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A New Life Begins

By: Angel

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Lou stood by the hotel window, a faint breeze stirring the dainty lace curtains as she looked out over the street below, waiting eagerly for her new husband to join her despite her sudden melancholia, the slight breeze drying her tears as they tracked slowly down her pale cheeks. The gentle strains of someone downstairs singing Aura Lee made her thoughts even more poignant, the soulful strains of his voice making her remember the sadder events of the day.

This was supposed to be the happiest day of her young life, and although she knew that in her heart she would always remember the day with happiness, her memories would always be tinged with the sadness of losing a friend, a death that needn’t have occurred, a young life cut short in its prime, before he had even had a chance to really live and leave his mark on the world.

Hearing the door close gently behind her, she turned to greet her husband, a quivering smile on her lips as she watched the man she loved walk across the room towards her. Fresh from a bath, she admired him as she watched, his shirtless chest covered by gently curling hair, his skin tanned by hours of hard work in the harsh summer sun, he threw the towel and the shirt he carried over the back of a chair as he moved towards her. His trousers rode low on his hips, the top buttons not quite fastened revealing the curling hair on his flat stomach arrowing downwards and disappearing into the partially opened trousers. Her eyes fixed on the thickly curling hair that appeared at the opening of the flies and the heavy bulge at his groin, her mouth almost watering with anticipation at what she knew was to come.

She was confused as he stopped walking towards her and just stood with his hands resting gently on his hips, unconsciously pushing the pants even lower still. She looked up to meet his gaze, blushing furiously as she realised that he knew exactly where her thoughts were leading knowing that his thoughts were heading in the same direction.

Seeing that he had unwittingly embarrassed her he moved quickly to her side to take her into his strong arms. She turned in his loose embrace to once again face out the window and lean back against his warm chest, content to have his muscular arms looping gently around her waist his warm breath fanning her hair.

“I’m sorry Lou” he spoke gently placing a moist kiss on her temple

“What for Kid?” she leaned further and tilted her head back against his shoulder until she could see his face.

“Today was supposed to be the happiest day of your life...’ he trailed off not wanting to mention the death of her young soldier friend again.

“Kid, that had nothing to do with you, with anybody here.’ She spoke her voice full of the sadness she still felt.

“I wanted it to be perfect for you, I wanted us to start perfectly’ he murmured as he leaned down to place a hungry kiss on her lips. She pulled back from his kiss, wanting to talk to him before he distracted her with his kisses.

“Kid” she spoke gently as she watched the confusion in his face “We did start perfectly’ she reached up to cup his face with her hand, her other hand resting against his where they lay low on her flat stomach “All those months ago when you found me on my first run, all the times you took me outside to dance at town socials, when we shared our first kiss, when you rescued me from my father, when you’ve saved me from other stupid things I have done, you have always been perfect, even when we weren’t together, you still looked out for me and kept me safe” she kissed his chin gently “I might not have shown, God I didn’t even realise it myself until recently, but I have always loved you. Nobody else would do, you are the other half of my soul, you complete me’ she spoke softly, she turned her doe eyes to him and watched tears well in his crystal blue eyes and trickle down freshly shaven cheeks.

“I love you. I wish that I could give the world to you, I wish I could give you everything that you deserve, but my love is all that I have to give” he spoke his voice husky with emotion as he lowered his head to kiss her unable to voice his feelings any more eloquently he showed her with his actions.

Their lips met wetly, Kid’s tongue thrusting deeply into her mouth, her own finding his and duelling with it erotically. She lifted one hand to twine her fingers in his gently curling hair, her hand gently pulling his head closer to her, her other hand slipped from his arms to reach behind her and clasp him closer against her back. Kid’s own hands moved upwards to cup her breasts, the soft batiste nightgown hindering him a little, he weighed her gently in his hands and gently rolled her already erect nipples between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a low moan from Lou. She unconsciously ground her hips back against his delighting in the feel of his burgeoning arousal against her buttocks. Slipping her other hand down to his hips, she pulled him closer to her and pushed back against him erotically.

Delighting in his moan of pleasure as he tore his lips from hers she smiled against his mouth, he nudged her head to the side and nuzzled his way down the side of her face to her neck where he placed a string of nuzzling, sucking kisses, his hands straying from her breasts to her hips where he bunched up her nightgown, pulling it impatiently up her legs and slipped his hands underneath, relieved to find she was already naked underneath. He teased her mercilessly as he continued to suck gently on her neck smiling as she moaned in frustration. His hands caressed the tops of her thighs, the flat expanse of her belly, moving upwards to cup her breasts without the hinderance of fabric, but when he, himself could bear it no longer he let his hands drift lower, his fingers caressing her soft curls and delving into her moist folds. A keening moan tore from Lou’s lips as she moved her legs apart to allow him easier access to her secrets.

