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True Love, One Soul

By: Jocelyne

The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the popery of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.

Chapter 1

Lou stepped out onto the porch of the bunkhouse at the sound of an approaching rider. She saw the rider coming and called out "Rider coming!" Ike came running out of the bunkhouse because the rider wasn't due for an hour yet.

Ike sat waiting for the hand off. As the rider got closer they saw that it was Buck. Rachel was on the porch of the main house. She turned to the young women on the swing saying, "That is Buck. You will meet him at supper. He’s not as wild as Jimmy, or Cody. He’s quite like Ike and Kid. Lets go get you into some clothes for life around here."

They turned and headed into the house and then headed up the stairs. As they climbed the stairs Rachel said, "So Sarah how long did you talk your father into letting you stay here?"

Across the yard at the bunkhouse, Buck was asking Lou, "Who is that with Rachel?"

Lou smiled to herself and said, "I'm not sure. All Rachel said was that her name is Sarah. She would tell us more at supper. You better get cleaned up. Supper should be ready soon."

Both women walked over to the trunk that Sarah had brought with her. They started going through the clothes and putting them in the wardrobe. Rachel turned around saying, "I think we better get some material to make you some dresses that are more suitable for out here. I think this one will work for now. I'll meet you down stairs. It’s almost time to start supper but I want to talk first."

She left and Sarah walked over to the window looking out toward the bunkhouse. Just then Buck came out of the bunkhouse and went to the barn. She watched him till he disappeared into the barn. A few minutes later she came down stairs. Rachel had just poured some lemonade for them. They sat down and started to talk.

Sarah said, "Thank you Aunt Rachel for letting me come out here and stay with you for awhile. I need time to think before I decide whether or not to marry the man my father says I have to marry."

Looking at her niece as she went to pour them some more lemonade, "Tell me about this man. Do you love him?" Rachel asked as she sat back down.

"Well I don't know if I love him or not. He’s a rich banker and will treat me well, but I can't stand to be near him. I guess then that I don't love him. I just want someone who will love me for me and not for my father’s money." Taking Rachel’s hands she started crying.

Rachel moved closer to her niece and hugged her saying, "Oh sweetie your father loves you. But you do deserve someone who will love you for you." Standing up she said, "Well, we better get supper started before the boys burn the bunkhouse down trying to do it themselves.

As they walked across the yard and entered the bunkhouse. Rachel turned to Cody seated at the table cleaning his gun saying, "Cody can you go get me some potatoes out of the cellar?"

Rising Cody said, "Sure thing Rachel." As he came toward the door, the two women turned around and went back to the house to start preparing for supper. As they entered the house, Sarah said, "So that’s Cody, right!

Rachel said with out looking up, "Oh, honey, don't think he's the one for you. He will only break your heart. He’s so wild and careless. I don’t want you to get your heart broke. Why don't you go ring the bell for supper and watch out they will run you over."

As she was walking out onto the porch she ran right into Buck. She fell to the floor and he knelt down to help her up. As she reached for his hand their eyes met and she blushed. After he helped her to her feet he said, "Excuse me, miss! I didn't see you there.”

With down cast eyes she said, "Supper's ready!" Then she rang the bell. She saw all of them come running. Buck grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him out of the way. After the stamping herd went by, they walked in.

As they reached the table Buck said, "Take my seat." After pushing Cody over, Buck then went and sat in Ike’s spot.

After Rachel sat down and before the food was passed around she said, "Boys this is my niece, Sarah, from New York. She has come for a visit and maybe to stay. Turning to Cody saying, "This is Cody, Jimmy, Kid, Lou and Buck and Ike is on a run he'll be back tomorrow." Just then the door opened and she said, "And this one who is late again is Teaspoon Hunter. Teaspoon this is my niece, Sarah."

"Hi there, Miss Sarah. Hope the boys weren't giving you any trouble," Teaspoon replies as he tips his hat.

Smiling back Sarah said, "Well, Buck was sweet. He pulled me out of the way of the stamping herd of hungry boys." Everyone laughed. Buck blushed and with downcast eyes Sarah was blushing too. Supper was noisier then Sarah could ever remember.

As Rachel started clearing dishes from the table, Sarah grabbed a plate and started to help. Rachel grabbed it from her saying, "Would one of you boys like to show her around?"

All they boys stood up and started talking at once. Just then Teaspoon said, "Buck you are quiet. Why don't you show Sarah around!"

Buck looked up and said, "Would you like to start with the horses?"

Still blushing, Sarah looked up saying, "I would love to see them." They walked out of the bunkhouse and headed for the corral. Everyone was on the porch watching them. As they reached the corral Sarah turned to Buck and said, "Tell me about yourself."

Smiling Buck said, "Well, there’s not much to tell. I'm what people out here, call a half-breed. My mother was a Kiowa, and she was raped when some white men raided our village. I am the result of white man’s greed. I don't really belong anywhere. This is the first place I’ve felt like I belong and these people are the first real family since my mother and brother Red Bear. Now that’s enough about me, tell me about yourself."

Pausing for a moment then turning Sarah said, "Well, my father is Rachel’s older brother. My mother died when I was 10. My father is real strict on me. About a year ago he told me that I was to marry one of his rich banker friends. But I can't stand to be near him."

Just then she started to cry and ran off toward the barn. Buck followed her. As he entered the barn, she was nowhere to be found. Just then he heard some crying coming from the loft. He climbed the ladder and saw her at the other end. He walked over to her. While standing over her, he was wondering what to do. Then he knelt down and enfolded her in his arms. She turned around and laid her head on his chest and continued to cry. He just sat there and let her cry.

When Sarah stopped, she looked up at him and said, "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't get upset like that, but I wonder if there isn't someone out there for me, who will love me for me."

Buck lifted her chin to look at her face and said, "I didn't mean to upset you. I know there is someone out there for you. When you find that man, he will be the luckiest man in the world." She pulled away from him and looked into his big black dark eyes. Then he leaned forward and kissed her. He pulled back saying, "I'm sorry," and then he started to stand up."

Sarah grabbed his hand. "Please don't go, I was hoping you would do that." Leaning into him she kissed him back. They both laughed, and then Buck stood up and reached for her hand to help her stand. As he did he said, "We better get you back to the house before your aunt has my hide for keeping you out late."

Smiling they both climbed down the ladder and walked toward the house.

They got to the steps of the porch. Buck turned to her saying, "Are you sure what happened back there in the barn is okay? I couldn't stop myself. I don't know what made me do that. I have never done anything like that before. This feeling came over me from the moment I saw you on the porch with Rachel."

Just then a light came on in the house. Sarah turning around notices the light. "I’d better go inside before Rachel comes out. Before I go, how about a ride tomorrow that is if you don't have a run?"

Smiling Buck said, "No I just got back. I'm not up for a few days. Why don't we make it a picnic?" Shaking her head yes. Sarah turned and entered the house.

Chapter 2

As she closed the door, Rachel was there. So what happened, you two disappeared into the barn? Turning around smiling, Sarah said, When I started to tell Buck about Kevin. I started to cry and ran into the barn. He followed me into the barn. He was so nice, he just sat there and held me till I stopped crying."

Rachel was sitting at the table looking at Sarah. Then said, "Well from the looks on your face that is what you needed. I know that nothing can help a girl get over what is bothering her like being held by a strong caring man."

Sitting down at the table Sarah said, "I don’t know why I cried but when he held me. I felt like I didn’t need to say anything more. It was like he just knew what I was trying to say. Oh he asked me out for a picnic tomorrow. If that’s okay with you?"

Smiling Rachel said, "I think we can arrange that. Why don’t you head off to bed? Morning comes early around here." She stood and kissed Sarah good night and went to bed herself.

After Rachel went upstairs, Sarah sat there for a few minutes then decided to go to bed herself. As she reached her room, she went over to the window. She stood and looked out over the prairie and then turned toward the bunkhouse to see Buck standing on the porch. Even though it seemed like forever, it was only a few minutes when he looked up and noticed her in the window, and he smiled up at her. She smiled back at him. They stood there looking at each other for a while. She waved and then turned to go to bed.

As she change into her nightgown, she was thinking to herself, what is it about him that makes me feel this way. I have never felt this way before. Then she blew out the candle and crawled into bed and was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Buck stood there and watched her blow out the candle out then he turned to go into the bunkhouse to find Kid standing there. Buck said, "Would you please move? I would like to get some sleep."

Kid shook his head no, then said, "So what are you doing with Rachel’s niece?"

Looking surprised and angry Buck said, "What do you mean?"

Planting himself right in front of Buck, Kid said, "I saw the two of you in the hayloaft."

Clinching his fists in an attempt to control his anger, Buck said, "Why were you spying on us? Do you think you are the only one who might find someone that sees you as who you are, and to share things with? If you really must know she needed a shoulder to cry on." Then he pushed passed Kid and headed into get some sleep.

Kid followed him into the bunkhouse saying, "I know what I saw."

Spinning around Buck spat at him, ""Mind your own business. Worry about yourself and Lou. What happens between me and Sarah is none of your business, unless one of us tells someone. I know that she is Rachel’s niece. I would never do anything that might hurt her or Sarah. Now good night." Turning to Lou who sat up in her bunk he said, "Sorry Lou, you know that I didn’t mean anything by that."

She smiled at him saying, "That's okay. And your right what happens between you and Sarah is between the two of you. Till you tell us about it." Looking at Kid she said, "Back off of him. He doesn’t bug you about what goes on between us does he. Now go to bed."

Kid shook his head no. Then turned to Buck he said, "I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you mad. Friend’s still?" Sticking his hand out to Buck. Buck took it and shook it.

"Don’t worry about it this time." then Buck blew out the candle and went to sleep.

Buck stood on the porch clad only in pants watching the sunrise. Even though the days were warm, the nights still had a chill to them. As the sun broke the horizon, the rays came through her window. Sarah woke to the feel of the sun on her face. She felt a little confused as to where she was. Sitting up rubbing her eyes and blinking, it came to her that she was at her Aunt Rachel's house. As she climbed out of bed grabbing her shawl she walked over to the window. Standing there watching the sunrise, she could hear the sounds of the morning birds. She heard the sound of a crow. Looking for the bird, she saw Buck standing on the porch looking up at the window, so she pulled the shawl closer around herself . He smiled and waved at her. She smiled and waved back. She turned from the window and got dressed for the day.

She came down the stairs and Rachel was waiting on the porch for her. Busting through the door Sarah said, "Good Morning Aunt Rachel. Isn’t it a wonderful day."

Shaking her head, Rachel was saying , "Well whatever happened last night, sure put you in a good mood. Lets go get breakfast ready. Come on." They stepped off the porch and walked across the yard to the bunkhouse. They stopped just outside the door. Rachel knocked on the door then stuck her head inside saying, "Are you all dressed? If so then come on, there are chores that have to be done. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." Rachel opened the door all the way as the boys came out.

As they filed out each said, "Good Morning." Buck was the last one out and as he passed Sarah, he smiled at her. She smiled back at him blushing.

As the two women prepared breakfast, Sarah looked at Rachel thinking should I tell her what happened last night between her and Buck. Turning back to the eggs she was cooking, she then said, "Aunt Rachel can I talk to you about something?"

