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By Dreamer

This story is rated R! If you are under 17, or do not wish to read this type of story, please choose another story.

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

“This looks like as good a spot as any.” Buck sat his horse looking the area over. They had been riding all day and were tired, hot and hungry.

“Looks good to me.” Lou replied, as she looked the spot over. The lake looked inviting and there was a nice stand of trees for shelter. There was still an hour or so of daylight, but the location was hard to pass up spending the night there. She followed Buck down the hill, ready to dismount. She kept staring at the lake, thinking how good a dip would feel.

The two unsaddled their horses and let them drink, and staked them out to graze. Then Lou started a fire and spread out their bedrolls as Buck headed out to search for supper. He was back within half an hour with a field dressed rabbit and a hat full of berries. He pushed a green stick through the rabbit and set it over the fire to roast. It wasn’t long before grease made the fire spit and the smell of roasting meat made their mouths water.

The two had been traveling together for a week on a special run for Teaspoon. They were just short of a day’s ride away from the station and anxious to be home. But the trip had been good for both of them. Lou was still getting over Kid and Buck had recently lost his best friend Ike. Even though they had always been friends the two had grown even closer, talking about their loses and giving each other support.

Lou kept eyeing the lake as they ate supper in comfortable silence. She’d cast an eye at Buck, then back at the lake, just to look Buck’s way hoping he would take the hint. He pretended to ignore her until he couldn’t suppress the smile any longer.

“Go ahead Lou. I’ll turn my back.”

“Why don’t you join me?”


“I’ve seen you in your long johns before. Come on!” After much cajoling she finally convinced him and the two stripped to their long johns and went running in.

The water felt as good as it looked. Lou started a water fight, splashing water into Buck’s face. Using the palm of his hand he shot water back at her, enjoying the sound of her laughter. The two continued on until Buck ducked under the water, silently swimming toward Lou. Coming up underneath her he grabbed her feet and pushed upward, shooting her out of the water just to splash down again a few feet away. When she broke the surface she dove at him, pulling him under.

They both resurfaced at the same time, unconsciously holding on to each other, Lou’s arms around his neck, his hand at her waist. Buck tossed his head, throwing the hair back out of his face, water drops forming a circle around him. When he looked back Lou was staring at him, her eyes studying him. Their eyes bore into each other’s.

Without realizing what was happening Buck leaned in to kiss her, even as her hand moved to the back of his head to draw him closer. His lips met hers hesitantly, feeling an electrical charge between them. Her hand pulled him closer, and her lips parted. His tongue slipped between her lips. Hunger took control. Neither thought about what they were doing, they were just lost in the moment.

Her fingers moved through his hair as his hands slipped to her waist and around her back, pulling her closer to him. He could feel her nipples through her long johns, hard little pebbles against his chest. One of her hands ventured down his chest, pulling open buttons and slipping inside as her lips pulled away and moved up to his eyes, kissing them as his breathing increased, then moved to his ear lobes and down his neck. Her fingers played with his own nipples and his hands strayed further down, rubbing and squeezing her lower cheeks. She could feel his desire grow despite the cool lake water.

Realization of what they were doing struck them both at the same time. Buck pulled away as her feet sought the lake floor and she looked down, momentarily embarrassed.

“Lou, I’m sor …”

“No Buck. It’s all right. There’s nothing for either of us to apologize for. Maybe we better go in?”

“Yeah. It’s getting pretty dark anyway.” They waded out of the water and sat before the fire to dry, making small talk when necessary. Before long they were dry enough to finish dressing and roll up in their blankets to sleep.

They both tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep, each glancing across the fire when the other’s eyes were closed.

Sometime in the middle of the night, after they had both finally fallen into a sound sleep, the sky clouded over. A sudden loud rumble woke them and caused the horses to start. Buck jumped to his feet and raced to the animals, but another loud rumble and the sudden crack of a lightening bolt caused both of the animals to jump, pulling their picket lines. Buck could do nothing more than watch as the two frightened animals ran off in to the night. Lou stood near the dwindling fire, her blanket wrapped around her, as the wind kicked up dust around her.

