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Just Perfect

by Ablehza

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 29

Buck became a frequent visitor at the Johnson house, and the only one in the family he hadn't yet met was Cami's older sister; she was away working at a theater in Denver. Buck had learnt Cami too wanted to be an actress, and one day wanted to walk in her sister's footsteps. But if that didn't work out, she always had her education, and she would be a teacher. She couldn't quite decide which she wanted most.

Tutoring Michael in tracking and hunting was a special treat Buck looked forward to. One day a week, mostly on Sundays when Cami was busy at church, he would take the boy with him for a ride. Joshua Johnson was particularly happy to see two of his children in the presence of the half-Kiowa. Buck seemed to have so much to teach them.

"Hunting, tracking, riding, picnics, where does it end?"

Buck was startled by the question and looked up from his steak with a thoughtful expression. "Well," he started and looked around the table at the faces he had come to know as a second family.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just very happy to know you, Mr. Cross," Joshua said and smiled broadly.

Buck was as usual very nervous in the presence of the middle-aged man, and since this was his first supper with the Johnson family he wanted it all to go as smoothly as possible. Cami had tried to calm him, but Buck insisted. Being called sir and mister isn't part of my daily experiences, he thought to himself and smiled at Cami's father.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," he replied and breathed a sigh of relief; the conversation soon drifted toward a new subject.

"There's a dance next week," Maggie said and looked around the table. Cami looked down at her meal and Buck bit his tongue. He wanted to ask her to go with him, but he couldn't. Her parents would understand the depth of their relationship if he did, and then it would all be destroyed.

"Do you have a date yet, Mr. Cross?" Maggie asked and yanked him back from his thoughts.

"Please, say Buck," he begged and smiled kindly. "And no, I don't."

"Are you asking anyone?" Joshua probed and Buck finally understood what the couple was trying to do. He followed the older man's eyes which landed on his daughter in an inquiring way. She still did not look up.

"I think I am, yes," he replied and saw the delightful smiles that played over the parents faces.

Cami froze. He couldn't. He couldn't ask her, it would all be ruined! She glanced up at him but he didn't meet her gaze, he just sliced himself another piece of steak with a mysteriously satisfied grin.


Buck walked with Cami through town, her arm respectfully looped through his. It had been her parent's idea they took a walk, and Buck had instantly picked up on it. Cami couldn't understand his sudden comfortable style around her parents, but she had a feeling her was about to tell her what was going on.

"Cami?" he asked and she nodded.


"Go to the dance with me," he begged.

"Buck, we can't."

"Yes, we can!" Buck argued and stopped walking. He removed his coat and put it around her shoulders, then placed a careful kiss on the tip of her nose.

"It's your parents idea," he whispered.

"What?!" Cami shrieked.

"They wanted me to ask you," he explained. "Calm down, you're scaring people!"

Cami giggled, then took a deep breath to calm herself. "But how? Why?"

"I don't know. But think about what you said before, after our picnic at the church," Buck started and recollected the day.

"They're happy to see me with a male creature," Cami repeated and nodded calmly.


"Okay, then I'll go with you."

Buck smiled warmly and bent down to kiss her sweet lips, almost losing himself for a moment. When he looked up again, people were staring at the unlikely match kissing in the street. They both giggled and continued their walk.


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