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The Gift Of Love

By: Jocelyne

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 1

It was a warm spring day, Andrea was walking to the only restaurant in Sweetwater were she was a waitress. Not watching were she was headed when she ran into one of the Pony Express Riders. She fell to the ground.

He knelt down and helped her up. As he was helping her to her feet he said, "Mam are you okay?"

With a firm grasp on his hands she said, "Yes Sir I am. I should watch were I am going. Thank you for helping me up."

Just smiling he said, "My name is Buck, what’s your name?"

She looked down and said, "My name is Andrea. Well I better get to work. Thank you for the help up. I hope I see you around sometime." He said, "I hope to run into you again." Then he kissed her hand and she turned and walked away.

Inside the restaurant Andrea asked one of the other girls if she knew who that man was. She said, "That’s the half breed that rides for the pony express." Looking down at the floor she said," Why do you ask? "

She looked at her and said," I was involved with one of the riders before he became a rider. I have two children by him and I am afraid to tell him about them."

She looked at her and said," who is the father of you babies?"

Looking around she said," Its James Hickok."

The other girl looked at her in shock. Then she said," He here at this station. He works with the young man you were just talking to."

Andrea just stood there for a few minutes. Then said," Well I guess I better go out there and tell him that he has two children. But I think I have fallen for the guy I just met. Man what do I do?"

The other girl said," Well he needs to know, I think it would be better if you tell him when he's by himself. Then if the other guy comes and asked to start courting you, then you need to tell him. If you would like I could run a note out to Wild Bill has he is called."

She thought about it a minute and then said," that would be great. I hope Buck, the other guy does come and call on me. ."

So Andrea sat down and wrote a small note, It said, "James I don't know if you remember me but we had a brief encounter about 3 years ago in Kansas. You helped me out just after me mother passed away. I need to talk to you. Please meet me in the churchyard after services Sunday. Andrea." Then she folded the note and handed it to my friend and she asked me to cover for her and she did.

About an hour later she came back in with a note for me. Andrea took it from her and opened it. It said," I will met you but I don't remember who you are. " Jimmy. She looked at her friend and said," This is in a women’s handwriting."

She said," yes it is the lady at the station wrote it for him. She told me the Jimmy can't read or write."

The rest of the day went by fast and when Andrea got home that night, Buck was waiting for her on the porch for her. He smiled at her and said," Hi there Miss Andrea, I was hoping I would get a chance to get to know you."

She smiled at him and said," Can you wait just a minute?” ( He shook he's head yes.). Then she opened the front door and her twins came running out saying," momma your home." She knelt down and said," yes where is you sitter?" they both pointed inside. So leaning in the door she said," Kathy you can go home now I'll see you tomorrow." then she turned to Buck and said, " There are two people I want you to meet. Before you ask No I am not married or a widow. But these are my children, James and Louise."

He looked up at her then to the two small children at her legs. Then he smiled and said, " There is a rider at the station that is named James." Biting her lower lip, Not willing to start off on the wrong foot.

She said, "They are twins and he is named after his father. Their father was there to help me out emotionally after my mother died three years ago. I haven't told him yet. So please don't ask me who he is till I have a chance to tell him."

Smiling back at her he said, "Okay, Its up to you to say when you are ready. I won’t pry. But I would like to know who he is after you have told him." She nodded yes.

Then he knelt down to them and said," Well its nice to met the two of you. Do you mind if I call on your mother?"

They looked at their mother and then at him and said," That’s okay. You look like you’re a nice person." Then they turned around and went into the house and shut the door.

After the twins ran inside. Andrea said, "Would you like something to drink? I have some lemonade in the house."

Turning to look at her he said, "That would be great." So she went in and got two glasses of lemonade and brought them out and handed on to him. Then she said, "Why don't we sit on the swing. It is to nice to be inside this evening."

Smiling at her he said, " That would be great." As they sat down he continued, "Why are you out here all by yourself? Where’s your father? I think I should ask him if its okay if I come around and see you."

Trying to hide a smile she said, "My father is in Kansas somewhere. I moved here after my babies where born to start a new life and maybe find a husband that would understand me and why I did what I did three years ago. And not judge me or the father of my children. There is someone you should speak to but you all ready did. I never see a guy that my children don't like and they gave you the okay."

The silence strechted out for a few minutes then he said," Well then I guess I should ask you also if its okay to come call on you. As far as whatever happened between you and their father it was before I ran into you today. I understand we all do things in time of grief."

