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A Time To Say Goodbye

By: Lynn

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.


The remaining members of the Sweetwater Express Station stood around the fresh grave, they couldn’t believe that they had to say goodbye to him. The folks in Sweetwater left so that Rachel and the riders could say their good-byes. Who would have guessed that Teaspoon would have been the first to die.

Knowing that he was gone was hard enough, but knowing that he had been shoot in the back of the head and the man who had done it was still alive and free. None of the riders had seen who did it, they heard the shoot, but by the time they got there the man was gone and Teaspoon was dead.

Teaspoon would be missed by so many people most of all by the riders. One by one they each made there way to the grave marker to ‘talk’ to Teaspoon one final time. They said their good-byes low enough so that the others couldn’t hear what was said. Each rider told Teaspoon that he was the father they had always wanted, they also all told him that they would find his killer.

Chapter 1

Two days earlier

Buck and Ike was sitting in the bunkhouse, they were signing to each other, so that they didn’t wake Jimmy. On most days they would not have cared if they woke him or not, but today he was being a great source of entertainment to them. Noah had stayed in town with Teaspoon the night before, Teaspoon had said that he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen soon and he wanted an extra gun around just in case. Kid, Lou, and Cody were all out on runs and Rachel was busy making breakfast.

Buck and Ike were laughing at Jimmy when they heard a noise. “Riders Coming!” yelled Buck as he looked out the window. Ike started to shake Jimmy as Buck once again yelled, “Their coming fast. Come on Jimmy get up, we have to see what is wrong.”

With that Ike and Buck ran out the door, followed closely by Jimmy who was still trying to get dressed. Teaspoon and Noah dismounted and walked up to where the other riders were. “Jimmy, glad to see that decided to get up before noon on your day off for once.” Teaspoon could clearly see that Jimmy had just rolled out of the bed and he just couldn’t resist a chance to tease Jimmy.

“This better me good, Teaspoon. After all, I would like to have one day off, that really is a day off.”

*What he means is that he wants to get back to his dream about Lou.* Ike was standing behind Jimmy’s back, so that he couldn’t see what he was saying, *He was just about to kiss his pillow, when we woke him up!*

Jimmy knew by the way the others were laughing that Ike must have signed something. “Ike! What did you SAY.”

Before Ike could answer, Buck spoke up, “Well, Jimmy, we were all just wanted to know why you named your pillow after Lou. After all that is what you were calling it.”

Jimmy’s face had turned a deep shade of red he hadn’t meant for anyone to find out that he had been having dreams about Lou. Before anything more could be said, Teaspoon decided it was now a good time to tell everyone why he was there.

“When I lived back in Texas, there was a gang by the name of ‘The Loners’. Real bad’uns they were. I remember that they were good at covering their tracks and the only way you knew sure that it was them, was ‘cause they leave a red bandanna over the mouths of each of the victims.” Teaspoon paused to let this information sink in.

“Well, that is a real nice story, but what does this have to do with us?”

“Jimmy! You have to stop being so damn inpatient. That is going to get you killed one of these days. Now, if you’ll let me finish, The Coopers were all found dead today. They had been killed and the only clue we have is that they all had a red bandanna in their mouths.”

Chapter 2

Teaspoon decided that they should head out now, because this gang seems to like killing anyone they can. It is almost as if they go in to these houses in hopes of killing someone, where as most of the gangs will go into a house to steal and then kill only if someone sees them.

As they were riding out, Kid and Lou came riding up. Kid could tell that something was wrong. “What is goin’ on? Where do we have to go? And what do we have to do?”

Lou also knew that they were going to have to head back out, but she could see that Teaspoon was in a hurry and he didn’t look like he wanted to answer any questions.

“Let’s just go and get this done. I’ll tell you everything when we get back.” Teaspoon started to ride away. He looked back at the riders and added, “Watch your backs, these guys would just as soon shoot you as look at you. In fact, they may even shoot before they look to see who it is.”

Teaspoon signaled for all the riders to stop. He could smell smoke and he knew that this meant they were very close to the gang’s campsite. He went over his plan once again with the riders.

Teaspoon and Jimmy rode in first; they were met with very unfriendly faces and guns. Teaspoon shouted, “Drop your weapons!”

The rest of the riders now entered the campsite with their guns drawn. What seemed to be the leader of the gang fired. Everyone quickly found cover and the shoot out began.

