This is a page that will allow you to get to know me a little better. Like I said before I am a lesbian and have been in the lifestyle for about 8 years now. It is not easy by far and I am sure most of you would agree with me on that. Many ask, "Why are you a lesbian?" That is like asking me why my eyes are blue....because that is reality, because that is me. Although I have been done wrong by men in the past that is not my reason for being with women because women are in my opinion harder to deal with then men. They require much more of your time and are very moody, but also very sensual and wonderful. As in any relationship everyone has there ups and downs, but it makes it a lot harder because we have to not only deal with the problems that occur on the inside but we also have to deal with the outside views from others who just in my opinion don't understand the life. We are discrimiated against by many and loved by not too many. It is something I guess I have kind of learned to deal with and ignore. I don't get along with the ignorant side of the world at all. I am not abnormal just because I choose to be with the same sex, actually I am probably one of the sweetest people you will ever come across. I like to do the same types of things that any other person would like to do. I think honestly if I could say what the hardest thing is about being gay, it would be the way my family thinks of me. You always want your parents to think they did a good job of raising you, but my mom thinks that it is her fault, like she did something wrong and it really has nothing to do with her at all. They both accept me for me and of course they love me unconditionally, but they will never understand or approve of who I am.