Feeling a bit silly Andrea said," When my mother died, my father disappeared into a bottle and I was left to deal with everything alone. So I thought that if my father can disappear into a bottle and feel better then maybe I can too. I was only 16 and not very wise in the way of the world. So one night I got drunk and ran into a very sweet young man. I seduced him and one thing lead to another and nine months later I gave birth to twins, His twins. I lost track of him ‘til just a few days ago. There were never any romantic feelings between us."

Buck sat there and listen to her story and then he said, "Liqueur can do that to people but I am glad to see that you didn't make a habit of it. And judging by those two beautiful children their father should very proud of them. I only have one question. Why have you waited to now to tell him about them?"

Looking away Andrea said, "To tell you the truth I was afraid that he would want to marry me and at that time I wasn't ready to get married. I do want him to be part of his children's life, but I would rather marry a man that loves me and understands that I made a bad mistake one time and I am doing the best that I can for myself and my kids."

Smiling at her Buck said," I think you are a very brave young women for trying to support to children on your own without a man. Have you ask the young man to meet with you?"

Looking down at her glass Andrea said, Yes I and to meet him in the church yard tomorrow after services. “I am nervous about it."

Smiling at her Buck said. "I think any man who would be mad at you is a fool."

As they watched the sun set. Standing up Buck said, "Its getting late I think I better head back to the station before Teaspoon has my hide on the wall for breaking curfew. I have enjoyed tonight. I hope we can do it again something. I would like to call on you tomorrow if that’s okay." Reaching his hand out to her.

She took it and stood up. Then she said," Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow. I get off early. How about 7:00. I should have spoken to their father by then I am more then willing to tell you who he is. If you promise not to judge either of us."

Smiling he said," Sure thing I try never to judge people by what they did. When they know it’s a mistake."

Smiling back at him she said, "Thank you. You are very sweet. I bet your girl is a very special young lady."

Blushing Buck said," I don't have a girl right now, but I hope that maybe someday I will have one. Thank you for the lemonade. Then I shall see you tomorrow at 7:00 for supper." With that he kissed her hand and left her standing on the porch.

Turning and going inside Andrea put the children to bed and sat down that think over everything that happened today. Deciding that it was getting late Andrea decided to go to bed and let tomorrow bring what it may. She knew she couldn't change what had happened between her and Jimmy three years ago, much less change how she was feeling about this young man she spent the evening on the porch with. It seemed like it took forever to get to sleep. Andrea was awaken by the twins jumping onto her bed with her. Looking at them she smiled and knew she was doing the right thing by telling Jimmy about them. All of them deserve a chance to get to knew each other.

She rose and started breakfast. After everyone was finished eating. As Andrea was leaving the sitter Kathy was entering the house. Andrea said," I should be home early today. I am having someone over for supper so can you please make sure the children are clean and the house is picked up. Thank you." She headed out the door. As she walked over to the restaurant she saw Jimmy in town at the general store. As she stood there watching him. She saw Buck walk out of the store. He looked up and smiled. Jimmy looked over and when he saw her he knew who she was. Andrea turned away quickly and headed into the restaurant. The day seem to drag on but the time finely came when she was to meet Jimmy. Andrea walked home. As she reached the porch, she was surprise to fine Jimmy sitting on the swing.

He stood up and said," What do you want with me. I thought that I would never see you again. I wish my passed would stop catching up with me."

Looking hurt She said," I didn't move her to find you. But when I found out you were here I thought you should know. Believe me Jimmy I never wanted to hurt you. I don't know what came over me that night. But what I did was wrong and now there is two other people to conceder here. Please come inside and I will tell you why I sent you that note."

He followed Andrea into her house reluctantly. AS they walked in they were greeted by her children. Looking shocked he said," Well who are these two little ones.

She looked at him and said," Jimmy Hickok I would like you to meet your children. James and Louise meet your father."

Looking up at her he looked as if he had just been slapped. Kneeling down he looked at the kids. Then turning to Louise he said, Well I see that you look like your mother. You are just as pretty as I thought she was when I fist saw her. And you I bet you are a hand full.( looking at James). Standing up he turned to Andrea and said," How do you know that they are mine. I mean we are only together that one night.

Andrea said," Come into the living room and I'll explain. " They went into the living room and sat down. Then she continued," I know they are your because exactly nine months after our fling I gave birth to them. They other way I know is when I saw James I knew. He looks just like you. I don't want anything form you. I just thought that you should know about them. I never told them who their father is because I was ashamed of what we did. But I do have to say that they are the best thing that could have ever happened to me after the death of my mother. I want to thank you. Those two mean the world to me. I would do anything for them."

