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The Gift Of Love

By: Jocelyne

Chapter 3

Going into the hall and grabbing the gun out of the table by the door. Andrea whispered a silent pray, " Buck I wish you were here." As she headed into the kitchen to check the back door. Then she heard the noise again. This time it came from upstairs. Thinking oh God the children are up there asleep. quietly climbing the back steps. As she reached the top of the stairs. hearing the noise again. it came form the direction of her room. Quickly going into the children’s room. Closing the door she hoped that whoever it was would leave and not find them.

The boys were about to the edge of town when Buck said, " Something’s wrong at Andreas house. Her and the children are in danger." With the they both turned their horses around and galloped towards Andreas house.

Jimmy looked at Buck and said, " You go around back. I'll go through the front. I swear that if anyone hurt her or those kids it will be the last time they every hurt anyone again."

Laying a gentle hand and Jimmy’s shoulder and said, " Now calm down. Getting riled up isn't going to help any of them. Now remember that they could get hurt if you don't think before you act. Please Jimmy think this time. For the kids sake."

Nodding yes Jimmy silently slipped in the front door. AS Buck mad his way around the back. Looking up he saw Andrea with her back against the window. Climbing the trellis he rapped on the window to get her attention. turning around very slow she saw that it was Buck. So she laid the gun down on the floor very quietly. Lifting the window open He climbed in. After closing the window she hugged him and said, " I was hoping you would come back. I heard a noise and it came from up here. Lucky it came from my room and not here. Is Jimmy with you?"

Buck said, " Yes he is. He is coming from the front. Lets get the kids out of bed and behind it on the floor." Feeling her tremble he said, " Its okay we are here now. You and the children are safe." Walking over to the bed he picked up Louise and Andrea picked up Jimmy and laid them on the floor. Then reaching for her gun on the floor. He said, " Now its real important that you stay on the floor and keep them down and quite, no matter what you hear. "

Kneeling next to Buck Andrea looked at him and said, " Please be careful. And keep that hot head in control."

Touching her face with his hand Buck said, " Don't worry we both will be fine. I plan on being here for a long time. And I know that Jimmy wants to see those two grow up." Leaning over to her he gave her a kiss then just before he left he said, " keep it dark in here. One of us will come for you when its over." With that he walked out and shut the door.

Disappearing into the shadows as he creep down the hall. Seeing someone back out of the room. sliding close to the wall Buck watched the person turn into the moon light. Realizing that its not Jimmy, Buck snuck up behind him and quietly slit his throat. Silently sliding the limp body to the floor. Buck silently went into the room and saw Jimmy laying on the floor with blood spilling out of his shoulder. Staying as close to the wall as he can. He saw the other guy over by the dresser going through Andreas things. Feeling the anger grow with in him. At seeing his friend on the floor bleeding and knowing that Andrea and the kids are in danger. Standing and with one lunge he flung himself at the intruder and diving his knife between his shoulder blades. The guy spun around fling Buck over onto the bed. Trying to reach the knife in his back. Quickly gathering his wits Buck quickly drew his gun and fired three times.

While crouching on the floor over her children hearing the gun fire she feared that Buck or Jimmy might be hurt. Just then Buck opened the door of the room He said, " Its okay. Both the intruders are dead. I need your help Jimmy’s hurt.

Trying to stand on shaky legs Andrea got to her feet and ran to Buck saying, " Are you okay?"

Wrapping her in his arms Buck said, " Yes I'm fine. but I need you to go get the doctor. I think Jimmy’s been shot in the shoulder. Where can I put him. I need to get him off the floor."

Taking his hand Andrea said, " Here follow me I have a spare room."

Following her they went to her room and Buck slowly picked up Jimmy and carried him to the next room. After laying him on the bed he took Andreas hands and said, " Now please take my gun and run and get the doctor. I will try to stop the bleeding. And Be careful."

Shaking her head yes and taking his gun she ran down the stairs, out the door and up the street. Banging on the door the doctor finely opened it and said, " What’s the problem Miss."

Trying to calm down enough to talk she said, " I need you to come to the house. There is an injured man in my house. Its one of the Express riders. I need someone to get the marshal and the station manager form the express station please come."

Seeing the panicked look on her face he said, " Okay. I'll be right back. Let me get some clothes on and get my bag." It seemed like it took for hours but it was only a few minutes. As the doctor came out the door he said, " Run across the street and wake the marshal and have him send someone out to the express station. Then hurry back I might need your help."

Nodding yes Andrea run across the street and started to bang on the marshals door when it opened.

Standing rubbing the sleep from his eye Sam Cain said, " Why Miss. Johnson. What’s the problem."

Trying to catch her breath she said, "There were a couple of intruders in my house. Lucky for me two of the express riders were near by and killed them both before they could hurt me or my children. But One of them took a bullet in the shoulder. I need you to get the station manager for me."

Turning to leave Sam Grabbed her arm and said, " I know Buck and Jimmy were at your place tonight but what I don't understand is which one is hurt. "

Thinking for a minute Andrea said, " Its Jimmy. I don't know how bad either. Please. I need to get back. The doctor said that he might need my help."

