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Just Perfect

by Ablehza

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 19

Cami felt someone move beside her, which was totally new to her; she sat up erect and stared at the still slumbering figure sharing the bedroll with her. The blanket that covered them both was sliding down her naked body from her shoulders, to finally come to a stop at her waist. It still covered her lover to his armpits. He looked peaceful and happy even in his sleep, and his left arm sought her body; embracing it weakly. A smile parted his lips and he murmured something she couldn't quite hear, but she knew he wasn't awake. Not yet. She smiled and traced his arm around her waist with her index finger, watching the fingers on his hand move just a bit as he again murmured that same sentence. This time she heard it perfectly.

"Stay near me," he begged and rolled over on his side, burying his face in her hand, which she used to support herself with. Cami smiled at the sweet scene and used her free hand to whisp some hair out of his handsome face. She watched him until she knew he was sleeping soundly again, and then looked up to see the most beautiful morning of her life. Outside the sun was shining brightly, and if there had ever been raining there sure were few traces to prove that. The trees and bushes nearest the cave were shimmering in the most beautiful green shades, and the sky above them was a crystal clear blue, with few clouds to spot the sun. Those that were weren't more than fluffy, all white pillows floating around in the sky. She wanted desperately to walk up to the mouth of the cave and just watch the wild landscape, like so many times before. Like yesterday. She freed herself from Buck's loose grip and carefully peeled the blanket off his body. It was warm enough for him to sleep on without it, but she still wanted something around herself; mainly because she wasn't used to being in the nude.

She tiptoed the approximate fifteen feet from the ashy fireplace to the cave opening, peering outside like a little girl on Christmas Morning. She took in a deep and nourishing breath, allowing her body to relax and warm up in the hot rays of the morning sun. She didn't think about anything else than the time passing for several long minutes. Then she realized Buck was awake too. She heard him scramble to his feet and walk a couple of steps, then stop. She turned to him with a warm smile, just letting the blanket hang over her shoulders without making an effort to hide her nudity. Buck's stomach stirred at the sight, and his face relaxed even though he was tired and had to frown to keep his eyes focused on her. She was no doubt the sexiest being he had ever laid eyes on. He smiled lazily back to her and advanced toward the cave mouth until he was just an arm's length away from her pale, yet hot body. She gripped the blanket between her fingers and opened her arms to him, closing them behind his neck; the blanket now surrounded them both. Buck's arms found their way around her waist and he stepped in close to her, kissing her good-morning with a still very tired grin on his face.

"Hi," he murmured, letting his lips kiss her over and over.

"Good morning, sleepy."

Buck smiled wider at the sound of her soft giggle, very pleased indeed to feel her lips behave much like his own. He gave a deep sigh and squeezed her tightly in the embrace, feeling her breasts press against his chest like nothing he had ever experienced before; he instantly began to swoon.

"I love this," he whispered and kissed her again.

"Then let's do it more often," Cami smiled seductively and rested her head on his shoulder. "Slept well?"

"I had a few interesting dreams, yeah." Cami giggled again. This was everything she had ever dreamt of, and it sure as hell wasn't an anticlimax. Her sister couldn't know a thing about real love. Perfect love. "What about you?" Buck continued.

"Oh, I dreamt something. something very inspiring I might add," she smiled wistfully and kissed his neck tenderly.

"Yeah? About me?" Buck asked and began to rock her back and forth in his arms.

"You bet. And you'll never guess what we were doing," Cami giggled. "But if you're a good boy I might show you later."

"I'd like that," Buck smiled and again awed over her adult tone. "Very much."

"There's a lake somewhere around here, right?" Cami asked and looked up, meeting his still tired gaze.

"Mmmm, so?"

"You'll see," Cami replied casually and let her head fall on his shoulder again, rocking with him in the silent dance.

Buck remained silent for awhile, absorbing the morning fully. He was still sleepy and yearned for his bedroll back under his body, but Cami's light voice was music to his ears; he couldn't sleep with her singing like that!

"If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up," he murmured against her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her hair.

"Then I guess I'll have to be careful, so it doesn't happen by accident," Cami replied sweetly and squeezed his muscular body with her slender arms. Buck looked up and met her eyes for a moment, then broke out in a tired yet amused grin and chuckled softly for a moment, kissing her naked shoulder; his eyes closing heavily as the dance stopped. He sank down on the rocky ground, relieved to feel part of the blanket underneath himself, and before he could adjust his position Cami had his head in her lap. She stroked his hair and covered him in the blanket while humming some song she made up as the minutes ticked by. Before long her lover slept soundly; resting all he could. He knew even in his sleep he would have a busy day ahead of him.


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