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Just Perfect

by Ablehza

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 20

Buck scooped Cami into his arms and laughed with her, carrying her closer to the water. The rain had left it warm enough to bathe in, but probably for the last time before winter. Cami shrieked when he waded into the lake and her arms grew tight around his neck.

"You're not dropping me!" she demanded and looked into his wistful eyes.

"No, Buck, no!"

Buck chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm dropping us," he murmured into her hair and a second later they were both under water.

Cami broke free from his arms and fought to break the surface, all the while feeling his hands on her feet, holding her under. She tried to fist him in the shoulder, but the water made the movement slow and dull, and she could only see him smile wickedly at her. But before either of them went out of breath he helped her to the surface and held her in his arms until she had calmed down.

"I told you no," Cami scolded, swatting at his naked chest. "And now you're wet again," she continued, reaching down to squeeze his thigh through his trousers.

"Look who's talking," Buck smiled and brushed some drenched hair from her eyes.

Cami giggled and kissed him lovingly, hugging him so hard she could feel his erect nipples through her dress. Buck rested his head on top of hers, taking in a good dose of happiness that flowed about them. When he backed a step he noticed a change in her blue eyes; a change that made him suddenly very aroused.

"What is it?" he asked.

She shook her head and took his hand, leading him back to the bank again. He followed suit and tried to wipe the silly grin from his face, but it stayed promptly; he knew whatever she was thinking would be just as good as all the things they had done that night, and even if it was only half as good it would be enough. More than enough, actually. He felt his manhood throb against his wet trousers and his grip of her hand tightened. Cami smiled too, though he couldn't see it, and she knew she was driving him crazy; she loved every minute of it and squeezed his hand back with the same excitement.

Reaching the sandy bank Buck caught up with Cami and swooped her into his arms. She stroked his chest and admired the pearls of water that lingered on his tanned skin before falling in streaks down past his nipples, stomach and bellybutton. Her eyes found the bulge in his pants and she was gripped by curiosity; her right hand left his chest to find the waistband of his pants, which she tugged at until she managed to open them for him. All the while he was busy opening her dress, and this time his hands were steady as rocks, and he now knew how to enjoy the moment and even play a little. His fingers brushed meaningfully against her pale skin and he smiled when he saw her convulse in a lustful shiver, followed by a short gasp. He opened the next button and repeated the same ordeal once more; he reached the same satisfying result. When her dress was opened enough to expose her breasts, his head dove and next thing she knew his almost hot tongue was lapping furiously over her cooled skin. This was one of the things he had learned to be greatly appreciated.

"They're not much," she announced as if it were the first time he saw them.

Buck looked up quickly and read her eyes. "They're yours," he answered as the most obvious thing in the world, and upon seeing her shy smile his tongue found its way back to her firm mounds. Maybe not the biggest he had ever seen, but surely the prettiest. He continued to lick her skin until both nipples were pebble hard and swelling. Then suddenly he stiffened.

Cami's hand had found his hard manhood and was stroking it firmly. No one but himself had ever pleasured him that way and it took some getting used to. But he accepted it shortly, since the electric feelings shooting through him got more intense and lustful with her every stroke. He groaned.

"Let me show you what I dreamt," Cami smiled into his eyes and Buck had to focus to grin back. He was already throwing his head back in erotic delight and the moans he made sounded close to painful. But he willingly followed her into the grassy clearing where they both laid down.


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