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Love of a Lifetime

by Vera

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Noah Dixon stopped to visit Ruth Dixon’s grave in Freedom, Missouri. He knew immediately her brother had already been there. Her headstone and plot were immaculate and lilacs lay near the headstone. With a smile and tears in his eyes, he knelt down to talk to Ruth and left her a handful of violets. Today would have been his wife's twenty first birthday and he couldn't let it pass without remembering her. He finally stood up to blow her and kiss and turned around to leap on his horse and ride out of Freedom.

Noah rode hard toward Rock Creek, Nebraska since he was running a little late. He rode for the Pony Express and was anxious to make it home to dinner. He slowed down slightly when the barn came into view. Jimmy Hickock stood near the barn and took Noah's horse as he dismounted. "I'll take care of him while you wash up” indicated Jimmy. “You want to get to dinner before Cody eats everything."

Noah chuckled and called over his shoulder on his way to the bunkhouse, "Thanks Jimmy. I'll be into dinner as soon as I shower." Twenty minutes later Noah entered the Bunkhouse to eat and greeted his family. Lou was the only person out on a ride to Seneca Falls. Dinner was a boisterous meal as usual. Cody teased Jimmy about his most recent date. Jimmy retaliated by throwing a biscuit and hitting Cody on the ear. Cody's response was to toss a carrot in Jimmy's potatoes.

Finally Teaspoon ordered "take it outside, both of you. Can't we have one meal without an argument or using food as a weapon?"

Noah merely chuckled until Ike landed peas in his potatoes. Ike was aiming at Kid and had missed the plate and hit Noah's instead. Noah returned fire and landed peas and carrots in Ike and Buck's potatoes. Buck immediately hit Noah and Kid with a shower of peas and carrots.

"Boys, stop it” interjected Rachel “I didn't cook this meal to be thrown. Keep it up and you can do you own cooking"

"Uh oh”, responded Buck, “we are really in trouble now. Rachel we can't stand our own cooking."

"Very well then, you all had best do the dishes this evening."

"Everyone is going to help" indicated Teaspoon.

"Do we have to dishes again," inquired Cody as he and Jimmy re-entered the bunkhouse.

"You do” said Rachel “and you can wash Cody and they better be clean. Ike you and Buck dry them. Noah you put them away. Jimmy you and Kid bed the horses down for the night"

Noah started to complain about being tired, when he stopped to consider that putting the dishes away was the easiest task. He knew if he complained too much he could draw much worse chores.

They quickly did their chores and a game of cards began. The conversation turned to women and their attributes or lack thereof. A losing Cody smirked and asked a question "So, when was your first time with a woman Ike?"

"What, signed Ike, I'm not answering that. How did we get into this discussion anyway?"

"I don't know” indicated Buck. “But, I don't intend to answer that question either. I think Cody should tell us his story since he is so curious."

"Yeah,” agreed Jimmy, “ how about it Cody?"

"I'm not telling” responded Cody. “Kid how about you? Here's your chance since Lou's not here to kill you."

"Forget it,” responded Kid with a sneer. “I don't kiss and tell."

"Ah you guys are no fun” grumbled Cody. “Come on start talking Noah."

"No way” replied Noah. “I fold. I'm tired and I'm going to bed." Noah dropped his cards on the table and walked over to his bunk. He striped down to his long johns and got in bed and pulled the covers up. He lay on his back and closed his eyes. Cody's prying brought vivid memories for Noah. His dreams were filled with visions of Ruth Pruitt Dixon. He began to remember the first time he slept with a woman.

The adventure began four days before Noah's eighteenth birthday. He decided to take a trip with his cousin Carl. They visited a small town in Missouri. The state was a border state where owners were allowed to keep slaves. They were also two towns where free blacks lived - Freedom and Prosperity. Carl had a friend who lived in Freedom and decided to take Noah with him for a visit. Noah hadn't seen the Pruitt's since he was 6 years old. They easily found the Pruitt's farm when they rode in, three days prior to Noah's birthday.

Carl found his friend in the corral and reintroduce him to Noah. "Jeff, you remember my cousin Noah, don't you?"

Noah reached out to take Jeff's hand "It's nice to see you again."

