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Promises of Protection

by: Shannon

Chapter 17

"You're finally awake again."

Buck turned over to find out where the voice had come from. The man who had been with Jen earlier was the only person in the bunkhouse.

"Is Cody back yet?" Buck asked as he rubbed his eyes. He really didn't want to be speaking with this man, but he needed to know about Kat.

"Not yet." Matthew answered.

Buck just nodded and rolled onto his back again. He hated being laid up, and it was even harder to stay in bed now, not knowing where Kat was.

"I'm Matthew Higgins." Matthew introduced himself as he extended a hand to Buck.

"Buck Cross." Buck said coldly as he ignored the man's gesture. "Where is everyone." He asked, hoping he wouldn't be left alone with Matthew for long.

"Jen went to help Lou with lunch." Matthew explained. "Teaspoon and Kid went into town to check on the prisoners." Matthew left out Cody, because Buck obviously knew where he was.

Buck just nodded and closed his eyes again. He had no intention of sleeping, but figured if he looked like he did, Matthew would leave him alone.

"I want to thank you for everything you've done for Jen." Matthew said, ignoring Buck's closed eyelids.

Buck opened his eyes and studied Matthew. He looked completely out of place in the bunkhouse, with his glasses and suit. Buck wondered what kind of man would wear a suit all the time.

"I did what I thought was right." Buck answered distantly, his mind recalling the day he fought for Jen. It seemed so long ago and so much had changed since then.

"I know." Matthew replied, nodding. "She explained what you did, and what it means to you people."

Matthew's statement put Buck even more on edge. Maybe he had meant nothing by it, but Buck took it as a disdainful comment. After the way Camille's husband had treated him, he was on guard.

"It means a lot to us people." Buck said contemptuously.

"That's why I understand if you won't let her marry me." Matthew assured Buck.

Buck looked at Matthew like the man was insane. Maybe Jen hadn't made it clear to Matthew that Buck never wanted any control over her. If he had, Buck wouldn't have let her go back east to begin with. Buck had just always wanted what would make Jen happy, and at the time Buck had fought for her, that hadn't been the Lakota camp.

"Jen's free to do whatever she wants." Buck spat. "I just hope you let her do that."

"I just want her to be happy." Matthew answered sincerely.

"Then I guess we have something in common." Buck stated as he closed his eyes again. He really just wanted to be left alone for awhile, especially by Matthew.

The door opening a moment later caused Buck's eyes to fly open. Teaspoon stepped inside and looked a little confused by the sight in front of him. Buck looked a little disappointed when he realized Teaspoon was the only one coming in.

"Happy to see you too." Teaspoon chuckled when he saw the look on Buck's face.

Buck just smirked, knowing he didn't need to justify his expression.

"I'll leave you two alone." Matthew offered quickly as he stood up.

Teaspoon just nodded and sat in the chair Matthew had left. When the young man was out of the bunkhouse, Teaspoon took a deep breath and braced himself for the news he had to give his deputy.

"What's up?" Buck asked, a little unnerved by Teaspoon's expression.

"Well, we were right about the thieves being from town." Teaspoon began.

Buck watched Teaspoon patiently, waiting for the older lawman to continue.

"I've got Adam Thompson and Billy Walters in jail." Teaspoon explained. "Paul Miller and Jesse Taylor were wounded, but they'll be ok."

"They're all no more than fifteen or sixteen." Buck commented surprised such young boys were involved.

"But what were you doing at that age?" Teaspoon halfway teased.

Buck smirked slightly at the thought. But all of the boys Teaspoon had mentioned had fathers that were business owners and were well off.

"What about the other man?" Buck asked, recalling there had been five men.

"Cody killed the man who grabbed Kat." Teaspoon stated. "It was Clayton Riley. Apparently he and his brother Joe were the leaders."

Buck wasn't too shocked by the revelation. The Riley brothers were wranglers at one of the first ranches to be robbed. The pair had caused a few problems in town, and Buck had never had a good feeling about them.

"Where was Joe last night?" Buck asked, wondering why the leader wouldn't have taken part in the robbery.

"He scouted the farms and stayed out of the actual robberies." Teaspoon explained. "And now, we can't find him."

The last part of Teaspoon's statement made Buck uneasy. Kat had been involved in killing the man's brother, and now both Kat and Joe were missing.

"He's probably moved on." Teaspoon reassured Buck. "But just in case, Kid and I are gonna ride out and warn Cody. He stopped by my office and said Kat had headed north."

"I'm going too." Buck said as he started to sit up.

"No you're not." Teaspoon ordered. "I'm sure Riley is long gone. I'm just being careful. I thought you had a right to know, but right now you need to rest."

Buck ignored his statement, but found he couldn't do it for long. The pain in his chest made him dizzy before he even sat all the way up.

"Let me handle this." Teaspoon barked pushing Buck back down on the bed. "Kat is gonna be fine, and you better be fine when we bring her back here."

Buck just nodded in defeat and sank back into his bed. He knew Teaspoon was right about him needing to rest. But, Buck wasn't going to get much rest knowing Kat was out there alone and possibly in danger. v


Bedtime Stories!

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