Rachel snapped her head up saying, "Sure what’s wrong? Nothing happened between the two of you did it?"

"Oh no, nothing to do with him. He was a prefect gentlemen with me last night. It has to do with Kevin. "Taking the eggs off the stove, Sarah sat down at the table. "Well I need to know if its normal for a guy to treat a women like she has no brain and is only there to have children and look pretty?"

Rachel turned around and looked at her niece saying, "Is that what Kevin expects out of you?"

Shaking her head, yes, Sarah continued, "There’s more , He expects me to give up my friends, my riding and my writing. He never hit me but I am afraid that after we are married that he might hit me if I don’t do what he says. I guess I am afraid of him. See last night, talking with Buck, I started crying and ran into the barn. He followed me and just held me til I stopped crying, and that was the first time since my mother died that I’ve felt safe and that I would be okay.

Rachel looked at her niece and sat down at the table next to her. She just sat there for a few minutes then she said, "Why would your father want you to marry someone like that? He knows better then to treat a women like that. I don’t understand why he would force you into a marriage with someone like that. It’s no wonder why you came here. I should write him and give him a piece of my mind and tell him that you will not marry that guy."

Looking scared Sarah said, "Oh no Please don’t do that. I need to do that myself but father gave me six months to work up the nerve. But he doesn’t know I am thinking of breaking off the engagement."

Just then the door opened and Cody was standing there. He asked, "Is it ready yet?"

Standing up and wiping the tears from her face Sarah said, "Yes it is, could you please ring the bell?"

Looking confused Cody said, "Sure thing. Is everything okay?"

Also standing up, "Yes it’s okay!" replied Rachel.

All the boys piled in and sat down and started eating. Sarah was picking at her plate. Buck looked at her then placing his hand on hers stopping her from playing with her food. Looking up at him he could see the pain in her eyes. Looking at her he said, "Are you okay?"

Smiling at him she replied, "Yes" then got up from the table and left.

Feeling confused he turned to Rachel and said, "What's wrong with her? It looks like she’s been crying."

Rachel looking down at her plate, then back at him and said, "She has. She just told me why she came out here and about the guy she is supposed to marry. Since you are the only other person that she told. Why don’t you go talk to her, She feels that she can trust you and talk to you."

Shaking his head he got up from the table and walked out the door. Stepping out onto the porch, he looked around and noticed her over by the corral. He walked over to her. She knew that someone was behind her but she didn’t turn around. As he got right behind her, he could hear her crying, so he put his hand on her shoulder. When she didn’t shrug it off. He said, "Are you okay? Would you like to talk about it?"

Shaking her head, no, saying, " I shouldn’t get you involved in this."

Stepping next to her turning her head to look at him he said, "After last night. I am willing to get involved. Besides when someone upsets you they upset me. NO one hurts my friends. Come on lets go for a walk and talk about it. I think you will feel better if you do." Then he reached out his hand to her and she took it and they walked out into the prairie behind the main house. They walked in silence for awhile. Then he stopped and turned to her saying, "Please tell me what has you so upset and crying."

Looking down at the ground she said, "I don’t know where to begin." Lifting her chin so she would look at him. He gave her that smile that made her heart flip in her chest.

Buck said, "After last night I think I am involved in this and I am willing to listen to what you have to say." Nodding yes she began to tell him the whole story. As she reached the end she crumpled to the ground in tears. He sat down next to her and took her into his arms. He just sat there holding her, stroking her hair saying, "Everything will work out. We’ll work it out together. We better get back I’m sure Rachel is worried about you. I have chores to get done before we go on our picnic.

He stood and helped her to her feet and they walked back to the station. On the way back he put his arm around her to help her feel better. She laid her head on his shoulder. Then he said, "Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone hurt you.

As they reached the yard Rachel came running out saying, "Sarah are you okay?"

Looking at Buck who smiled and nodded at her, she said, "Yes, I’m just hungry." Turning to Buck she said, "Thank you for listening to me and lending a shoulder to cry on." Leaning towards him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I better get to my chores. See you for our picnic." He said as he backed away. Sarah was watching him, she read something in his eyes and she smiled, and then she ran to catch up with Rachel to get something to eat. As the two women sat in the bunkhouse eating they talked. Meanwhile Buck was mucking out the stalls in the barn and he was thinking. I hope that I can always be there for you, Sarah.

Rachel and Sarah got up and headed out to do some laundry. Sarah carried the basket of wet clothes to the line and they started to hang them up. As they were hanging the clothes Rachel asked, "So are you and Buck taking out the buckboard?"

"Trying to hide her smile Sarah said, "I hope we can ride out on horseback, but I need to talk to Buck and see what he wants to do."

As the two women worked the time away, Rachel finally said, "Well, I better go start lunch and pack something for you two to eat. I’ll meet you in front of the bunkhouse when you are done here okay."

"Sure thing," answered Sarah, as Rachel left. As Sarah reached for the last shirt, she felt like someone was watching her. So she grabbed the rock that was right in front of her foot and stood up as if nothing was wrong. Then suddenly she spun around and let the rock fly. As the rock left her hand, she saw that it was Buck who was watching her. He saw the rock coming and ducked at the last minute.

Standing up Buck said, "Man you can throw and your aim wasn’t bad either. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was wondering if you were ready for lunch? I thought that we could take a couple of the horses out instead of the buckboard." He said as he walked closer to her.

"No, you shouldn’t have sneaked up behind me. When you are the only girl in a house of men, you learn to throw with great aim. After a while it just becomes a reflex and you hit what you are aiming at. About the horses that would be fine, I can handle any kind of horse."

As he reached her Buck laughed. "Well, we’ll see. Meet you in front of the bunkhouse." Then he smiled at her and turned and left. She hung the last shirt and headed for the house to change her clothes. About 10 minutes later she came out onto the porch and headed across the yard toward the bunkhouse.

As Sarah reached the porch, Rachel was coming out saying to Buck who was behind her, strapping on his gunbelt, "Now be careful and please keep her safe." She stopped and Buck bumped into her. As he stepped out around her he saw that Sarah had changed her clothes.

Buck just stood there with his mouth open. Finally, he said, "Don’t worry, she will be perfectly safe with me." Turning to Sarah he said, "You look great."

Blushing she said, "Thank you , you look great yourself."

Smiling Buck said, "Thank you. We better get going." He took the saddlebags from Rachel and placed it on his horse. Then went around to help Sarah up, but she had already swung up. So he got on his horse and they headed out.

As they left the yard Sarah said, " Want to race over to those rocks?"

Smiling at her, he said," Are you sure you are ready to lose?"

Laughing at him she said, "We’ll see about that. I am pretty good." Then she kicked her horse into a run. He chased after her and they reached the rocks at the same time.

Turning to her Buck said, "I knew you could ride, but I had no idea that you could ride as good as any of us."

Laughing at him she said, "I wasn’t always Daddy’s little girl. I needed an outlet with a father who is real strict on me. I can ride and shoot. So where’s this place we are going?"

Looking at her he said, "It’s just over that hill, but before we head over there, promise me that you wont tell anyone that you nearly beat me in a race." Sarah promised as she smiled at him.

They walked their horses over to the small pond . After stopping and dismounting he walked over and lifted Sarah off her horse. As he was setting her feet on the ground, they just stood there and stared into each other’s eyes. Then he leaned toward her and kissed her, and she kissed him back. Then turning he grabbed the saddlebags, and she grabbed the blanket off her horse. They walked over to the pond. She laid the blanket out and sat down. He sat down next to her and started to take the stuff out of the saddlebags.

They ate chicken and drank cider. After they finished eating. Buck started to lean back and relax. Sarah reached up and pushed his head onto her lap. She played with his hair as he lay there and told her how he and Ike met and became friends. He was looking at her then he looked at the clouds and said, "We better get back. Its almost time for super." He stood and reached his hand out for her. She took his hand and stood up. As they walked over to the horses, Sarah stepped in a hole and fell.

Buck caught her before she hit the ground. He helped her sit down and then pulled her foot out of the hole. He said, "Can you stand on it?"

"I don’t know." She tried to stand with him by her side. She got to her feet, but when she put weight on her foot she fell against him. Turning to Buck she said, "I don’t think I can. What are we going to do.?" As he knelt and examined her ankle, she flinched as he touched it.

Buck said, "Well, we need to get you back to the station, so Rachel can take care of you. I’ll get the horses. I would like for you to ride in front of me. If that’s okay with you?"

Smiling she said, "Right now there’s no other place I would rather be then in your strong arms." He walked over to the horses and grabbed their reins and headed back to were Sarah sat. Just then Sarah said," I think we are in trouble . "

Looking at her he said, "Why do you say that?"

As she pointed to her ankle and said, "I don’t think the swelling is a good sign." Dropping the reins, he went over to her and knelt down to look at her ankle. He reached out to touch it and as he did she flinched and pulled it away.

He said, "I think its broken. Man, Rachel is going to be mad at me. She made me promise that you would be safe. She is going to let me have it."

Reaching out for his hand Sarah said, "Don’t worry about her. I can handle her. Lets just get back." He stood up and picked her up and placed her on his horse. Then grabbling the reins of her horse he swung up behind her. Turning the horses and headed back to the station. As they rode Sarah said, "This is heaven. I could stay like this forever. I feel safe here with you." leaning back against him.

He smiled to himself, he said. “This is nice. Its weird, But I feel like a whole person here with you in my arms."

She turned to look at him, then said, "I know I felt the same thing when you kissed me in the barn last night. Every time we are together in a room, I feel whole and when we are apart I feel as if something is missing. It’s strange that we feel this way when we barely know each other."

He smiled saying, "I know I thought the same thing." Then Buck leaned down and kissed her again. Sitting up he said, "I normally follow my head not my heart but this time I couldn’t help it." She smiled to herself and snuggled into his arms as they rode back to the station.

Chapter 3

As they rode back to the station, they both knew that this was right. Buck looked down and realized that Sarah had dozed off so he tightened his grip around her waist to make sure she wouldn't fall. As the station came into sight, Buck stopped the horses. Sarah woke at the change of movement.

She looked around then she said to Buck, "Why have we stopped?"

Smiling back at her, Buck said, "I thought you might like to be awake when we face Rachel!"

Smiling and nestling closer to him she said, "Yes, that would be nice. It’s not fair that I let you face her alone. I am sorry I fell asleep."

He shook his head and said, "That’s okay. I kind of liked it. To know that you trust me enough to do that." Smiling shyly at him, she just rested her head on his chest. They continued on into the station. Jimmy was sitting on the porch of the bunkhouse as they rode up.

He walked over and took the reins of the other horse and Buck tossed him the reins of his horse. As Buck was dismounting, Rachel came running out of the house yelling, "Sarah are you okay? Why didn't you ride back on Katy?"

As Buck was helping Sarah down, she said, "I'm okay, Aunt Rachel. I got my foot stuck in a whole. I think I might have broken it when I fell." After hearing that Jimmy mounted up on Katy and rode into town to fetch the doctor. Turning to look at Buck, Sarah could see by looking into his eyes that he was scared that Rachel would get mad at him for her getting hurt.

As Buck picked Sarah up to carry her to the chair on the porch Rachel said, "Bring her into the bunkhouse." They walked onto the porch. As Rachel reached for the doorknob, the door opened and there stood Sarah’s father.