Jeff laughed. "This couldn't be the half-pint who followed you everywhere when we were kids."

Noah laughed "no one has called me that in years."

"Good to see you both. Make yourself at home" indicated Jeff with a smile. Carl and Jeff began to converse.

Noah was tying up the horses when a lovely young lady with brown hair and twinkling brown eyes stepped onto the porch. "Can I help you?” she asked Noah

“Morning,” he replied, “I'm Noah Dixon. I'm traveling with my cousin Carl who is talking to Jeff Pruitt."

"Hi, I'm Ruth."

"You can't be little Ruthie. You used to be so small your brother threatened us if we got to close to you."

"Noah? They used to call you half-pint, didn't they?"

He groaned and smiled. "Well I'm all grown up now so no one calls me that any more."

"No one calls me Ruthie anymore, except Jeff." Ruth laughed as she leaned down to pick up a heavy basket of laundry and clothes pins.

" That looks heavy. Can I help you with it? asked Noah."

"You sure, she inquired? Most men consider this women's work"

"Well, I'm not most men, replied Noah. I'm not afraid I'll bruise my male reputation." He reached out to take the basket and carried it to the clothes line. "I will hand you the clothes so you can pin them up. I want to know more about you."

"Well began Ruth, I just turned eighteen and I live with Jeff since our parents died two years ago. I am the teacher for the colored school. I am quite good with horses and I also sew pretty well."

"Not bad, replied Noah with a smile. I lost my parents too. I almost eighteen and I'm a Blacksmith's Assistant. I'm pretty good with horses too. Hey, do you like picnics?"

"Of course I do”, responded Ruth. “I like dances too."

" Please, go on a picnic with me tomorrow” requested Noah.

” I'd like that replied Ruth, but you should talk to Jeff first. Jeff still thinks I need a keeper. He's afraid I'll take up with a guy just like him"

Noah chuckled. “Well you are rather pretty and your brother obviously knows how some men can be and he doesn't want to see you hurt. I'll talk to him."

At that moment Carl and Jeff were watching then from the corral Jeff indicated "Your cousin seems taken with my sister."

"Is that so bad ?” inquired Carl. “He's a decent guy. He definitely knows how to treat a lady and won't hurt her."

"Well, time will tell" replied Jeff.

As a local man named Thomas Hill rode up, Jeff pulled Carl into the barn out of sight. They could hear any conversation by the clothesline without being seen. Jeff indicated "this will be a real test. My sister and Thomas have had several arguments,” whispered Jeff. “I like to sneak up on him and catch him annoying her. I usually delight in putting him in his place, off my property."

"Boy, is he a filthy slob,” noted Carl. “Listen Jeff,” whispered Carl, “let's let Noah handle this. We'll step in if tempers start to get out of control"

"Ok. But Thomas is a fool and real hot head," indicated Jeff.

"Don't worry Noah can handle him. This ought to be real interesting" chuckled Carl.

Ruth winced as Thomas dismounted his hose. He was filthy as he had been working in his fields and had not even stopped to wash his hands and face before mounting his horse. He acknowledged Noah with a nod. He addressed Ruth snidely. "Woman, why are you lollygagging and jawing with this stranger. Git them clothes hung and bring me food and a cold drink."

"Thomas, I have told you more than once you don't have any claim on me, and, I want nothing to do with you. Stop giving me orders and get on your horse and ride out of here."

"Don't give me no sass woman. Do as I say, now!” Thomas raised a hand and drew it back, but, before he could swing his hand was caught in a vise like grip.

Noah looked him straight in the eyes with a menacing glare and growled " Back off. Have you lost your mind?"

"Who the hell are you?” snarled Thomas. “ And why are you interfering in my business? Get out of my face and away from my woman."

"My Name is Noah and I'm not about to stand here and let you hit this lady."

"Lady! Man this is the town ice queen. Miss Teacher thinks she's too good for the likes of me. She..."

Noah cut him off. "I see why she would avoid you. Man, you are filthier than a goat and you have worse manners than a pig. At least a pig warns you before it covers you in mud and slop.”

Carl and Jeff exchange a quizzical look and started laughing. "Here comes Fireworks”, gasped Jeff. “Tom will never take that insult, although, it is true."

