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Item list

Item list

Types Of Balls
PokeBall Used to catch Pokemon in the wild 200 P
Great Ball Used to catch Pokemon in the wild. More effective than Pok?Ball 600 P
Ultra Ball Used to catch Pokemon in the wild. More effective than Great Ball 1200 P
Safari Ball Used to catch Pokemon in the Safari Zone ---
Master Ball Captures Pokemon at 100% rate ---

Mysterious Items
Fire Stone This stone is used to evlove a fire Pokemon. 2100 P
Thunder Stone This stone is used to evlove a eletric Pokemon. 2100 P
Water Stone This stone is used to evlove a water Pokemon. 2100 P
Leaf Stone This stone is used to evlove a grass Pokemon. 2100 P
Moon Stone This stone is used to evlove some other Pokemon. ---
Helix Fossil You will need to find this secret item ---
Dome Fossil You will need to find this secret item ---
Old Amber You will need to find this secret item ---

Recovery Items
Antidote Cures poison status from a Pokemon 100 P
Burn Heal Cures burn status from a Pokemon 250 P
Ice Heal Cures frozen status from a Pokemon 250 P
Awakening Cures sleep status from a Pokemon 250 P
Paralyz Heal Cures paralyze status from a Pokemon 200 P
Full Heal Cures all status changes from a Pokemon 600 P
Potion Restores 20 HP 300 P
Super Potion Restores 50 HP 700 P
Hyper Potion Restores 200 HP 150 P
Max Potion Restores all of your Pokemon's HP 2500 P
Full Restore Cures all status changes and restores all of your Pokemon's HP 3000 P
Revive Revive a fainted Pokemon to half of its HP 1500 P
Max Revive Revives a fainted Pokemon with full HP ---
Ether Restores 10 PP for one ability ---
Max Ether Restores all PP for one ability ---
Elixir Restores 10 PP for all abilities <'FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2">---
Max Revive Restores all PP for all abilities ---

Pokemon Power Ups
Rare Candy Raises a Pokemon's level by 1 ---
HP Up Raises a Pokemon's total HP 9800 P
Protein Raises a Pokemon's total attack power points 9800 P
Iron Raises a Pokemon's total defense power points 9800 P
Carbos Raises a Pokemon's total speed power points 9800 P
Calcium Raises a Pokemon's total special power points 9800 P
X Attack Raises a Pokemon's attack power in battles 500 P
X Defend Raises a Pokemon's defense in battles 550 P
X Speed Raises a Pokemon's speed in battles 350 P
X Special Raises a Pokemon's special attack in battles 350 P
Guard Spec. Guards your Pokemon from opponent's special attack 700 P
Dire Hit Raises chances of critical hits 650 P
X Accuracy Raises a Pokemon's accuracy in battles 950 P
PP Up Raises a Pokemon's total PP for 1 attack ---

Field Items
Bicycle Move twice as fast outside buildings and inside caves 1,000,000 P (or free with Bike Voucher)
Escape Rope Escape from caves/buildings to the last visited Pokemon center 550 P
Repel Temporarily avoid encounters with Pokemon 350 P
Super Repel Lasts longer than Repel 500 P
Max Repel Lasts longer than Super Repel 700 P

Miscellaneous Items
Nugget A gold nugget. Can be sold for lots of P ---
Gold Teeth Golden dentures that belong to the warden of the Safari Zone ---
S.S. Ticket Needed to board the S.S. Anne ---
Pok?Doll Absorbs damage during battle 1000 P
Silph Scope Allows you to identify ghosts in Lavender Town's Tower ---
Pok?Flute Used to wake up sleeping Pokemon in & out of battle ---
Old Rod Used to catch relatively weak water Pokemon ---
Good Rod Used to catch larger variety of water Pokemon than Old Rod ---
Super Rod Used to catch larger variety of water Pokemon than Good Rod ---
Itemfinder Finds items not visible out of battles ---
Exp. All Shares experience points with all Pokemon you currently carry ---
Coin Used at the Game Corner ---
Coin Case Needed to hold coins ---
Fresh water Give to a thirsty guard, or during battle to restore HP 200 P
Soda Pop Give to a thirsty guard, or during battle to restore HP 300 P
Lemonade Give to a thirsty guard, or during battle to restore HP 350 P