
Buffy/Xander sites

Beloved by the Zeppo A very detailed B/X site with great all the "moments" described and explained, a message board, tons of fanfic, and loads more. It's also updated all the time.

Two Worlds colliding I think one of the original B/X sites. Has plenty to see with "Why?", "Moments" and "Forget Angel" sections

In Light of Tomorrow... The place to go for Fan Fiction. Also Charity's view on the "Moments" will be coming soon.

Something More Jai L's B/X Fanfic site. Manipulated sounds , B/X pics, Special pics (dont miss them). You name it...

Stone Cold Sunnydale A Buffy/Xander, Xander/Cordy Fanfic site. Go there, then beg Stonecold to finish all his 'fics

The Slayer and her White Knight Beautifully presented B/X page, I don't think it's updated anymore though.

The ZeppoCheck out the spoilers, it's got all of them, aswell as episode reviews and really cool links.

Noodles' Buffy+Xander Fanfic page Title says it all.

Dance of the Zeppo Another new B/X site, (they're springing up everywhere) with an interesting theory on how B/X relates heavily to dancing. The rest of the site is really cool as well.

Buffy and the Zeppo Soon to be home of a vast selection of B/X Fanfic.

Anti-Angel sites

The Dust Deadboy Brigade Worth visiting just for the intro, it sums up deadboy very nicely.

General Buffy links

The Official Site Quite good as far as official sites go. The Bronze is an institution with some people.

Shalazar's Buffy Review Page Very deep and interesting. You'll see episodes in a totally different light.

BTVS Theories A collection of theories relating to vary subjects and issues from BTVS

The Slayer's Sanctuary Lots of clips and stuff available for download.

The Complete BTVS Episode Guide Missed an episode? Then go here.

If you want your site here just mail me.

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