First thing Sarah’s father notices is that his daughter is in the arms of a man he doesn’t know. Seeing the look of disapproval on his face, Sarah lowered her eyes and hid her face against Buck’s neck saying, "OH, God I think I'm in trouble."

Leaning his head against hers, Buck said, "Why do you say that?"

Without raising her head she said, "By the look on his face. I think he has come out here to try to bring me back and make me marry someone that I don't want to marry. He is thinking that you did something to hurt me."

As Buck walked passed her father, he could feel her grip tighten around his neck. He leaned his head against hers again and said, "What’s wrong?"

After a short pause she said, "I'm scared. I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you. I have never been happier then when I am here."

Smiling to himself, Buck said, "Don't worry, I won’t let anything happen to you. I would like it if you stayed here with me. He looks like a reasonable man. I will tell him the truth." As he sat Sarah down on the bunk, they heard voices yelling outside. They couldn't make out what was being said, but Buck could see the look of fear in Sarah’s eyes. He said, "Don't worry. I won’t let him take you back if you don't want to go."

Just then the door opened and Sarah’s father walked in. Buck moved away from Sarah to let her father near her. He walked over to him reaching out his hand he said, "Hi, I'm Buck. I took Sarah on a picnic and while we were walking back to the horses she stepped into a hole. I think she broke her foot when she fell. Then I decided that I should bring her back here, so Rachel could take care of it for her."

Looking at Sarah but reaching his hand out, he shook Buck’s hand saying, "Thank you for taking care of her. She is my only daughter. I worry about her." Then he walked over to where Sarah sat on the bunk. He pulled a chair over and sat down. Sarah didn't even notice him sit down. She was watching Buck over at his bunk, as he removed his gunbelt.

Sarah jumped when she felt someone place a hand on her arm. She looked at her father and said, "Please don't make me go back to New York. I want to stay here for awhile."

Her father said, "I will think about it. But first I want to know if he hurt you in any way?" Looking over his shoulder, he saw Buck’s back to them so he continued, "I want to know why you ran?"

Looking at him as if he had slapped her in the face, she said, "He didn't do anything to me but show me a good time and be a perfect gentlemen to me."

As they were talking the door opened and Rachel walked in followed by Jimmy, Kid, and the doctor. Rachel walked over to Sarah and her father and said, "Steven we need you to wait outside while the doctor sets her ankle. The three boys here will help hold her still. I promise that she will be in good hands here." Steven nodded yes and got up and headed for the door. After he left and closed the door, Rachel continued by saying, "Buck could you come here. We are going to need your help to hold Sarah still while the doctor sets her ankle."

Sarah looked up and said, " What? Hold me still, why?"

Buck walked over to where she sat and sat down on the edge of the bunk and said, "In order to set your ankle right the Doc has to pull on it. I'll be right here with you. It will hurt real bad but only for a short time."

Giving him a weary smile, Sarah said, "Why are Jimmy and Kid here, too?"

Smiling so as not to scare her, he said, "They are going to help hold your legs still so you don't kick the Doc. They have had to do that to me before. I know you won’t kick him on purpose but by reaction. I want you to look at me and hold my hands." Taking a deep breath Sarah nodded yes. Looking back over his shoulder Buck said, "Okay she’s ready."

The Doctor and Rachel walked over. As Kid and Jimmy walked over, each standing on one side of the bunk, Buck took Sarah’s hands and looked her right in the eyes and said, "Remember that I will be right here."

Then the doctor said, "Okay, boys are you ready? Lets begin." Both Jimmy and Kid nodded yes. Jimmy and Kid leaned over and each put their weight on one of her legs. Buck looked at Sarah and started speaking in a gentle tone in Kiowa. With a sudden jerk Sarah let out a scream of pain, then passed out. Buck gathered her in his arms and held her. The doctor put the splint on and said, "Okay, its done. I want her to stay off of it for three weeks and after the first couple of days she will use crutches. I will be back to check on her in a week, but right now it is best that she sleep most of the evening and night."

As the doctor was leaving Steven came back in. When he saw Sarah he started to panic but then he realized that she was asleep. He looked at Rachel and said, "What happened I heard her yell out?"

Rachel said, "She’s okay. The pain from when the doctor set her ankle made her pass out but she'll be okay. I have seen it happen before when the doctor has to set broken bones when the boys get into trouble. Sarah is tough she will be fine when she wakes up. So don't worry. Besides I think you might have a hard time getting Buck away from her. So why don't we get dinner ready and eat."

As everyone sat down to eat. Buck refused to move from beside Sarah. Rachel handed him a plate and then sat down to eat. Super was quieter then normal. Then Steven said, "I knew Sarah had an affect on him but I guess that she has also affected all of you boys. I now know that she is safe here and that she likes it here."

Everyone was looking at Buck, then Kid said, "I have never seen him like this. I think he is in love with her." Everyone agreed. As Rachel continued to watch Buck, she saw that he hadn't even touched his food.

As everyone put up their plates, Rachel went over to Buck and said, "I wish you would eat something. It will do you or her no good if you don’t eat."

Looking up Buck said. "I know but I can't stand to see her hurt. I think I love her."

Everyone went about doing their chores. After Rachel finished with the dishes, she went back over to Buck and said, "Why don't you come out onto the porch for awhile with me. She'll be okay by herself. We'll just be on the porch." She reached her hand out for him to take. He looked at Sarah, then back to Rachel and then back to Sarah. Nodding yes, he stood and grabbed a blanket off of his bunk and covered her with it. Then he walked out onto the porch with Rachel.

They were sitting on the porch watching the sun set when Rachel said, "I know you love her, and I think she loves you. I hope neither of you get hurt. I want what is the best for both of you. I think that might mean the two of you being together. You do need to take it slow though. I love you both."

Smiling back at her, Buck said, "Thank you, I want what is best for her, too. I would love for her to stay here with me, but I don't know if her father would let her." About an hour had passed and Buck had been in and out checking on her. He was on his way out of the bunkhouse from checking on her once again when he ran into Ike. They nodded to each other as they passed by. Just as he sat down he heard Sarah scream. As he came through the door, he stopped dead in his tracks and burst out laughing. When Sarah heard laughing, she looked up horrified at him then back to Ike and then back to Buck and said, "If you're through laughing at me, I could use your help."

Trying to quit laughing he walked over to her. He sat down beside her and folded his arms around her and said, "Sarah this is Ike. Ike this is Sarah. Rachel’s niece." Turning to Ike, he said, "Are you okay? I should have told you that she was asleep in here. I didn't think she would wake up tonight. I'm sorry."

Ike smiled at the pretty girl who laid in Bucks arms trusting him with her life. Then he signed, "It's okay. I didn't mean to scare you miss." As Buck translated for her, Sarah looked at Ike and then to Buck. She was still shaking so Buck tightened his hold on her till she stop shaking.

With her head on his chest Sarah said, "Can he hear? Why can't he speak?"

Smiling Buck said, "Yes he can hear but not speak. He lost his voice when he was little do to a bot of scarlet fever. Remember I told you about him earlier today."

Shaking her head no, she said, "I don't remember. I must have forgot it. When I woke up and saw him looking at me I just couldn't think I guess." Looking at Ike she said, "I'm sorry I screamed. You just startled me is all. The last thing I remember is a sharp pain and then everything went black."

Ike sat down in the chair next to Buck and signed, "That’s okay. So how did you manage to get this one around your finger?" Smiling Buck translated for her.

Before she could answer Buck said, "Are you hungry? I think Rachel left some stew for the both of you." Sarah sat up and said, "As long as you stay here with me."

And Ike signed, "Not right now. All I want is to get some sleep. It was nice meeting you Miss Sarah."

Smiling Sarah said, "It was nice meeting you, too, Ike."

As Buck got up to get her some stew he said, "I will stay as long as you eat and talk to me, and tell me more about yourself." As he walked back over to her, he handed her the plate. He sat in the chair Ike had been sitting in. He looked over to Ike and saw that he was fast asleep. "So tell me how your mother died."

Swallowing a bit then she said, "Well one day she got very sick and one month later she died in my father’s arms. My brother and I weren't allowed near her to much for fear that we would catch what ever it was she had. My father never told us what she had. Being so young it was hard to say good-bye. That’s when Aunt Rachel came out to see us and my father was so glad. He had no idea what to do with me. So Rachel took charge of getting me into finishing school and making sure that I had everything that a young girl needed. I also had my neighbor Mrs. Johnson to help me out. So tell me about your family?"

Smiling he said, "There’s not much to tell. I have an older brother, Red Bear. He is the War Chief of my village, He was the only one besides my mother who treated me good. It didn't matter to him that I am half white. To him I was his younger brother and still am. I have proven myself as a true Kiowa but there are still some there that don't like me."

Reaching her hand out to him Sarah said, "Well to me you are who you are. It doesn’t matter if you are Indian or white. You are a sweet and caring man and that is hard to find now a days."

Just as she finished the last bit of stew and handed Buck the empty plate the others started to come in. Sarah smiled at all of them. As Jimmy sat down, he said, "Well I see Buck managed to get out of doing any chores around here."

Turning to him, Buck said, "I don't mind sitting here with a pretty lady. That for once didn't even give Cody a second look." Cody just gave a smirk and laid down to tired to say anything back.

Just then Rachel came in and said, "It’s late and tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Sarah I think you need to get over to the house, so Buck can get some sleep, too."

Looking up at her, Sarah said, "Yes ma'ma I just need some help getting there."

Buck took the plate she handed him and placed it in the sink. Then he walked back to Sarah and picked her up and headed for the door. He walked across the yard and up the stairs but before he opened on the door he said, "I hope you would allow me to show you around town the next time we go for supplies."

Leaning her head on his shoulder she said, "I would love that." Then as Sarah reached for the doorknob her father opened it.

As he stepped out he said, "I'll take her. You can come for her in the morning."

Sarah looked at her father then back to Buck and said, "Lets not fight with him tonight. We can deal with him tomorrow. Then she kissed him on the cheek and said, "I love you."

Buck returned the kiss on the cheek and whispered, "I love you too my sweet Sarah." And with their good-nights said he handed her over to her father and headed for the bunkhouse. Sarah watched him turn, walk away and disappear into the bunkhouse.

Steven took his daughter inside and up the stairs. As he sat her on her bed, he said, "So what is it that you see in him? He is only a half-breed."

Looking at him she said, "Well, for one thing he doesn’t make any judgements on me and listens to me. I feel safe and happy when I am with him. Besides to me he is just a young man who has had a hard life because what some ugly man did to his mother. His own tribe doesn’t even trust him. But I see that everyone here including me trust him with our lives. I won’t have you saying anything bad about him. He hasn’t been nothin’ but sweet to me." With that said her father walked out of the room, just as Rachel was coming in to help her get ready for bed. As Rachel sat down to help Sarah undo her dress Sarah said, "I don't know what’s wrong with poppa. He can't seem to trust Buck. I think I have fallen in love with him. I told Buck how I felt before he handed me over to poppa, and he told me the same thing."