"Why you son of a bitch" hollered Thomas as he launched himself at Noah with his fists flying. Noah easily side stepped him and hit him with a left hook which landed Thomas in the dirt. Thomas recovered quickly and pulled a pistol. Ruth screamed "look out Noah! He's got a gun!" Carl and Jeff ran from the barn. However, Noah needed no assistance. He pulled his whip cracked it once and with precision knocked the gun out of Thomas' hand. Noah threw himself upon Thomas and flattened him with one blow. Thomas lay stunned and bleeding.

Noah stood up and placed one foot squarely on Thomas' torso and pressed. "Now that I have your attention, listen carefully. She doesn't like you. Don't you even consider coming near her again. I catch you so much as looking at Miss. Pruitt the wrong way and I will tear you limb from limb”. Noah reached down and pulled Thomas off the ground and shoved him toward his horse. “Now get on that nag and ride out of here while you can," he snarled. A shuddering Thomas rode away.

Ruth immediately asked if Noah was hurt. "It's just a minor bruise replied Noah. I'm ok. I apologize for fighting in front of you like that, but, he didn't leave me much choice. He was foul mouthed and I certainly wasn't going to let him hit you."

"Don't apologize Noah. Jeff is the only other man who has ever stood up for me like that. I'm not upset with you,” replied Ruth. “ I am sorry Thomas was foolish enough to put you in that position.” Ruth gave Noah a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Please excuse me. I have to finish making dinner. I hope you and Carl will eat with us this evening."

"Thank you. We would like that” replied Noah. He smiled as he watched her walk into the house. Carl cleared his throat to get Noah's attention. Noah turned around to face Carl and Jeff. He looked Jeff straight in the eyes. "Jeff, I know you and Carl witnessed that display and I apologize. Your sister seems like a nice lady and I couldn't let that jerk abuse her. Is she really going to marry him?"

"Obviously he thinks so,” replied Jeff. “ But why don't you ask Ruth. You seem to like her."

"I think she is a lovely lady and I would like to court her, responded Noah."

"Well, considering you went so far to protect her you must be a decent man, so you have my permission,” indicated Jeff. “But, you need to talk to her and you better not hurt her."

"Don't worry I will take excellent care of her, replied Noah."

"Now tomorrow night there is a dance in town and she likes to dance”, stated Jeff. “You just disposed of the only guy bold enough to ask her out so Ruth would probably go with you."

"I will ask her out after dinner," replied Noah.

The four of them enjoyed a pleasant meal. Ruth was an excellent cook and she was eager to please and impress Noah. In one afternoon, Noah had successfully stolen her heart as no other man ever could. At the conclusion of the meal Noah insisted on helping her with the dishes. Carl and Jeff went to the saloon for a drink and left Ruth and Noah on their own, "Ruth, I spoke with Jeff and he doesn't have a problem with me courting you. He also indicated there is a dance tomorrow night. Please attend the dance with me?"

"I would love to,” indicated Ruth. “That would be a lot of fun."

Noah invited Ruth to take a moonlight stroll with him. She replied "that sounds nice , but , I don't want to monopolize your time. Weren't you going to the Saloon too?"

"Well now lets see”, responded Noah. “Would I rather take a walk with a lovely lady or sit in a smoke filled saloon with a bunch of noisy men drinking? Hmm, I have to choose the lady. You're certainly a lot prettier than a cowboy and probably safer too. Besides, I'm not much of a drinker."

Ruth laughed "How could I turn down an invitation like that? You're a real charmer Noah Dixon."

Noah and Ruth took a stroll and then sat on the swing on the front porch. They sat quietly holding hands and talking. When Jeff came into view, Noah gave Ruth a kiss on the cheek and retired to his hotel room for the night.

Jeff sat in the swing next to his sister and gathered her in his arms. "Ruthie , before this gets too serious, you have to tell Noah you are ill and don't have long to live."

With tears in her eyes' Ruth replied "I know I have to tell him. It's just so unfair. I think I love him and don't want to scare him away."

"Ruth trust me. He will not tell anyone and will handle it better than the louts around here. I don't think he will scare off that easily either."

The next evening Noah arrived as Carl and Jeff were leaving for the dance. Jeff smiled and said" Ruth is on her way out. Have a seat on the swing. Have a nice evening."

