou will match the storm. You two are a peck of trouble these days."

Lou yanked the door open. "I heard that Jimmy and it just isn't true."

"Lou you two are trying to work your way back together, but, you still have the worst shouting matches I have ever seen."

"Jimmy, that's just plain mean. What's wrong with you?" inquired Lou.

"Well," replied Jimmy, "I'm tired and hungry."

"Ok you grouchy bear, go wash and by the time you get back dinner will be here," replied Lou. "Kid you and Buck go wash and put on dry clothes."

Buck smiled and winked at Dawn who witnessed the display. Kid and Buck headed out the door to the privy down the hall. Jimmy retorted over his shoulder as he followed them "Anything you say little general."

"Dawn, do you see why I say they drive me crazy?"

Dawn merely smiled. "Lou , you know your life wouldn't be the same without them. You would be lost without the boys."

Lou smiled "I guess I would. I see why Buck is crazy about you. You're fun, wise and pretty."

"Well thanks, so are you. I don't mean to pry, but you seem crazy about the Kid. Why don't you try a second chance with Kid?"

"Believe me I am. He and I need to talk, but I know we can work things out if we try."

"Why don't you give Buck a chance. He's really a good man."

"I intend to replied Dawn, but, we also need to talk. He is wonderful and seems to understand me. He is certainly the most thoughtful, gentle man I have ever met."


In the privy they shared, Kid asked Jimmy why he was arguing with Lou.

"Simple," replied Jimmy. "If she's fighting with me, she's not fighting with you. I have the haven of my room to go to later You might not be so fortunate. I know the suite has two rooms, but you two are going to be hell to live with if you don't work things out. This way at least you start out on speaking terms. The rest is up to the two of you."

Buck chuckled. "Sometimes I don't understand any of you. Jimmy, Lou is going to kill you unless you quit irritating her. Kid you and Lou belong together. The problem is you are the only two people who can't seem to see that. It's driving you two and everyone around you crazy."

"I know," replied Kid "and we have to work that out after dinner. Speaking of dinner I am starved. Lets go and eat."


The food was arriving as they entered the room. Buck promptly requested that everyone have a peaceful meal without incident. Dawn gave him a quizzical look and giggled.

"We'll try," responded Jimmy, "but with this group, you know that's a lot to ask."

At that moment a saucy, young woman entered the room carrying a pitcher and several glasses. Suddenly she looked at Jimmy. "Is that you James Hickock" she inquired in a coy voice.

"Oh no" groaned Kid, Lou, and Buck in unison.

Sensing a chance to turn the tables on him, Lou asked "what have you done now Jimmy?"

Before he could answer, the young woman put her arms around him and kissed him. He smiled and caressed her neck and back. She whispered in Jimmy's ear "Will I see you later sugar?"

"Will you ever," he whispered back.

Kid cleared his throat loudly "Jimmy, Louise was talking to you."

"Huh. Oh we are old friends."

"I think we figured that out" replied Buck. The others howled with laughter.

The young lady said "My name is Lenna. You could say Jimmy saved my life about six months ago and we have been friends ever since. He always stops to visit when he is in the area."

"I will be here until at least Sunday afternoon," Jimmy indicated.

Lenna informed Jimmy she got off at eight. "Meet me in the Salon at nine and we can get reacquainted" she replied as she sauntered out of the room.

The others burst out laughing again as Jimmy blushed while she was closing the door. "Ok get it of your chests now replied Jimmy as he cut his steak. I know you all have something to say."

"Well, I can sure see why your runs from this direction take longer than they used to" replied Kid.

"It also explains why you come in and snore the roof off the bunkhouse," smiled Lou. "Must have something to do with being tired after dancing."

"Lou" cried Kid and Buck in unison. Buck had to smack Jimmy on the back as he nearly choked on a fork full of potatoes. "At least she kissed you instead of slapping you," interjected Buck. "Although since we will be here until Sunday, maybe I shouldn't rule that out yet."