Reaching to pull the dress over Sarah’s head, Rachel just smiled. After getting the dress off and helping her out of her corset, Rachel then helped Sarah into her nightdress. Rachel sat down and started to brush out Sarah’s hair and said, "That’s what I thought might have happened between the two of you. I could see that he looks at you with love in his eyes. As far as your father is concerned he'll come around once he sees how happy you are with him. He is just afraid of loosing you. I think the two of you are right for each other. From what I see you don't mind that he is half Indian."

Turning to Rachel she said, "NO I don't care what he is. He is just sweet and caring and listens to me and cares about how I feel. It is so nice to have another women to talk to. I really miss it. What am I going to do about Kevin? I don't want to marry him but I don't want to hurt poppa either."

Giving her a huge hug and smiling Rachel said, "Oh sweetie once your father sees that you are in love with Buck he might change his mind. After all your happiness should be the most important thing to him. I am so happy for you. I saw the connection between the two of you from the beginning."

Hugging her back Sarah said, "Thank you, Can you help me over to the window? We always wave good-night to each other before we go to sleep"

Rachel said, "Are you sure he'll be there. He might already be asleep in the bunkhouse."

Shaking her head Sarah said, "I know he'll be there. Like you said there is a connection between us. I know what he’s thinking with out him saying anything to me. You’ll see." Rachel stood and helped Sarah get to her feet and hop over to the window. Sure enough there stood Buck on the porch looking up at the window. When Sarah saw him she smiled and waved and signed something. When Buck saw her he waved and smiled and signed something too. After Sarah saw him wave she turned to Rachel and said, "See I told you he would be there. It’s like we can talk to each other without speaking or being near each other."

Shaking her head yes, Rachel said, "Well, well I guess you have found the man that loves you for you. " As she helped her to bed, she continues, "Well, then you better get some sleep. Because if what is happening is true he wont be able to stay away from you for long. He will be here bright and early to get you for breakfast." With that Rachel blew out the candle and said, "Good-night, See you in the morning." And she left the room closing the door behind her.

Buck was standing on the porch, he watched the light go out. He turned to go inside to get some sleep and Ike was standing there in the doorway. Seeing the look on his face Buck said, "What’s that look for?"

Ike smiled and signed, "I think you are in love with that girl."

Smiling and looking down at the ground, Buck said, "You’re right. It’s funny I watched Lou and Kid and wondered if I would ever find a love like that. Now it seems like I might have found it. It’s as if I know what she’s thinking without her saying a word. I even worry about her when I'm not with her. So yes, you could say I'm in love."

Shaking his head Ike said, "I thought so. I think she’s in love with you. I see her look at you the way Lou looks at Kid. Just be careful so the two of you don't get hurt."

Smiling Buck said, "You think so. Tonight before I handed her over to her father she told me that she loves me, and I told her the same thing. I know that I love to hold her in my arms and be with her. Come on lets get some sleep."

Chapter 4

As the sun broke the horizon, Sarah woke as the light came through her window. Laying there smiling, she knew that she might have found the love she had been looking for. Buck rose and dressed quietly so as not to wake the other riders, so he could see the sun rise. As he walked to the door, he looked around at his fellow riders who were still asleep. As he closed the door behind him, he looked up at Sarah‘s window, as he thought I am falling in love with her. But what would she want from me. I have nothing to give her not even a home. All I can give her is a hard life. But Lou loves Kid and he has nothing either. So I guess my love will have to do.

Just then Buck heard the door of the bunkhouse shut. Turning to find Lou standing there watching him, he looked down blushing and she said, "Your a fool if you don't tell her.

Looking up at her he said, "Tell her what?"

Shaking her head she said, "Tell her that you love her. You can't fool me. You looked at me like that once. It is written all over your face when you think about her or when you‘re with her. You men are all the same. You and Kid are the worse about saying how you feel. Go talk to her father and tell him how you feel about her and ask to court her. She is right for you. She doesn‘t care what you are just who you are." Lou handed him a cup of hot tea as she remembered how she had become atone to Buck while they were stranded together on a run.

Taking the cup from here and after taking a sip he said, "I did tell her last night how I feel about her. Just before I handed her to her father. Don't look at me that way Lou. I know that I have to talk to him. But I don't think he likes me. Maybe you can answer a question for me." She Nodded her head yes, while taking a sip of her coffee. Then Buck said, "I have fallen in love with her, but what do I have to offer her. Nothin‘ but a hard life. She deserves better then a half-breed. I will never be able to give her the kind of life she‘s use to having."

Walking over to where he was standing, Lou placed a hand on his arm and said, "Don't you think you should give her the chance to decided that? I think if she had wanted money, she would have stayed in New York and married that other guy. And as for you not having anything, You have more love to give the right girl that anyone could ever want. Besides I love Kid and he doesn‘t have anything either. If she loves you then it won‘t matter to her. I don't like it when you put yourself down. You are the most kind, caring and gentle man I know. Now go over there and talk to her father. For once stop thinking with your head and use your heart. If I am right there is a girl over there that is in love with you. Now go." She took his cup and gave him a push toward the house.

Smiling back over his shoulder at Lou, he walked toward the house. He mounted the stairs and then turned back to Lou. She waved her hand for him to go knock on the door. Sighing he turned around and knocked on the door. When Sarah‘s father opened it and saw Buck standing there. He said, "Sorry son, Sarah‘s not ready yet. You'll have to come back in about an hour."

As he was shutting the door, Buck said, "Aw! Well, sir I came to talk to you. Before I take Sarah over for breakfast, I wanted you to know I have developed strong feelings for her. I came to ask your permission to court her. I know that you don't like me. But I love your daughter and she loves me. When I am with her I feel as if the missing part of my life has fallen into place. Now I know I can't give her the kind of life you have provided for her, but you would know that if love was money she would be the richest women in the world."

Looking at the young man standing in front of him, Steven said, "I know how you feel about my daughter. I also know how she feels about you. But I have a few questions to ask you. Lets go sit on the swing." They walked over to the swing and sat down, the Steven continued, "I know that you could never give her the kind of life I have, but she has made it plain and clear that doesn‘t matter to her. First off, I want to know if you would ever force her to go live with the Indians? And second would you always be there for her and protect her?"

Thinking for a moment, then Buck said, "I could never force her to live anywhere she doesn‘t want to. I would always be there for her. I would protect her with my life. I would do my best to make her very happy and I would never hurt her in any way."

Nodding his head, yes, Steven said, "I have one more question for you. What are your exact intentions towards my daughter?"

Licking his lips, Buck replied, "I would court her for a while. Then if she accepts, I would want to marry her."

Nodding again, Steven said, "Okay you have my permission to court my daughter. As for not liking you. I like you. Your are a nice young man. If you ever have a daughter you will know how I feel about Sarah. Now go clean up for breakfast and I'll go hurry Sarah up." After saying his peace Steven went inside and Buck ran over to the bunkhouse.

Bursting through the door everyone looked up to see and hear Buck profusely saying, "Thank you Lou. Kid can you go get Sarah and bring her over for breakfast. I have a surprise for her."

Kid said, "Yeah sure. Why are you so happy?"

Buck just smiled and then looked at Lou again. Then he ran toward the barn while everyone was looking at each other to see if anyone would supply the answer to why Buck was so happy. Finally, Lou said, "You boys are so dumb. He's in love. He was over talking to her father. The talk must have went well."

Smiling Kid said, "You mean for once, I‘m not the only love sick fool around here." Kid gave Lou a nudge with his elbow. And they all laughed.

Jimmy followed Buck out to the barn. As he reached the barn, he could see Buck was brushing the new brown mare they had just broke a few days ago. Jimmy walked over to the stall and leaned on the stall door. He watched Buck brush the horse for a few minutes then he said, "So Lou says you talked to Sarah‘s father. I take it that she is your girl now. And what are you going to do with that mare brush his hide right off?"

Looking up at him, Buck smiled, "I hope that she will be me girl. Yes, I did ask her father if I could court her, and he said I could if it was okay with her. As for this horse, I‘m planing to give it to her. I could use your help to surprise her."

Shrugging his shoulders Jimmy said, "Sure I'll help you. Does Teaspoon know about you giving this horse to her?"

Almost laughing Buck said, "Yes, he does. Actually it was his idea. He says that if she does stay she will need a horse and this one is fast but gentle. I agreed with him. If she is willing to be my girl. I want her on a good horse and not some wild thing like you ride."

Laughing Jimmy said, "You have a point. My horse is kind of wild." As they left the stall, Buck patted the horse on the rump. After shutting the stall door, Buck grabbed up the crutches.

Buck said, "Jimmy do you think that you could carry her out here after breakfast? I want to give her these crutches but I don't want her to use them till after she sees the horse."

Looking shocked, Jimmy said, "You mean that I can carry her out here for you? I would love to do that for you."

Smiling Buck slapped Jimmy on the back as they headed over to the bunkhouse and they passed Kid who was on his way over to get Sarah. Kid walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. He heard someone call out, "Come in." He opened the door and walked in and to his surprise Sarah was sitting at the table.

She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and she said, "Good Morning Kid. Where‘s Buck? Father said he was here to take me over to breakfast."

Closing the door, Kid sat down at the table and said, "Sarah, he was here. He talked to your father this morning. He sent me for you because he has a surprise for you."

Shrugging her shoulders, she said, "Okay. Well then, we better get over there before they all go crazy, huh."

Just then Rachel came into the kitchen and said, "Good morning, Kid. Ready for breakfast?"

Looking up at her, he said, "Good morning. Yes, I‘m as hungry as a bear." Kid walked over to Sarah and picked her up. Cradled against his chest, Kid whispered in her ear. "You have Buck in a weird frame of mind. He is all smiles and is acting funny. It‘s not at all like him. I think he is in love with you."

As Kid carried her to the door, Sarah slapped his arm. "If Lou wasn't in love with you, I would get you for that. I also know that any girl back home would love to be with a young man as nice as you."

Smiling Kid said, "Well, I guess I‘m safe then. You know if you chose to stay here, you will end up as part of this family we have here. That means you will have one guy who loves you and five big brothers and one big sister to protect you."

Smiling at him, Sarah said, "I know and I bet you and Buck will be the worst ones of all."

Smiling and tickling her a little, he said, "You bet. And if he hurts you, he will have me to deal with. Besides you remind me of my younger sister before she died. I felt so helpless when that happened. I will not let it happen to you or anyone again."

Leaning her head on his shoulder, she said, "I can take care of myself, but if it makes you feel better to be protective of me I can live with that. Besides I‘ve never had an older sibling to do that. I‘ve always wanted one to be protective of me. But I will also be protective of all of you, too."

As they walked across the yard to the bunkhouse, Lou met them on the porch and said, "Sarah, please close your eyes." Sarah looked a little confused but she knew she would be okay with them. As Sarah closed her eyes, she heard voices shushing each other. As Kid carried her inside and sat her down at the table, she grabbed his arm, but just as she did, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"It‘s okay. I‘m right here. Please let go of my arm. All you have to do is call for me, and I'll be right beside you." Kid said in a gentle tone as he often did to soothe Katy.

Then she felt a hand slip into her other hand and someone said, "Hey there beautiful. I won‘t let anything hurt you and with Kid standing here, I know he will come after me if I do." Sarah smiled because she knew the hand and voice belonged to Buck. Then he said, "Okay, open your eyes."

