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The Gift Of Love

By: Jocelyne

Chapter 4

Sitting up Buck looked at the children pulling on his arm and said, "Shush what is it? You don't want to wake your mother do you?"

Shaking their heads no, Little Jimmy said, "Mr. Cross. why is poppa up stairs asleep? Why are you here holding momma in your arms?"

Looking at Andrea then back to the children he said, "Your poppa was hurt last night. We came back because someone broke into your house and your mother needed our help. Your mother couldn't sleep. So I sat here with her. Then she fell asleep on my shoulder so I put my arm around her to keep her from falling. Is that okay with you? I Like your mother a lot, but I don't want to step on your toes. You are the man of the house."

Little Jimmy looked at the man sitting with his mother and then at his mother. Then he said, "Its okay with me. I trust you not to hurt momma. I think she likes you too. Can you fix us something to eat?"

Smiling Buck said, " Sure I can get you something to eat. But first can you get me a blanket to cover your mother with."

Nodding yes, Little Jimmy ran up stairs and garbed a blanket off his bed and came back down to the living room. When he returned he saw that Buck had stood up and laid Andrea down on the couch. Jimmy handed Buck the blanket and watched as he covered his mother with it and gave her a soft gentle kiss on the forehead.

Turning to the children Buck said, " Come on let go into the kitchen and see what we can find. I am not much of a cook but I will do what I can to get you something to eat."

As Buck was trying to fry some eggs he heard someone say, " I didn't know you were up. You are forever playing the protector."

Turning towards the door he saw Lou standing there. After putting the eggs on two plates he turned to Lou and said, "When did you get here? I didn't here you come in last night."

Smiling as she walked over to him and took the pan from him and began frying more eggs for everyone else. She said, " When I got here you were asleep with Andrea in your arms. I just didn't have the heart to wake you. Don't worry I slept on the floor of the spare room. And yes before you ask Jimmy was awake when I got here. But he said not to wake you two. So I lied down and went to sleep myself. Now who are these two beautiful children?"

Sitting down to eat the eggs Lou had fixed for him Buck said, " This James and Louise. And believe it or not Our hotheaded Jimmy is their father. (turning to the twins Buck continued) Jimmy and Lousie this is Lou your father and I work with him."

Both the children said, " Hello Lou. Thanks for coming to stay here for a while. Mr. Cross says momma was upset last night after someone broke in here and hurt poppa"

Before Lou could answer Buck said, " Please call me Buck."

Then Lou said, " Well I know your poppa and Buck here pretty good and if they say there was trouble I believe them. I know if your momma is as pretty as you are Louise then I know why Buck and your father have fallen for her."

Andrea woke and heard voices in the kitchen. Getting up she walked to the kitchen and stood in the doorway listening to what was being said.

Looking up Buck noticed her. Standing up he said, " Well good morning sleepy head. Andrea this is Lou. Lou this Andrea." Leaning close to Andrea he whispered in her ear., " the children think Lou is a boy. Don't say anything to them about her being a girl. I know they won’t mean to say anything but they might.

"Smiling at him as she place a kiss on his check and said, " I told you last night I won’t tell anyone that includes my children. Now what is for breakfast?"

Lou stood and said, " Hello I am glad you and both your children are okay. I can fix you some eggs if you would like?"

Nodding yes Andrea said, " Yes thank you. I will get some coffee going. I am sure Jimmy will be awake soon and wanting to eat." As she walked over and kissed each child on the top of the head. Just then Lou said, " I think Jimmy will be a sleep for awhile longer. He was awake when I got here. You two had fallen asleep on the couch by the time I had arrived. Jimmy was awake enough to talk and he told me all about what happened here and what happened between you two."

”Who would have thought Jimmy could be the father of these to beautiful children. But seeing how pretty their mother is I can see why Jimmy lost his head and now why Buck was acting like he was a couple of nights ago.”