Her own hands were themselves busy as she slipped one hand between their bodies, to brush against his heavy arousal, using both hands she tugged frantically on the front of his trousers, feeling the buttons of his fly tear off as she pulled on the fabric. She felt more than heard Kid’s chuckle as she pushed the trousers past his hips and his arousal was uncovered. She wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him, her short nails gently scraping across his tip. Wanting to prolong her pleasure for as long as he could, and knowing that if she kept up her tender ministrations he would quickly be finished he pushed her hands away from him. Lifting her arms, he lifted her nightgown over her head, pulling it until he had lifted it over her head, and left it there so that her arms were trapped by the soft cotton encircling them, bunched up behind her head, held high above her head, effectively rendering her hands useless to her. All she could do, was stand in the circle of his arms and enjoy his caresses .

Leaning forward again he placed a gentle nuzzling kiss in her armpit before, his hands resumed their earlier mission. Frustrated by her own inability to touch but, her senses somehow heightened by the very same inability, she turned her head to gently nip at his earlobe and his neck, her tongue swirlingly following the path of her teeth, she moaned against his neck as his fingers delved within her slick folds and he rubbed found the centre of her pleasure rubbing it gently between his forefinger and thumb, his other hand performing a similar action with her breast.

Feeling the throbbing heat of his arousal against her back, and desperate to somehow return the pleasure he was giving her, she rose on her toes, a seductive smile on her lips as a plan formulated in her mind, she pushed back against him and caught his hardness in the crease between her buttocks, rising and falling gently on her toes in time with his rhythmic stroking, she delighted in the groans of pleasure as this gentle pressure from her pushed him deeper into the dance of sensuous pleasure that they had begun. Unable to stop himself he lifted her from the ground and pushed her back against him, she struggled to free her arms, not caring when she heard the sounds of her nightgown tearing as she freed herself. Clasping his head in her hands she turned her head and met his lips wetly, his fingers sliding slickly across the bud of her desire almost frantically in her frustration, with one hand she covered his hand, pushing her deeper within her, rocking her hips frenetically against him. She could not contain herself any longer, her other hand reached up to pull his face down closer to her, knowing how much it excited him, she ran her tongue wetly along his cheek and erotically licked his ear, suckling gentle on his earlobe, feeling the shudder of desire run through him, she wrapped her legs back around his thighs and resting her feet against his calves used this strength to push harder against his arousal eliciting a low growl from him.

“Please Kid” she murmured huskily into his ear “ I need you inside me” her voice was almost a growl as she turned her torso in his arms, her small firm breasts pressing against his chest. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her away from his body, trying desperately to regain some control of their lovemaking, his lips finding her pebble hard nipples and sucking them, his tongue circling them, trying to take as much of her breasts into his mouth as he could. Lou, far beyond rational thought, hooked her legs around his waist and ground herself against him, rubbing the centre of her desire against his torso. Kid’s arms moved to her waist and his hand travelled to cup her buttocks and push her closer to his body, his fingers ran down the crease of her buttocks and beyond, quickly finding her moist centre, finding the tiny swollen kernel of desire, he rolled it gently between his thumb and forefinger as he thrust his other fingers inside her, delighting in the squeal of pleasure as she exploded into an intense orgasm, the moisture of her desire for him flooding his fingers.

His knees weak, his own desire at fever pitch, he staggered backwards, stumbling on his pants as they hung around his ankles. Holding her closely against him he flopped onto the bed, kicking free of his pants as he fell.

“I love you” she murmured against his chest, her tongue circling his erect male nipple. “You will never know how much” she leaned up to straddle his waist, her knees on either side of his hips, as her mouth made a wet trail down his chest, blowing lightly on the trail she left, her tongue circling his navel, her fingers tangling in the whorls of dark hair that arrowed towards his manhood. Feeling his throbbing penis against her chest, she cupped her breasts in her hands and captured him between them, rolling him back and forth delighting in his groans. Releasing him, she sinuously ground herself against him as she licked slowly downward from his navel. She looked up at him, as he lay resting on his elbows his head thrown back, his blue eyes half closed and storm dark with passion as he let her have his way with his body. She pushed his legs further apart and nestled herself between them, a saucy grin on her face, she licked her lips slowly, seductively pausing just long enough for Kid to groan in frustration. Sticking out her tongue, she allowed it to touch the throbbing tip of his shaft and taste the bead of salty moisture that clung there before running her tongue from the base of his manhood, right along its underside, until she reached the pulsing head, she looked up at him, her eyes full of her desire for him, as she opened her mouth and took him gently between her lips. She was amazed at her power over him, a thin sheen of sweat covered his face and his hands were trembling as he let out a low moan, his hips thrusting involuntarily.