Opening her eyes, she looked around to see everyone there. Then she noticed some crutches on the table in front of her. Looking back at Buck, she said, "Thank you. You all know how to make a girl feel welcome around here."

Then Buck said, "I hope these help you get around. It‘s not that we don't mind carrying you. I thought you would like to get around under your own power."

Smiling at everyone, she said, "Thanks all of you. Why don't you help me try them out?" Buck stood and Kid helped Sarah to her feet. Buck stood in front of her and handed her the crutches. As she started to take a step, she lost her balance and fell right into Buck‘s arms and they both fell to the floor laughing.

Everyone rushed over to help them up except for Lou. Jimmy and Kid helped Sarah sit back down at the table. Smiling as Buck got to his feet, Sarah said, "Well, it looks like I need more practice with these."

Sitting down next to her, Buck said, "There is more to your surprise but you can't have it till after breakfast.

Sarah said, "Well, I can't wait. So you talked with my father this morning? I do hope he was nice to you. He can be quite mean when it comes to me."

Taking her hands in his, Buck said, "Your father treated me just fine. What I asked him, he said that he knew it was coming. But he did give me permission to court you if you are okay with it."

Smiling Sarah said, "Well let me see. Either I go back to New York and be unhappy or stay here and be very happy. I think I would say it‘s okay. I have never been happier since my mother died. I‘m where I belong and that‘s here with you." Placing a hand on his check, she then reached up and placed a kiss on his check. He blushed and leaned into her hand and held onto her other hand. At that moment the others didn't even exist for them.

Just then the door opened and Rachel and Steven came in. Buck and Sarah didn't see them enter. Jimmy who was standing next to Buck gave him a kick under the table to get his attention. Buck shook his head and looked up and saw Rachel and Sarah‘s father come in. When he saw them he took Sarah‘s hand from his check and placed it in her lap.

Looking confused, Sarah said, "What‘s wrong? Did I say something wrong."

Buck looked tenderly into her eyes and said, "Your father just came in. I don't think he would like my hands on you. I know that I have permission to court you but I don‘t think I have permission to put my hands on you yet."

Smiling at him, Sarah rested her head against his forehead and said, "I don't care what he says. I like it when you hold me."

Just then Sarah saw her father and he said, "I hope that you are okay here with all these boys?"

Taking a hold of Bucks hand, Sarah said, "Yes father, I‘m perfectly safe with them. They all are prefect gentlemen with me. I am safer here then back in New York."

As Steven got to know the boys, he finally saw what his daughter saw in them. They were a family here and cared for each other as such. Rachel finished fixing breakfast. After finishing setting the table, Rachel sat down and there was silence as everyone gave thanks. As everyone had their heads down, Sarah squeezed Buck‘s hand. Looking out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him smile.

Breakfast was as noisy as ever. Once everyone was done, Sarah looked over at Cody who was shoveling the last of his pancakes into his mouth. Sarah started to giggle at him and said, "Where do you put it all? Do you ever stop eating?"

Smiling at her and licking his fingers, Cody replied, "Well, Miss Sarah I must have a hollow leg."

Everyone laughed. After the laughing had died done some, Buck said. "I have something to do in the barn." As he got up, he leaned over to Jimmy and said something. Then he grabbed up the crutches and left.

Looking confused, Sarah said, "What‘s with him?" Just then Jimmy grabbed her and picked her up. Startled, she screamed.

Knowing he scared her, Jimmy said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare ya. Buck asked me to carry you out to the barn."

Sarah saw Kid start to stand up, but before she could say anything Kid said, "Sarah are you okay?"

Smiling at his protectiveness, she said, "Yes, I'm fine. Jimmy just startled me. That‘s all."

Taking a step closer, Kid said, "Are you sure? Like I told you earlier. I will probably be the worst one of the bunch, except for Buck, about protecting you."

Reaching out her hand, Sarah said, "I promise. I'm fine. Now be a good big brother and open the door. I'll yell if I need you." She ruffled his hair as he walked by to open the door.

As Jimmy carried her outside, behind her Sarah heard Lou say, "I thought you were protective of me. I wonder if you don't want to court her yourself?"

Feeling hurt, Kid said, "Lou I‘m protective of you, too. I don't want to court her. I feel like a big brother to her. I love you."

Just as Jimmy reached the barn, Buck stepped out and said, "There is something I want to give you, but before I give you the big surprise. I have another one." He opened the door and Jimmy stepped in. Sarah saw a swing hanging from the hay loft. Jimmy carried her over to it and placed her on it.

Stepping back Jimmy said, "I think that is a prefect picture. The only thing missing is someone to push the swing."

Just them Buck stepped up behind her and said, "Not for long, Jimmy. I hope you like it, Sarah."

Looking up behind her, she said, "I love it. Would you give me a push?"

Leaning down, he said, "Sure I would love to." He pulled her back then pushed her forward while Sarah moved her legs to help. After about 10 minutes Buck grabbed the swing to stop it. Jimmy came over and picked Sarah up and followed Buck to the stall. As they reached the stall Buck placed his hands over her eyes. They walked into the stall.

Removing his hands, Buck said, "I hope you like this?" Sarah saw a beautiful brown horse.

Reaching out to hug Buck, she said, "I love her. She is the prettiest thing I‘ve ever seen." Then she placed a kiss on his check. Turning to Jimmy she continued. "You knew about this didn't you?"

Smiling he said, "Yes, I did. Buck asked me to help him surprise you. Do you like the horse?"

Sarah smiled and said, "Oh yes, I love her. Please take me closer to her."

Taking her closer, Jimmy placed her on the horse and said, "That‘s where you belong. I never saw a better rider for that horse."

Sarah leaned down and rubbed the horses neck saying, "Oh, she‘s so sweet. Does she have a name?"

Walking over to her, Buck placed his hand on Sarah‘s leg saying, "She doesn‘t have a name yet. what would you like to name her? She‘s yours."

Looking into his eyes, Sarah said, "Well, I think I will call her Lucky. Yes Lucky it is. Because I am lucky to have a guy who cares about me and I feel real lucky to call her mine."

Smiling up at her Buck said, "I think Lucky is a great name for her. You sure do have a way with animals and men. I have noticed that everyone here is wrapped around your finger except Lou that is."

Smiling at him, then she covered his hand with hers and said, "I better not have an effect on Lou. I know that she‘s a girl. But don't worry I won‘t tell anyone. The only one I want to have wrapped around my finger is you."

Reaching up for her he said, " Well, you have me wrapped around your finger alright." As he helped her down off the horse Jimmy finely made a sound.

Jimmy said, "Well, I guess my work here is done. I better leave you two alone." Then he turned and left the barn.

Buck stood there holding Sarah but then she said, "Please put me down. I would love for you to hold me like this, but if my father walks in we might be in trouble."

Still holding her around the waist while she got her balance on her good foot, he said, "I wouldn't mind getting into trouble holding you. At least I know you are safe in my arms. Here lets try these again. I'll be right beside you. I have a run in a little while but I would like for you to keep me company while I get ready for it."

Smiling back at him, Sarah said, "I would also love to stay in your arms but not while my father is here. I would love to keep you company while you get ready."

They walked toward the bunkhouse in silence for awhile. Then Sarah said, "How long will you be gone?"

They continued to walk, then Buck said, "I will be gone for two days. But that‘s not what‘s worrying me. Its leaving you here. I know you will be safe. The other riders will watch out for you, but I still worry."

As they reached the stairs and Buck helped her sit down, Buck said, "There is something I want to give you to keep with you while I am away." He handed her a metal bracelet. There was some writing on it.

Sarah took it from him and looked it over. Then she said, "It‘s beautiful. What does it say? "

Chapter 5

Taking her hands in his, he replied, "It says. Be true to your soul. I have always believed that it was meant to lead me to my destiny and soul mate. I have thought about it ever since we met. I believe you are my soul mate. I would like you to hold it till I return."

Holding the bracelet close to her heart, she said, "I will keep it close to my heart. I am flattered that you think I might be your soul mate. I know what you are saying though. I have felt some kind of connection, too. I have something I would like for you to take with you. To bring you back safely. It belonged to my mother and she used to give it to my father when he would travel, and he always came home safe. Just before she died she gave it to me, and told me to give it to the man I love when he has to leave me, so it will bring him back to me safe as it did my father for her.

She handed him a gold heart locket on a chain. As he took it, Buck said, "I will keep it with me till I return and see you again. Growing up I was told that I would never find love because they all believed that I was bad because I am half white, but right now I know they were wrong. Do you know that you are the first person outside of everyone here that has looked passed my skin color to see the real me?" He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. Sarah put her arms around Buck’s waist and rested her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a few minutes in silence, just content to be with each other. Then he stood and helped her to her feet.

They walked into the bunkhouse. Buck helped her sit down at the table. Then he went over to his bunk and started to pack his saddlebags. Sarah got up and went over to where Rachel kept the jerky for the riders. She grabbed some and hobbled over to where he stood with his back to her. Without saying anything she reached over his shoulder and handed him the jerky. He reached up to take it and said, "Thank you."

Still holding her hand Buck turned around and slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close and said, "I hope I can get a kiss to send me on my way. And to bring me home safe." Leaning down he gently kissed her, and he finished packing just as Steven walked in.

"Sarah I have something I want you to see." Her father said, but Sarah held Buck’s hand for a while before letting go and joining her father at the table. She saw that there was something spread out over the table.

Sitting down she said, "Father what is this? I don't remember ever seeing this before."

Steven said, "I got it when I was in the Army. I was stationed out west here. I met a very pretty Indian women. It belonged to her." Buck walked over to stand behind Sarah and put his hands on her shoulders. She turned, smiled, and patted his hands. Looking over her shoulders, Buck could see what they were talking about.

Meanwhile out in the barn, Jimmy had saddled Buck’s horse for him and had him tied to the corral post for Buck’s arrival.

Back in the bunkhouse, Buck recognized the piece of hide that Sarah and her father were looking at. Looking up at him, Sarah said, "Can you read what it says?"

Sitting down next to her, he took a hold of her hand for he didn’t know what to say. Thinking for a minute, he finally said, "Yes, I can read it. It’s written in Kiowa. This represents the war chief, my mother’s husband. And this here is my mother before me. How did you get this? I was told that it was stolen by the man who is my father. My brother Red Bear told me that it has been passed down in my mother’s family for generations from mother to daughter on her wedding day. That would mean that you are the man who is my father. I don't believe this."

Turning to Sarah, he said, "You lied to me." Getting up, he walked over to his bunk.

Sarah went over and grabbed his arm, but he just pulled away from her. "I know my father was in the army, but I didn't know about that hide. I swear Buck! I would never lie to you about it." Fighting the tears she reached for his arm again, but he just turned and walked away.

Sarah followed him out of the bunkhouse. The whole time saying, "I promise you. I didn't know. Please say something to me." As Buck mounted, she walked over to him and grabbed his leg saying, "Please believe me. I didn't know. Why would I lie to you. Please say something."

Looking down at her, he finally said, "I don't know what to say. I thought there might be something between us, but now I know there can never be because you’re my sister. Now go away. I don't like liars." With that he turned and rode away. He left her standing there crying in the middle of the yard.

