I would like to thank everyone for applying. All 30 Pages submitted where excellent, however as you know there are only a few lucky Winners. I also want to thank the 3 Judges for being fair in voting for the best Sites.
Congratulations to all the Winners.

This award, was given out on 12/19/99

And here are the Winning pages in no perticular order.

"Lisa's Christmas Gifs & Links"

"Lovehaze'ls Realm of Angels"

"Kathy's Garden of Roses"

"Sandee's Help Shack"

"~Follow Your Destini~"

"Peek a Boo's E- Backs"

"Lobones Home Page"

"Gina's Corner Graze"

"Gina's Java F-Key's"

"Maui, Island Paradise"

"Wolf Claw's Den"

"Bogie's Place"