Noah sat down to wait for Ruth. She was noticeably pale and shaking when she stepped outside. Noah immediately stood up and told her to have a seat. "Is everything all right?” inquired Noah as he sat back down. “Has Thomas said or done something to you?"

”No,” responded Ruth. “It's nothing like that. I need to tell you something personal and I won't be easy."

Noah took her small hand in his large one. "You can tell me anything. I will not judge you or turn on you."

A tear began to roll down her cheek as she looked at Noah. "Noah I have always liked you, even when we were kids. You were always nicer and more fun than the other boys. That's what makes this difficult. I don't want to lead you on or hurt you. I want to be with you, but, you may not want to be with me."

Noah interrupted and took her in his arms. "Ruth, nothing you have done could be that bad."

She gulped and sniffed. "I saw a doctor about a month ago and he said I have something called blood cancer. There is nothing they can do for me, so, I have less than two years to live. Please don't waste all your time on me. I don't want to start something we can't finish. I don't want to, but, I will die on you."

She broke down in tears and Noah held her against his chest as tears ran down his cheeks. He murmured gentle and soothing words to her "Please don't cry Ruth. I am so sorry to hear that you are sick, but, I still want to spend my time with you. Not spending it with you would be wasting my time." He held her until she stopped sobbing. "Ruth we have a dance to go to. Go dab your eyes a bit, while I get you a drink of cold water."

" Are you sure?” she inquired.

"Oh yeah!” he replied. “I intend to show up with the prettiest girl in town, Ruth Pruitt, and we are going to dance the night away. Maybe we'll dance under the stars a little."

Ruth and Noah arrived at the dance half an hour later. Every female there noticed Ruth and Noah and wondered who the handsome man with her was. Noah and Thomas glared at one another all evening. Noah never gave Thomas an opportunity to get near Ruth. Whenever he left her side, Noah made sure Jeff or Carl was with her. Noah and Ruth did dance under the stars just outside the building. They could hear the music and were interrupted only by the sound of their own heartbeats. By the time Noah walked her home, Ruth knew she was in love. When Jeff looked at her he recognized it too. Ruth was still humming and dancing as she said goodnight and went up stairs to bed.

The next evening, Noah sat up talking with Carl well into the night. Noah decided to remain in town and take a job with the blacksmith. "I talked to Mrs. Parker about renting her farm today. She can't do anything with it and her son in-law doesn't want it. I also talked to the blacksmith today and he needs an assistant and more room for work. I'm going to rent him space at the farm and he can use the barns for horses. There is plenty room for you too if you decide to stay."

"I'm staying. Jeff and I are going into business together.” Carl smiled. “Does Ruth figure into your decision?"

"Yeah she does," responded Noah.

Carl hesitated for a few minutes before he spoke. "Noah, Jeff confided in me that Ruth is ill. He said she may not have long to live and he told her to tell you before things got serious."

"Things are already serious, Carl. She told me,” admitted Noah, “and it doesn't change a thing. I love her and I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Are you sure about this Noah?” inquired Carl. “You are both so young. You two are barely 18."

"I know”, replied Noah, “and if we had more time I would wait. But, we have a year, two at most and I don't intend to waste a minute of it.”

Carl patted Noah on the shoulder. " Let's turn in. We will talk more tomorrow and we will take a look at that farm and get to work." Noah agreed and turned over to sleep.

Noah decided to make his eighteenth birthday memorable. The next morning after breakfast, Noah headed to the Pruitt farm to talk to Jeff. They spoke in the barn without Ruth realizing Noah was there. "Jeff, I love Ruth and I want to marry her,” indicated Noah.

"Aren't you two a little young to be getting married? Have you talked to Ruth about this?"

Noah looked Jeff straight in the eyes. " I wanted to talk to you before I spoke to Ruth. She will not say yes unless you approve. We may be a little young for this, but we don't have a lot of time. Look, she told me she's ill and it doesn't matter. I want her to spend the rest of her life with me. This is the only way to do that. If she had longer to live, I would wait. But she doesn't. I promise to treat her well and I will not come between you two."

Jeff was silent a few minutes. "Noah, you sure you're ready for this? You're taking on a lot of responsibility."