Once Buck was out of sight, her father came out to see if she was okay. As he approached her, he said, "Sarah, honey are you okay? I had no idea that the lady who gave it to me was his mother. But I promise you on your sweet mother’s soul, I didn't rape her. It had to be someone else. I thought he loved you. He sure has a funny way of showing it."

Turning to him full of anger and hurt, she said, "How dare you. I’m not okay. I finally found someone that loves me for me and you blow it. He probably will never talk to me again. As far as you not knowing, I didn't see you trying to explain how you got that thing. You just let him walk out of my life and break my heart. Just leave me alone. Oh, one more thing. Here, I will never marry Kevin. You can give him back this ring." Taking the ring out of her pocket, she pulled out the engagement ring and through it at him. Then she turned and went into the house to her room. Throwing herself on the bed, she cried.

As he rode Buck got to thinking of Sarah and how she looked when he turned on her and the hurt in her eyes. The last thing he saw was her standing in the middle of the station yard crying. Reaching up he touched the locket around his neck. Then he said to himself, “I could never live with myself if I don't give her a chance to explain. Could it be true that she didn't know about it until today!”

Back at the station Rachel knocked on Sarah’s door saying, "Sarah, honey are you okay? I’m sure Buck will let you explain when he gets back. This is a touchy subject for him. Please let me in?" Sarah opened the door for Rachel and as she walked in Rachel said, "Oh honey, I heard what he said to you. He’s hurting just as much as you are. I know he still loves you. Do you want me to bring you any super?"

Looking up from her tear soaked pillow, Sarah said, "No! I don't want any super. I just want Buck. I don't know about him talking to me ever again. He thinks I lied to him. He wouldn't even listen to me. I just want to be alone the rest of the day."

Smiling Rachel gave her a hug and stood to leave, but before she left she said, "If you need anything just call and I'll be here. Okay?" As she left Sarah nodded yes.

After Rachel left Sarah sat down in the rocker next to the window. Watching the sunset, she said to herself, “I hope he is safe. I wonder what he is thinking. What happened we were so happy just before he left?" While Sarah was sitting there, Buck bedded down for the night.

After making sure his horse was settled, he sat down to eat. When he pulled the jerky out of his saddlebags he remembered her handing it to him and how he had wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. Still imagining her lips against his, he reached up and touched the locket again. He knew that he still loved her. He should at least give her a chance to explain. Sitting there staring into the fire, he wondered if she would forgive him and let him make it up to her.

While sitting and staring out the window, Sarah held the bracelet Buck had gave her. She suddenly stood and hopped over to the dresser and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. She went back to where she was sitting. As she sat down she began a letter.

Dear Kevin, I am writing this to inform you that I will not marry you. I have found happiness out here. I want no more contact with you. Love Sarah Jones.

Putting the pencil down, she folded the letter and placed it into the envelope, she then sealed and addressed it. It fell to the floor as tears started again. She sat there holding the bracelet for the longest time. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to turn in for the night. She changed and climbed into bed. She was just about to blow out the candle when there was a knock on her door.

Sitting up Sarah said, "Yes who is it?"

The voice on the other side said, "Its me, Kid. Can I talk to you a minute?" Thinking abut it for a minute she replied, "Sure, come in." As Kid opened the door she pushed Buck’s bracelet under her pillow.

Walking in Kid said, "Hi we missed you at super. Are you okay? I know he was harsh with you. I can't believe he didn't listen to you. I am half tempted to beat the tar out of him for hurting you."

As he sat down on the edge of the bed, Sarah took his hands and said, "Please don't. I guess it’s as much my fault as his. I didn't lie to him. I had no idea that my father had that. The only thing I do know is that my father would never rape a woman. I know my father isn't always truthful but when he says he didn't do it, I believe him. There was to much love between my mother and him for him to do that. I am afraid that Buck won’t talk to me again. I love him and I love being with him. OH, what am I going to do?"

Hugging her Kid said, "Come on smile. He'll be home tomorrow before super. The others and I have decided that he will sit and listen to you even if we have to tie him to a chair. So don't worry just get a good nights sleep. I will be over here early to help you over for breakfast."

Standing to leave Sarah grabbed his hand and said, "I heard Lou get mad at you earlier. I don't want to come between you two."

Smiling down at her he said, "Don't worry about Lou. She'll come around. She is just feeling like I do when she is with Jimmy. It will pass. I promise. Now please get some sleep."

Smiling back up at him I said, " Thank you for caring. Good night." He nodded as he walked out the door closing it behind him. Leaning over she blew out the candle, laid down and pulled the bracelet out from under her pillow. She felt the tears start again and didn’t even try to stop them as they flowed down her checks. She cried herself to sleep.

Meanwhile Buck sat there aimlessly poking the fire thinking of everything that had happened today. Feeling the locket around his neck, he wondered if he even deserved her love after today. All he knew is that he must try to get her to forgive him. Realizing that at this moment he’s as lonely as he has ever been. He knew that Sarah belonged in his arms safe and loved. And his arms belonged around her. He sighed and laid down to sleep. Dreams of Sarah went through his head.

After a fretful night Buck was up and ready to leave at sun up. Knowing that he needed to get back and make peace with Sarah, he was on his way home as the first rays of sunlight broke the horizon. Sarah woke as the sun came through her window. She rose and went to the window in hopes to see Buck standing there. But to her disappointment he wasn't. Shrugging she turned and got dressed. She managed the stairs by herself . Taking her crutches from beside the door she went out onto the porch to wait for Kid to help her over to the bunkhouse.

While sitting on the swing Jimmy came over. As he reached the top of the stairs he said, "Miss Sarah, I know it’s not the right time but would you like to accompany me into town today. We can have a picnic lunch and get the supplies Rachel needs, too."

Smiling she said, "Why Jimmy, I would love to. Anything beats sitting here waiting to talk things out with Buck. It’s a beautiful day. Isn’t it."

Smiling back he said, "Good we can go after breakfast. I better go before Kid gets here. He has become a big brother to you." Just as he finished talking he saw Kid head over. He jumped the rail and left.

Reaching her Kid said, "Well, I see you are all smiles this morning. I noticed Jimmy leaving. Is he bothering you? I do hope one of those smiles are for me."

Reaching for her crutches, he helped her to her feet and she said, "Yes it is. After you left last night I had time to think. I know things don't always look like they should. Anyway Jimmy just asked me to accompany him to town for supplies and a picnic. I know Buck will be back today but it does me no good to sit and mope till he gets here. So I am going to enjoy this beautiful day."

Smiling he helped her down the stairs and said, "If there is one thing I know it is that you and Buck belong together. Just like Lou and I belong together."

They walked over to the bunkhouse. Everyone was seated ready to eat.

When Sarah saw her father sitting there she looked away from him. Breakfast was very quite. Every time her father tried to speak to her she would talk to someone else. After breakfast was over Sarah walked out without saying anything to her father.

She sat down to wait for Jimmy to bring the wagon around. Cody walked out. He saw Sarah sitting there and said, "Sarah can I sit with you a minute." After sitting down next to her. He said, "Sarah I don't mean to pry, but you were very rude to your father at breakfast."

Looking at him, she said, "Cody, please don't start to lecture me. You weren't here when this all happened. I have no reason to talk to him. Because of him Buck may never talk to me again. He has hurt me more then any one could have ever hurt me."

Looking down, Cody said, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. I don't want to lecture you. Buck will turn around and listen to you. He loves you. Even I can see that."

Chapter 6

Just as they sat there talking, Jimmy brought the wagon around. Stopping in front of Sarah, Jimmy grabbed her cruchets and placed them in the back of the wagon. He walked back over to her and said, "If you’re ready, we can get started toward town."

Cody stood and helped Sarah to her feet and she said, "Yes I’m ready. I need to get away from my father. Every time I see him, I get mad and that isn’t going to help me straighten any of this out." Then Jimmy picked her up and walked over to the wagon. Then he placed her on the seat, and then he went around and climbed up on the other side and sat down.

Cody walked over to the side of the wagon. He looked up at Sarah and said, "I don't know if you know, but all of us here are orphans. I just want you to remember that you still have your father and he does love you."

Looking down at him, Sarah said, "I will remember that, but that doesn’t give my father the right to destroy my happiness. But thank you for your concern. I know you are only trying to help me." Cody nodded yes and backed up so Jimmy could head the wagon into town. Sarah turned and waved to Cody and he waved back as they headed to town.

As they proceeded to town Jimmy said, "Sarah, I know it hurts right now but why did Buck leave like that yesterday? I don't want to hurt you by asking, but I would like to help if I can."

Turning to him Sarah said, "The only way you could help is if you get Buck to understand that I would never lie to him. If I had known about the hide, I would have told him about it. Oh, Jimmy what am I going to do? It hurts to think that he doesn’t trust me anymore."

Stopping the wagon, Jimmy turned to her and said, "Oh Sarah I know it’s not what you want to hear, but is it possibly that your father did do that?"

Looking at him, Sarah said, "Well, Jimmy I know you don't know my father. There is no way he could do something like that. It is the same as someone accusing you of doing that. I know you couldn't do it. So believe me when I say that my father could not have done it. He didn't do it."

Staring at him, Jimmy saw the tears in her eyes so he gave her a hug and said, "I’m sorry. I should have known better then to think that. If your father had done that, he would have never giving Buck permission to court you. Please forgive me."

Smiling at him, she said, "Okay. I forgive you." Then she gave him a kiss on the check. Jimmy started the wagon moving again. As they pulled up outside Tompkins store, Jimmy got down from the wagon and went over and helped Sarah down.

Sarah took a hold of the side of the wagon while Jimmy reached in the back and grabbed her crutches. As he handed them to her, he said, "I have to get some stuff from Tompkins here."

As they walked into the store, Tompkins came out of the storeroom. Looking up he said, "Well, who is this lovely lady with you Mr. Hickok?" As he kissed her hand, Sarah down cast her eyes and smiled shyly.

Then Jimmy said, "Well Tompkins, this is Rachel’s niece, Sarah. I need to run across the street to the livery and see about some grain Teaspoon ordered. Is it okay if she stays here while I do that?" Looking at him in shock because he was leaving her with a stranger, Jimmy could see that she was a little scared, so he walked over to her and said, "It’s okay. Tompkins is a nice man. Besides if he tries anything, I know of three people who will have a fit and one lady who will kill him if he hurts you." Leaning closer Jimmy whispered in her ear, "Why don't you buy something for Buck. I just know that you two will make up. I will be back before you know it." Nervously Sarah nodded yes. Jimmy left the store and headed across the street.

Sarah was looking around the store when she spotted a book of poems. walking over to where it sat on the shelf, she knocked over a barrel of apples. Looking up at Tompkins she said, "I’m so sorry for that. I am still not very good with these yet. I have only been using them for two days now. Here I will help you pick them up."

Kneeling down Sarah started to pick up the apples when Tompkins said, "OH, don't worry about it those boys from the Pony Express are always doing that and I don't mind picking up something a pretty lady like you knocked over. Besides if you are staying at the station you must be able to handle yourself."

Smiling Sarah said, "Well believe it or not all the boys at the station are perfect gentlemen with me, even Jimmy. But I can handle myself pretty good. Thank you." She stood up and continued to walk over to where the book was. Reaching out she took the book of the self, and after reading the cover she saw that it was the same book her mother use to read to her when she was little. Deciding that she would buy the book she walked over to where she saw some jewelry. Sarah said, "Mr. Tompkins can I see a couple of pieces out of here?"

