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Kindred Souls

By: Maja

Chapter 7

His lips met hers in deep open-mouthed kisses, their lips not quite meeting, their tongues dueling erotically. Buck carried his love to the edge of the pond, standing ankle deep in the fresh spring water, as he collapsed to his knees, releasing his tight loving hold on the beautiful woman in his arms.

Jenny looked at him puzzled and a little confused, her gray eyes full of questions and a little trepidation. Buck saw the equal parts of fear and longing in her eyes and wanted to give her one last chance to put an end to their lovemaking. He took her face between both of his trembling hands and placed a wet kiss on her forehead.

"Honey, there is nothing I want more than to make you mine" he spoke his voice husky and thick with his desire "but if you want to stop, tell me now, if you are afraid of what we are about to do please tell me Eagle Feather" he murmured as he pressed his forehead against hers

"Buck, the only thing I am afraid of is that we will not finish this thing that we have started" she murmured before she lifted her hands and pulled his face down to hers.

He flicked his hair back from his face and kissed her deeply as he slipped his hands down to unbutton his shirt and slip it from his shoulders, flicking it away from them as he moved to pull Jenny into his arms. Knowing that he wanted to make this experience the most pleasurable thing she had ever experienced, he moved his head to place wet open mouthed kisses down her neck, pausing only long enough to string long sucking kisses across her neck, nuzzling the marks he left behind as he left a trail of wet hot kisses down to her lush breasts.

Looking up at her as he took her nipple into his mouth he watched her eyes close and her breathing grow shallow, her head flung back as he circled her nipple with his tongue, sucking it deep into his mouth and stretching it tautly. He turned his attention to her other breast his fingers toying with its partner as he listened to her moans of pleasure. His own arousal throbbing almost painfully against his stomach as he knelt over her body he paused to catch his breath determined to give her as much pleasure as he could.

Licking a wet path from her breasts to her navel he circled it delicately, wetly, making her writhe with pleasure beneath him, her legs falling apart opening her most secret places to him. His tongue moved though the gentle curling hair that covered her secrets glancing up to see her eyes open wide in shock and something more. His tongue slipped into her womanly folds, tasting her honeyed moisture and delving deeper. Her knees fell open limply as her hands moved to lace through his hair pushing him closer to the center of her pleasure. He used his hands to open her to him more fully and found the little nubbin that he sought with his tongue, flicking it quickly, back and forwards, sucking it between his lips, nibbling gently with his teeth.

Jenny had been unaware of the pleasure that she had been missing out on, her body was screaming for a release she had never known before. Her heels drumming on the ground beside Buck, her hands pushing him closer, drawing her ever closer to the bliss she knew he could make her feel. Wave after wave of uninhibited pleasure washed over her, reaching the peak of her first orgasm.

"Buck" she moaned, her head moving from side to side in the damp sand she rested on "Please Buck" she moaned asking for something, she wasn't quite sure what but she knew that Buck could help her.

Buck's eyes heavy lidded, his own breathing shallow, his chest heaving with exertion, he looked into her face, knowing that at this moment she needed him just as badly as he needed her.

Moving up her body until they were perfectly aligned, his arousal nudging at her moist center, he moved his mouth over hers letting her taste her own pleasure as he kissed her deeply, one hand reaching between them guiding himself within her. His first thrust met tight resistance but she reached down to clasp his buttocks in her hands and pulled him deeper into her as she thrust against him, crying out in pain as he tore through the thin veil of her innocence.

He captured her cry in his mouth and stilled the frantic movements of his body and her own, holding her hips still. Both of them relishing the feeling of completeness they felt as Buck seemed to fill her very soul. Tears sprang to her eyes, and the feeling of perfection and love for this man that threatened to overwhelm her.

Mistaking her tears for tears of pain he started to withdraw from her but she grabbed his hips with her hands and held him tight against her.

"I'm hurting you Jenny" he murmured "I never meant to hurt you" he murmured resting his weight off of her on his elbows at her side as his fingers tangled in her hair and traced her tears.

“You are not hurting me my darling" she reached up to kiss him "I feel so full, yet you are so perfect in me, I never expected to feel so much Buck” her voice cracked with the emotion overflowing from her.

"I know" Buck spoke softly his feeling in complete harmony with hers, he understood exactly what she meant.

"I love you Buck" she murmured as her hips began to thrust against him, her legs moving to cross behind his back and draw him closer to her.

Buck, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could, realizing how close he was to his own peak rose to his knees, sweat trickling from him even as he knelt in the cooling pond. He tilted her hips towards his with his hands, one hand delving into her delicate curls to find the nubbin of her desire and flick it between his thumb and forefinger, smiling as she screamed with delight and contracted around his rock hard member, flooding him with her orgasm. Knowing that she had reached her second peak, he began to thrust almost uncontrollably against her, wanting nothing more now that Jenny was sated, than to reach his own completion.

He was unprepared for the feel of her fingers on him as she reached down to cradle his scrotum in her hand gently rolling it, tenderly stretching it making him howl in pleasure before she ringed his base with her fingers, squeezing the exposed part of his shaft and stroking him as he plunged in and out of her moistness.

The very feel of her fingers on him was enough to tip him over the edge and into his own shattering orgasm. Spurting over and over deep within her velvet depths, he collapsed against her, Jenny closed her arms around him and they sank still joined into a sated sleep, naked in the sand of the pond, in the waning rays of the sun, each wrapped in the others love.


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