“They’re gone. We’ll try and find them in the morning. There’s nothing else we can do about it tonight,” Buck said as he returned to the fire. He leaned over and picked up his blanket, then studied the sky.

“There’s a big storm a couple miles west. But the wind’s blowing west, too. We may not get much of the rain.”

“You thinking it’s gonna miss us?”

“Looks that way.” Buck scattered the coals of the fire, not wanting the wind to catch them and spread the fire. Lou poured the remains of the coffee over what was left of the coals and they both sat back down to wait out the storm, pulling their blankets over their heads to protect themselves from the wind and any rain that might occur. Eventually, as the winds subsided, they fell back asleep.


Lou woke the next morning to the smell of roasting meat. As her eyes cleared she saw some sort of small fowl on a spit across the fire. The coffeepot sat banked on some coals to keep warm. But Buck was no where to be seen. Lou sat up, pulling her blanket around her shoulders to guard against the early morning chill. In just a few short hours the temperature would be warm, but right now the air was cool.

Her stomach growled as she waited for the meat to cook. She leaned over to pour a cup of coffee, which she promptly dropped as Buck crept up behind her.

“Got cha!”

“Buck! Don’t you ever do that again!” She slapped his arm as he sat down on his blanket, pouring her another cup, along with one for himself. “Where’ve you been?’

“I went to see if I could find the horses. But they’re probably half way back to the station by now.”

“So now what?”

“We’ve got two choices. Walk to the nearest town, which is at least a days walk through some very dry territory.” Lou groaned. “Or wait here and hope the horses reach the station and Kid can track them back here.”

“We’re gonna wait aren’t we?”

Buck seemed to consider the options again for a moment then nodded his head. “I thought we’d wait at least a day. I’m sure the horses will head straight back to the station.”

“Sounds better than walking all day. So what’ll we do all day?”

“Could start by eating breakfast.” He picked up the spit and offered the bird to Lou.


Lou held the blade of grass, reaching out to brush the end against Buck’s ear. He was stretched out on his blanket, his hat over his face to block the morning sun. His hand raised to brush away what he thought was a fly or other small pest. When his hand settled back down, Lou repeated the action, and was rewarded by Buck swatting at the ‘fly’ again. But she couldn’t hold back her laughter when it worked a third time.

Buck sat up suddenly, his hat falling to the ground, as Lou began rolling with laughter. She jumped to her feet when he lunged at her and began to run, Buck hot on her heels. She hadn’t made it ten feet before he tackled her and the two went rolling in the grass. Buck landed on top and pinned her wrists to the ground by her head.

“Now say you’re sorry.” He said while trying to catch his breath and keep from laughing himself.

“Uh uh!” Lou shook her head and tried to wiggle from his grasp. Buck positioned his legs on either side of Lou’s hips as he continued to hold her wrists down.

“Come on, say you’re sorry!”

“No!” Lou struggled some more and Buck loosened his grip, not wanting to hurt her, even in fun. Lou took advantage of his generosity and, twisting around, managed to throw him off her and onto his side. Caught by surprise Buck didn’t react and Lou managed to roll over on top of him. They both burst out in a new fit of laughter.

Before either of them realized what was happening, they were kissing. What had started the evening before came back stronger than before. Buck’s hand went up to pull Lou closer. His lips parted, moving determinedly against hers as she slipped her tongue past her lips to meet his. His other hand went around her back and he rolled her over. As his lips began to explore her face and ear lobes, she pulled his shirt out of his trousers and began unbuttoning it and the long john shirt underneath. He nibbled and kissed her neck as her hands ran over the muscles of his chest and up to his shoulders, pushing the shirts down his arms. He freed up one hand at a time and shortly his shirt was off and tossed aside.