"I know that. I already rented a place and took on a job with the blacksmith. No matter what she says I intend to stick around. I want to be near her. Beside, I have you and Carl for help if I really need it."

Jeff looked at Noah's face and realized Noah and Ruth were in love. He knew better than to stand in the way, since Ruth would resent him for it "Noah I won't object to this marriage. I know you'll take good care of her."

"Thanks that means a lot. I'm going to ask her to marry me this afternoon."

Jeff smiled, "in that case you and Ruth are invited to dinner with Carl and me tonight. We'll celebrate your engagement."

Noah stopped to confirm that Ruth would share a picnic lunch with him that afternoon. Ruth agreed and Noah indicated he would provide a cold drink and dessert. Noah stopped to examine the cabin he rented. He finalized his deal with the Blacksmith and purchased Ruth a ring in the dress shop. He purchased a pitcher of lemonade, fruit and cherry tarts for lunch from the town restaurant. He picked Ruth up and they rode to one of her favorite places near a creek. Noah sat against a tree and gently took her in his arms. He asked her to marry him.

At first Ruth was hesitant. "Oh, Noah, I would be delighted to marry you. But do you know what you are taking on? You would be marring someone who has a short time to live. I feel all right now, but, toward the end I will get weaker and weaker."

Noah kissed her passionately. "I don't care about that. I just want you to spend the rest of your life with me. I'm not leaving and you don't want me to."

"You're right. I don't want you to leave. Yes, I'll marry you."

Noah placed her engagement ring on her finger. She leaned in to share another passionate kiss with Noah. They shared a delightful lunch of chicken and potato salad. Ruth was surprised to know he picked strawberries, her favorite fruit, for lunch. They laughed like children as they fed each other strawberries.

They relaxed against a tree and Nosh asked "Do you like poetry"

"Oh yes, replied Ruth." He read the poem ‘Love is enough' by William Morris to her.

Ruth listened blissfully and began to speak. "Noah promise me we will live every day to the fullest and not worry about how much time I have. We can't be afraid to live. I want to keep teaching and I want you to do as you wish too. Promise me we will at least try to have a baby. I might not be able to, but I want to try."

Noah hesitated "I promise we will do both. But you must promise to take care of yourself and don't do anything to shorten your time here with me."

"Noah, I promise. I would never shorten my time with you. In fact, I want to stay with you forever."

"Darling you will " he replied.

They remained by the creek kissing and cuddling all afternoon. Noah had never been with a woman, but, he recognized the feelings within his body. He realized he was experiencing the desire to have sex with Ruth. He finally broke off a kiss with Ruth to stand up and extend a hand to her. "It's time to go get ready for dinner. If I don't stop, I won't be able to and we have to wait. I want us to be married very soon. On that day I want to take you in my arms and make you mine in every way. I will never let you go."

Ruth smiled "I really want to be with you too, but you're right. Look, let's get married Sunday after church. We'll have a few people to the house for a celebration after service and then go away alone for a day or two."

"You arrange thing with the reverend and I'll take care of the honeymoon,” indicated Noah. “I'll also help you with the preparations, if you need it.”

They left to meet Jeff and Carl for dinner. They surprise Noah with a birthday cake and champagne. The engaged couple were congratulated and they shared their wedding plans.

The week passed quickly and all too soon it was Saturday night. Ruth sat in the kitchen with a slightly older cousin, Molly, who had been married two years and was expecting her first child. "Ruth it's normal to be nervous about being with a man for the first time. I knew Adam a long time and I was scared to death."

"How did you get over that?” inquired Ruth.

"Adam helped. He made me comfortable and told me to let him know what I liked. I was still shy, but I did as he asked and it worked perfectly."

"I have read that it will hurt. Is that true?” asked Ruth.

"It will the first time,” confirmed Molly. “But after that it doesn't hurt anymore. It can actually be quite pleasant," she confirmed.

Ruth smiled. "Thanks Molly, I feel a little better now. " They continued talking well into the night.

Meanwhile, Noah was nervously pacing in the kitchen of his new home. "Noah, your gonna wear yourself and the floor out with your pacing,” said Carl. “What on earth are you so nervous about? Are you worried about getting married? Or, are you worried about tomorrow night?"

