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Anaheim Arrowhead Ponds

My Into Da Millenium Concert Review

Oct. 14, 1999

I went to da BSB concert at da Arrowhead Ponds on Oct 14. I had such a great time. Mandy Moore and EYC was da opening act. I really wanted to see them but unfortunately i didn't get to do so. Cus I got there late, i got to my seats rite when EYC was ending their performance. I was really dissapointed cus I really wanted to see Mandy Moore. So I sat there waiting for BSB to come out. I had OK seats even though I paid full price. I was on da 4th level and like 7 seats back. So it was OK seats. They flew in 30 mins. later. It was 8:30 PM. And da dancer went on stage 1st, and den da boys flew in on da opposite side of where I was, hehe darnet. Anyways their performace was sooooo tight. Here's da highlights fromw at I remember.

At da beginin when dey landed on da stage. They got into a straight lines. And they walk to every side of da stage. They look so good, it was soooo cool, Cus it was all emotional or watever. Cus of da music and dey had these serious face. I can't explain it, it was juss sooooo cool. Nick: Nick was gettin freaky on stage. He know how to freak now pple. U should see. Its cool. When dey had da free dress thingy at da end of da concsert, dis time most of da guys wore PJ pants. Which is soooo cute, cus those are in now. At my school pple be wearin dem. hehehe I think Nick wore it too, i'm not really sure.

AJ: Aj is my fave, and he was soooooo good. He was gettin freaky as usual. But he was not humpin da floor dis time like he did in da last tour. Man I luv how he dance, he was so cute. And durin one of da song. He took a piggy back ride on one of dem security around da stage. Da fans who was lucky enough to have floor seats juss rush down to da front of da satge, so they can get a touch. It was cool. At da end i Know for sure AJ wore PJ pants. And he had like 3 diff kinds of cowboy hats. hehehehe It was soooo cute. He had a cow pattern one. Durin Quit Playin Games With My Heart he flew towards me. :) I was sooo happy. dey were also throwin stuff animals and stuff wen they were flyin.

Howie: Hehehe wen they were intoducin da band members and da dancer, Nick got to introduce MCD. Which is Howie. Howie was pretendin to be a rapper, and he was rappin. I dunno wat about. I was laughin too much, and da crowd as well. It was so cute. And Howie was gettin all freaky, and he had Nick and Brian behind him gettin all freaky too. They looked so sdorable. Durin "Don't Want You Back" Howie had my side. And he was gettin all freaky wit da ladder dat dey dance wit. And durin da "Perfect Fan" howie had to walk around dis grl who was like a lil taller den him. She looked like she can be his gf. heheh. When da rest of da guys had lil grls to sing too. But it was soooo cute.

Kevin: Kevin I think had damost screams at da concert. Cus everytime he came on da big screen. Da crowd juss go crazy. hehehe He looked sooo good man. He was gettin freaky too I think. Durin "Show Me The Meaning "dey did a Tangle dance thingy. Kevin had my side of da stage. And he looked mad good dancin. Cus da song and da dance juss fit him so well. Da dance was so cute. Props to Fatima. And Kevin had PJ Pants on too. But at da end of da concert. He got a green towel from a fan, and he took it and wrap it around him. And when he was sayin good bye da towel fell. hehhehe

Brian: He was cute as usual. Juss like a lil baby. When he was introducin da dancer, he was messin around and started doin dis lil cute dance. He was so cute. And he got a lil freaky in a way. He did so it look all cute. U juss gotta see it. At da end where they have free dress, he had a blue and red hooded jacket, which looked so cute on him.

They all sounded soooo good live. The dances are really good.
