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True Love, One Soul

By: Jocelyne

Chapter 14

Waking earlier then normal Buck felt as if something was about to happen. Starting the fire and putting the coffee on to brew, he then went to catch a rabbit for breakfast. As he cleaned it and set it to start cooking he poured himself a cup of coffee. Sitting back thinking what is wrong? I can't seem to put a finger on it.

Waking first Jimmy saw Buck sitting there with a look of worry on his face. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he said, "Buck is something wrong?"

Looking at him Buck said, "Oh I just have a feeling that something is going to happen. I am not sure who it is going to happen to or what is going to happen."

Jimmy poured himself a cup of coffee and nodded that he understood because he knows that when Buck gets feelings like this that they are most likely true. After taking a sip of coffee and turning to Buck, Jimmy said, "Could it be Sarah that something is going to happen to?"

Looking at him Buck said, "I hope not, but I am just not sure." Grabbing the stick that the rabbit was cooking on Buck handed it to Jimmy.

Taking the stick Jimmy said, "Thanks." They continued to sit there in silence waiting for the others to wake.

Back at the station Sarah woke earlier then normal for her. She quickly dressed using the light from the moon so as not to wake JoAnne. Reaching under her pillow she pulled the pouch out. She made her way into the hall and towards the stairs. She was startled when Rachel called to her. Turning around she saw Rachel standing there. Looking surprised to see Rachel up so early she said, "Aunt Rachel what are you doing up so early?"

Smiling at her Rachel said, "That is what I was going to ask you young lady. I am always up this early. It gives me time to myself before the boys get up and start fussing for breakfast."

Sarah replied, "I'll tell you over some coffee."

They went downstairs and Sarah sat at the table while Rachel started the coffee going. Sitting down next to her Rachel said, "So tell me what has you up so early."

Pulling the pouch out of her pocket and placed it on the table saying, "This does."

Looking at her niece Rachel said, "May I open it?"

Nodding yes, Sarah said, "I haven't read the letter yet that is with it."

Rachel opened the pouch and dumped the contents into her hand. She handed Sarah the letter and then picked up the broach and looked at it. Turning to Sarah she said, "Well, what does the letter say?"

Taking a deep breath Sarah opened the letter and read it aloud, "To my heart's desire, I hope you like the pin. I saved my money from some reason not knowing why till that day I saw you on the porch with Rachel. I knew when we kissed that first night, we were meant to be together. I wanted to give you the pin in person but I can't be there right now. I will see you in a few days. But that seems so long to be away from you my love. I love you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Love Buck."

Sniffling Sarah folded the letter back up and placed it in her pocket. Taking the handkerchief Rachel handed her, Sarah wiped the tears from her eyes and then said, "I never knew he felt that way that night. How did I get so lucky to have him in my life?"

Rachel handed Sarah back the pin and said, "I am not sure, hun. But I do know that if he says he loves you then he means it. He never says anything he doesn't mean. You are the first person besides all of us that sees him as the man that he is."

Smiling through tears Sarah said, "To me he is just a young man that has stolen my heart. I don't see him as either an Indian or white. It doesn't matter to me. All I know is that I love him."

After pinning the pin to her blouse she put the letter back in the pouch and placed the pouch in her pocket. Then she said, "Well, since I am up so early I might as well go feed the horses." They both stood and Sarah hugged her Aunt, then Sarah grabbed her crutches and went to the barn. After Sarah left Rachel stood there shaking her head thinking. She sure has changed since she and Buck got together.

While Sarah was feeding the horses she started to sing to herself. As she reached Lucky's stall she rubbed her neck and said, "I wish he were here now. I worry about him so much. Here you go girl." She handed her horse some feed. As she left the barn she was grabbed from behind and her eyes were covered. As she was pushed up against the barn wall, she knew that is wasn't Buck. She knew he would never be this rough with her.

As her eyes were uncovered she found herself looking into the eyes of the man she had ran from. She tried avoiding his eye but Kevin said, " Why did you run. I only wanted what was mine and you are mine. No Indian will ever have you." Before she could say anything, Kevin kissed her. Trying to push away and not getting anywhere she bit his lip.

Once he let go of her mouth she yelled, "Father, Buck, Jimmy." But before she could say anything else he slapped her and split her lip and left his hand print on her cheek.

Just as he was going to say something to her, he heard someone say, "Let her go. She will never marry you." Turning around he saw her father standing there pointing a shotgun at him.

