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Old Friends, New Loves

By: Cass

Chapter Seven

Lou closed her eyes, letting the bright afternoon sun shine down on her face and nude body as she floated on her back in the pond. She had always loved coming here, taking a break from life and enjoying the quiet and calm the pond and surrounding countryside provided. This pond, where she and Kid had shared their dreams, their fears, their love and their souls. Where they had made love one warm night and conceived their first child.

Thinking of her oldest son caused Louise to open her eyes. Looking down her body, she gave a slight frown as her gaze stopped at the stretch marks across her abdomen. Rubbing her fingers lightly across the subtle reminders of the changes her body had gone through, she gave a slight, barely audible sigh.

“I know what you’re thinking. They are reminders Lou, reminders of love, hope and happiness.” he whispered into her ear. Lost in thought and not having heard him swim up behind her, Lou jerked, bringing her body more fully into the water.

He had been prepared for this action and almost before she knew what was happening she was returned to floating on her back, her head resting on his stomach as he too floated on his back in the clear water.

“This reminds me of the finest silk” he began as he ran his fingers through her wet hair. “By the way, this is just the cutest” he teased in a laughing voice as he gently pinched the end of her nose. “And these are just about perfection” he continued on as he ran the tips of his fingers across her lips.

Lou opened her mouth and gently sucked in one of his fingers enjoying the salty taste and work roughened texture. For several minutes they floated there, their bodies connected as he felt her slowly suck his finger in and out of her mouth. Feeling her nibble on the pad of his finger elicited a low moan from deep in his throat.

Feeling his manhood harden and grow against her back, Lou too gave a gentle moan.

“Not yet, you little vixen” he laughed, “I’m just getting to the good stuff.”

Cupping her breast in his hands he began to roll her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. “Beautiful” he whispered into the silence.

Lou moaned and slightly arched her back to provide him freerer access to her breasts. After several minutes he removed one hand, causing her to give a low growl of protest. A moment later his hand was back, as he gently poured warm pond water from his cupped palm into the hollow between her breasts. Using the water to wet both nipples, he continued with his rubbing and teasing, his manhood growing harder and larger beneath her.

Stretching her arms through the water and under his leg, she soon found his sac and began to ever so gently squeeze and roll the balls within. Now it was his turn to fill the silent air with a low growl.

They stayed that way for untold minutes, each enjoying the leisurely teasing, each savoring the other’s touch and the loving emotion behind it.

Removing his hands from her breasts and hooking one leg around her thighs, he took a few short, powerful strokes with his arms to move them closer to the bank of the pond. Lowering his legs so that he was now standing while she remained floating on her back her head almost touching his stomach, he bent and whispered into her ear from behind “Close your eyes Louise”.

Anticipating the pleasure she knew was coming, she quickly complied.

He stood there, watching her float in the water, letting her anticipation and desire for fulfillment grow. He knew her excitement built with every passing minute and it wasn’t long before he decided to end her torture.

Moving his hands carefully, he raised his fingers to her face and began a slow gentle massage of her temples. His fingers moving down now and again, to trace the outline of her cheekbones, her jawbone or to brush across her lips. Lou’s breathing slowed as she relaxed under her lover’s gentle hands. Floating in the warm water of the pond, the sun shining down, her arms and legs outstretched and floating in the water, she imagined to herself, ‘this is what heaven must feel like’. Her quiet reverie was broken by his whispered words, “Touch yourself”.

She smiled, the first time she had done this for him she had thought his head was going to fly straight off his shoulders. It had taken all of her persuasive powers to force him to keep his distance that first time, now he enjoyed this playful bit of foreplay and she knew he savored it as a special treat.

Keeping her eyes closed she slowly brought both hands to her breasts, gently cupping and kneading their fullness, allowing him a moment of anticipation, before moving her fingers to her nipples. As he had done, she now began to roll the hardened and engorged nipples between her forefinger and thumb, giving an occasional pull, as he often did.