"Are you all through asked Jimmy? God you people are relentless. I swear I will kill anyone that breathes a word of this to Cody."

Everyone laughed uproariously until tears ran down their faces.

"Jimmy we won't tell if you explain how you met Lenna " responded Lou.

"Fine, I'll tell my story, if Kid and Buck tell theirs," inserted Jimmy. "Seem's we have done a lot of good deeds here in Redford. I stopped two guys from harassing Lenna in the diningroom. A third guy was holding a gun on the owner. I waylaid two of them and then Lenna and I took out the one holding the owner hostage. After that I was offered a room here at no charge or a suite at a reduced rate. I always stop for a good meal and a comfortable bed. Now Kid and Buck, lets hear your story."

Kid noticed Lou was drinking tea instead of coffee and asked if she was Ok. She indicated she was and had decided to try a tea Dawn recommended. Since he was satisfied with her answer, Kid began to speak. "About two months ago Buck and I passed through here on a run. In Preston we had been told the Howard brothers were on the loose causing trouble. We were keeping our eyes open for them. We decided to stop here to rest the horses and get a decent meal. In the livery stable we overheard the Howard brothers planning to knock over the Hotel and the Bank."

Buck picked up the tale. "We furtively followed them with the intent of foiling their plans. They stepped up to the Hotel desk and demanded the contents of the safe. Kid and I put our guns in our pockets and then stuck them in the backs of the Howard brothers. Needless to say, we had the drop on them. We quietly held them until the Sherif and his Deputies arrived. As a reward we were also offered free rooms and discounted suites whenever we visit."

"You all certainly find plenty of mischief to get into," commented Dawn. "But I'm sure this hotel owner and the Sherif are glad to see you guys come into town."

"They are," replied Jimmy. "I just hope we can stay out of trouble during this visit. On that note, I'm going to bid you all good night. I have an appointment to keep."

"Have fun," called Lou as he left the room

"I intend to", replied Jimmy as he closed the door.

Buck took Dawn's hand. "We are retiring too. I hear them filing a tub for Dawn. I'm sure she wants a hot bath."

"I sure do, she replied."

"They will fill your tub next Lou," indicated Buck.

"Goodnight", chorused Buck and Dawn.

"Night" replied Kid.

"Goodnight, See you tomorrow for lunch," responded Lou.

Buck and Dawn closed the door and stepped across the hall to their suite.

Buck and Dawn entered the suite as the hotel staff was leaving. Buck locked the door and turned to Dawn. "I will unpack my saddle bags while you wash and I will bathe when you finish. After my bath I would like to talk to you. I will tell you Red Bear and Morning Glory advise that we follow our hearts and listen to the Spirits. I have been doing that."

"So have I," replied Dawn as she stepped into the tub. "We do need to talk. There are things I wish to tell you about myself." Dawn swiftly bathed so Buck could get in the tub. She smiled as she walked past him wrapped in a warm towel and indicated she would join him in the living room shortly. She dressed in a long gown and robe quickly. She tipped over to the door to take a peek at Buck as he was bathing.

He noticed her and smiled ‘So she is interested. I shall follow her lead. This could easily become a very special weekend.'

Buck finished bathing and stepped into buckskins and a shirt. Dawn came in and they sat in a comfortable chairs next to each other. "You wished to talked to me?" inquired Buck.