Buck made his way down Lou’s neck, gently biting her neck where it met the shoulder, being careful not to leave marks. His fingers worked the buttons of her shirt, pulling the neckline down her shoulder and showering kisses there. As he finished with the buttons he pulled the shirt open to reveal her small, but firm, white breasts, the nipples already erect. His mouth continued downward until he reached one, opening wide to take as much of it in to his mouth as he could. As Lou moaned quietly, his tongue teased the hard little point, his teeth gently grazing over the tip, then sucking harder. She clutched him closer, her fingers moving through his hair, and then running across his shoulder blades. She couldn’t help but squirm beneath him as his mouth sought out her other breast, giving it much the same treatment. She shuddered, wanting more, needing more.

Buck’s mouth continued where it was as his hands moved lower, unbuttoning the opening of Lou’s trousers. She pushed her hips up so he could pull the pants down, then she kicked the trousers from her ankles. The unflattering long johns soon followed and she lay before him exposed. She reached up and brought his mouth back to meet hers, then dropped her hands down to work at Buck’s trousers. He pushed his boots off and Lou worked his trousers down.

They both knew there was no stopping now.

Buck created a path of kisses from Lou’s mouth, back to her breast and downward, his tongue playing with her belly button before continuing on to her most private area. She moaned again as his lips reached the juncture of her legs, his hands spreading her legs wider, and his mouth finding the hard little bud of her womanhood. She gasped as his tongue caressed the spot, her back arching as spasms of pleasure shot through her. But he continued, his mouth not stopping, and her legs went weak as his fingers slipped into her, continuing the caress his mouth had started.

She wanted him and she wanted him now. She started to plead with him, but he quieted her with a kiss. He shifted again, straddling her chest and leaning forward to continue his assault below her waist, running kisses up her thighs and back down. His maleness was exposed and very much available to her. Her hand reached up and wrapped around it, an act she had little experience with. She let her hands explore, moving up and down the muscle, fingers tickling the scrotum, fascinated by the reaction her touch caused. Buck, not aware of her inexperience in this particular aspect, moved his hips closer to her mouth. When her curiosity got the better of her she opened her mouth and he slipped his member inside and moved his hips just enough to slide in and out. Her lips closed around it, her tongue seeming to know exactly what to do. She was amazed at the changes that could occur to this particular part of the male anatomy as she felt and saw the muscle enlarge and harden at her touch and kisses.

By now Buck was ready too. But as he turned around again and Lou tried to pull him down to her, he pulled back, rolling her to her stomach instead. He slid one hand under her flat stomach, lifting her up slightly and she brought her knees and arms up. Unsure, she allowed him to move her, spreading her legs open as he knelt between them. Then his hands came around to her front, one reaching for and squeezing her breast, the other wrapping around her waist. Just as she was about to reach for him, she felt the head of his maleness push against her, entering slowly, deliciously, and she felt herself explode once more. Only then did he begin to move inside her, his hips moving in a slow rhythm. She arched her back, moving with him, his hips pushing against her buttocks, delving deeper with each rocking movement.

Just when she though she would explode again, he rocked back on his thighs, pulling her with him so that she was sitting on his lap, leaning back against his chest. He slid even deeper into her. His fingers wrapped around hers and one hand moved downward to where they were joined. She opened her eyes and realized that she could see him inside her. Their fingers touched each other and themselves as he moved slightly beneath her. She used her thighs and began to move on top of him. Realization came to her that she was now in control of their lovemaking. As her hand caressed his scrotum and one finger traced a path up the small amount of his penis still exposed, Buck growled low and deep. She smiled at the thought that she was the one pleasing him so and began to move again.

As she moved, lights burst in front of her eyes and she shuddered, exploding more powerfully than before. Knowing that she had come again Buck moved underneath her, his arm wrapped around her waist to hold her. His hips moved faster and harder. He leaned forward again and Lou was once more on her hands and knees, her hips moving with his. Harder and harder, deeper and deeper, their sweat slick bodies slid against each other as Buck worked his swollen member inside her. She couldn’t stop herself from crying out as she felt him explode inside her. He rode her a few more times, his seed emptying into her and they both collapsed onto the grass. Rolling her onto her side, he wrapped his arms around her, her head leaning back against his chest, his manhood still inside her.

They lay there, panting and sweaty, his arm around her waist, their fingers intertwined. Eventually they dozed.

