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True Love, One Soul

By: Jocelyne

Chapter 11

Cody and Jimmy were standing on the porch when they heard the exchange happen between them. When Sarah came out the door, she saw them there. She just glared at them. and continued toward the house. Cody said, "They sound as bad as Kid and Lou."

Jimmy looked at Cody and said, "I know but at least Sarah doesn't scream at him or hit him the way Lou dose when she’s mad. Sarah just walks away from it. I sure hope they work through this. Its bad enough when Lou and the Kid are going at it." Cody nodded in agreement.

As Sarah was about to open the door Kid grabbed her arm and said, "What happened? I haven't heard you two fight like that." With a quick turn of her head Sarah glared at Kid and tore her arm away from him. The glare sent a shiver down Kid’s spine and made him take a step backwards. Sarah went inside and slammed the door shut.

Turning from the door Kid didn't know what to think of all the yelling between them. Just then he spotted Buck coming across the yard. Kid stopped him and said, "What the hell happened between you two?"

Buck looked at him and said, "It’s the same fight that you and Lou always have. I almost wish Sarah would scream and hit me rather the just walk away. I told her that I didn't want her to go and she got mad. I don't know what to do."

Placing a hand on his friends shoulder Kid said, "Come on and sit down a minute. They walked over and sat on the swing. There’s not much you can do when they get this stubborn. What I try to do is first calm down and then try to get her to see that I love her too much to let her get hurt. And that I would never order her to do something. I know that you didn't order her to stay but that might be how she took it. You have to remember she grew up in a different world then you. You have to help her understand how you think. Just as you need to understand how she thinks. Now go in and talk to her and tell you that you would prefer for her to stay. It would make you feel better right?"

Nodding yes Buck said, "How come then this never works on Lou?" Shaking his head Kid said, "You know Lou. She likes to butt heads with me. But I still try. At least your girl doesn't like to fight with you from what I can see. Now go on and talk to her."

Buck stood and knocked on the door. Not hearing an answer. He slowly opened the door. He walked in but he didn't see her sitting at the table. He thought that maybe she was in the parlor. As he entered the room he saw that she wasn't there either. Thinking, where could she be? Then he thought that maybe she was in her room. Taking a deep breath he made his way up the stairs. Reaching her door he knocked on it and said, "Sarah can we talk please?" When he got no answer he opened the door and walked in.

He saw Sarah sitting in the rocker next to the window looking out. He walked in further and closed the door behind him and said, "Sarah, honey, can I talk to you a minute?" Without looking at him she said, "Why so you can order me to do something else?" Walking over to where she sat Buck knelt down in front of her and said, "I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was that if you come, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate because I will be worried about you getting hurt. I would really feel better if you would please stay here. "

Sarah finally looked at him. She could see the pain in his eyes. Slowly a smile crept across her face. He reached out and encircled her waist with his arms and buried his face in her lap. She reached out and started to stroke his hair. As she did this he looked up at her and said, " I’m so sorry that I made you mad. I want you to know that I would never order you to do something. The way I was raised the women did as she was told to. But I seem to forget that you weren't raised that way. I guess I will have to learn that you will not be ordered around. Please don't be mad at me. I couldn't bare it if you were."

Smiling through tears that she brought to her eyes, Sarah said, "I’m sorry too. I should have known that you would never do that to me. I guess I had too much freedom growing up. I should learn to trust you when you don't want me to get hurt. I guess we should find a middle ground somewhere. I was never mad at you. I was more hurt then anything. I thought that you were saying that because of what I told you in the barn. I will stay if you promise me that when you get back we can spend the day together and go riding and have a picnic."

Nodding yes Buck stood and reached to pick her up saying, "You know that I would do anything for you. If your father weren’t here, I would show you what I mean. He pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. I would love to spend the day with you when I return. I would also love to dance with you to show you how much I love you." Blushing Sarah nodding in agreement.

Placing her feet back on the floor they walked out to the yard. Everyone was mounted and waiting for Buck to join them. He walked over to his horse. Stopping next to his horse Buck turned to Sarah, kissed her and said, "I will be back in a few days."