Dawn touched his arm and gave him a tentative smile as she began to speak. "Buck I think you are a special man and I hope you will understand what I need to tell you and why. My life before I found my way to the Kiowa camp was very different and in some aspects it was difficult. Like you I never knew my Father and my Mom died when I was very young. I lived with an Aunt and Cousin for a while. As I matured my Aunt decided two teenage girls at the same time was one too many. She sent me out on my own and there were men who took advantage of me. I know about men but not about how to love one, until recently. Love always seemed to be noting but trouble. I watched people do stupid and disastrous things in the name of love. I became involved with the wrong brave. I thought I love him and the coward sold me to two trappers." A tear stole down her cheek as she spoke. Buck reached out to wipe it away as she continued. "They were cruel and used me in many ways. Most often they force me to lure men into crooked poker games. The trappers kept me until I refused to be part of a dangerous scam and ran way. The trappers drowned in a river chasing me. I was on my own again until I encountered Red Bear and Tall Elk. They fed me and informed me as long as I would work and respect the tribe, I was welcome in the Kiowa camp. So I accepted and there I learned from Morning Glory and Willow that love does not have to cost your spirit and dignity. It seems to nurture theirs."

Buck reached out to take Dawn's hand. "Dawn I'm not judging you. It sounds like you did what was necessary to survive in a harsh world. I have taken it slowly because I suspected you had been abused by men. I wish I had been there to stop the trappers from hurting you so. Although, I would probably have had to turn to Red Bear or my express family to back me up."

Dawn giggled. "What you are not invincible? "

"No, I wish I was. Though I had a difficult life, I learned to love at young age. Mother and Red Bear taught me that. My express family continued it. We became a family and somewhere along the way we came to love each other. I have been scorned by many people because I am an Indian. Some women have used me and it hurt, but I learned from it. I suppose it made me slightly distrustful of women."

"Buck, I sensed that, which is why I tried to respect your needs and follow your lead. You've been patient with me and I appreciate that. You seem to understand me! and I don't want to change that. I don't want to do anything to lose your trust or hurt you."

Buck smiled and spoke with confidence. "You would never intentionally betray or hurt me. I only hope you realize I am a man with faults. I could end up hurting you, but I will try not to."

"You will not hurt me, because it is not in you to do so," indicated Dawn. She closed her eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. She looked straight into his eyes as she spoke. "Buck Cross I love you."

Buck beamed as he looked into her eyes. "Dawn I love you too. This suite has two rooms one of which is yours if you wish. I would be delighted to have you share my bed, but only if you are ready to. I will not pressure you to do anything you're not ready to do. I won't force you to choose now, because, I don't want to frighten you. If you say no, forgive me if I act childish."

Dawn giggled. "You could never act childish."

"Red Bear, Rachel and Teaspoon would disagree. They all get after me occasionally for being sullen, petulant and childish."

"Well time will tell," replied Dawn, "but I think they are wrong." She rose to extend her hand to Buck. "I would like to share your bed. If either of us becomes uncomfortable we can sleep separately."

Buck stood and led Dawn over to the couch. He sat down and took her gently in his arms. She relaxed and rested her head on his shoulder. He leaned down to give her a heady kiss. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands across his chest. She wound her hands around his waist and caressed his back. He began to gently caress her body. After a while, Buck rose from the couch and carried Dawn to the bedroom. He kicked the door shut before leaning down to place her on the bed. He lit candles and blew out the lamp. Dawn opened her arms to him, when he joined her on the bed. Buck kissed her passionately as he investigated her body for the first time. Dawn ran her hands over his body and shyly unbuttoned his pants to release his member. She gently caressed Bucks's body as he tenderly continued exploring every inch of hers. He finally drew back and spoke in a raspy voice. "Are you sure about this Dawn. I don't want to hurt or frighten you, but I won't be able to stop later."

"I've never been more certain about anything I want you." responded Dawn. He gently turned her on her back and continued exploring her body, especially her most sensitive button. He slid his fingers in and out of the center of her womanhood. He was determined to have her well prepared before he entered her body. He knew he was fairly well endowed and did not want to hurt her in any way. Finally, neither of them could wait a moment longer. He entered her with a gentle and measured stroke. He remained still for a few moments, to allow her to get used to the feel of him. She began to move beneath him and cried out his name. She scratched his bottom, back and shoulders as he began to move in and out at his own pace. As he increased his pace she experience a crashing climax. She began to move at a frantic pace, which caused him to join her in order to ensure their mutual satisfaction. He let out a howl as she cried out his name a final time and they climaxed together. Dawn sighed and stretched out in his arms. Buck rolled onto his side and began to rub Dawn's back lightly.