Lou awoke first. She knew she hadn’t been asleep long. She lay in Buck’s embrace, feeling content, a deep physical contentment that she hadn’t felt since she and Kid….

No Louise, don’t think about that. She thought. You and Kid are over.

She turned her thoughts to Buck. Would he think that what had happened between them meant that they were now a couple? She didn’t think he would. They had both been hurting and she really thought that what had happened was born of a spontaneous need to be close to someone, to feel wanted. Neither of them had spoken of love.

And what they had shared had been wonderful. Curiosity and desire began to build in her again. She slipped away from Buck and sat there watching him, studying him. He shifted in his sleep, rolling onto his back, stretching slightly and cocking one leg. Lou couldn’t have hoped for a better view.

She moved closer, studying his body in more detail than she had ever had the opportunity to do before. She reached out a teasing finger and ran it along his limp member. He stirred slightly and she stopped, but continued as he settled again. Her fingers stroked him and as she detected a reaction her hand grew bolder, wrapping around him and squeezing. She crept closer, her mouth closing around him, sliding over him and down. She worked her way up and down, aware that he had awakened and was now propped up on his elbows watching her as she explored. She spread his legs further to give herself better access. She sucked on his scrotum and her tongue traced a path along it’s base and up his thigh then she worked her way back to his member. When her eyes looked his way she saw that his eyes were closed, his head tossed back, his hair touching the ground behind him. His manhood continued to grow under her diligence, the foreskin pulling back, the muscle thickening. His breathing was heavy. His hips pushed forward, but she pushed him back down, wanting total control this time. She closed her mouth around him again, quickening her pace up and down his length. He groaned and she felt his body tighten. She pulled away, continuing to manipulate him with her hand.

“Harder.” he mumbled and she complied, squeezing tighter still as she moved her hand up and down faster and faster. Suddenly his back arched and he shuddered as his member exploded. She watched, fascinated, as stream after stream came from him. She glanced back at him as his arms gave out and he collapsed back in the grass, his manhood finished for the moment and going limp in her hand.

She placed several kisses along his abdomen, moving up to his chest where she listened to his breathing regulate. Her own desires had returned and she wasn’t sure how she was going to satisfy them. In the back of her mind she hoped that Buck had a few ideas of his own.

He did.

Before she reached his mouth, he sat up, crossing his legs. He took her hand and helped her stand, moving her closer to him, so she was standing over him. He positioned her legs apart and went to work. Her hands went to his head, bracing herself against his assault. Her own head dropped backward as his mouth worked its miracles. It didn’t take long before her legs went weak. He eased her down to his lap, his hands holding her back upright while his mouth took possession of her breasts.

She rested against his hands. He seemed content to nibble and kiss, finding her neck, earlobes and lips. This day was turning in to such an adventure. While she had had no doubt that Buck was no virgin, she didn’t think that he was so knowledgeable either. She had never seen him with a woman that she thought he had ‘danced’ with, as Jimmy would say. In fact she had never seen him date many women at all. So his experience must have been at the Indian village. If that were the case, then he had learned a lot at a very young age. Because he certainly knew a lot!

When she had rested, she let her hand drop between their legs, searching for his member. She wanted him again. She wanted to know everything he did.

He laid her back in the grass, her hips still on his lap, he shifted so that he was kneeling and she draped her legs around his waist. He leaned forward to kiss her. Just the touch of his lips and the promise of what was to come excited her. They became gentle, their kisses soft. He took her hand, separating a finger from the others and sucked on it, his tongue gently sliding against it. She had never known such a simple act could be so sensual.

He pulled her back up to his lap, his lips running over her chest and neck. She placed her breast in his mouth and held his head close and he suckled it until she sighed with contentment. She could feel his manhood awakening beneath her, one hand finding it, guiding it eagerly toward her. He lifted her slightly, spreading her open as he did so and slipped inside her, pulling her down on him as far as he could. She began a slow, gentle up and down motion, tightening herself against him. He let her go at her own pace, wanting nothing more than to please her yet again.