Fighting the tears that threaten to spill she said, "I know you will. Stay safe and be careful. I'll be right here waiting for you." He mounted up and leaned over to her and said, "I Love You." Smiling up at him Sarah said, "I Love You, too." Stepping back Sarah said aloud, " Rider safe all of you." They turned and waved as they rode off.

Steven stepped up behind Sarah, wrapped his arms around her and said, "He'll be back. Are you going to be okay?" She watched Buck disappear on the horizon. When she couldn't see him any more she turned to her father and said, "Yes, I will be fine. I know in my heart that he will return to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have chores to do." Then Sarah picked up the basket of clothes and headed into the bunkhouse to fold them and put them on the right bunks.

Chapter 12

Placing the basket on the table Sarah sat down. While folding clothes her hand brushed across her pocket and she felt something in there. Placing the shirt on the table she reached into her pocket and pulled out what was in there. As she opened her hand she saw that it was a jewelers pouch. Opening the pouch and pouring out what was inside onto her hand she saw that there was a broach and a letter in it. Smiling to herself she thought, Now how did he get that into my pocket with out me knowing it? Putting the broach and the letter back into the pouch and making sure it was closed tight, Sarah placed it back in her pocket thinking, I will read the note tonight after supper.

As Sarah sat there folding clothes, she heard the sound of a wagon pull up in front of the bunkhouse. Looking up a feeling of fear came over her. Reaching for her crutches she made her way to the door. As she opened the door she was relived to see that it wasn't the others bringing a hurt Buck back to her. But to her surprise she saw that it was three of her closest friends from back home. Smiling Sarah raced out to meet her closest friends as the wagon came to a stop in front of the porch.

As the girls climbed down they all hugged and laughed. Just then Rachel came out of the house and was coming across the yard toward the bunkhouse. As she reached the girls she said, "So Sarah are you going to introduce your friends to me?"

Smiling Sarah said, "Sorry Aunt Rachel. As she turned to Rachel, Sarah said "Aunt Rachel these are my friends from back home. Next to Buck they are my closet friends. This is JoAnne, Lizzy, and Cassy. Girls this is my Aunt Rachel."

Rachel stepped forward and shook their hands and said, "I’m pleased to meet you. I am glad to see that my niece has some girl friends. We were just getting ready to have some lunch. Would you like to join us?" The girls nodded yes.

"Come on girls, let’s go in and sit down." Sarah lead them inside.

As they were walking into the bunkhouse JoAnne said, "So where is this fella that has stolen your heart? Is there any of these boys left that you talked about in your letters?"

Smiling Sarah looked at her bracelet that Buck had given her. Then looking up she said, "Well you just missed him. All the boys left this morning with the Marshal in a posse to catch some fella that is wanted for murder. But they should be back in a few days and yes there are a few boys that are still free."

Steven walked in and when he noticed the girls he said, "Well, hi there girls. I didn't know that you were coming out here." JoAnne said, " Well, sir we thought that maybe if Sarah is as happy as all her letters say she is then maybe we might find happiness out here too. We also want to see this guy that Sarah has fallen for. She says that they broke the mold on him."

Laughing as he sat down he said, "Well I guess that true. He is a very nice young man and does seem to love Sarah very much. I am glad Sarah has some friends to keep her company till they get back."

As Rachel put lunch on the table she said, "So how long have you all been friends? Sarah doesn't talk much about home."

Swallowing Lizzy said, "Well, we have been friends since we were little. So I guess you could say that we have been friends all our lives."

Then Steven said, "That's right. If it hadn't been for them, I don't know what would have happened to Sarah after you left, Rachel. Her friends were there to help her deal with her mother’s death after you left."

Meanwhile Teaspoon and the boys broke for lunch. Buck took Teaspoon aside and said, "I need to be alone for a while. I need to pray to find out what the great spirits want me to do about my feelings for Sarah."

Teaspoon looked questionably at him but finally said, "Okay, you have an hour. We need to keep moving in order to catch this fella. I know you will do the right thing by Sarah, just be careful." Buck nodded. Turning he grabbed his saddlebags and headed off toward a small clearing just off the path.

Jimmy heard what was said between Buck and Teaspoon. "What dose he think he is doing?"

Teaspoon turned to Jimmy and said, "He went to pray about what he should do about his feelings for Sarah. Now you know as well as I that they belong together, but Indians are a superstition people and their life are controlled by their beliefs in their gods. He'll only be gone an hour. Besides we all need a break."