Teaspoon noticed that the leader was riding out leaving the rest of his gang to an almost certain death. Teaspoon saw they his boys had things under control, so he took off after the leader.

The gunfire had stopped, to the riders it looked as if all the gang members had been killed. Ike had been hit in the left arm, but he was fine. They noticed that Teaspoon was gone, but no one had seen him ride off.

At the same time, Teaspoon was closing in on the leading. Teaspoon had not taken notice of the person following him. A single shoot rang out and Teaspoon fail to the ground. The two surviving gang members rode off.

The riders heard the shoot and headed towards it. None of them were ready to see what they came upon. Jimmy was the first to reach Teaspoon. He saw that he had been shoot in the back of the head. He looked up at the others, he could tell that he didn’t have to say the words. They all knew…Teaspoon was died.

Chapter 3

The riders had placed Teaspoon’s body in a wagon, so that they could bring him home. When they got back to the station, Rachel and Cody came out to greet them.

“What’s wrong?” Rachel could see tearstains on the faces she loved so very much.

Lou slid down from her horse and ran into Rachel’s arms. “He’s gone, Rachel, Teaspoon’s gone.”

“What is goin’ on? Where’s Teaspoon?” Cody was beginning to worry. Lou was crying on Rachel’s shoulder and none of the boys would make eye contact with them.

One by one the riders slowly dismounted. Ike tried to tell the two what had happened but his hands were shaking so much that no one could read his signing.

Buck noticed that Rachel and Cody were unable to understand, so he spoke up. “Teaspoon was shot in the back of his head. He was…dead…by the time we got to him.”

After hearing the news Rachel would have fallen over if it had not been for Lou, who managed to hold her up. Cody was completely speechless, for once in his life. He just stood there with a blank expression on his face, hoping and praying that the others were wrong. But he knew that the others would not have told him unless they were completely sure that Teaspoon was dead.

The following day was filled with the riders trying not to think about the day before. Cody and Kid did every chore they could. Buck, Ike and Noah decided that they should talk about Teaspoon. So for them the day was filled with happy memories of the man they loved. Rachel busied herself by making the plans for the service. Lou and Jimmy seemed content to be left alone; both spent the lying on their own bunks, not saying a word.

Everyone felt lost. This shouldn’t have happened, it didn’t seem real. Everyone felt that Teaspoon was going to walk up to them any minute now, barking orders at them, like he always did.

The day seemed to drag on and on. When night finally came no one could sleep. Lou jumped down from her bunk and ran out the door. Kid followed right behind her.

Lou sat on a bail of hay in the barn, where her emotions took control over her body. She laid her face into her hands and began to weep for a man who had played many different rolls in her life. He was her teacher, friend, and ‘father’. She had always known that he would die someday, she had just hoped that someday wouldn’t be for a very long time. She wished with all her heart that she could have just two more minutes with him, just long enough to tell him what he meant to him, how much she loved him. Kid was unsure of what he should do. Should he go to her or did she need to be alone? His decision was made once he saw her place her face into her hands and her body began to shake. He moved close to her and placed his strong arms around her small body.

Lou laid her head against his shoulder, so thankful that she had him. She knew that he missed Teaspoon, also. They had each other and at that moment Lou knew that they, she and Kid, would be just fine. They would help each other learn to deal with this untimely death. She moved closer to him. She wanted him to just hold her forget about everything that had happened.

Neither said a word, neither needed to. They both knew what the other had been thinking. They sat that way for over an hour before deciding to go inside.

Kid laid down on his bunk, he moved over enough to make room for her. She was thankful that he knew her so very well, after all she would never had been able to sleep in her bunk, all alone. Lou laid down next to him; he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead before drifting off to sleep.

The next day flew by. After the service everyone went to their own bunks, only talking when needed which was not often.

Sleep came easier to everyone that night. It still didn’t seem real to anyone. But they all knew that they needed sleep. In the little talking they had done, they had decided that they would head out it the morning to find Teaspoon’s killer.

There were no arrangements made as to how the mail would be delivered. No one cared about that. The only thing of any importance was getting revenge their friend’s death. They knew that they had to do this together, even Kid didn’t object to Lou’s riding along.

Chapter 4

Everyone was up and ready when the first light of day came. Rachel had breakfast on the table. The boys and Lou ate very little.