Pulling Sarah in front of him he said, "I suggest you put the gun down. Unless you want to lose your beautiful daughter." Steven reluctantly put the gun down and stepped back. Kevin forced Sarah to walk without her crutches. She fell as she climbed the steps and managed to crawl over to her father and stand up with his help. Kevin picked up the gun and said, "Why don't we take this inside till you are forced to marry me."

Sarah turned to him and said, "I will never marry you." Kevin slapped her again this time her eye was red and it began to swell. As they entered the house Kevin forced everyone into the pallor.

Chapter 15

While Teaspoon and the boys were just finishing up tying the bodies of the outlaws to their horses, Buck stopped and went over to his horse and mounted up. Cody noticed what Buck did and thought I wonder if he feels the same thing, I feel? Then Cody did the same thing. Teaspoon saw them and said, "What do you two think you are doing?"

Looking at him Cody said, "Teaspoon something has happened back at the station and Sarah is in trouble. I don't know how I know but I do."

Looking at him in wonder Buck said, "I know she is in trouble. I have to get to her. I can't let anything happen to her."

Hearing the desperation in his voice, Teaspoon nodded and said, "Jimmy go with them. I don't think either of them will keep their cool this time." Jimmy mounted up and the three of them kicked their horses into a run.

As they reached the outskirts of the station Buck looked at Cody and said, "How did you know that something has happened to Sarah?"

"I am not sure. All I know is that if something happened to her I couldn't live with myself for not protecting her. NO! I am not in love with her." They crouched low and watched as a man came out onto the porch with Sarah in front of him, with a gun pointed at her.

Buck started to stand when Jimmy grabbed his arm, saying, "Wait if you charge in there, Sarah and the others might get hurt." Looking at him Buck sat back down on his heels to think.

Meanwhile inside Kevin kept his gun on everyone. Looking right at Sarah he said, "I don't understand why Sarah? We were suppose to get married." Noticing the pin that she was wearing, he grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Rachel and said, "Did the Indian give that to you?"

Instead of answering him she just stood there and looked at him. Ripping the pin from her blouse and tearing it, he slapped her and said, "When I ask you something I expect an answer from you. Your father should have taught you to obey men and do as you are told."

Sarah fell to the floor, and struggling to her feet, she replied, "He taught me to be my own person and stand up for myself, and think for myself. " Kevin turned on her, slapped her again, and this time Sarah fell to the floor with a thud. Rachel tried to get to her, but Kevin turned his gun on her saying, "She stays were she lays. I will not have my wife contradicting me."

Just then Sarah said, "I am not your wife. I will never marry you."

Turning red he looked at her, kicked her and said, "Shut up you whore."

While sitting outside Cody grabbed his side as Kevin kicked Sarah. Turning to him Buck said, "What's with you?"

"I don't know. I feel like someone kicked me in the ribs." Cody replied.

Sarah started to slip into unconsciousness. The last thing she saw was Buck's face in her mind before everything went black.

While outside Buck was formulating a plan. Turning he said, "Cody you get up high. You think you can hit the fella without hitting Sarah?" Cody nodded that he could do that. Then he left and climbed onto the bunkhouse roof. After settling into a good position to get a good aim at the front door, he signaled Buck. Buck saw the signal and nodded. Then turning to Jimmy he said, "I need you at the back door. I am going to climb through a window on the second floor and sneak up behind him."

Nodding Jimmy said, "Okay! Go and I'll cover you, once you're in I'll move over to the door." Buck nodded and moved off towards the house.

Inside Kevin pulled a semi-conscious Sarah to her feet saying, "You will marry me or I will kill you."

Looking at him with distaste in her eyes she said, "I will never marry you. You will have to kill me. Buck has more dignity and compassion then you will ever have." Turning red Kevin backhanded her making her other eye swell and bruise as she hit the floor. Sarah crawled into a corner to get away from Kevin.

Kevin smiled as he watched Sarah move away from him in fear. He felt satisfied that he had taught her to respect him. Rachel saw movement in the window. Looking to see who it was, she saw that it was Buck. She could tell by the look on his face that he saw what had just happened. He looked up at her and signed to her, I am going to climb through one of the upper windows. I will show him what it's like to get beat like that."

Rachel nodded that she understood and moved in front of the window so no one could see who was at the window. Steven caught Rachel's movement out of the corner of his eye. Moving over closer to her he said, "Who was at the window?"