Gathering wood as he went along, Buck was thinking, I hope that the great sprits agree with my heart. Coming to the middle of the clearing, Buck started a small fire and then sat down. He removed a rolled up piece of hide and laid it on the ground in front of him. He began to move the herbs in the motion that he had been taught by the Man Of Dreams.

As the others made a small fire and started some coffee brewing, Cody turned to Kid and said, "I hope he gets the answer that he wants. I would hate to see them not be together. They belong together." Kid nodded in agreement. Time seem to pass slowly as they sat there and watched Buck from a distance.

Finally Lou turned to Teaspoon and said, "Why dose he use those plants that way? I’ve never even seen them before."

Teaspoon smiled and said, "Well, that one plant that he is waving over the fire is called Sage. It is a mystical herb to the Indians. I am not sure what the others are called. But the reason that he is waving them over the fire is to appease the Sprits. See they believe that if the Sprits are happy then they will grant them what they ask of them."

Finally Buck stood and threw his saddlebags over his shoulder and headed back to where the others were sitting. Reaching them he sat down next to Teaspoon and poured himself some coffee.

Turning to him Teaspoon said, "So did you get the answer you were looking for?"

Nodding yes Buck said, "The spirits agree with my heart. They said that it’s not that often that someone like me gets to be happy."

Slapping him on the back Teaspoon said, "I knew you would get the answer you wanted. Now maybe you will believe that you have the same rights as everyone else dose. Right boys and girl." Everyone nodded in agreement. Then Teaspoon said, "Well, I guess we better get going. Come on boys mount up. I want to see all of you happy and with families of your own. I think of all of you as my family." Buck looked at the man he considered to be like a father to him.

As Jimmy dowsed the fire they all mounted up and rode on. As they rode Buck knew that in his heart that this was his family. And he would do everything that he could to protect them. Then he reached up and rubbed the locket that Sarah had given him knowing that his heart was with her and that he loved her very much and would do anything for her.

Chapter 13

Back at the station as everyone finished lunch and started to help clean up, Rachel said, "Sarah why don't you show the girls where they can put their things, and then show them around. Oh, I hope you girls don't mind doubling up. One of you will bunk with Sarah, and the other two will bunk together in my spare room if that is okay? Sarah I will finish folding the clothes."

Standing and hugging her aunt, Sarah said, "That is okay, Aunt Rachel. I am almost done with them. I can finish them up."

Looking at her in shock JoAnne said, "I don't believe this. Sarah is actually doing work. Back home you couldn't have gotten her to do that for all the money in the world. I guess being in love can change a person. I hope that one day I find someone that can have that affect on me too."

Rachel smiled nodding her head, because in fact she knew that Sarah had changed. As Sarah was folding the last of the clothes, she just smiled and shook her head because she didn't think she had changed all that much. After she folded the last shirt, she stood up and started to put the clothes on the right bunks. She came to Buck’s pile. Smiling as she laid them on his bunk saying, "Please be careful my love."

Then she turned to her friends and said, "Come on I will show you were you can put up your stuff and then I will show you the gift Buck gave me a few days ago." The girls nodded in agreement, and they picked up their bags from the porch as Sarah reached for her crutches and headed for the door. As they stepped out of the bunkhouse Sarah saw someone ridding into the station. She called out, "Rider Coming".

At hearing that Rachel and Steven came running out onto the porch. As the rider got closer they saw that it was the Doc. Pulling his horse to a stop and dismounting he said, "I am sorry to disturb you folks today, but I thought since I was out I would come by and check on Sarah’s ankle."

Shrugging her shoulders Sarah went back into the bunkhouse and sat down on the spare bunk. The Doc followed in after Rachel. Rachel said, "Sarah your father is showing the girls where they can put their stuff.

The Doc took the splint off her ankle and said, "If you feel any pain please let me know." Sarah nodded yes. Then the doc started touching it. Just as he touched the upper part of her ankle Sarah flinched and pulled her ankle away. The Doc looked up and said, "Can you tell me how bad the pain was?"

Sarah nodded yes and said, "It was a dull throbbing. Kind of like when you sprain your ankle."

Just then her father came in and said, "So Doc how is her ankle? I was hoping that it would be better soon."