When he felt the tremors overtake her and her movements slow, he laid her back down, keeping her hips elevated. Shifting upward to his knees, he brought her hips with him, his organ still inside. At first she thought the position awkward, but as he began to move, she appreciated the change. His hands grasped her hips and buttocks to hold her up, her legs still wrapped around his waist.

He pulled almost all the way out, then slid back in as far as he could go, his hips doing most of the movement. Occasionally he would grind his hips against her. She lay silently, too overwhelmed to even moan with pleasure. When she felt the electric sparks start she could no longer hold back the sound. Her grunts and moans were loud and uncontrollable.

Buck no longer wanted to hold back either. He began a fast pumping action, almost animalistic. When he finally came, he brought Lou along with him once again. Worn out and spent he sprawled out on the grass next to her.

They lay like that, staring at the sky, soaking up the heat of the noon time sun, for at least an hour. Finally Buck stood on weak legs, holding his hand out to her.

“Come on. We could use a bath.”

They both walked slowly to the lake. The water was cool on their hot skin. Buck pulled sand up from the lake bottom, using it to scrub at his skin, doing the same for Lou. He was quiet and seemed distracted. As they washed and cooled off she decided to ask him what was bothering him, though she felt she already knew.

“What have we done Lou? What happened here today?”

“And here I thought you knew! You certainly seemed to know what you were doing. And then some!” she teased.

“You know what I mean. We can’t change what happened. And what about Kid?”

“Kid wasn’t here today Buck.” Lou turned serious, knowing that Buck would let guilt eat him up if she didn’t change his mind. “What happened here was an act between two people that needed each other at this point in time in their lives. I’m not sorry it happened. Are you?”

He studied her face, seeing the sincerity there, and shook his head. Lou continued.

“I’m never going to regret what we did. In fact,” she turned around and moved closer to him, “if we were to do it again, now, I wouldn’t regret that either.” Buck groaned and shook his head.

“I don’t think that’s possible right now.”

“No? Well, maybe later. How long before you think the others might find us?”

“At the earliest, if the horses ran like crazy back to the station and Kid could track them riding just as fast back here, they could be here late this afternoon.” Lou laughed at him and shook her head at the likelihood of that happening. “Truthfully, it’ll probably be mid morning tomorrow. But I suppose it might be possible they could show up before dark.”

“Then we’ve got time to eat, huh? I’m hungry. Let’s go.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him from the water.

“You’d think you worked hard today or something. Really worked up an appetite, eh?”

“Like you didn’t?”

They found their clothes and dressed quickly. Lou built up the fire as Buck went in search of food. They ate, then both settled in for an after lunch nap. When they awoke, they sat and talked, any tension over what had happened, gone. They spoke of their feelings. Lou’s for Kid. Buck for the loss of his best friend. Buck leaned against a tree and Lou nestled in against him as they talked. They were comfortable with each other as only good friends could be.

Suppertime came and they prepared a light meal. As darkness came upon them, Lou spread out her blanket and they lay upon it together, using his to cover up with. He held her in his arms and before falling asleep, they made tender, gentle love. Lou awoke in the night and lay there watching him until he, too awoke. Unbuttoning her long john shirt, he lovingly kissed and sucked on her breast, his hand working her below the waist until she was quiet again.

When the sun rose the next morning, he took her back to the lake and they made love on its banks, then washed in its cool water once more.

By mid morning they were dressed and drinking coffee as Kid and Jimmy rode up, their horses in tow.

“What happened? We thought maybe you had both been killed when your horses showed up at the station.” Kid’s words rushed out, showing more concern than he wanted it to.

“A storm spooked the horses.” Buck answered.

“Well I bet you were pretty bored just sitting around here all this time.” Jimmy added.

“No, not at all.” Lou said as she tied her bedroll behind her horse and tossed Buck his, exchanging a meaningful glance and a sly smile. “In fact the break was just what I needed. What about you Buck?”

“I wasn’t bored either. It was good having the day free.” He swung up on his horse as Lou mounted hers.

“Yep. Just lying around all day. Sure was restful.” She smiled at Buck again as she turned her horse to the east. They headed home.

The End

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