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~In memory of Lord~

Lord was a wonderful guy. He was an Icelandic gelding, and was the sweetess thing since sugar came along. He always made sure that everyone was okay and that everyone was happy, if not happy, he would fix that with a nudge on the shoulder and sticking close to you until you felt better. His tolt was wonderful, sometimes you felt so good riding him that you didn't want to stop, but you had because you had to remind yourself that he was not the Energizer bunny. The next three pictures are of Lord doing what he liked best: playing with Steina, riding, and looking good for the camera.
In the winter Lord looked like he was starving each time you passed him, so everyone would feed him. Man he was smart, smarter than the rest of us. One time I fed him even though he had food in the tub in front of him. I guess I couldn't resist, but who could. He also had a craving for carrots, so carrots he got.
He was so happy to have Steina along that day. He felt so proud that he was teaching Steina, and not just people. He gently got Steina to move and follow him, soon Steina was a pro. All I did was hold the rope and steer.
Besides the fact that it was a bit cold out, it was a perfect day for riding. Lord loved to run down the driveway (no matter whose) because he loved to make a grand entrance in front of all the other horses.

Other places to see Lord

Amber's page
Icelandic information page
Picture page