Rachel saw them all off, yelling “Ride Safe!” before heading back into the house. She started to clear off the table when she realized that she had, without thinking about it, sat a place for Teaspoon. He didn’t always make it for the meals, sometimes he ate at the office, but Rachel always made sure to have a spot sat for him. She picked up the unused plate and held it close to her heart. “Oh, Teaspoon, what are we all going to do without you? You are…were the glue that held this family together. Now that you are gone is are family going to fall apart?”

Tears streamed down her face and she sat down at his spot. She still couldn’t believe that he was gone from this world, from her life. She couldn’t even imagine what the boys were going though after all, they had known him much longer then she had. “I know that I don’t have to ask this, but yet I feel I must. Teaspoon, our boys and Louise have went out in search of your killer, please watch over them and keep them safe.”

The wind blew, causing the window to open. “That’s funny. I thought I locked that shut. Well, I guess not.” It was a fairly warm day, but as Rachel walked to close the window there was one very cold spot. After she passed though it, she felt a huge desire to check Teaspoon’s desk. She forgot about the dishes and ran to his office.

The riders were all very quite, Buck had found the trail of the last two gain members and he was now tracking them. The others followed closely behind him. Buck saw a pond up ahead and he knew that the horses needed a break. Although his heart told him to keep going, his mind told him he had to stop just for a small break.

All the riders dismounted and let the horses drink the cool blue water. They had all sat down and started to go over plans. None of the plans seemed right. They had been talking for almost an hour and they were still no closer to knowing what they needed to do then when they first got there.

“I wish Teaspoon were here, he would know what to do…” Seeing the looks on the others faces, Cody knew that he had once again stuck his foot in his mouth.

“Cody’s right, we do need Teaspoon.” Noah was the newest rider and sometimes felt as if he were an outsider. The rest of them all seemed so close. Oh, the others did their best to make him feel like he belonged, but sometimes he just didn’t feel as if he belonged anywhere. “But maybe we could try to think of what he would have us do if he were here.”

Jimmy seemed to be off in his own little world. He looked up at his friends, not having a clue as to what they had all been talking about. “Lou, did you bring what I asked you to?”

”Yes, but I still don’t understand why you asked me to bring the dress.”

”Because I want you to wear it?” Everyone looked at him like he had just lost his mind. “Ya see, they saw all of us ‘cept Cody and they saw Lou, but not Louise. So I think that our best is to send in Cody, having him talk about how he would like to join up with the gang, and Louise, of course, is his new bride and she is more then happy to do all the cooking and cleaning for them.”

Jimmy recognized the look on his best friends face and added, “Kid, it will only be for a couple days, three at the most, just long enough for Cody to find out if there really is only two of them and which one killed Teaspoon.”

Everyone agreed to that plan and Lou changed her clothes before riding on.

Rachel had been going though the desk for over an hour and had not found anything but old ‘wanted’ posters. A ray of light shone though the window and under the desk. Rachel didn’t know why, but she began to follow it with her hand. Her fingers moved over a key tried to the bottom of a drawer.

She removed the key and looked around the room to find what it was used for. The stove…she went to it and looked behind it. There sitting on the ground was a small metal box, in which the key fit perfectly.

Chapter 5

”You two be very careful. Cody, watch what you say.” The riders had just found the hind out. Jimmy had some last minute directions for Cody and Lou.

Kid pulled Cody aside. “Cody, don’t leave Lou alone with them. You know, just as well as I do what they will do to her if given the chance.” Cody could see the torment on his friend’s face. He knew that if things were different, if his and Kid’s rolls were reversed he would be just as worried.

”Kid, I love Lou as if she were my sister” Cody knew that it was more then that. He would never tell anyone but he knew if Kid wasn’t around, and Jimmy too for that matter, he could see himself making a play for Lou. “I’ll keep her safe.”

Lou saw Kid and Cody talking and she knew that Kid was making Cody agree to keep an eye on her, because after all she was a female, and females just couldn’t take care of themselves in a man’s world. Lou could feel you anger start to boil. She had started to walk straight for Kid. She was so upset; she planned on really laying into him good this time.

When she was about halfway to him, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and came face to face with Jimmy. “I know what you are thinking, but this time he has the right.”