Emboldened by his response, Lou took as much of him into her mouth as she could, her tongue swirling around the head as she sucked him, the fingers of one hand scratching gently at the skin of his scrotum as the other gripped his shaft and pumped in time with the unconscious thrusting of his hips. Lou’s own desire built to fever pitch as she listened to his moans of desire, looking up at his face she watched his head roll from side to side, as one hand lowered to her head to hold her closer and twine his fingers in her silky hair. As she felt his whole body tighten, his hips jerking wildly, she released him and withdrew her caresses hoping to prolong the intensity of his pleasure. Kneeling quietly between his legs she waited for him to regain some composure before she continued.

Kid sat up his eyes full of love for the young woman who sat naked between his thighs. He lifted her to her feet in front of him on the floor. Confused she watched him as he slid to the edge of the bed and stood in front of her, quieting her when she would have spoken with a kiss of such love and tenderness that it brought tears to her eyes. Sliding forward on the bed, he stood and he lifted her off her feet and cupped her buttocks in his strong hands he slipped his hands lower, and spread her legs apart lowering her slowly onto his throbbing penis, watching her smile of pure satisfaction as he entered her, letting her sink down onto his shaft until she could take no more of him, giving her a moment to adjust as he stretched her, filling her completely. He lifted her with his hands gently thrusting within her, trying to hold himself back as she gripped him as tight as a velvet glove. He turned around, his knees weak, and never leaving her body, laid her back on the bed, taking his own weight on his elbows as he pressed her into the mattress and as she would have wrapped her legs about his waist, he captured her legs with his own and using his knees pushed her legs tight together. He reached down with both hands and tilted her hips up towards him, one hand searching her damp curls until he found the center of her desire, smiling as he saw the expression on her beautiful face, her lips forming a circle of surprise at the new sensations coursing through her. The increased sensations and friction that this new position created pushed her over the edge, she saw shooting stars before her eyes, she threw back her head, a moan of pleasure on her lips, shaking her head in disbelief at the sensations that had built within her as she peaked again. Kid gritted his teeth as she gripped him tighter and burst into orgasm around him, desperately trying to prolong their wedding night for her. Withdrawing, he lay beside her and tracing delicate whirling patterns on her breasts with his fingers, he tried desperately to ignore his own throbbing desire waiting for her to regain her breath. As she opened her velvet eyes, sleepy with her own pleasure, she stretched lithely like a cat, her movements pleasure drugged and serene.

Kid leaned over her and met her lips with a drugging kiss, capturing her attention and kneeling between her legs, his own desire throbbing almost painfully against his stomach, he was determined to give her everything she had given him, and make this a night she could remember for the rest of her life, through the good times and the bad. A night when, should he be taken from her, she could remember the passion and love they shared forever. Trailing kisses across her flat belly, he looked up at her and watched as she trembled with pleasure, her sleepy eyes watching him, the love in her gaze almost more than he could bear. Nuzzling her curls with his nose, he extended his tongue and gently lapped at the core of her womanly secrets, delighting as she drummed her feet against the mattress on either side of him. Hooking his arms around her hips, he reached up and found her breasts with his fingers, his hands toying with her nipples as his teeth found her pleasure spot and gently pulled it. Lou squealed in pleasure and wrapped her legs tightly about his head, her hands moving down to twine in his hair and push him closer as she burst into another intense orgasm, her limbs falling limply as she sank back down from the heights of pleasure, not sure how much more pleasure she could withstand, but realizing Kid had not yet experienced the ultimate pleasure that he had given her over and over.

Unable to wait any longer, he rose to his knees, and with her legs still resting on his shoulders he leaned forward and plunged deeply within her. Distressed as he saw her eyes opened wide, he thought he had hurt her and stilled his movements, determined to give her pleasure no matter how much it hurt him as he started to withdraw from her, he was held motionless as her hands caught his buttocks and pulled him back towards her. Lou gasped, tears of pleasure in her eyes as she felt him deep within her, deeper than he had ever been before. Knowing that he was nearing his own peak, he reached down between them and felt for the tiny bud that he knew would enhance her pleasure, as he thrust deeply within her, tears in his own eyes at their perfect union. Watching her moan beneath him, he felt her hands caressing his buttocks, her fingers straying to their crease, his eyes opening with surprise as he felt her finger enter his most secret place. His pleasure reaching fever pitch as she moved her finger within him, it was almost too much for him as he felt her exploding once more into pleasure around him, he thrust wildly almost aggressively within her, not noticing as her own thrusts matched his own, reaching down to meld their mouths together in a wild wet kiss he pulled her hands away and linked his fingers through hers, wanting to be as completely joined to her as he could be as he reached his peak within her. Feeling his seed spurting deep within her, she smiled knowing that she had brought him as much pleasure as he had brought her. Releasing her hands for a moment, he let her legs fall back to the bed, and still feeling his seed pulsing within here he rolled onto his back, not wanting to leave her, even long enough to catch his breath. She nestled against him weakly their sweat slick bodies beginning to chill in the cool air from the window, he reached one exhausted hand down and pulled the sheet over them, his hand returning to caress her hair as the other held her by the buttocks firmly pressed against him, still holding him within her as his hardness subsided. They both sank into a deep sleep, exhausted but sated for the time being.

