Search Engines - FAQ

The following are a view FAQ' often encountered from individuals wishing to improve their search rankings:

Q - How do I get my site listed on the search engines?

A - The easiest way is to submit your site directly to the search engine, usually through the 'add URL' section on the search engine homepage. The search engine 'robot' will then visit your site and index your pages. Search engines are programmed to examine the pages of a site and record specific information in a manner that permits easy retrieval of relevant pages when called to do so during a user search. Our recommendation is to focus on the leading engines - around 16 or so - and to avoid services that offer bulk submission to hundreds of engines that nobody uses.

Q - I have submitted my site but it still does not turn up in searches, why?

A - Be certain that your site is fully prepared before you submit for search indexing. Many sites are simply rejected by the search engines because the designers have not followed important guidelines when constructing the site, or have been over zealous in 'cramming' pages with keywords in an attempt to influence the search engines. There are many tactics that result in penalty or even 'banning' of the entire site for spamming or blatant attempts at manipulation of the search engine. You must also be patient, it can take anywhere between 2 days and 5 months for your site to appear. Be prepared, be patient.

Q- What specific information should I include on my site to attract favorable search rankings?

A - The type of information the search engines look for, and how they handle the information, varies with each search engine. To have a site that ranks well with more than one search engine requires a good deal of effort, the details of which extend beyond the scope of this report. Suffice to say that if you are serious about achieving good results on most popular search engines, then you will need to acquire a detailed knowledge of how they work. Basic requirements of constructing a well prepared page include the following:


Use around six words, use keywords at the start of the Tag and do not repeat them.

META Keywords Tag

Focus on popular keywords and use the most popular at the start of the Tag. Avoid word repetition unless offering synonyms. Exercise caution when offering plurals and upper/lower case variations. Avoid using superfluous words that do not appear on the page. 12 to 14 words is average and most effective.

META Description Tag

Use 16 words max in most cases and avoid word repetition. Use keywords but don't use key phrases or strings of words that appear in exactly the same combination in other tags.

ALT-IMAGE attributes

name your images using single instances of keywords.

Heading Tags

use them to encase headline text or bullet points.

Body Text

use at least 250 words and make use of keywords positioned in the body text. Try to start the first sentence of the first paragraph with a keyword and repeat the word one more time in the paragraph. Use the keyword/phrase around three other times on the page.

I know there are a million and a half of questions reguarding Search Engins, but i hop this will help a little in submitting your site. Good Luck to all of you, who wish to submit your Site.



Here's a useful technique when you wish to exclude part of a Web page from being indexed. Simply place

tags around the part of the page you want omitted. This tells the Atomz search robot not to index the text or links found between the tags, but to follow the links deeper into your web site to continue the indexing process. If, on the other hand, you want the text indexed but you do not want the links followed, then you can place the

tags around the part of the page that applies. If you don't want the text or links indexed AND you don't want the links followed, you can use these tags in combination:
<<>NOINDEX<>><<>NOFOLLOW<>>.... <<>/NOFOLLOW<>><<>/NOINDEX<>>.

A common use of "noindex" tags is to prevent the indexing of a navigation menu that appears on every Web page. Strategic use of these tags will help return more meaningful search results.

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