Lou couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Jimmy had always been the one who believed in her. And now he was agreeing with Kid. He was saying that he didn’t have any faith in her. That he didn’t think she could handle herself. Lou was angry, upset and about all else she was hurt. She started to walk away, but Jimmy grabbed her,

”Lou, let me explain. We all just lost Teaspoon. And now we are sending you and Cody in to befriend his killers and if one small thing goes wrong these men will kill you both.” Jimmy stopped for a minute not sure how to say the rest, but knowing he needed to. He had to make Lou aware of everything that could happen, so that she could back out if she wanted to. “Lou, Louise, if something goes wrong they’ll just kill Cody. But they may decide to, well. Force you into stuff before they kill you. Hell, Louise, you’re purdy, they may try to force you any chance they get.”

Lou looked into Jimmy’s eyes, they showed her that he was very worried about her and for a second, just one-second, she found herself not wanting to go forward with the plan. “Jimmy, this is something I have to do. This is something we all have to do. Teaspoon was so important to us, all of us. If it hadn’t been for him, then we would not be the family we are today. We have to bring his killer to justice, we owe him that much.” Fresh tears were running down Lou’s pale face. Jimmy wrapped his arms around her wanting so much to tell her how much he loved her, but knowing that because Kid was his best-friend he never could say those three powerful words to the woman he now held in his arms.

Cody and Lou followed the two-gang members from the hide out into town. They had gone into the saloon. Cody walked up to the bar with Louise right behind him. She kept looking around to make sure the two were still where she had seen them. “We need some rooms the hotel was full, they said you might have some here.”

The bartender nodded, “We have some.” He looked Louise from top to bottom; his smile showed everyone that he liked what he saw. “That was two rooms, right?”

No!” Lou was surprised to find that it was her own voice she had heard. “We only need one. We’re married, remember. Lou was a little irritated with Cody. How could he mess up the plan already?

Cody smiled; he had really messed up. Good thing Lou fixed it. He looked at Lou and then back to the bartender. “We just got hitched a week ago, I guess it is still hard to believe.”

The bartender nodded and reached under the bar for the key. He handed it to Cody. Cody then gave it to Lou and told her to get settled in while he talked to their new friends.

”Hello, yall mind if I join you for a drink?” Cody noticed that the two men didn’t seem to want company, but then again they didn't tell him to leave either. So, did you hear about what happen to the Loner’s gang? Damn shame it is.” Cody started to walk away when the men called him back. They offered to have a drink with him and after four or five more the two-gang members started to let their guard down.

”That damn marshal and his pony express boys! They justa don’t know when to leave things alone. But we fixed that, didn’t we John?” The man, or rather the boy, that was talking looked to be sixteen.

”That is enough! We have to go. Cody we are going to be in here ‘round six for dinner. If you can make it then we will talk more then.” John noticed Cody’s hesitation, the realization that that Cody had been looking at the stairs all night. “Oh, if you have a lady-friend to bring, you can.”

”Well, thankyou, I’ll make sure to be there. My wife will be so happy, she has been wanting to met ya.”

With that said the gang members left and Cody went up to the room. Lou had long ago went to sleep. Cody walked in the door and saw her lying on the bed. She looked so peaceful. It was a warm night so all she had on was a thin nightgown and a sheet pulled to her waist. Did she look like this every night when she slept?

Cody grabbed a pillow and a light cover from the bed and settled in for a restless night of sleep on the floor.

”We never should have let them go!”

”Kid, would you relax. It hasn’t even been a day.” Jimmy had seen his friend worry over Lou many times before, but this time it was different. If either Cody or Lou make the smallest mistake then they will both be killed

”Jimmy, what happens if Lou cries when they talk about killing Teaspoon?”

”I think Cody will be smart enough to cover for her.” At least, I hope he is.

Chapter 6

Lou woke to a strange room. It took her a few minutes to realize where she was. The pillow next to her was missing at first she assumed that she that she and Kid must have had another fight and he once again slept in a chair.

After looking toward the chair, she realized that it was Cody, not Kid, who had shared her room. She slid from the bed.


Well, at least she found Cody. She knelt down beside him and told him to lie in the bed. He obeyed and crawled into the soft, warm bed.

Lou told Cody that she was going to look around town and she would meet him back at the room for lunch.

With thought of food in his mind, Cody drifted back to sleep.