Nodding yes Sam said, " Okay I well. I will meet you at your place leave the bodies were they lay." Nodding her yes. Andrea turned and run off towards her place.

As she reached her front door, she could hear the children start crying. Pushing thorough the door and running up the stairs. As Andrea reached the children's room she saw Buck sitting there trying to calm them down. Breathing hard she walked into the room and took Jimmy from him and sat down next to him. Once Jimmy was quite then Louise settled down too.

After they got them back into bed. Andrea started to cry. Reaching out Buck wrapped her in his arms, Saying, " If Jimmy can travel I want you and the children to stay at the station with us. I don't know if know if there are more of them or not. I am sure Jimmy would agree. The main thing is that you and the children are safe."

Just then Sam and Teaspoon walked into the room. Looking up still holding Andrea Buck said, " Hi Sam. Hi Teaspoon. I know we are late getting back but there was trouble here. Jimmy’s been hurt. The Doctor is with him now. Oh this is Andrea. Andrea this is Teaspoon Hunter. And I am sure you know Sam Cain the marshal."

Raising her head whipping the tears away she said, " Hi Marshall Thanks for coming. Hi Mr. Hunter. I am sorry to keep the boys out so late but if it wasn't for them me and my kids might not be here."

Sitting Down next to her Teaspoon said," That’s Okay I knew they were here. Buck told me about you. I thought that Jimmy would be near by. The main thing is that you and the children are okay. I think you and your children should come and stay at the station. You will be safer ‘til we find out what this is all about."

Trying to smile Andrea said, " Thank you Mr. Hunter. Buck said the same thing."

Smiling Teaspoon said, " I thought that might be what he would say. He is a very kind boy and I think he is sweet on you." Blushing Andrea just leaned on Buck trying to calm herself down.

Just then the Doctor came in and said, " Miss. Do you know the young man I just patched up. He will be okay but he needs to stay in bed for a few days. His right arm might be stiff but if he keeps it still it should completely healed in a week or so. He is sleeping right now. Which is what he need is to sleep. He looks like he is a handful. I will be back in a few days to check on how he is doing." then he left. Sam saw him to the door.

Teaspoon looked at Buck and said, " Why don't you stay here to help keep Jimmy in that bed. You know how he can be. I from what I can see Andrea has her hands full with these two." Pointing to the two small children in the bed.

Buck looked at Andrea and asked, " Is that okay with you?" Nodding her head yes. Then he said, " Okay. Teaspoon can you stay with her while I go get some stuff from the station and tell Emma what happen. Are you going to be okay while I am not here. It will take about 30 minutes to get what Jimmy and I need and head back out here."

Nodding yes. the Teaspoon said, "Go on son. I will stay close by till you return."

As Buck stood to leave Sam came in and said," Miss. Johnson I need to know if you know these to men. I am sorry to have to ask you this but I need to know. Its mainly for Bucks sake. If you know them I have to arrest him for murder."

Standing up Andrea said, " No I never saw them before. I wont let you arrest Buck he saved mine and my children's lives." Moving in front of Buck and not letting him move.

When he touched her he said, " Andrea its okay Sam is only doing his job. Why don't you get some sleep while I am gone."

Turning looking up into his eyes she said, " I can't go back into my room. Knowing they were in there."

Almost collapsing Buck picked her up and laid up on the bed. And said, " Then stay in here." Teaspoon left the room when Buck picked Andrea up and placed her on the bed. After saying that he placed a kiss on her for head. And went to get his and Jimmy stuff.

Teaspoon met Sam down stairs. then Sam said, " Teaspoon I am worried about her and the children all alone here. The Two men Buck killed are members of a really nasty gang. They kill anyone who sees them when the break into a place."

Teaspoon said, " I know its not safe for them here. But there is nothing we can do till Jimmy is able to move. Buck will be back in 30 minutes. He just went after some clothes for him and Jimmy and to tell Emma that they will be staying here for a few days. But I might have Lou come stay here to. With Jimmy not able to use his right arm I would feel better if there was another gun here if it needed. I think I will talk to Andrea and Buck when he gets back." Sam nodded and went to get the undertaker.

Teaspoon sat down and picked up the book that was on the table by the chair.

Upstairs Andrea pulled her children close and fell into a restless sleep. Andrea jumped when she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Looking up she saw that Buck was back and he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Rolling onto her back she smiled at him. he touched her face and said, " I put mine and Jimmy’s stuff into the room he is in. He was still asleep but at least he didn't look like he was in any pain. Are you hungry?"

Pushing herself up into a sitting position Andrea said, " That’s good. I could go for something to eat. I'll fix us something to eat." swinging her legs off the bed and walked to the door with Buck close behind her. Stopping at the door she turned around to look at her children.

Buck seeing her hesitation at leaving them wrapped her in his arms and said, " They will be okay Teaspoon and I are still here. Nothing is going to happen to them."

Leaning against him Andrea said, " I know that. Its just that if anything happen to them I don't know what I would do. They have been my whole life."

Turning her he said, " I know. We will leave the door open. We will just be down stairs. Come on lets get something to eat."