Noah gulped and blushed.

Carl suddenly realized what the problem was. Noah had never slept with a woman before. He slapped. Noah on the back and smiled, as he pulled out a bottle of scotch. "Have a drink with me and I will give you a few pointers. Noah sat down across from Carl. “First, you two are very lucky. You won't be comparing each other to anyone else. Let her tell you what feels good. Explore each other and everything will fall into place."

"But, won't I hurt her?” inquired Noah.

"At first, but, the pain won't last. Go slowly at first. Make sure she is comfortable and ready for you and it will pay off." Carl offered additional advice and Noah seemed to settle down as they talked. He did not sleep well that night. He lay awake tossing and turning, thinking of tomorrow night.

At precisely noon on Sunday Noah stood with Carl before the altar waiting for Ruth to enter the church. Her face was glowing when she walked down the aisle on Jeff's arm. Noah couldn't take his eyes off of her and she had eyes only for him. They barely heard the reverend until he reached the part where they took their vows and exchanged rings. Each clearly made their pledge to the other and said " I do." Noah leaned in for a passion-filled kiss after the reverend declared them man and wife. They enjoyed a celebration at Jeff's ranch, before heading to Prosperity. Noah had rented the honeymoon suite. When they reached Prosperity, he took Ruth to their suite immediately. Noah carried her over the threshold and dipped his head down for a promising kiss. He left to order her a bath and return with their luggage. He went to the barn to groom the horses and put their carriage away. He called her name when he re-entered the room "Ruth. I'll be right back. I'm going down the hall to take a bath too."

He had removed his boots and socks, but was wearing clean pants and shirt, when he returned. He found Ruth sitting on a sofa in the sitting room wearing a filmy white gown and a beautiful smile. She jumped when he sat down beside her. It occurred to him that he was probably the first man she had kissed. He suddenly realized she was far more nervous than he was. "I'm sorry Noah, but I have absolutely no experience with men,” indicated Ruth. “I've never done this before and I'm a little scared." She looked down at the floor shyly.

Noah gently lifted her and placed her in his lap. "Look. I've never done this either. We'll take it slow and get to know each other first." He brought his lips to hers for a kiss and she wound her hands around his neck. As he kissed her, he ran his hands along her shoulders and slowly began to run them down her legs Ruth blushed as the kiss ended.

Noah picked her up and gently carried her to the bed and placed her in the center of it. She shook as he joined her on the bed. He took her in his arms and rubbed her back and shoulders gently. He began to nuzzle her neck as his hands lightly rubbed he legs.

"Umm” she murmured,”that feels good."

Noah smiled and continued his investigation and she became a little bolder and began to touch him as well.

When Noah turned over to blow out the lantern, she placed a gentle hand on his back and asked him to leave the light on. "I want to see you," she admitted with a blush “I've never seen a naked man before."

He blushed slightly "Well, Okay. I'm intrigued too. I've never seen a naked woman either, well except in a picture."

She looked straight into his eyes as she lifted her nightgown over her head. His eyes immediately filled with lust, anticipation and admiration. "Oh, Sweetheart you are beautiful" he said.

She grinned and blushed profusely. "Now it's your turn." Noah stood up to unbutton his shirt and shrugged it off. He slowly unbuttoned his pants and stepped out of them.

Ruth gazed at Noah, especially at his penis and took a deep breath. She reached a hand out to him and he joined her on the bed. "Noah, you are gorgeous".

He began to chuckle. "Ruth, honey, gorgeous is not usually a term you apply to a man"

Ruth gave him her sternest look, which failed to subdue him. "Hey, whose the teacher here. I know what the word means and, believe me it applies.

Noah laughed "If you say so Teach."

Ruth giggled as he tickled her. They swiftly overcame their shyness with one another Noah took her in his arms and began to familiarize himself with every inch of her. She began to do the same with him Noah left a trail of kisses from her neck to her breasts. He took her right breast in his mouth and began to tease her nipple with his tongue and teeth. Once the nipple was so sensitive she cried out when he touched it, he switched to the left breast and did the same. He heard her sigh in pleasure and felt her caress his chest. Her hand's roamed toward his manhood as he placed two slightly damp fingers between the curls below her waist. He searched for and found the little button between her legs and began to tease it with his thumb and forefinger. He slipped two more fingers inside her. She suddenly cried out and climaxed. He was momentarily shaken and afraid he hurt her until he looked at the glazed smile on her face and she cried "Oh yes " while squeezing his penis. He realized he had done the right thing and began to move his fingers in the same rhythm.