Cody woke with a start. His head was buzzing from all the alcohol the night before. He remembered very little. He knew he had talked to two of the gang members and that he had agreed to meet them for dinner. He still needed to tell Lou. Lou! Oh, God, where is Lou. Cody jumped out of the bed. He started to dress himself very quickly and for once he didn't care about his appearance. Kid is going to kill me. Was she even here when I got back last night? She couldn't have been. I know I wouldn't have gotten into bed with her.

Cody ran down the stairs. He saw the bartender from the night before. "Mister, Mister!"

The man turned around, "Sorry, the bar doesn't open for two hours."

"No, Mister, do you remember me? Lo…my wife and I checked in last night."

"Yep. I 'member."

"Well, I woke-up and she was gone. Did you see her leave?"

Cody ran to the sables. Lighting was still there, this was quickly going from bad to worst. There was only one thing left to do. He had to go to the meeting place and tell the others that he got drunk, let his guard down and lost Lou. All in the first night.

"What do you mean she's gone?!?" As Kid jumped for Cody, Buck and Ike grabbed him before he could hit him. Noah watched Jimmy, ready to hold him back if Jimmy, ready to hold him back if Jimmy decided to jump at Cody, too.

Kid started to relax and the two released him. "What happened? Tell me everything and DON'T leave one thing out!"

"Ok, we got to the saloon and Lou went up to the room while I went to talk to the gang members. I had a little too much to drink and by the time I got back she was gone. I'm so sorry. Kid, you know I would die for her…to keep her safe."

Noah put his hand on Cody's shoulder "of course Kid knows. We all know."

Jimmy stood by and started walking to his horse. "Come on, let's go find her."

With that everyone mounted up and rode off to find the 'little sister' of the group.

Lou had been walking around town in hopes of finding something out about the gang. She wasn't watching where she was going and she bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry Sir. I should have been watching where I was going."

"That's all right. There was no harm done. I'm John Minors. You look so familiar, have I seen you before?"

"I don't think so I just got into town last night...with my husband. I'm Louise Cody."

"Cody? Oh yes, I met your husband last night."

Last night? Is he one of the gang members?

"The two of you will be joining me for dinner tonight, right?"

NO! Hell no! I would eat with her. Come on, Lou, keep it together. You have to do this for Teaspoon. "Of course. We wouldn't miss it."

"See you then. Good day."


Lou walked down the street just a few steps when she saw something that could mess everything up. Lou knew that the gang member could still be watching her. She walked up to her fellow express riders and looped her arm through Cody's. She lend in and kissed his check. "Now don't tell me you couldn't wait until lunch to see me. I told you I would be back by then."

"You told me?"

"Well, yes. You didn't think I would just leave, did you? Anyway, I ran into a friend of your, John Minors. Speaking of friends who are all these people?"

Cody and the other riders could tell by the way Lou was acting that there was a chance that they were being watched. No one was sure of what they should do.

Noah was the first to speak, "Well, ma'am, we were just asking your fella here if he had seen these men." Noah handed Lou an old wanted poster.

Lou stared at the poster in complete confusion. "No. I sure haven't." With that said all the riders, minus Cody and Lou, mounted up and rode off.

"Honey, are you ready for lunch?"

"Do you have to ask? And did you really talk to me this morning?"

Lou and Cody were in their room, dressing for dinner when Cody remembered the look on her face when she looked at that wanted poster. “Lou?”


”You looked confused when you looked at that wanted poster. Why was that?”

”Because I had no idea who those people were. I think that poster was older then I am. It looked like those men may have been run-a-way slaves.”

Cody smiled and told Lou that it was time to meet their new ‘friends’ for dinner.

Dinner had been going very well. Bert, the younger of the two gang members really warmed up to Lou. He told her that he and John were the only two left.

Bert had been in charge of caring for the horses. John had always been fairly mean to him, but that change the minute he saved John’s life.

Cody and John were talking to each other and they were not paying any attention to Lou and Bert, which is why Lou was able to get Bert to talk.

”Bert, how did you save his life?”

”Well, we was about to leave a town called Sweetwater. Most of the gang members had been killed by the Marshall and his pony express riders. Those riders are always acting like they are so much better then everyone else. Then I saw John ridin’ real fast like on his horse. I also seen the no good Marshall following him so I took my gun and killed the son of a…oh wait, John says I shouldn’t a talk like that when I’m talking with a lady.”