Sitting there looking at the two little one playing on the floor. He said," I wish I would have known. I would have married you. I will still marry you if you want me? I am sorry about the way a sounded earlier. I never meant to hurt you either."

Smiling as she watched him get on the floor with the children and start playing with them. She said, "Jimmy. (looking up at her) Please take off your guns I don't want any of you get hurt. (nodding yes he pulled his guns out of the holster and handed them to her.) I don't want you to marry me if you feel you should. I have done pretty go by myself for three years now. Besides I have started seeing a young man who seems to understand why we did what we did and isn't going to judge us for it. I think you know him. His name is Buck. I ran into him yesterday. I have invited him over for supper tonight, I would also like it if you stayed too. " Looking up from the floor at her he said,

"So that’s why he came sneaking back in last night. He is a good guy and as long as he wont be upset that I am here."

Shaking her head no she said," Its okay you should stay and get to know your children." With that she got up and left the room to per pare supper.

Chapter 2

Placing Jimmy's gun on the mantel has she walked by it. As she was in the kitchen she heard a knock at the door. She walked over to the door of the kitchen and yelled," Jimmy can you please get the door. Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes."

Standing up Jimmy said, "Sure thing. " He walked over to the door and opened it.

Noticing that it was it was Buck at the door. He said," Hi there Buck. Come on in, Andrea said Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes."

Looking surprise Buck said," So you are the father of those two sweet little ones."

Just then the twins came running in saying," Poppa come play with us." Jimmy kneeling down as he took them in his arms and said, "Okay I'll be there in a few minutes. Go see if your mother needs any help." Smiling at him they ran off towards the kitchen.

Standing up Jimmy let Buck in and said," Andrea said she would explain everything at dinner. I just want you to know that I had no idea about them till today. I offered to marry her but she turned me down. She said she wasn't ready for marriage yet. But I think she has fallen for you. I will stay out of the way. I just want to be part of their lives."

Buck said," I understand that. I hope she will allow me to continue to see her. They walked into the kitchen. Sarah looked up. Smiling she said," Hi there Buck. I am sorry I didn't tell you that Jimmy was their father. I thought it was important that he know first."

Walking over to her placing his hands on her shoulders he turned her to face him and said, " I understand. I think it is important that they get to know him. He may be hard headed and quick tempered but he has been a good friend to me, and I would trust him with my life." Turning and smiling back at Jimmy.

Just then Jimmy walked over to them and said, "I think that is a complement. Thank you, I trust you with my life too man." Looking at Andrea he continues. "He is a good guy and I hope that you and him will be good to each other. They only thing that I really ask is that you take good care of my children for me."

Andrea gave Jimmy a hug and said, " Even though. I did you wrong I do hope you forgive me for not telling you about them sooner. I do want to thank you for giving them to me. They are the best things that have happened to me so far." Giving Jimmy a hug. Pulling back she said, " Okay dinner is ready. Jimmy would you go get the children cleaned up and to the table? Would you help me get it on the table Buck?"

Jimmy smiled and said," You bet." As he ran off to find the children.

Buck turned to Andrea and said, "I would love to help you get dinner on the table, but first there is something I want to do." He reach out a pulled her close. Then leaning into her he whispered, "I have wanted to do this since I bumped into you yesterday." then he kissed her. Pulling back he said, " I hope that I didn't offend you by doing that. I just couldn't resist. I have done nothing but think about you."

Smiling and blushing Andrea said, " I am glad that you did that. I have done nothing but think about you too. I hope we can make this work out." Handing him the plates and the forks. She garbed the pot and they walked into the dinning room.

The children were already there, and Jimmy was just sitting down himself. When he saw Andrea and Buck come in, he stood and went to help Andrea sit down but before he could pull out the chair.

Buck said, " I don't think so. I will pull the chair out for my girl. But you can take the plates and stuff." He smiled at Jimmy and handed him the plates. Pulling out her chair she sat down. then taking the seat next to her.

Once they all were seated Andrea said, "If you will hand me the plates I will dish up the food." Jimmy shook his head and said," I'll do that. Its time I grow up some. You just sit there and look pretty. I hope Louise turns out to be just as pretty as you are."