Neither of them said a word as she lay there in the pond, displayed before his eyes, both of them wrapped up in her erotic display. He felt himself growing harder as he watched her pleasure herself.

Moving one hand from her temple he again began to rub her lips with his fingers until she opened her mouth and sucked a finger in. As he watched her suck his finger, as if she were sucking his manhood, and explore her breast he felt himself coming close to the edge.

Not wanting to bring an end to this game too soon, He removed his finger from her mouth and moved out into the water so that he was standing at her feet, never taking his eyes from her body. His voice was filled with love and passion, “more”.

Hearing the word, both a request and demand, Lou moved to comply. Sliding one hand from her breast, over her stomach to her womanhood, she began to rub her bud with her middle finger. She knew that although she no longer felt his hands on her, that he watched her, taking pleasure in her pleasuring herself.

“Open your eyes.” Despite the fact that he was standing in the knee-deep water at her feet, his voice seemed to float across the water to her ears. She had brought herself close to orgasm and mentally protested as his voice barely penetrated her thoughts.

Opening her eyes she saw him standing at her feet in the shallow water of the pond, stroking himself as he watched her. One hand evenly stroking his shaft, the other hand cupping and gently pulling his sac.

Together they watched one another pleasure themselves, reveling in the erotic game they played.

Looking into his passion darkened eyes, Lou felt her orgasm come upon her, her body’s thrashing sending waves towards her lover.

Watching her use her own fingers to bring herself to orgasm took him to the edge and he began to stroke himself harder and faster, moaning and gasping her name aloud.

Recovering from her orgasm she watched him bringing himself closer and closer to satisfaction. Knowing him so well, she knew the exact moment he began to reach his own satisfaction. Quickly turning from her back to her stomach, she swam the few short feet to him and engulfed the head of his member into her mouth, just as he began to erupt with the first spurts of his seed.

Continuing to pump his member with his hand, burying his other hand into her hair, he emptied himself into her mouth. As he finished, his trembling caused him to drop to his knees into the water, where his mouth quickly found hers, his tongue delving deep as he tasted himself on her lips.

For several minutes they simply held one another, kneeling in the shallow water, each trying to gain their composure and their breath after their shared passionate display. Gradually they began to use the water from the pond to wash each other. Louise smiled as he whispered compliments about each body part as he washed it and giggled as he ran his fingers under her ribs.

Laughing like two teen-agers that had just gotten away with something very naughty, they grabbed hands and ran to the blanket lying on the bank of the pond.

Lying side by side, holding hands, they let the sun dry the water from their bodies. “I love you Louise McCloud” he stated clearly into the afternoon air, giving her hand a slight squeeze. “I love you too” she replied, a smile on her face.

Gradually, as the sun warmed her, Louise began to feel her need for him well up inside her. Letting go of his hand, she rose to her knees, straddling him across his stomach and leaning forward to kiss him, first tracing the outline of his lips with her tongue, then sucking in his upper lip as she ran her tongue across his teeth. Deepening the kiss, her tongue was soon met by his own. Wanting to give her pleasure he placed his hands on her waist and urged her forward. Needing no further encouragement, she was soon poised over his mouth, anxious for the pleasure she knew she was about to receive.

Wrapping his arms around and over her legs, he used the fingers of both hands he spread her open to his lips and tongue. He started by taking a few slow, long licks, savoring her scent and taste, before gently sucking her bud in-between his teeth, quickly and gently flicking it with his tongue. Reaching up he once again used his hands and fingers, teasing her nipples to the same rhythm and speed as his tongue.

Within minutes she was climaxing as he worked his skillful fingers and mouth on the apex of her womanhood to bring her to a powerful orgasm. Before the first waves of her orgasm finished washing over her, he slid her back until she was poised above his hardened staff. Driving himself up into her, he felt the contractions as her body bucked with the power of her orgasm.