Smiling Tompkins said, "Sure! What do you want to see?"

Looking closer she said, "How about this brochet and this ring. Is it a man's ring?"

Pulling out the few pieces of jewelry that Sarah had asked to look at, he said, "This is a man’s ring. This is a very pretty brochet. Are you sure you have enough to pay for these?"

Smiling at him Sarah said, "Yes I do. My father is very wealthy. So don't worry. If you are that concerned I can order it through the catalog. Just because I am staying out at the Express station doesn’t mean I don't have money."

Jimmy had finished at the livery and headed over to the restaurant to get the picnic lunch for them. As he was coming out of the restaurant, he bumped into Cody. Looking surprised Jimmy said, "Cody what are you dong here?"

Smiling Cody said, "I’m here to let you know that Sarah’s father is very upset that Sarah won’t talk to him. Can you please talk to her? You know how it is not to have a father."

Looking at him Jimmy said, "I know. But I will not make her any madder then she already is. She has been hurt enough already. I brought her with me and am taking her on a picnic to help her feel better. She will talk to him when she is ready to. I hadn't seen her smile since Buck rode out yesterday and she is finally smiling and happy again. Well, as happy as she can be with her heart breaking. Now if you will excuse me I need to get back to the store and load the supplies. I don't want you to say anything to her about her father." Cody nodded yes and mounted back up and rode off toward the station.

Jimmy watched Cody ride off then he walked over to the store. As he entered he heard what Sarah said to Tompkins. Looking at Tompkins Jimmy said, "Is this how you treat people?" Turning to Sarah he said. "Are you ready for lunch?"

Smiling at him Sarah said, "Yes I am. Just let me pay for these things." She paid Tompkins and then they left the store. Jimmy helped her on to the seat of the wagon then headed back into the store. As he entered the store he picked up the box of supplies Tompkins had put together for him.

Tompkins said, "I'm sorry for the way I treated her. I guess I just didn't think. Please tell her I’m sorry."

Jimmy looked at him and said, "That young lady out there has had a rough couple of days. I think you better think before you speak next time. Thanks for putting this together. You know where to charge it. " Tompkins nodded yes.

Jimmy left and put the box in the back of the wagon and climbed into the seat and as they started down the street Sarah said, "Will you allow me to read to you? I found a book that my mother use to read to me."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Sure! I think I believe I can handle that. It’s not that much to do for having lunch with a pretty lady."

Placing a hand on his arm Sarah said, "Well I’m glad to see that at least you know how to treat a lady and show her a good time."

Turning and looking briefly at her Jimmy said, "You know that Buck really does like you. He can be a little hard headed at times. But I have never seen him act the way he does when he is with you. He is usually very quiet and laid back. But when you are around he is just as bad as Kid. So please don't be mad at him."

Shrugging her shoulders she said, "Lets not talk about him today. Let’s just enjoy this beautiful day." Nodding yes. They rode in silence for awhile. As they reached a small wooded area, Sarah thought she saw a small lake tucked in the middle of the trees. As she watched the trees get closer she could make out that there was a lake. Smiling with excitement she said, " Oh, Jimmy it is absolutely beautiful here. How did you find this place?"

Hiding his smile he said, "I’m glad you like it. I come here when I want to be alone. The only thing this place needed was a beautiful lady here to make it complete." They came out into a clearing and stopped beside the lake. Getting down Jimmy grabbed the blanket from the back of the wagon and laid it out on the ground. Next he reached up for Sarah and helped her down. Then he helped her over to the blanket. As Sarah settled down on the blanket Jimmy went back to the wagon and took the basket out of the back of it Walking Back he sat down beside her.

While they ate cold chicken and drank cider. Sarah said, "So Jimmy tell me about yourself. I don't want to believe all the stories I hear about the famous Wild Bill."

Swallowing he said, "Well those stories aren't true for one thing. I’m just a guy who is trying to make a living and some author saw someone call me out one day. So he thought he would make all that up."

Smiling and touching his arm Sarah said, "I know that. What I want to know is who you are and about your family."

Rolling his eyes he said, "Well I have three older sisters. My mother was a sweet lady but my father was abusive. I would try to stop him from hitting my sisters by getting into trouble. Finally, one day I was defending one of my sisters and I ended up killing him. That’s when I left home. I felt bad. Now my mother had no one to support her. I was only 13 at the time. So I have never returned home. But I do write to them sometimes. This is the first place I feel like I have a family who cares and loves each other. Now that’s enough about me. Tell me about yourself."

Smiling shyly Sarah said, "Well there's not much to tell. I’m the oldest of two children. I have a younger brother. I lost my mother when I was 10. But then the thing I find the hardest is that my father has forced me into an engagement with a man I don't love and can't stand. That’s why I ran here to my Aunt. I knew she could help me figure out what to do. I never thought that I would fall in love. But don't get me wrong, all you boys are sweet and I would gladly trust any of you with my life."

As he stretched out Jimmy said, "Well, I’m glad to hear that. I know that he loves you. And I for one will do anything to make sure both of you are happy. Now how about that book your were going to read to me."

They spent the rest of the day by the lake. Then Jimmy sat up and said, "Well, I guess we better be getting back. Rachel will have dinner ready before we get there. Besides she'll have my head if I keep you out after dark."

Looking down as she folded her hands together, Sarah said," Jimmy do you think Buck is back yet. I don't like the way things ended between us yesterday? I really don't want to see my father, but I don't have much of a choice do I?"

Kneeling down next to her Jimmy said, "I'm sure Buck is back and is looking for you to straighten this all out. As for your father I can't help you there. But I will be there if you need me and so will the other riders. Come on lets get back before they start looking for us." Placing one arm under her legs and the other around her back, Jimmy picked her up, carried her to the wagon, and placed her on the seat. He went and gathered up the blanket and the basket and put them in the back and then he climbed into the wagon and they headed for the station.

Chapter 7

Meanwhile Buck came ridding back into the station. As he rode in he had hoped to see Sarah around. But as he didn’t see her, he shrugged his shoulders and went to take care of his horse.

While he was rubbing down his horse Steven came in and said, "Buck I need to explain myself and tell you that Sarah had no idea I had that hide or about that woman. I mean your mother. But I never raped her. I met her while I was scouting one day in mid June. I thought she was very beautiful, but I would never be unfaithful to Sarah's mother, who was back in New York with Sarah, who was only two at the time."

Kevin paused for a moment to see if Buck was listening. Buck turned around saying, "So with your wife and child back east you decided to gratify yourself with someone else’s wife."

Turning red Steven said, "No, damit! I never raped your mother. I saw her only two times before I left the army. The second time she gave me the hide you saw, and she had a little boy with her that I guessed to be about 10. Although I have given it a lot of thought since yesterday, and I might have an idea who did rape her. I 'll tell you when I know for sure. But please straighten things out with Sarah. Her heart is breaking."

Leaning forward Steven saw that Sarah had given Buck her mother’s locket. Then he said, "Well, I see that she gave you her mother’s locket. I know how much she cares and loves you."

Reaching up Buck touched the locket around his neck and said, "Okay, saying I believe you. I want you to know that when I told you I would never hurt her I meant it. I love her very much. It’s as if she can speak to my soul without saying a word. I really want to straighten all of this out with her. Do you know where she is?"

Thinking a minute Steven said, "I think she went to town with . . . oh, what's his name? The one that wears two guns."

Looking angry Buck said, "You mean Jimmy. I now see why he was so sweet to her the other night. Thank you! I'll find them." As he walked out of the barn he heard the sound of a wagon coming closer. As he came closer to the corner of the bunkhouse he could hear voices. Just peeking around the corner he saw and heard Sarah laughing with Jimmy as the wagon came to a stop in front of the bunkhouse. Walking around the corner he saw Jimmy lift Sarah down. He watched as Jimmy sat her down on her feet and reached for her crutches. As he handed them to Sarah his hands lingered on her waist.

Feeling a red anger growing within him, Buck clinched his fist in an attempt to control his anger. In a fit of anger he stormed over to where they stood. As he reaches them he says, "So I see you couldn't wait to get her as your girl, the minute we have a fight." Without letting Jimmy explain Buck hit him. Jimmy fell to the ground. Scrambling to his feet Jimmy was ready to defend himself as Buck leaped at him.

As they were rolling around on the ground Sarah stood there yelling, "Please stop it. Buck, please, he did nothing wrong. Oh, please stop before you get to hurt."

Hearing her yelling the other riders came out of the bunkhouse. Kid and Cody came running to where Sarah stood with tears in her eyes. Seeing their friends fighting they each grabbed one of the combatants and pulled them apart. Just then Teaspoon came out of the barn and saw everything that was happening. By the time he got there, Kid and Cody had them apart.

Looking at Sarah, Buck and Jimmy, Teaspoon said, "What is going on here?" Looking directly at Buck and then giving Jimmy a piercing glare, he asked "Why is Sarah in tears again?"

Shaking lose of the hands that where holding them, both boys sat down on the porch. Then Jimmy said, "I don't know what came over him. All I was doing was helping Sarah out of the wagon."

Looking at him Buck said, "Is that the way you treat your friend’s girl by holding onto her waist longer then what’s appropriate."

"I was making sure that she was steady on her one good foot before I let go!" Jimmy said in his defense. Sarah just stood there listening. Then reaching into her pocket she pulled out her handkerchief and handed it to Jimmy. He smiled up at her and said, "Thank you."

Then Sarah hopped over to where Buck sat on the porch, and knelt down beside him. As she turned his face to look at her she saw the blood running down his face from a cut above his eye and from a split lip. Ripping her undergarment she said, "What made you do this? Jimmy was only trying to make me feel better. He even told me that you would let me explain. But I wasn't so sure because of the way you rode out of here yesterday. I thought you would never speak to me again." While she was trying to wipe the blood from his face, Buck took her hands and made her stop.

Buck said, "I’m so dumb. I should have believed you. I'm sorry! Please forgive me and give me another chance."

Smiling at him Sarah said, "Sure! I can do that. But I think you first better tell Jimmy your sorry for hitting him. Come on lets get you inside and cleaned up."

Getting to his feet Buck helped Sarah to hers, and then he wrapping his arm around her waist to help her walk without her crutces. They walked into the bunkhouse.

After Buck and Jimmy were seated at the table, Buck said, "Hey Jimmy I'm sorry. I guess where Sarah’s concerned I see red. You’re my friend. I should have known that you would never try to hurt me by taking her away from me. Friends still?"

Jimmy smiled, reached out and he shook Buck’s hand saying , "I’m still your friend. You’re right! I would never hurt you by trying to take her from you. You’re very lucky. She loves you so much." Smiling back Buck nodded to Jimmy that he understood.

Sarah joined Buck at the table and wiped the blood from his face with a wet cloth. He grabbed her around the waist, pulled her into his lap, and said, "Well, I guess I need to learn to trust you. And believe that you won’t lie to me."

