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Smash brothers

Smash brothers

In this game,Each character in the game has his/her own fighting skills, techniques and gameplay.The gameplay is also very simple.It's possible to play the game using just a few buttons, so it's easy to play with, but will actually pose a serious challenge to more experienced gamers.

If a character falls off the stage/platform, he or she can get back to the stage by jumping back. If you get hurt and get attacked during battle, your damage percent will increase.The more percent u get,the more dangerous u are.Because the others can hit u out the stage more easily.

In the game, you have the option of playing as one player where you get to play by yourself and challenge other characters in the game or you may play the Versus mode: Two- to four-player battle mode. In the time-limited battle mode, your personal tally of falls against strikes is weighed up against your opponent's scores. In Stock Mode battle, you play against the other players teams.If there was to be a draw, there is a sudden-death contest which will start at 300% to determine the winner.

Here are the eight original character:

-Mario: A good choice for beginners and experienced gamers.

-Donkey Kong: Great for power.Good fighting techniques, too.

-Link: Can launch powerful attacks with his sword. Also rather handily wields 2 other weapons to great effect: bombs and his boomerang.

-Samus: Good for long-distance attacks and air attacks.

-Yoshi: Capable of very high jumps. Can catch hold of enemies with his tongue and change them into an egg!

-Kirby: Can transform to other characters. Can also jump many times.

-Fox: Has the advantage of speed and lightning-quick mid-air attacks. Can also use his blaster to get away from, or attack, enemies.

-Pikachu: Can move and turn very quickly. Can also inflict damage with his electric shock attack.

These are secret characters:

-Captain Falcon : Has very quick speed and poweful attacks.

-Purin : Can make the others sleep by singing.Not too special and not too powerful.

-Luigi : Same as Mario but one trick different and also more poweful.

-Ness : A child which uses psychic tricks.Powerful and good tricks.

After you select your character, you can pick the stage for the battle. Each character has a home ground (so there are eight basic stages)

E-mail me if u want to know how to get all secret characters and the secret stage.