As he realized she was nearing climax again, he swiftly entered her rupturing her maidenhead. He swallowed her scream with a heady kiss. She cried out briefly and grabbed his shoulders. He lay still to give her time to accept the feel of him. Shortly, she drew his head down to kiss him and began to move slowly to encourage him. He began to slowly pump in and out. He continued to caress and investigate every inch of her and she also did the same. She touched his chest, muscled thighs and squeezed his bottom. He took her breasts in his mouth and suckled them again, while moving in and out. She scratched his back and bottom with hers nails, further exciting him. She cried out and began to move more swiftly beneath him. He increased the intensity of his strokes and he reached his fingers out and began to massage her button again. She cried out " Noah" and pushed her hips against him causing him to sink a little deeper into her body. As he did so, she naturally contracted her muscles tightly around him. He suddenly groaned in a voice that seemed foreign to his ears. She kissed him deeply to muffle her scream as she climaxed again. Her shuddering climax and nails digging into his bottom drove him to pump even harder. He soon reached an earthshattering climax of his own, which caused Ruth to have a final orgasm.

Noah rolled off of Ruth and lay beside her. When he recovered, his first thought was of her. "Are you ok?", he asked in a hesitant voice.

She smiled " I'm more than all right. I have never felt better. I love you Noah."

"I love you too, Ruth" She leaned over to give him a tender kiss and pull up the covers. She fell asleep wrapped in his arms with her head resting against his chest. He watched her a few minutes before joining her in slumber. That was to be their first night of love. They would share a passionate lifetime of love, in a very brief period of time.

Ruth did die two years later and Noah was devastated. She woke him late one night after a very passionate evening of love making. "Noah” she whispered,” I don't have long. I'm just too tired to make it through the night. It's time for me to go."

"Oh, God, no” cried Noah “I can't do this. I just can't."

"Yes you can,” replied Ruth. “You are the strongest, bravest man I know. I realize this is hard, but, please don't mourn too long. Try to remember all the love and joy we share. I sure do honey, and I'm eternally grateful to you for loving me."

Noah gulped back tears. "Sweetheart, it's I who is fortunate to have been loved by you. You will always live on in my heart. He hugged her tight. I love you always Ruth."

Ruth made him promise to share his love with a woman again when he was ready. With her last breath, Ruth told Noah "I'm sorry to leave you so soon, honey. I love you with all my heart, Noah." She kissed him passionately and died quietly , cradled in his arms.

Noah kissed her one last time and burst into tears of grief. Carl and Jeff found Noah, despondent, in the sitting room the next morning. The entire town seemed to turn out for her service. He made it through her funeral service with the help of Carl and Jeff. Noah recited her favorite poem, ‘Love is enough' by William Morris at her grave site after everyone else left.

In the weeks following her death, he often had to be pulled away from Ruth's grave to eat or sleep by Carl or Jeff. Everything in Freedom reminded Noah of Ruth, especially their home and the glen by the creek. Noah knew would fail to honor Ruth's dying wish if to love again, if he stayed in Freedom. Yet he couldn't find the strength to leave, because, he couldn't bare to lose the smallest piece of Ruth's memory. Noah clung to her memory and continued to wallow in grief and pain, even though he knew Ruth didn't want that for him. In a depression, Noah began drinking heavily and found he had no appetite and couldn't sleep.

One night, two months after burying Ruth, Noah drank himself into a stupor. Ruth appeared to him that night in a dream. She told him " Noah, you have to stop this, before you destroy yourself. Honey, I love you, but you can't join me yet. You have to go on living and you can't do it this way." She begged him not to continue to decimate himself and their love.