Blushing as she took the plate from him. After everyone had their plate Andrea said, " I don't know about you to but here we say grace." Turning to Buck she said, " I know you may believe differently the we do please don't offended."

Placing his hand on hers he said, " I do believe differently but I will be okay. we pray at the station before every meal. I learned about it when I was in the mission school. I go along with it. So don't worry about me."

The prayed and then started eating. Little Jimmy looked at his father and said, "Poppa how do you and Mr. Cross know each other and how did you met mommy?"

Looking at Andrea and then at his son. He said, " Well Mr. Cross and I work together. We work for the Pony Express. As far as how I met your mother I don't know if that's a story you should hear yet." Looking at Andrea.

Putting down her fork Andrea said, " I met your father just after your grandmother passed away. He was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. We made one stupid mistake and here you two are. But neither of you are a mistake. I know I love you very much. I wouldn't change anything that happened for the world."

Smiling Jimmy said, " I wouldn't change anything except for the fact that I didn't know about you two till today. But when I first saw your mother I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I still think she is. but I would have to fight my friend to have even a chance with her. But that's okay. I see Louise is just as pretty and going to break hearts too. And you James you are gong to be a hand full. I can see it now."

Just then Andrea said, " Going to be. He is a hand full. Just like his father. And has a quick temper too."

As they finished dinner. Jimmy said, "Hey kids how about we clean up and allow your mother and Mr. Cross to go sit on the porch swing?"

The children smiled and nodded yes. They got up from the table and cleaned off all the dishes.

Buck rose and pulled out Andrea chair and the offered her his arm and they headed for the porch.

As Andrea and Buck were sitting on the swing enjoying the cool evening breeze. Buck said, " So do I have to worry about Jimmy?"

As he places his arm around her shoulders. Looking at him she said, " No you don't have to worry about him. He did ask me to marry him but I told him I wasn't ready for that. Besides I know his reputation and I don't want him to have to worry that something will happen to me or the children. Besides I don't want to have to look over my shoulder all my life. He's sweet and all but he's not for me. I want a gentle, kind and loving man in my life. All though he is always going to be in my life because of the children we share."

Pulling her close he said, " That's good. because I will fight anyone who tries to take you from me. I hope that you will let me be there for you and the children?"

Just then little Jimmy came running out with Jimmy hot on his heels. As her son reached them he said, " Mommy help me poppa is after me." As Jimmy came round to were they could see him. She saw that the front of his clothes were all wet.

Trying to stifle a laugh she said, "Jimmy what happen?"

Looking at her he said, "That son of your decided to splash me when we were done with the dishes."

Smiling she said, " Now don't be mad he is only 3. and he was only playing. He does it to me all the time. He loves you and that's how he shows it. Now why don't you see if you can get them into bed for the night."

As a smile crepted across his face he said, " Sure I will try. Come on son I'm not mad at you. Lets get your sister and get you two into bed." And with that he picked up little Jimmy and went looking of his daughter. After about ten minutes they heard laughter coming form inside.

Looking at each other Andrea said, " Well we better go see what that is all about. I think he is as bad as they are about getting into bed."

Nodding his head yes Buck said, " I know so. Lets go see. then Jimmy and I should be leaving. I want to invite you out to the station tomorrow. I think the children will enjoy see it and meeting the other riders."

Taking his hand and standing up she said, " That would be great what time should we be there?" Pulling her close he said, " I well come for you and the children about noon."

They went in and followed the laughter and found Jimmy and the children wrestling on the bed. Andrea said, " Well I see were my son gets his behavior from." Looking up they laughed and got up.

As Jimmy was tucking them in he said, " I love you both. Please be good for your mother. I will know if you are being bad." then he kissed them and left the room.

Andrea went and kissed them goodnight and returned to Bucks side. Then she said, " sleep good tomorrow Buck is taking us to the station where he and your father works." the children smiled and they turned and left the room. they walked out onto the porch where the horses were tied.

Jimmy came over giving her a hug and said, "They are beautiful. Thank you. You are doing a good job raising them." then he went and mounted up.

Buck pulled her into his arms and said, "I am going to miss you tonight. I don't know how I manage before we met. stay safe. Do you know how to use a gun?"

Nodding yes she said, " Yes I do I have one hidden in the house . I well be fine tonight. I can't wait till tomorrow either." with that they kissed goodbye and Buck mounted up and the rode off with a wave. Andrea finely felt the her life was going to change for the better.

She went inside and was blowing out all the candles for the night. As she reached the stairs she heard a noise.


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