Without looking at him she answered, "It was Buck. I wouldn't want to be Kevin when Buck gets in here. He just saw what happened and when he confronts Kevin I want you to take the other girls and get out of here. I'll stay with Sarah."

Nodding yes Steven made his way over to where the girls sat. Looking up at him Cassy said, "How are we going to help him. He is going to kill her."

Steven said keeping his eyes on Kevin, "Buck and the boys are here. When Buck gets in here and confronts Kevin I want you three to follow me out of here and over to the bunkhouse, okay?"

All three of the girls nodded yes. Buck climbed stealthily up the outside of the house and slipped through Sarah's open bedroom window. Pushing himself up against the wall he slid down the stairs and the hall. He stood behind Kevin and listened to him say, "I think I will do everyone a favor. The world could do with one less Indian loving whore." Then he kicked her again.

Chapter 16

Buck stood there watching him kick Sarah and said, "Didn't your father teach you not to hurt a lady?"

Kevin turned around in shock that he let someone get behind him.

Before Kevin could say anything Buck punched him and said, "You are going to pay for hurting the woman I love." As Kevin stumbled backwards Rachel managed to pull Sarah out of the way. Kevin landed on the floor. He sat their stunned. Steven lead the girls passed them and out to the bunkhouse.

Kevin managed to get to his feet and charged at Buck. Buck moved out of the way and punched him as he went by. Chasing after him Buck tackled Kevin in the kitchen and started to punch him saying, "How do you like it?" Hearing Rachel call his name Buck stood and went to look at Sarah. Kevin stood and raised his gun. Rachel screamed, but just as Buck turned around with him gun drawn a shot rang out and Kevin slumped to the floor dead. They saw Cody standing there with his gun drawn.

Holstering his gun Buck went to Sarah and gently turned her over onto her back. Sarah moaned as she was moved. Buck gently moved her hair from her face seeing how cut, swollen and bruised it was nearly brought tears to his eyes.

Gently picking her up Buck took her to her room and laid her on her bed. As he took the wet cloth that Rachel had handed him. Jimmy came in saying, "Rachel is she okay?"

Rachel turned to him and said, "I don't know, Jimmy. She took quite a beating at his hands."

Buck turned to Rachel and said, "I think he cracked some of her ribs." Hearing this Jimmy ran out and mounted up on the first horse and rode into town to get the doctor.

Back in the house Buck was cleaning Sarah's face. Feeling someone being gently touching her face, she slowly opened her eyes. As they focused she saw Buck smiling at her, She said, " Hi, is he?"

Buck placed a finger on her lips to quite he and said, "He's dead. You'll never have to to worry about him again. Just lay still I think you have some cracked ribs" She raised her hand to touch his face. Taking her hand in his he smiled as he gently kissed her on the forehead. "I'll be right here with you. Just try to rest for a while." Nodding Sarah closed her eyes knowing that she was safe.

Cody walked in and said, "How is she, Buck?" Buck moved over so Cody could see her. When he saw her. He walked over to the bed and knelt down next to her. Brushing some hair from her face saying, "I am so sorry this happened to you." Then he saw a mark in her hairline identical to the one on his arm. Looking at Buck he said as he stood, "You take care of her. I need to be alone and think for awhile." Then he left the room. Buck nodded slowly.

Turning back to Sarah Buck thought, I wonder what's with him? Just then there was a knock on the door, and as he turned he saw that is was the doctor standing there.

Rachel said, " Buck the doctor is here." Buck nodded turning back to Sarah. The Doc entered saying, "I am sorry to disturb you but Mr. Hickok said that there was someone here that needs me. Please lead me to them." Rachel pointed over to the bed. Looking over towards the bed he saw a young women laying on the bed and a young man lovingly cleaning her bruised, swollen and cut face. Walking over to he said, "Son you need to wait outside while I examine her. But first what happened to her?"

Buck stood nodding and said, "She was beaten pretty bad. I think some of her ribs are cracked." The doc looked at him suspiciously. Feeling his cheeks turning red Buck said, "I didn't do that to her. I love her to much for that."

Rachel came over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then said, "He knows that Buck. No it was a family friend from back east."

As he started to move away from the bed Sarah tightened her grip on his hand. He looked down at her as she said, "Please stay." Buck looked up at Rachel.

Rachel moved over to the bed and said, "He can't stay honey. I'll be here. When the Doc is all done I will call Buck back in for you."

Kneeling down next to her Buck said, "I'll be just outside the door, okay? Let the doc look at you." She nodded and he kissed her forehead and headed to the door and closed it behind him.