The Doc was putting the splint back on when he said, "Well, its healing well but she still has some pain in it. But from what I can feel within another week to week in a half it should be completely healed. Turning to Sarah, he said, "You should be able to put a little weight on it, but I still want you to use the crutches. If you can get someone to help you stand I want to see how much weight you can put on it before it starts to hurt." Steven walked over to where his daughter sat. He took her arm and helped her stand.

As she put her weight down on her foot she felt a little pain. Sarah was almost able to put her full weight on it. But it gave out just before she did. Sitting down Sarah said, "Man I wish this thing would heal. I am getting tired of these crutches."

Then the Doc turned to her and said, "Now young lady, I know that you would rather be with out them, but I wouldn't complain with all these boys to carry you around. I will be back in a week so don't push it with that ankle."

Then he turned and headed for the door, just as he was about to open it Steven said, "Don't worry she won’t push it. I will make sure of that and I know Buck and the others will too." Nodding that he understood the Doc left the bunkhouse. Then Steven turned to Sarah and said, "Now don't push yourself. You will be walking without them soon enough. You know that if you push yourself you will hurt yourself more or worse."

Nodding yes Sarah said, "Okay I will take it easy. I was hoping to surprise him when he got back."

Just then JoAnne stuck her head in the door and said, "So are you going to show us this gift from Buck or not?"

Sarah smiled and stood. Grabbing her crutches she went to the door saying, "Okay, lets go. She's in the barn." They walked out the door and toward the barn.

The girls followed and then Cassy caught up with Sarah and said, "Well, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. I can't wait to meet this Buck."

Sarah laughed at her saying, "Well, if everything goes right they should be home the day after tomorrow. It is to quiet around here with them gone." They reached the barn and Sarah opened the door. Sarah walked in and the girls followed with JoAnne closing the barn door. Sarah led them to the stall where Lucky was. Turning to her friends she said, "Here she is. Her name is Lucky. What do you think of her?"

The girls couldn't believe that this beautiful horse was a gift. Then Lizzy said, "She is beautiful. You mean to tell us that Buck just gave her to you for nothing."

Smiling Sarah said, "Yes he said that if I was going to be his girl that I needed a horse. And that they had just broke her. He also said that he was giving her to me just because he loves me." They must have spent most of the afternoon in the barn because before they knew it they were hearing the dinner bell. All three girls smiled at each other and headed for the bunkhouse.

The boys and Teaspoon found a place to camp for the night. And while everyone went about preparing for the night, Buck headed off to find some small game for supper. While the others waited for Buck to return Lou said, "Teaspoon are we getting any closer to catching this fella?"

Teaspoon said, "I don't know he seems to be hiding his tracks pretty good." Just then Buck came back with a couple of rabbits. While Jimmy and Cody were cleaning them to cook, Teaspoon turned to Buck and said, "Do you think we are going to have any luck finding this fella?"

Buck looked at him then to everyone else and said, "I don't know. He sure knows how to cover his tracks, but with any luck he should be only a day or two ahead of us. I hope we get him soon." Everyone nodded in agreement.

After super everyone tried to get some sleep. While Buck lay there he was thinking of Sarah and how much he missed holding her and kissing her. He even missed her laughter. He fell asleep with visions of Sarah running through his mind.

While back at the station everyone was getting ready for bed when Joanne said, "So Sarah are you going to come home soon?" The other two girls looked at her.

Sarah smiled and said, "There is nothing for me there except for you gals, my father and my brother. After what Kevin tried to do to me. I will never go home again. I am happy here and I have a good man that loves me for me and not my father’s money."

Cassy looked at Sarah then said, "Okay what did he try to do to you?"

Taking a deep breath Sarah said, "He tried to rape me one night but I fought him and he didn't succeed. That is why I will never go home again. Besides I know I am safe here. He can't hurt me here."

Just then Rachel opened the door and said, "Girls its time to get some sleep. Dawn comes early here. So you can finish your talk in the morning." They all looked at her and nodded yes. Then Lizzy and Cassy stood and after saying good night they headed for their room. Just before Sarah blew out the candle Sarah whispered, "Buck stay safe and come home soon." Then she blew out the candle and fell asleep dreaming of Buck.


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