Dawn slowly began to sob. He held her tenderly until she gulped and her tears began to subside. He held her tightly and kissed her once again. With concern and affection in his voice, Buck asked "Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Are you alright Dawn?"

Dawn began to cry again. "Oh Buck, I'm not in pain. You didn't hurt me. I suddenly realized what I have missed all this time. It's just that you are the first man I ever slept with because I wanted to. I just made love for the first time and it was fantastic."

Buck gave her a big hug and an intoxicating kiss. "I'll let you in on a little secret, he admitted with a smile. I am no virgin, but it was a first for me too. I never really made love before either. It was positively electrifying. Let's do it again."

Dawn giggled "Well Ok. But, let me rest a little first." After a while, she leaned in for a kiss, as she ran her hands along his thighs. She began to stroke his manhood and nibbled on his nipples. He gasped and immediately began to react to her touch.

"Oh Dawn that feels wonderful."

"You make me feel so good I want to do the same for you" responded Dawn.

"Oh, believe me you do Sweetheart" insisted Buck. He leaned in for a leisurely kiss. He began to suckle her nipples and trail his fingers between Dawn's legs. He began to start a fire within her as she started one within him. Buck moved between Dawn's legs and let his tongue blaze the trail his fingers had traveled until his tongue began to touch her most sensitive spot. Dawn responded by taking him in her mouth and sucking upon his member. Very soon he turned her on her side to face him and Buck entered her again. He began to move in and out. They made heated and leisurely love. The only sound in the room was that of their bodies sliding together and sighs and cries of contentment. Suddenly both opened their eyes and gazed lovingly at one another. Dawn screamed and Buck howled as they climaxed together once again. Once they began to settle down he reached out and pulled the covers over their damp and exhausted bodies.

"Now that was another first, responded Dawn. Many men tried to get me to that, but I just couldn't do it."

"That's a first for me too," indicated Buck as he pulled her into his arms. "I have to ask you this question. Are you mine now?" he inquired

"You better believe, it Dawn indicated. And you are mine too. I love you" she replied with a kiss.

"I love you too" he responded as he returned her kiss. They fell asleep wrapped n each others arms.


Buck was awakened the next morning by knocking on the door. He answered the door for a maid who carried their breakfast and two porters prepared to empty and refill the tub. Lenna entered carrying fresh towels. "Jimmy asked me to give you and Kid a message He fed and watered the horses so you don't have to. He ate a huge breakfast and said he's going back to bed until dinner time."

Buck said "Dawn and I will host dinner in our suite this evening and you and Jimmy are invited. Will you please tell Kid and tell him Dawn and I will meet he and Lou in the diningroom for lunch.

"Thank's Buck," replied Lenna. "I will tell Kid and we'll join you all for dinner."

Buck carried breakfast into the bedroom. Dawn had awakened the minute she smelled the food. "Boy, am I starved," she declared.

"So am I," responded Buck with a salacious grin.

"Buck behave yourself."

"I am behaving. Just wait until we eat and I'll show you naughtiness."

"You are too much" giggled Dawn. After breakfast Dawn went into the next room to prepare to bathe.

Buck indicated he was making a quick trip to the privy and would be right back. He entered the privy and locked the door. Shortly he heard knocking on the door. "I'll be out in a minute," called Buck.

A familiar voice said "Buck, Its Kid."

Buck unlocked the door and called out "Come in. Man, you look like I feel. Dawn wore me out."

"Well Lou wore me out too and I don't mean we were arguing either."

"Ah," replied Buck, "let me make a suggestion. I have a tea you should drink. It will restore some of your energy. Personally, I intend to have seconds and take a nap."