When Kid awoke some time later the sky was beginning to pinken, his Lou lay beside him on her back, sound asleep and uncovered, he lay for some time watching her sleep, knowing that he was the luckiest man alive. Reaching out to touch her, his fingers gently traced her small but perfect breasts and trailed lower, reaching down to gently caress her flat belly, wondering if they had created a child tonight, a perfect little replica of Lou, another being built from their love, someone that they could shower their love on. Feeling his own desire rising again he knelt and traced swirling designs down her legs, smiling as she stirred in her sleep. Sitting against the baseboard of the bed, he lifted her legs and drew tickling designs on the soles of her feet. Wide awake, he watched her eyes sleepily open as he lifted one foot and took her toes into his mouth sucking gently. She was unprepared for the feelings this simple act released in her, her eyes darkening with renewed pleasure as he released her toes and began to kiss wetly along her instep and the inside of her leg pulling her closer to him. Lou slid up the bed until she was almost in his lap, the feelings that his kisses released in her pushing her closer and closer to a renewed peak. Rising up, she took control of their lovemaking and gently lowered herself onto his throbbing manhood. Smiling into his eyes she watched his eyes dilate with pleasure as she used her inner muscles to grip him tightly, caressing his hardness without visibly moving. Leaning forward to kiss him wetly, her tongue thrusting into his mouth before their lips had met, running deliciously over his teeth and duelling erotically with his own tongue, she took both of his hands in hers and reached out along the foot of the bed her hands closed over his on the bedknobs as she thrust against him, delighting in his moans of pleasure that she captured with her mouth, her pebble hard nipples scraping erotically against his own erect male nipples as they thrust against each other.

Lou wanted to hold on, she tried to hold on to the waves of pleasure that were drawing her into their raging midst, she wanted to fall with him into the abyss of pure bliss that she knew they could share but when moved his hands one still gripping hers reaching between them to tease her throbbing bud and press her hand against where they were joined, her fingers delicately traced the part of him that was not within her, and his other hand took one of hers in his gently suckling the finger that now held her wedding ring, she couldn’t help herself, stars once again exploded before her eyes, her insides contracted in pleasure and she couldn’t help but cry out in bliss, her scream of ecstacy swallowed hungrily by his mouth.

Pulling away from her, he pulled her back up the bed and laid behind her, his erection caught between them. Kissing the side of the neck, he nuzzled there as he waited for her to regain her breath, his knee pushed between her legs and lifting one of her legs on top of his, opening the way for his penis easier access, thrusting his hips gently he nudged against her centre and slipped within her moist folds. Waiting for her to adjust to him, he reached up to capture her breasts in his hands. Their loving this time was slow and gentle, gradually bringing each other to completion and laying replete in a warm embrace.

“Will we ever get enough of each other” she murmured her hands covering his own, her words slurring with sated exhaustion

“I hope not Lou.’ He spoke sincerely as his hips continued their gentle thrusting, as his hardness subsided slowly.

“I know that I will never feel this with any other person” she spoke placing her hand over her heart

“You make my heart beat faster” she murmured wanting him to know exactly what he did to her

“Lou” he murmured tilting his head so he could place tender little kisses on her cheeks and lips, trying to form the words to express the feelings in his heart.

“You have made my heart beat faster since the moment we met” he murmured “No other woman could ever hold a candle to you, you are my soul, my reason for living, without you I don’t think I could live, I saw Samantha out of hurt pride and jealousy but without you I would not survive. I pray that if you are ever taken from me, that I will follow you quickly, because without you I cannot exist.’

The emotion she heard in his words and his wish to be with her eternally were more than she could bear. She realised the truth of his words as she felt his wet tears falling on her face, she turned in his arms, reaching up to kiss him tenderly. ”Our souls will be together forever, I know that as I hope you know how much I love you”

“I promise you, nothing will ever part us” she spoke, her eyes gazing deeply into his, praying that she could keep her promise until they were old and gray.

They lay together tightly entwined, almost afraid to let the other go, Lou sinking into a deep contented sleep against him, their legs entwined, her head pillowed on his chest, their hands still laced together. Kid lay beside her, watching the sunrise through the open window, seeing its beauty paling beside the woman sleeping in his arms. He knew that they would have a long a happy life no matter what the future held for them, at least they were both together and that was all he could ask for in these troubled times, hoping that tomorrow would bring a happier day.

The End!

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