Using her leg muscles, which were strong from her years of riding, she began to slowly ride him. Raising and lowering herself onto him, twisting her hips in a circular motion with each upward and downward movement. Tightening and loosening her inner muscles with each movement she watched his face as she performed the intimate, rhythmic dance on his manhood.

“Oh God Lou, faster, please faster” he begged, his voice raw with his need for her. She simply gave a small giggle and continued her slow assault on his senses.

Soon he knew he could withstand no more of her slow teasing. Quickly he sat up, bringing one hand to her back as he bent to suck a nipple into his mouth. With his other hand he cupped her remaining breast and began caressing the nipple he found there.

She continued contracting her inner muscles, performing an erotic massage on his shaft. Snaking one hand into his hair, she drew him even closer as she threw her head back and began to emit small moans of pleasure.

Removing his mouth from her nipple and seeing her exposed neck, he brought her even closer, tasting her collar-bone with his tongue before moving on to her neck. Gently he sucked the exposed skin, leaving a mark of his passion.

Her moans turned into words, “Now, please now”.

Moving quickly, not breaking their intimate connection, he maneuvered them so she was lying on her back, her legs bent at the knees and tucked up under her. Holding himself up and away from her, they both watched where they were joined together as he began to drive himself into her, faster and harder.

Digging his fingers into the sandy soil at the edge of the blanket he buried his face into her neck, sucking and biting her smooth skin.

Suddenly they both reached their climax, through his haze he could hear her screaming his name over and over as the world exploded in his head.

Opening his eyes, his vision slowly returning as the rushing sound in his ears subsided, he gazed down at her.

She lay there, eyes closed, pale as the moon, shallow breaths barely raising her chest.

“Lou” he whispered, becoming slightly concerned, as she lay there still and silent. Thinking that in his passion induced loss of sense he might have hurt her, he withdrew himself from her, caressing her face as he called her name again.

“Lou, Lou are you okay?” He was becoming worried and even though only a few brief seconds had passed since he had first opened his eyes to look at her, to him it seemed an eternity. His words were rewarded by a slow smile spreading across her face as her eyelids fluttered with her efforts to open them.

“Mmmmnnn, I’m fine” she purred in response to his question.

“God Lou, what the hell happened? You were passed out.” His voice was filled with concern, still thinking it was possible he had in some way unknowingly hurt her.

Raising her arms and placing one hand on each side of his face, she brought his lips to hers and kissed him deeply. Releasing him, she allowed him to lay back on the blanket. He lay there on his side facing her, one hand holding his head up and one hand absently caressing her breast.

Rolling to her side to face him, she smiled as she began her explanation. “The French call it La Petite Mort, it means the little death. It’s okay honey, it’s a good thing, believe me!”

“La Petite Mort” Stumbling over the words, he wondered where she had ever heard the phrase and what it meant. Then realizing that the memory of where she might have heard it could be a painful one to her he decided it was best to keep his questions to himself.

Smiling as he comprehended the meaning of her words he gave a short laugh, “A good thing huh”.

Laughing at the look of pride accompanied by a very silly grin now flashing on his face, she balled her fist and give him a swift hard punch on his arm. “Yes, a very good thing.”

“Well, I think I need to wash up.” Rising, he left the blanket, walking to the pond.

Rolling to her stomach she watched him, his long powerful legs, his hard rounded buttocks, his muscles rippling as he stretched while walking down into the water.

Turning he stopped to look at her, the water gently lapping at his belly. “Hey Lou.”

“Yeah Kid” she hollered to him across the distance.

“Just remember, I loved you first.” Raising a hand to his lips, he blew her a kiss before turning to dive under the water.

What the hell does that mean? He loved me first? She wondered at his words and then scrambled to her feet, running to the water’s edge, waiting for him to surface. Minutes passed and still he did not break the water’s top.

“Kid” she yelled across the water. “Kid, quit fooling around.” She began to worry, it seemed as if an eternity had passed since he had disappeared into the water.

“Kid.” Wading into the pond until the water was over her hips, she yelled for him again, her panic and fear evident in her voice.