Smiling and almost laughing Sarah said, "Yes, you should . I would never lie to you. Now let me clean up that cut." As Sarah sat there in Buck’s lap wiping the blood from his face, Steven walked in. Looking up he saw his daughter sitting in Buck’s lap laughing and smiling. He knew that he had to find out for sure who raped Buck’s mother for all of them. While standing there he knew that Sarah belonged here with Buck, not in New York where she was very unhappy.

Steven said, "Sarah, I will be leaving on the morning stage. Buck, I told you I would find out who did it and I will. All I ask is that you take very good care of my pretty Sarah for me."

Looking up from Sarah to her father Buck said, "Thank you. Don't worry I will guard her with my life."

Sarah got up from Buck’s lap and went over to her father and said, "Thank you. I knew you didn't do it." As she gave him a big huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

After Sarah released her father, Steven said, "Here Buck I think this belongs to you. I want you to have it. Seeing the two of you together just now I know that Sarah belongs here with you." So he handed Buck the hide. Then turning to Sarah he continued, "I haven't seen you this happy since before your mother died."

Smiling at him Sarah said, "Thank you father." As Buck took the hide from Steven he said, "Thank you, my brother Red Bear will love to have this back. There is no need for you to worry about Sarah. She will be safe here with me and the others." Buck slipped his arm around Sarah’s waist to support her without her crochets.

Steven and Buck shook hands and then Steven turned to Sarah and said, "Can I talk to you for a minute alone?"

Smiling back Sarah said, "Okay, but let me finish up here first. I will meet you on the porch swing in a few minutes." Nodding yes Steven turned and left. Taking Buck’s hand she led him back to the table. She made him sit again as she wiped the blood from his knuckles. Then she said, "I want to be with you but I will not come between you and your friends."

Taking the cloth from her hand Buck took a hold of her hands and said, "You won’t come between us. We’re all good friends. We’re as a family here. We all try to be happy for one another. Besides right now you are the only one who matters to me."

Rachel walked over behind them and said, "Hey you two clean off the table and set it for dinner, please. Dinner is almost ready." Standing up Sarah started to clean off the table, but Buck grabbed her hands and said, "Let me do that. Your father wanted to talk to you. Now please go and talk to him. I think Jimmy and I can handle this."

Jimmy stood and said, "Go on Sarah. Don't make him beg. I think I’m up to helping Rachel."

Buck slipped his arm around Sarah’s waist and helped her to the door. As he reached to open the door, Cody opened the door and walked in. Cody had Sarah’s crutches in his hands. He handed them to her and stepped to the side. Looking at Buck Cody nodded toward the porch where Sarah’s father was sitting there waiting for her.

Sarah turned and gave him a huge hug and then headed toward her father. As she reached the stairs, she turned back toward the bunkhouse and saw Buck watching her. He was making sure she made it up the steps okay. He smiled at her and she returned the smile. As she started up the steps, her father started to stand and help her but she shook her head no. So Steven just stood there as Sarah climbed the steps and leaned her crutches against the railing and sat down.

Taking his seat again, he said, "Sarah, I know now that you belong here. You do have the right to find your own happiness. Please forgive me. I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t have forced you into that engagement with Kevin. I was also wrong about Buck. I should have said something yesterday when Buck got mad at you. I guess I was hoping that you didn't really love him like you said you did. I thought that if he hurt you, you would come home with me and marry Kevin. But when you threw Kevin’s ring at me, I knew that you would never marry him, and that you truly loved Buck. I know that young man over there loves you very much. I want what is best for you. Will you please forgive me?"

Seeing the tears in his eyes Sarah knew that he meant what he had just said. Giving him a huge hug she said, "I knew you only wanted what was best for me. I do forgive you and you’re right I do love Buck very much. It’s like he can talk to my soul without being near me. I only wanted to find the kind of love you and mother had. Oh, here if you are returning to New York, would you please give this to him." Sarah handed her father a letter addressed to Kevin. "I can't stand to even say his name. Now lets go eat."

Steven stood and handed Sarah her crutches. They went across the yard to the bunkhouse and as they reached it Buck was there waiting to help Sarah inside and to help her to sit down. Buck sat down next to Sarah, and as Rachel put dinner on the table everyone else came in. Everyone was talking at once except for Sarah and Buck. They just sat there and ate. As they all finished, Buck stood and looked down at Sarah and said, "Would you like to take a walk with me ma'am?"

Chapter 8

Smiling Sarah said, "Yes! I would love to take a walk with you young man. I just need to get my shawl from the house."

Helping Sarah to her feet, he handed her the crutches.

As they started out the door Steven said, "Now you two don't be out to late. I want to see both of you before I leave in the morning. Have a good time."

They walked into the yard, as they got close to the house Buck said, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He ran up the stairs and opened the door. He ran in and grabbed her shawl off the hook right inside the door, and then he ran back to where Sarah stood in the yard. He placed her shawl around her shoulders.

Smiling at him, Sarah said, "Thank you. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea about me and Jimmy."

Offering her his arm for support, he took her crutches and leaned them on the railing, saying "I know you didn't. I guess it serves me right. Last night I did a lot of thinking about you and what you mean to me. I know that the way I treated you yesterday was wrong. Please don't be angry with me."

Slipping her arm around his waist as they walked into the prairie behind the house. Sarah said, "I was very mad and hurt. But I'm not now. I try not to stay mad at someone I care about for very long. Besides I’m very flattered that you think of me as your gal. I feel like you’re my guy."

Smiling Buck stopped and turned to face her and said, "I guess I’m going to be a little protective of you if you are willing to be my girl. The thing of it is I’ve seen the others date very pretty girls. But all the girls seem to be scared of me, because I’m a half-breed. You, Lou, Emma and Rachel are the only ones that have look passed my skin color and see the real me."

Circling her arms around his waist Sarah said, "I was never scared of you. I don't know how to explain it but it’s as if something drew me here. When I was thinking of running from home, I had no idea where I was going to go, but I heard a voice calling me and it lead me here to you. I do wish you wouldn't talk about yourself like that. You have a lot to offer a girl. I am willing to be your girl as long as you will have me around. The other girls lost a good man."

Giving her a hug he said, "Well I plan to hold onto to you for a very long time." Then he kissed her very passionately. They stood there looking at the stars. As the night wore on they were happy to sit together and watch the stars in each other’s arms. All of a sudden Sarah jumped at a noise she heard. Slowly turning around as he pushed Sarah behind him, Buck pulled out his gun. He wasn’t for sure what or who made the noise, but then Buck saw Cody standing there. He said, "Cody you should know better then to sneak up on someone like that."

As Buck put his gun away, Cody said, "I’m sorry I interrupted you two but Sarah your father sent me out here after you two. He says it’s late and you need to come back to the station now."

Placing a finger against Buck’s lips to silence him, Sarah said, "Okay, thanks Cody. Please tell my father that we’re on our way back now." After nodding yes Cody turned and walked back in the direction that he had come. Turning her attention to Buck Sarah said, "Now be quite he was only bringing us a message from my father. Now he will be gone tomorrow and we can spend more time alone after he leaves." She leaned into him and kissed him.

Smiling Buck said, "Well I guess I can deal with that. I just wanted more time alone with you is all."

Sarah smiled at him saying, "I know but remember my father is still here. When he is gone, I don't think the others will mind us spending a lot of time alone together. As long as you don't neglected your runs."

Pulling her close Buck said, "I know. It’s just that I have a hard time letting go of you at night. I guess I feel that if I let go that you will be gone in the morning and everything I feel is all a dream."

Standing Buck helped Sarah to her feet. He reached down and picked up her crutches and handed them to her. As they walked back to the station Buck said, "I know what I said a few minutes ago sounds dumb. But when it happens to you time and time again you start to believe it."

Leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked Sarah said, "If I wanted to leave, I would have done it when you rode out of here mad at me. But I stayed because my heart is here with you." As they reached the station no one was there to greet them, so Buck helped her up the stairs and then he handed her the crutches. As she got settled on both crutches Sarah reached up and cupped Bucks face with both hands and said, "I never knew I could be this happy. Or feel this good. I love you, Buck Cross."

Pulling her close he said, "I love you too, Sarah Jones. I’ve never felt this happy before either."

Turning to see if her father was standing at the door. Sarah said, "Well I better get into the house before my father comes out here after me. Well, you go with me to see him off in the morning?"

Smiling at her Buck said, "Yes I’ll go with you tomorrow. I want to spend tomorrow with you since I have a run the day after. Good night my love."

Leaning towards him Sarah said, "Goodnight my love." They kissed and then Sarah opened the door and went inside. After Sarah closed the door she saw her father sitting there at the table.

Buck went over to the bunkhouse to wait on the porch to see if Sarah would come to her window again.

Back at the house Sarah’s father said, "Well, I’m glad to see you back in one piece. Now off to bed with ya. Tomorrow will come early." Nodding yes Sarah climbed the stairs and went to her room.

Lighting the candle by the door, Sarah changed and went to the window. After looking up at the stars she tilted her head downward toward the bunkhouse and saw Buck standing on the porch looking up at her. She smiled at him and waved. He smiled and waved back.

Sarah turned to go to bed, but suddenly she felt like she needed to turn back and look at Buck once more. Looking at him she thought she could hear him saying something to her. She smiled at him and nodded yes to him. Then she watched him turn and go into the bunkhouse. Then she turned in for the night, too.

As she climbed into bed she just knew that Buck was the one for her and that her mother was smiling down on them. Her mother knew that she was happy and very much in love.

Meanwhile in the bunkhouse Buck sat down next to Lou who was sitting at the table writing in her journal. Thinking for a few minutes Buck said, "Lou can I talk to you a minute?"

Looking up from her journal Lou said, "Sure what’s on your mind?"

Thinking a minute, Buck said, "Well, I don't know what to do. I feel so lost when Sarah isn't by my side. But yet I’m also afraid that if she stays here with me, she is only going to get hurt. What am I going to do?"

Shaking her head Lou said, "You know Kid has said the same thing to me before. But what you need to do is look in your heart. Do you want to be with her? I know she wants to be with you. She has told her father that his money means nothing to her. All she wants is to be happy with the man she loves. What do you want?"

Looking lost Buck said, "I want to be with her. Till I met Sarah I never realized how lonely I was. I love her but is it fair to ask her to give up everything her father can give her."

Turning to him with a look of disgust on her face Lou said, "Can her father give the love you can? Can he make her happy?"

Shaking his head Buck said, " No, he can't give her those things. Thanks for helping me, Lou. I know that she loves me and is willing to leave and never talk to her father again if he forces her to do something she doesn’t want to do." His mind resolved he said, "I want her to stay here." He smiled at Lou and then went to his bunk to turn in for the night.

As the sun broke the horizon, Buck was standing on the porch watching it rise. Sarah woke to a feeling she had never felt before. She rose and went to the window. Looking towards the bunkhouse, she knew that Buck would be there watching the sun come up.

Feeling someone watching him, Buck looked up at Sarah’s window and saw her standing there. A big grin arose on his face, and she smiled back. Watching her turn from the window Buck thought, I know Lou was right. I do need to follow my heart. I think I’ll go pray and see what the great spirits say. Maybe they’ll agree with my heart.

As Sarah turned from the window, she saw her father standing in the doorway. Smiling at him she said, "Good morning father. It’s a beautiful day. How are you today?"

Coming in he sat down on the bed and said, "Honey I need to talk to you."


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