"Me too," replied Kid. "Um Buck, I don't think we should share this conversation with the ladies."

"Are you kidding, I want to love Dawn not fight with her. No way am I sharing this conversation brother." They left the privy and walked down the hall. Buck entered his suite and returned to hand Kid a small package. "See you later" replied Buck as he and Kid entered their respective suites.


Dawn called out to Buck from the tub "Join me in a bath?" He wasted no time removing his clothes and stepping into the tub filled with lilac water. Buck washed her body and shampooed her hair. He took her in his arms and began to investigate her body again as she memorized his. He caressed her between her legs and nibbled her breasts, until she reached a shuddering climax and he teetered on the brink. He stepped out of the tub to get towels and assisted Dawn out of the tub. She quickly stepped into the bedroom to put on her new robe and gown. Buck toweled off and pulled on clean pants before entering the bedroom. By then Dawn was dressed in her new gown and sitting in a chair near the fire place drying her hair.

"Buck," inquired Dawn, "can I ask you a question."

"Yes, hopefully, I will have a satisfactory answer."

"Well , when I moved your saddle bags off the chair a book fell out. It looked rather interesting but suggestive. Is it yours or is it a package to be delivered?"

Buck blushed. "It is mine. Ike and I bought it together and I have kept it since he is gone. I hope it didn't upset you."

"I'm not upset. But I am intrigued. A lot of men wouldn't have answered me and many would accuse me of snooping."

"That's not my style" replied Buck. "I will be as honest as I can with you. Did you read the book or see anything interesting?"

"Well no, I didn't look very closely" replied Dawn. But, "I would like to read it with you."

Buck lifted her from the chair and took the seat and settled her in his lap. He admired Dawn's gown and his hands began a very familiar tour. "Come on and share the book with me," invited Buck. He opened the book and they shared the pages within while teasing each others bodies. They finally settled on a page they both found interesting. Buck gently lifted her from the chair to carry her to the bed. He placed her on it and removed his pants. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap facing him. He pushed her nightgown up above her waist and gently entered her while massaging her button. They began the dance as old as time. Dawn cried out his name as he pumped in and out. She reached an earth shattering climax. They rolled over with her on the bottom. Buck began to move within her at a frenzied pace and they reached new heights together. Afterward Buck added wood to the fire and returned the book to his saddlebag and closed it securely. "Don't want anyone else to see it" he admitted with a leer. He settled into the bed next to Dawn. " I like your night gown. Is it new?"

She blushed, "Yes it is. I bought it with the money you gave me" she replied.

"You promised to get yourself something. But, it looks like you got us both a gift, huh."

"Why Buck Cross." Dawn blushed and giggled.

Buck pulled her into his arms and lay on the pillows to look out the window at the falling snow. "What a way to be stuck in snow," he noted. "In bed with the wonderful lady I love." Both were smiling as they drifted off to sleep with their body parts intertwined.


They awakened from their nap in plenty of time to meet Lou and Kid for lunch in the dining room. The men left to check the horses while the ladies waited for the meal to be delivered. "Lou, did you and Kid have your talk? "

"We certainly did and it cleared up a lot of differences."

"Buck and I had quite a talk too." Dawn smiled. "Here is water for tea," indicated Dawn.

Lou just smiled "I definitely need a cup."

Dawn giggled and indicated "So do I. "We better order more water for Buck and Kid. Somehow I think they will want tea also. Buck likes an herb tea which revives his strength."

"Kid drank tea this morning too. That explains a lot."


Meanwhile the men were in the barn watering and checking the horses. Kid had to battle to get Katy's attention away from Lightening. "Don't get too upset" teased Buck "They are just like their owners. They are engrossed with one another."

"You should talk. You and Dawn are no better", indicated Kid.

"I know it man. This is the first time I've ever hoped a blizzard would grow worse. It's great being here with Dawn. Heals the heart a little you know."

