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The Ride Together

by: Debora

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

One day Jimmy, Cody, and Buck where having a argument outside the house near the barn. "Who says she's your girl Cody" Jimmy said pushing Cody so hard he fell down.

"Actually the girl is mine" Buck said looking proud.

Jimmy and Cody looked at each other then at Buck.Then back at each other then they both jumped him.The three of them where hitting,punching,and kicking each other.

Rachel was hanging the laundry out to dry when she looked and saw the boys in a fight. She drooped the clothes she was about to hang up and ran inside the house."Teaspoon the boys are out side fighting again" Rachel said with her hands on her hips.

"Whelp I better go stop it"Teaspoon said getting up from his chair.Teaspoon went out to the well and got some water in the bucket and went over to Jimmy, Cody, and Buck who was still fighting. He threw the water in the bucket on them."You boys stop this fighting right now" Teaspoon yelled.

They all three now soaked stooped fighting and looked at Teaspoon."I've had enough of you three. The next run you three are going together on it" Teaspoon said and walked off.

Jimmy, Cody,and Buck got up looking at each other and then walked off and got cleaned up."Rider coming" Kid says from the barn.

"Well get going you three" Teaspoon says to Jimmy, Cody, and Buck.They ran inside and got there stuff and then ran to the barn where Kid had got there horses ready for them.

Rachel ran out of the house and gave Cody a sack of food."You boys ride safe and if you come back still fighting I'll tan your hides you hear!"Teaspoon said to them. Ike road up and handed Jimmy the pouch bag.Then the three of them rode off.

Ike got off his horse and signed why are those three all wet?

Kid looked at him and said "They where fighting over a girl again and Teaspoon poured water on them. Ike shook his head and walked of laughing hard.

The End!

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