They headed down the hall and down the stairs. As they reached the bottom of the stairs Teaspoon met them and said, " I need to talk to you two. I want an extra gun here ‘til Jimmy is well enough to travel. I thought that I might see if Lou can come stay here with you. I know what you are thinking Buck but if Andrea and the kids come to the station to stay awhile then she will find out sooner or later. Beside Jimmy isn't going to be able to do anything for awhile till his right arm is healed."

Looking very confused Andrea said, " That’s good. If Jimmy is anything like his son then I am going to need all the help I can get. But I what I don't understand is. What am I bound it figure out sooner or later."

As they walked into the kitchen. Teaspoon said, " What’s is this about Jimmy's son?"

As Andrea went about finding something to eat. Buck said, " About three years ago Andrea and Jimmy did a foolish thing and they had those two beautiful kids upstairs only Jimmy didn't know about them till today. He was here getting to know them." Turning to Andrea who was putting left over chicken on the table and said, " Well Andrea Lou is a girl posing as a boy to work for the express. Please don't tell anyone or she will lose her job."

Thinking for a minute she said, “ Sure I wont tell anyone. She has the right to try and support herself any way she can. her secret is safe with me. Now come on lets eat."

They sat there eating for a few minutes when the hears someone yell from up stairs, " What is going on here? Why am I in bed and what happened to me?"

As all three of them ran up the stairs. Andrea was the first to reach Jimmy. As she sat down on the edge of the bed she said, " When you and Buck came back to help me. You were hurt somehow. The Doctor took out the bullet but said you were to stay in bed for a few days. Your arm will be stiff but in about a week or so you should be back to normal. Now please be still or you will tare your wound open again.

Looking up he saw Teaspoon and Buck walk into the room. Then turning back to Andrea he said, " the kids are they okay?"

Smiling she said, " Yes they are okay and asleep in their room. thanks to you and Buck we are all okay."

Leaning his head back against the head board he looked to Teaspoon and said, " I'm sorry. I know we should have been back by now but I don't really understand it but Buck knew something was wrong here. I couldn't just let someone hurt those kids and their mother."

Sitting down on the other side of the bed Teaspoon and said, " That’s okay. I know that you did what you thought you needed to do. I told you that acting before you think will catch up with you. But at least I know you have good taste in young ladies."

Smiling at Andrea. She blushed and whispered, " Thank you Mr. Hunter."

Just then Buck walked up and said, " Hey man how do you feel? I know that this may sound funny but it was as if I could hear someone ask for help."

Turning around Andrea said, " Well I did whisper that I wish you were here when I heard the noise come from up here. I guess you heard me."

Looking down at her Buck said, " Well I guess I did. All I know is that I felt like I better get here or something terrible will happen."

Teaspoon said, " Well something terrible could have happened. Sam said that those two guys are part of a nasty gang that robs people while they sleep and if they are seen they kill them. I am going to get Lou to stay here too. Till you are able to leave. then I want Andrea and the children to come stay at the station till we find the rest of the gang."

Looking at Teaspoon Andrea said, " Does that meant that they other members will come back looking for me. Thinking I killed their friends?"

Looking at both the boys then he said, " Yes it does. But if I know these two and the others they will do everything they can to protect you and your children."

Not knowing what to do Andrea just hung her head and started to cry. then said, " What am I going to do? I have now where to go. this is my home."

Jimmy reached out a hand to her and Buck placed one on her shoulder. then Jimmy said, " I know how you feel. But as soon I am out of this bed. You and the children are going to stay at the station. There is always someone there. I know that I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you or my children even if we are not together. And I think Buck feels that same way."

Leaning down Buck said, "That’s right. No one hurts my girl and her family and lives to tell about it."

Teaspoon said, " Expect Lou with in the hour. Now Jimmy please don't give Andrea any trouble. I will be back at the end of the week to see if you need any help getting things together to stay at the station." Then he turned and left the room.

Buck who was sitting behind Andrea said, " I am going to see Teaspoon out. Are you going to be okay here?"

Nodding yes. then Jimmy said, " She'll be fine. I promise I will be on my best behavior."

Smiling at her Buck got up and left the room. Turning back to Jimmy Andrea said, " Are you sure your not mad at me for not telling you sooner about them?"

Reaching up Jimmy cupped her face and said, " No I'm not mad. You had no idea where I was. At least I know now that’s all that matters. "

Just then Buck came back into the room. Andrea removed Jimmy’s hand and said, " I think you need some sleep."

Getting up to leave Jimmy grabbed her hand and said, " I know you will be okay with Buck, But please if you need help call on me for help."

Smiling she said, " I will remember that, thank you. Now get some sleep."

As her and Buck left the room. Buck looked at her and said, " I think you need some sleep too."

Nodding her head she said, " I know but I can't seem to sleep right now. Why don't we go down stairs. Then we can site in front of the fire awhile. Maybe I might be able to get some sleep after I settle my nerves some."

They went down stairs and buck started a fire. Settling onto the couch. It wasn't long before Andrea fell asleep wrapped in Bucks arms, with her head on his shoulder. Buck must have fallen asleep because then next thing he knew. The twins were pulling on him to wake him and their mother to wake up.


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