What's New?

12th Sep
I've added loads. I've started Xander or Angel, with the reasons I dislike B/A, I've added more to Why Not?, I've started the summary of the third season with up to the beginning of Amends, I've actually started updating the Fanfic with Thoughts, Dreams and Strange realities by the Duchess of Buffonia, which is the first of many more I'll add myself.
Coming soon'll be the spoilers section (relating to B/X), way more stories, updates to all the incomplete sections, and I might even post my own 'fic if I lose my shyness.

5th Sep
Added the B/X site "Dance of the Zeppo" to the links
Added the first part of "why not?" of which there is still a huge amount to come.

28th Aug
Added 2 discussions, "Buffy and Angel Crossovers" and "Buffy and Xander Chemistry" from The Bronze PB to Opinions.
Added Charity's theories, "Xander" and "The Right Person For Buffy" to Opinions.

27th Aug
Completed all the links (so far).
Created the "Why Not?" section which will be completed soon.
Added "We Hate Kate" to opinions.

24th Aug
Put in Links to the three brilliant stories: "_But not forgotten", "Chronicles of the White Knight" and "Pieces of Correspondence".

22nd Aug
Added the discussion "Buffy and Angel" to Opinions

21st Aug
Designed everything. Added Season 1 and 2 to Through The Seasons (They are by no means finished though)