Bert killed Teaspoon! John, yeah I could have seen that, but Bert is just a child. Fifteen, maybe sixteen. Just a poor misguided child.

John took notice of the single tear running down Lou’s right cheek. There was something about her that he knew. “Louise, do you ride?”

”I’m sorry, John, did you say something?”

”Yeah, I wanted to know if you like to ride…horses.”

Cody smiled and grabbed Lou’s hand. “My little lady is one of the best riders there is. In fact, when she gets on that black horse of hers, there is no stopping her.”

John smiled, “Black horse, I’m guessing he has white markings on his face.” He saw the look of disbelief on the other’s faces. “I must say, you do look much better as a female.”

Chapter 7

John pulled his gun out, it was still under the table were no one could see it, but Cody and Lou could both hear it and know it was there.

”Now, unless you two would like to join the Marshall friend as yours I suggest you do just what I tell you to. Real quite like lets all go up to your room. But put your arms around her and don’t let go off her.”

The four of them entered the dark black room. As the lamp was lit. There was a sound of a gun hammer clicking. Cody and Lou knew they didn’t have much time left.

Lou pulled away from Bert’s tight hold and ran into Cody’s arms she buried he head in his chest as he close his eyes and hugged her close to him. There was gunfire, three shoots.

Lou felt another pair of hands on her pulling her away from Cody, who already released his hold on her.

”It’s OK, Lou. Honey, it is all over.” As Kid pulled Lou close to him, she could feel the stickiness on his should and she knew that he had been hit.


Jimmy stepped forward from the shadows. “Well, Kid and I decided to hang out in your room and Buck, Ike and Noah were all downstairs watching you.”

The riders took their time riding back to the express station. Rachel could hear the sounds of riders coming. She ran out to find that her boys, and Lou, had all made it home safe.

After explaining to Rachel what all had happened. Rachel pulled out a folded up piece of paper. “I found this in Teaspoon’s office. It was in a box behind the stove. I think he wants me to read it to all of you.

The riders all sat back and waited to hear Teaspoon’s final words come out of Rachel’s mouth.

Dear Boys, Rachel, and Lou,
If you are reading this, then I know that I am died. Please, don’t morn for me, but rejoice it the memories of the good times we shared. You all made my life complete and for that I thankyou.
Rachel, thankyou for helping me with them. Please take good care of them.
Ike, you are one of the nicest and smartest people I know. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. They maybe able to talk more then you can, but you say more then they could ever hope to.
Noah, a time will come when people stop judging you for skin color. It may not happen in your lifetime, but believe me, it will happen. You have a family here, so don’t leave us anytime soon, ya hear?
Cody, Son, the only advice I have for you is to think more. You need to think about things carefully before you say or do anything.
Buck, I know that life has been hard on you. You’re not sure where you fit in. Give it time, you will soon realize what I already know. Follow your heart and then you will chose the right path.
Kid, I know that the South is a huge part of you and right now you feel that it is the most important thing to you. But I know different. Lou and the children the two of you will have is the most important. If you feel you must fight for something for them.
Lou, Louise, I only wish that I had had more time to get to know you. The real you. I have a feeling that I know what happen to make you dress like this. If I’m right, you did nothing wrong. Tell Kid he will stand by you.
Jimmy, you came to me a hot-tempered young man who thought that he would live forever. You have turned into a man that I am proud of.
You all mean so much to me. You are the children I never had, but always wanted. You are my family.
All my love,
”Teaspoon” Hunter

As Rachel said his name the lamp on the table was blown-out by the ‘wind’.


One year later

A man walked up to the marker of the formally Sweetwater Marshall, Teaspoon Hunter. The man had a small bundle in his arms. He removed his hat and started to speak to his old friend.

”Well, Teaspoon, I can’t believe it has been a year already. We all miss you. The pony express is dead and war is breaking out. I could sure use you now.

”I have someone I want you to meet. This is my son, Hunter. He reminds me of you. His mama and I got together a few days before you died, sadly his mama died during childbirth.

”I just came to let you meet your first grandchild and to tell you that I’m leaving. I need a change. I need to go somewhere where I can make a good life for Hunter…and myself. I guess what I am saying is that I now feel that it is time to say good-bye to you.

”Good-bye Teaspoon Hunter.” With that said the young man walked off into the sunset holding his three-month-old son.

The End!

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