The next morning, Noah remembered the dream clearly and promised Ruth to find a way to go on. He spent the day at her grave talking to Ruth and resting quietly beneath a tree. That evening, he told Jeff and Carl he couldn't bear to stay in Freedom any longer and made them promise to care for Ruth's grave. It was time to take his full, grieving heart and move on. Noah left with 'Stage Coach' Sally two weeks later. He would stop whenever he was in the area and visit Ruth's grave, but, he knew he could never live in Freedom again. The pain was much too strong and the past haunted him too much to even consider living there. Somehow he knew he would gradually remember Ruth's love and bury the pain and anguish.

Noah shifted and moaned passionately in his sleep as he was assaulted by sweet memories of Ruth. He could practically feel her touch and hear her say "I love you honey." Noah woke just before sun up feeling unusually warm and content. He suddenly realized he had dreamed of Ruth without pain and heartache. 'Finally, he thought, I can remember the love and joy without so much pain.' He reached in an inside vest pocket to pull out his worn copy of the poem ‘Love is enough' by William Morris. He smiled and thought of Ruth as he read the poem for the first time in over a year. He put on a shirt, stepped into pants and folded the poem and returned it to his pocket. Noah went out on the porch and smiled to find Buck and Kid there too.

"Morning Noah," they said in unison.

"Morning Buck and Kid. You two are up kinda early. Waiting for Lou Kid?”

"Uh Huh" Kid just nodded and smiled. ‘Who could sleep with you and Buck moaning and groaning all night long?' thought Kid.

”Trouble sleeping Buck?” inquired Noah

"Kind of,” replied Buck. “Cody's meddling bought me a dream I haven't had in a while. It wasn't bad, just kind of bittersweet."

Noah smiled as he saw Ike's head pop up in the window and then return to his bunk. He knew Ike was worried about Buck until he saw Kid and Noah there. "Cody's question had that affect on me too Buck,” indicated Noah. “Caused a pleasant and slightly sad dream. But I guess that's life with Cody.” Noah gave Buck a slap on the back. “Come on let's go wake Cody up and give him hell. Time to pay him back for meddling. Besides, why should he sleep if we can't?"

"I'm right behind you," said Buck. He filled a dipper with water and followed Noah inside, with a mischievous smile on his face.

Kid just laughed as he watched Louise ride in from a distance. Cody' s howl, as Noah tickled his foot and Buck drenched him, awaked everyone else at the Way Station. A new day had begun.


When Noah died in Cody's arms, he clearly said "Ruth, sweetheart, It's good to see you. Lets go home." In his grief Cody forgot those words until he gathered for a meal with the remaining express family.

"Rachel,” inquired Cody, “I know you said Noah didn't have any family, but as he was dying he called for a woman name Ruth Dixon. Who is she?"

"I don't know Cody "replied Rachel. "I know who she was supplied a somber Buck. Ruth Dixon was Noah's wife and she must have come to meet him when he died. Noah said he fell deeply in love and he was married. Ruth's life was cut very short by cancer. She was the love of his life and he never completely got over the loss, but, he learned to live with it. He said he even tried to join her at first and she flat out wouldn't let him. One of his reasons for joining the express. was to forge a new life, and get past a lot of pain and heartache. He really believed she would be waiting for him when his time came and apparently she was."

" Noah told me about her too,” said Jimmy. “You know he said he didn't expect to grow too old. I tried to tell him not to predict such things, but he must have known something I didn't."

Lou sighed and leaned back into Kid's comforting arms. "Well at least maybe he and Ruth are together at last."

That night there was a bright, full moon and a sky full of twinkling stars. Buck could not sleep and went to sit on the bunk house steps. He looked into the bright night and he could see a rider in the distance. As the rider came closer, he realized it was Noah sitting tall on a horse. A beautiful, young woman was riding behind him. Ruth clutched Noah tightly around the waist and rested her head against his shoulder. He stopped the horse briefly to share a passionate kiss with her. Noah smiled and waved as he passed the bunk house. Buck smiled and waved back. "Rest in peace Noah and Ruth" murmured Buck. Noah wheeled the horse around past the barn and rode into night. Buck smiled, because, it comforted him to know that Noah was happy and finally with his beloved Ruth for all eternity.

Love is enough by William Morris

LOVE is enough: though the World be a-waning,
And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining,
Though the sky be too dark for dim eyes to discover
The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming there under,
Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder,

And this day draw a veil over all deeds pass'd over,
Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter;
The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter
These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover.

The End!

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