While in the barn Cody was sitting and staring at the mark on his arm. Being lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Steven come in. Walking over to Cody, Steven said, "Buck said you were acting strangely today. He said you told him you felt like you were kicked in the ribs earlier, and now you got upset when you saw how Sarah looked."

Cody looked up at him, confused and said, "Can we talk a minute? Steven nodded and sat down next to him. Taking a deep breath Cody said, "I can't explain it, but when I felt like Sarah was in trouble I thought it was my fault and just now when I saw her I felt like if I could take her pain away I would. Then I saw a mark on her hairline. It looks just like this one. How can that be?" He showed Steven the mark on his arm. Steven looked at the mark on his arm. Then said, "Do you by any chance have a circle broken in two on your right shoulder?"

Cody nodded saying, "Why?"

Then Steven said, " Oh my god. Steven's eyes teared up. "The reason you felt like that is because Sarah is your twin sister. She has the same mark on her left shoulder." Looking stunned Cody said,

"But if that's true, why did you give me up?"

Swallowing hard and continuing Steven replied, "Well when the two of you were born, we were very poor. We could barely feed ourselves. My parents wouldn't help us even though they loved you both very much, and your mother's parents disowned your mother because she married me.

I met the Cody family one-day in the bank. They had heard that I had twin babies at home and mentioned that they had been trying to have children but didn't have any luck. They had just bought a farm out west here in order to maybe have some children. I took them home to meet you and Sarah and your mother. They fell in love with both of you. They looked around at the condition we lived in and offered to take the both of you and raise as their own. But your mother just didn't know. So I asked them to give us a couple of days to decide. They agreed. I walked them back to their hotel, and when I got back home your mother was in tears because she didn't want to give either of you up. But she knew that we might have to if you both were to live.

We talked and thought for almost a week, before we decided. But before we called the Cody's back. We took the two of you and had a guy on the waterfront puts those mark on your shoulder and Sarah's that way we could tell who you two were if we ever came across either of you again. I brought the Cody's back to our place and we talked. We were going to give both of you up to keep you two together, but your mother at the last minute said, that she couldn't give both of you up. She stood there watching the two of you sleep then turned to the Cody's and ask them if they would be willing to take only one of you. They agreed. So crying her eyes out she picked you up and handed you over to Mrs. Cody, asking her to love you and to someday tell you about us. Mrs. Cody nodded as she took you from your mother's arms. When they left the house with you it was the hardest thing we ever had to do. But deep down we knew that you would be better off out west. and they would give you a good life. But we never stopped loving you and thinking about you.

As a matter of fact your mother kept a dairy till the day she died about how much she missed you and wondered what you looked like. And that she hoped you would grow up into a good man. She would be pleased that you did just that. I will never forget that day I looked at you for the last time. Steven placed a hand on Cody's shoulder. I hope you don't hate us for that. We were doing what we thought was best at the time."

Shaking his head Cody wiped the tears from his cheeks and said, "No I don't hate you. You only did what you had to do. Does Sarah know about me?"

Nodding Steven said, "Yes she does to a point. Your mother told her that she had an older brother but didn't tell her that she was a twin. Sarah doesn't know who her older brother is. We never knew what they named you. I know this all has come as a big shock to you. I know Sarah needs to know, but please if you tell her, do it easy. She's in pretty bad shape right now."

Cody nodded and smiled. "What did my mother look like?"

"Sarah looks just like her. They could have been sisters except for the age difference. You look so much like your grandfather on your mother's side. It's funny. We wrote them just after you both were born, and we never heard back from them. Oh well, their lost. I'll leave you alone for a while to think about all this." and Steven left the barn.

Cody sat there, thinking I have a sister. Boy that's weird. I wonder why ma never said anything about her. I will have to ask her next time I write her. Just then his thoughts were interrupted by screaming coming from the house. Grabbing his ribs as he stood Cody ran to the house. He stopped next to Buck at the door. "Buck is she okay?"

Buck shook his head and said, "I don't know, Cody." Then the door opened and Rachel said, "She's okay, boys. The doc was just wrapping her ribs."

The doc came to the door and said, "She needs to rest a couple of weeks so her ribs can heal. You both can see her, but she needs to stay clam." Both boys nodded and headed into the room.

Rachel looked at Steven who was just coming up the stairs. He nodded and Rachel smiled and nodded back. She knew that Steven had found the son he gave up so many years ago, and that it was Cody. He was Sarah's twin.

To Be Continued...

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