Blushing with her eyes cast downward. Andrea said, "Well I don't know about how he was acting a couple of nights ago but I know that I have never felt safer then I do with him. Well what happened between me and Jimmy had a little help. I was drunk at the time but I could see why a girl might lose her head for him. He is full of adventure and excitement. But I preferrer the quite type."

Smiling Lou said, " Well if its the quite type you like then you got yourself a good one here in Buck."

Blushing Buck said, " Now you two need to stop that. You can give a fellow a big ego. (Turning to Lou Buck continued) Did Teaspoon tell you what happened here last night and that once Jimmy is ready to travel we are taking Andrea and the children to the station ‘til we can find the rest of the gang that did this."

Nodding yes Lou said, " Yes he did. I didn't believe that Jimmy would allow himself to get hurt. But he never used his head much mainly when it cam to girls."

Smiling and nodding in agreement Andrea said, " Well I need to get ready for work and I should check on Jimmy and see if he needs anything. Can you two keep an eye on these two for me?"

Lou nodded yes but Buck stood and walked her to the stairs. As they reached the stairs He said, " I think I will go to work with you just to keep an eye on you. I don't feel right letting you go there alone. We don’t know who the other members of the gang are. Now don't argue with me about this."

Looking at him she knew that he meant what he had just said. Andrea smiled at him saying, " Okay but let me change my clothes and check on Jimmy first. Then we can go. I know that I will be safe if you are there keeping an eye on me." leaning towards him she gave him a kiss on the check and headed up the stairs.

Reaching the top of the stairs she entered her room feeling uneasy so she garbed some clothes and headed for the children’s room. After changing Andrea went into the room Jimmy was in. As she entered the room she saw that Jimmy was awake. Walking in Andrea said, "How are you this morning? Are you hungry? There are some eggs downstairs waiting for you if you want them."

Smiling at her Jimmy said," I am fine so far. I would love some eggs. How are you this morning? It looks like you didn't get much sleep last night."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed Andrea said, " Well I am okay. I didn't sleep well at all. I must of fallen asleep in Bucks arms because I woke up on the couch. I still can't believe all this happened last night. I am so sorry that you got hurt."

Shaking his head he said, " Not worry about it. I manage to get myself hurt quite abet all on my own. It’s not your fault. Now where are you headed today?"

Giving him a little laugh Andrea said, " I need to go to work. Now don't worry Buck is going to be there with me all day. I will be fine and Lou will be here with you and the children till I get home. Well I better get going. I will see you tonight."

Reaching for her hand Jimmy said, " Please be careful. And let Buck protect you. Our children need their mother and I know it would kill Buck if something happened to you."

Nodding yes. Just as she stood to leave the children came running into the room. They jumped onto the bed with Jimmy. They were followed by Buck and Lou.

Andrea and Buck each garbed a child and took them off the bed. Andrea sat them down on the floor and said, " Now you two stop that. Your father doesn't need to wrestle with you today. He needs to rest up." Then she turned to Jimmy and said, " I will be careful." As Andrea left the room followed by Buck.

As they left they could hear Jimmy say, " Please Lord take care of her." Smiling to herself Andrea and Buck made their way down the stairs and out the door. Before the children came running to her.

The children came and gave her a kiss and then they headed up to get dressed. As Andrea and Buck walked to the restaurant Buck said, " I meant what I said about you being my girl. That if it’s okay with you."

Nodding yes Andrea said, " yes its okay with me. I would love to be your girl." they reached the restaurant. As they walked in and met Sam on his way out.

Sam turned to them and said, " I have talk to the owner and he is will to let Buck seat here the whole time you are working. I know this is an inconvenience for you but it would make me and Teaspoon as well and Buck and Jimmy feel better. Well better get going. See you two later." They both waved good bye and walked into the restaurant.

Chapter 5

Walking into the restaurant Andrea said, "Buck why don't you sit at that table there, and I will get you some coffee. You should be able to see everything that goes on n here from there."

Nodding yes Buck went and sat with his back against the wall. Andrea went and got him some coffee. Coming back to the table she poured him a cup. Just as she was turning to leave and start waiting on other people Buck grabbed her arm and said, "If you need anything just wave at me. I will keep an eye on you. But don't be afraid. No one will hurt you while I am here." Andrea smiled and went about doing her job.


