In The Dark Of The Nightby Anne1680
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They belong to Twentieth Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, and Kuzui Enterprises. No copyright infringement is intended.
Story rating: PG-14
Spoilers: All of the 3rd season. Angel has left...but Xander never went on his road trip...oh and Anya is still around.
Author's Notes: Ok...this idea came to me while listening to the
Anastasia(cartoon) soundtrack...please don't ask how that came about. But the song "In the Dark of the Night" led me to this story about Anya...It is B/X though...I swear...just not the start! If anyone would like the lyrics to the song which inspired this me and I'll send them to you.
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