“Kid, Kid this isn’t funny. You’re scaring me Kid.” She felt as if her heart had stopped beating as an icy fear clawed at her. Diving into the water she began searching for him.

“Lou, it’s okay. I’m alright.”

Hearing his voice she broke the surface of the pond, her head turning left and right as, filled with relief, she searched for him. Turning in the water, looking for him but unable to see him, she again felt the cold fear grip her.

“Kid, Kid.” Again she dove into the water, her eyes and hands searching for him. Staying below the surface until she felt her lungs were going to burst, she frantically surfaced to regain her breath before diving to look for him once more. Again and again she repeated the process, surfacing for air, diving into the depths of the pond searching for her husband. Minutes passed, then hours, the sun set and the moon began to rise, casting a beautiful pale glow over the pond. And still she continued, looking for him, not allowing herself to feel her tired and aching muscles, nor the pain in her heart at her futile efforts.

Finally, unable to continue, she began to began to float there in the water, the water that held her beloved. Wanting to be close to him, unable to bear the thought of not being together she sought to stay there in the only way she knew how. Diving to the bottom of the pond, she found weeds and reeds growing there and struggling down to the very bottom of their growth she began to entangle herself in them, refusing to allow the call of the surface to distract her from her task, her only thought to remain there.

As she lay there entwined within the reeds and weeds, her tears began sliding out from her closed eyelids into the pond where her husband’s body was hidden. Closing her eyes she raised her face towards the surface and the heavens beyond. “Kid” she screamed with her last remaining breath into the surrounding water her voice filled with pain. As an icy chill swept over her, her tears of grief and pain turned to ice, filling the pond until it too was frozen like her heart.

“Lou, it’s okay.”

Lying there, entombed in the frozen water she didn’t open her eyes, she knew he wasn’t really there.

“Lou, it’s okay. It’s all right to feel what you’re feeling. Buck’s a good man, he loves you and he’ll be good to you and our children. I love you Lou, but it’s time. It’s okay to need someone else, to want someone else. You deserve to be happy. I need you to be happy sweetheart, not any longer for the sake of Jeremiah, or Theresa, or even our children, but for your own sake. Lou, don’t let your memories of the past keep you from living for your future.”

“Kid, don’t leave me. I need you. I love you.”

As she had known it would be, there was no response and so she lay there in the frozen pond, in what was now the comforting embrace of the vegetation growing there along the bottom of the water.

Buck had been standing there, listening at her door. Her screams for her husband had carried to the barn and he had come running, concerned something was wrong. So it was that he found her in a restless sleep, tears flowing from her closed eyes, shivering in the cool night air from having kicked the quilt to the floor in her vain attempt to save Kid. Calling for Kid, telling him she loved him. Steeling himself, he went into her room needing to comfort the woman he loved, regardless of the possible consequences. Laying down in the bed beside her he gathered her thrashing arms and legs, entwining himself around her until she was wrapped in his embrace, he held her as she mourned for her husband in her sleep.

Eventually she settled and as her sleep returned to normal he felt himself relax. Soon he too slept.

Hours later she woke, smiling as she felt his arms around her. Squirming around so she could see him she smiled as she realized it had only been a bad dream that had tormented her.

But it was not her husband who held her in his arms as she had expected to see, it was Buck who had awoken at her stirrings and lay there watching her.

Suddenly it all became too much as the strain of the last few days fell upon her. “Get out” she spat at him. “Get the hell out of our bed.”

She didn’t mean to sound so awful, she only knew that she wanted to be alone, now, this minute.

“I’m sorry” he whispered, sadness in his eyes as he rolled from the bed and silently left her room.

Rolling to her stomach, hugging her pillow to her, she cried. She wasn’t certain for whom she cried, for Kid, for Buck or for herself. She only knew it had been a very long time since she had allowed herself the luxury of crying and suddenly if felt good to let her emotions flood out of her. And so she stayed there, crying on her bed for what had once been, and for what might never be.

To Be Continued...

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