Meanwhile back at the house Lou was trying to help Jimmy down the stairs when he said, "Lou I can do it by myself. I was hit in the arm not my leg."

Placing her hands on her hips Lou said, " Now Jimmy you are suppose to stay in bed. What kind of example are you setting for your children when you don't do what the doc says to do."

Shaking his head Jimmy said, " Lou now you are beginning to sound like Emma. I promised you that I would stay on the couch. That way I can help keep an eye on these two. (pointing t the children playing on the floor.) Common Lou. I promise." nodding yes Lou helped him get settled onto the couch and then she went to make some lunch.

While sitting on the couch Jimmy watched his children play. Just then Little Jimmy stood and walked over to where Jimmy sat saying, "Poppa can you read to us? Momma always reads to us."

Looking a little embarrassed Jimmy said, " Sorry son I can't read. Maybe Lou can read to you when he is done fixing lunch. Okay. I just I should learn to read and write. What do you think son?"

Crawling up on his lap little Jimmy said, "Okay poppa. You can learn with me." Then he gave him a hug and rejoined his sister playing on the floor.

While watching the children play Jimmy started to dozed off. Then Lou came into the living room. She noticed that Jimmy had fallen asleep. Standing in the door way she watched the children play, thinking, " It is hard to believe that Jimmy is their father. But deep in her heart she knew that Jimmy had a hard live as a child, which explained why he was the way he was. But to see him be gentle and loving with his children was a site to see." She walked over to the children and said, " are you two hungry?" They looked up at her and started to yell. When she put her figure to her lips saying, "Quite your father is sleeping. Now you don't want to wake him do you?" They shock their heads no. As they stood to go to the kitchen Louise went over to Jimmy and pulled the blanket over him. The she gentle placed a kiss on his check. Lou watched as Jimmy smiled in his sleep.

As they went into the kitchen little Jimmy said, " Lou can you read us a story. I asked Poppa but he said that he couldn't read."

Smiling as she put lunch on the table, she said, " Sure I will read you a story after lunch. I knew that he couldn't read or write. But that doesn't mean that he isn't a good man. He is a loyal friend. Come on eat your lunch."


While back at the restaurant Andrea brought Buck a plate for lunch he said, " How are you going?"

Smiling she said, " okay I guess. I am just worried about my children. I know that they are okay Jimmy and Lou are with them."

He smiled and reached out and garbed her hand and said, "I know but you still worry. Is it about time for you to get off?"

Nodding yes Andrea said, " I have about three hours left. You can get up are straight your legs if you want."

Nodding yes but he said, "I know but I would preferrer to sit here and watch you. Besides I have been watching a gentlemen over there by the bar that has been watching you. But I don't want you to think anything of it. I will be here if you need me.

Swallowing hard she said, "You don't think that he is part of that gang do you?"

Buck shock his head and said, " I don't think so, but I am not sure the sooner we can get you and the children to the station the better." He squeezed her hand to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.


While back at the house. Lou cleaned up after lunch and walked back into the living room. As they entered the room they saw that Jimmy was awake. Smiling at him Lou said, " are you hungry?"

Jimmy nodded yes and said, " I am sorry I fell asleep. I hope they didn't give you any trouble."

Lou shock her head and said, " No they were perfect angels. It’s okay that you fell asleep. The more you sleep the faster you will heal you know that. I will be right back with your lunch." Lou left and went into the kitchen.

Louise said, "Poppa are you going to be okay?"

Jimmy smiled at her and said, " Come here and sit down both of you. I will be okay. I have been shot before. But how are you two holding up?"

Louise crawled up into his lap and said, "I am doing okay. I miss momma though. I wonder if she is okay."

Jimmy hugged her and said, " Your momma is safe. Mr. Cross isn't going to let anything happen to her. Okay so there is no need to worry about her." just then Lou came in carrying a tray with Jimmy lunch on it.

To Be Continued...

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