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I can't imagine where I would be without you or what I would be doing
Sometimes I wonder how we ever found each other
Maybe some unseen force knew our seperate desires that
we needed to uncover
I knew the first time I spoke to you that you were the one for me
Now I hope and pray that one day we will come to be
I'll be there for you as well as you for me, In return we can make
each other happy
I've searched and tried to find someone just like you, but I always end
up getting hurt
I put all of my trust into one woman only to become a fool
She didn't want something real
She didn't want someone who would be there for her in times of need
Maybe one day I will find someone who will appreciate the love I give
Maybe it's you or maybe it's someone just waiting for me to pass by
Well let me tell you this, I will not accept a false dream, I believe
that everyone deserves a chance at being loved and the one who gives
it deserves it in return
So baby I'm turning all of my love to you and letting you do what you
want to do
Baby, I want you to hold me in your arms make me feel safe and secure
I want to be forever yours...........