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::sighs:: Well, I've finally done it. Closed. It's for a few reasons, really. One is that, when I started the site, I was a dubbie. I had little to none knowledge regarding the Outer Senshi (although I was smarter than most dubbies -- at least I knew they existed!), and so stuck to Inners to make my life easier. However, this is no longer true. I know plenty about all the Outers, and could easily expand my site to cover them. (Although this WILL make my shrine project considerably bigger -- gak!). And that requires changing the name. Which would be easy enough. But there's another issue…Angelfire. I've been really damn sick of them for about half a year. I put up with it for a while, but a recent decision on their part is THE LAST STRAW. They're not allowing file linking. Now I don't use it in the ways they're trying to ban, I just run a rather large postcard page, and the postcard service uses image linking. Soooooo guess what. I get to redo THE WHOLE FREAKIN THING. I'm thinking not. It's the part of my website I've put the most time into, and guess what? If I'm gonna redo it, then I'd say this is a good chance to ditch Angelfire. And this, I am taking advantage of. I'm moving to Tripod. And I've got a LOT of stuff to move, so you can say good-bye to my site for a while. Originally, I was hoping to have it up by mid-july. Obviously, that didn't happen. So i had bumped the date up till Jan. 1, only now it's mid-December, and MyPostcards is being a pain, and i'm trying to pass Algebra and not succeeding, so unless I work my little ass off over Christmas break, the site being done on Jan. 1 just isn't gonna happen. I don't know. I've really been procrastinating on this, and I was finally starting back on it, but then the whole postcard fiasco reared its ugly head again, and I'm feeling a bit discouraged. So unless by some miracle...don't count on it any time soon. MAYBE around my birthday (late March), but right now, between Algebra and the SAT, I'm just waaaaaaaaaay too busy. Sorry!