Kid gave Buck a pat on the shoulder. He knew Buck referred to Ike's recent death. "Well I have to admit, I am enjoying this blizzard too," responded Kid. "Feels like it's snowing peace and healing my heart too."

"You and Lou made peace?" inquired Buck.

"Oh yeah. I meant to ask how often should I drink that tea?"

"Have another cup at lunch if you want. Dawn probably has hot water for it waiting on the table. She appreciates that particular habit."

"Let's go eat" said Kid. "I'm cold and starved for all types of things."


They returned to the ladies to enjoy their meals and a host of weekend delights. Jimmy joined them occasionally for meals at which they drank more herb tea than coffee. Sunday afternoon Buck, Dawn, Lou and Kid rode out two hours ahead of Jimmy. "I want a little more time with Lenna. I'll meet you all at the cave in four hours"

"Keep your word Jimmy," replied Lou. "It's going to get dark and I for one don't want to spend the night in the cave."

"Neither do I" replied Kid and Buck in unison.

Kid and Lou found themselves alone in the cave half an hours ride from the station. Jimmy was on his way there, true to his word. Buck went to take Dawn back to the Kiowa Camp. He and Dawn were laden with supplies and were smiling despite the cold and snow. Red Bear and Morning Glory came out to greet them as they entered camp. Dawn laughed as Buck lifted her off her horse. She stood on her toes to give him a very public hug and kiss, which he returned with passion. She swayed slightly when he finally placed her on her feet. Morning Glory smiled and winked at Dawn.

Red Bear noted "You must have taken our advice and listened to your hearts and the Spirits."

"We did" replied Dawn and Buck in unison. Dawn gave Buck a final passionate kiss on the lips. He hugged her tightly and she melted in his arms. He whispered in her ear "I love you. I will visit more often and I wish you too spend time with me."

"I love you too," she whispered in response, "and I can't wait to see you again." Dawn quietly entered Red Bear's tent with Morning Glory.

Red Bear smiled. "You realize you claimed each other in a very public way and she just handed you her heart."

"I do" responded Buck. "I also gave her my heart and I am thrilled. I promise to treasure her always. Please take care of me for her Brother."

"You know I will" replied Red Bear as Buck jumped on his horse.

Buck called "I will see you soon" and waved to Red Bear and Dawn who stood at the opening of the tent with a satisfied grin on her face. Buck rode at a swift speed with a peaceful smile on his face.


Buck and Jimmy arrive at the cave at the same time and noted that Cody and Noah had joined Kid and Lou in there. Jimmy went up to the cave entrance and called out "Guy's Buck is waiting at the bottom of the hill. Lets go home." They arrived at the station just in time for dinner. The snow started again.

At dinner Teaspoon noted everyone was rather quiet. He asked "Did you boys and girl ask for all this snow to get a break from work?"

Buck and Kid exchanged a smile and said "Maybe" simultaneously.

Cody, Noah and Jimmy just laughed.

Lou just smiled and ate another spoon full of stew. As soon as the dishes were cleared everyone in the Bunkhouse went to sleep.

Teaspoon and Rachel went in briefly to tend the fires and lock the shutters "Rachel will you listen to this they must be tired. Kid's growling and Lou is sighing in her sleep."

"Look a little closer," said Rachel. "Her hat is on his post and his hat is next to her pillow. They are back together. That explains them but what about the rest of the boys? Cody and Jimmy are snoring to wake the dead, but no one's complaining. Noah's growling like bear and I swear Buck just howled like a wolf."

The room smelled like a flower garden and Teaspoon knew exactly how the riders spent the blizzard. "Uh, Rachel they're all growing up. I think they have all been kinda busy and they are exhausted."

"Well at least they are all home safe."

Buck howled again in his sleep as he remember the feel of Dawn in his arms and making love to her. His spirit, body and heart cried out for a host of blizzards and nights to spend in her arms.

The End!

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