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ELLA thankyou for scanning in the pic of me!

I feel awful, I just realized that I forgot to thank BARB for helping me come up with a rating system. Sorry about that,Barb, but I was/am very thankful for the help!

To ALL of the WRITERS who sent in their work!

NESCIRI for coming up with all the great banners and lines. I loved them all and had a really hard time picking which ones to use. Also thanks for pre-viewing the site and giving me some tips.

TANYA for pretty much talking me into doing this page and pre-viewing the site.

JESSICA for coming up with the name.

ANN for giving me the idea for this page.

And last of all thanks to my family for putting up with me the last few weeks, when I was working on this. If I left anyone out, then I really do want to thankyou also!!
