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Pokemon pinball

Pokemon pinball

This is the first gameboy colour game with a rumble pack! whenever u hit something on the pinball table , the rumble pack shocks!

In this pinball game ,u use a pokeball instead of a pinball , so that u need to capture pokemons to finish the pokedex?!After capturing a pokemon , u will have the index of it in the pokedex.U will need to evolve your pokemon too!Some pokemons may need evolve stones to evolve , some may need experience!By the way , U can change the pokeball into a great ball , then a ultra ball , and finally a master ball.U will get different points with different balls!

U can choose two different tables:red and blue.Each table has its own special things.Like different pokemons on the table different pokemons to capture. The red and blue both have different stages and there are usually four to five pokemons in a stage.

There are some bonus game for u to play too!Here are some examples:
