In The Dark Of The Night

by Anne1680


School was over. They had all graduated and now had summer vacation before college started. Buffy, Xander, Willow and Oz had been spending their night at The Bronze and were heading home.

"I can't believe we've only had one week of summer vacation" Willow whined, "it seems like forever".

Xander groaned. "On the other hand we only have 11 more weeks until college....yippee!!!" he said sarcastically. Willow glared at him.

"C'mon Xander" Buffy said, seeing the look on Willow's face, "look on the bright side....there's the all night keggers and toga partys to look forward to....not to mention the frat initiation!"

"...and the classes" Willow interjected.

"Right, that was the very next thing on my list" Buffy said, grinning.

"Fine, make fun" Willow crossed her arms.

"Sorry Will, but some of us just aren't as excited about acadaemia as you" Buffy replied.

Willow smiled. "That's ok. Sometimes I'm a little too bookwormy for my own good".

"I like that about you" Oz said and leant and kissed her on the cheek causing her to blush.

"So, what are we doing tomorrow?" Xander asked. "Movie anyone?"

Before they could answer him someone ran around the corner and straight into Xander.

"Whoa, slow down" he said and took hold of the girl by the shoulders. "Anya?!" he exclaimed. "Well if it isn't demon girl herself" he teased.

"Not now Xander" she said "Right now...." she never finished. Three winged beasts flew at them from the direction she had come.

Part 1

Buffy and the others readied themselves for the attack. Ever since graduation they all made sure they had supplies on them wherever they went.

The first one swooped straight towards Anya. She hit the ground and it flew past landing directly behind her. Willow, Xander and Oz worked together to drive a stake into its chest while Buffy was busy trying to dispatch of the second one. She delivered a roundhouse kick to its head, but not before it managed to scratch her with one of its razor sharp talons, leaving a huge gash down her left arm.

"Really not a smart move" she yelled at the creature as it swooped to attack her again. She intercepted the attack with another kick and moved in to stake it.

The third creature, seeing what had happened to the others, flew off into the night. Buffy made her way over to where Anya was and pulled her off the ground.

"Great work guys" she said, as they gathered staring at the bodies of the two dead creatures at their feet.

"So I guess they don't go *poof*" Willow said.

"I guess not" Buffy replied as she moved towards one of them. She was just about to touch it when both of the bodies just disappeared into thin air.

"Hey...where'd they go?" Xander asked, looking around warily for any sign of the creatures.

"Beats burying them" Oz quipped. They all just stared at him and he shrugged in response. "Hey Buffy?" he called, shifting attention from himself.

"Yeah?" she replied cautiously, expecting him to come out with some other strange comment.

"You do know you're bleeding right?"

"huh?...oh, yeah...damn" she said looking down at her arm, "and this was a new shirt too!".Everyone stared at Buffy's arm. A pool of blood was starting to form on the ground where she stood.

"Oh my gosh, Buffy are you ok?" Willow asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine".

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital. It looks like you could need a few stitches" Xander offered.

"Really guys...I'll just wrap it up when I get home".

"Do I have to carry you?" Xander asked exasperated. He moved towards her, not waiting for an answer. Buffy squealed as Xander lifted her over his shoulder in a fireman's lift and started walking.

"Fine we'll can put me down now". Xander set her on the ground.

"Hey, guys?" Willow interupted "Where's Anya?"

They all surveyed the area. "Damn, she knew something about that...I really wanted to find out what was going on...oh well, I guess it can wait 'til tomorrow" Buffy said.

"Meanwhile hospital" Xander ordered.

Buffy rolled her eyes and followed.

Part 2

They arrived at the school library the next morning to meet Giles.

"Giles?" Buffy called as they entered the library, "you here?"

"hmmm" he came wandering out of the stacks, nose still in a book.

"Earth to Giles" Xander taunted.

"Oh, yes...I was just reading...gosh Buffy what happened to you?" he exclaimed when he noticed the long row of stitches running down Buffy’s arm from her shoulder to her elbow.

"Demon attack...I really should be getting used to them by now"

"What did this demon look like?"

"Wings, teeth, big claws...pretty much sums it up don’t you think" she said turning to the others, who nodded in agreement.

"Except you left out the part where there were 3 of them," Xander said.

"And the chasing Anya part," added Willow.

"Hang on one moment" Giles interrupted. "You say these demons were chasing Anya? I wonder why that would be."

"We intended on asking, but demon girl was gone before we had a chance." Buffy explained.

"And she didn’t even say thank you" Willow said, causing Giles to make a strange clucking sound with his tongue. "Well she didn’t" she added defensively.

"Well we must find Anya and find out what these creatures are after" Giles emphasised.

"So anyone have any ideas where she hangs out?" Buffy asked.

Xander cleared his throat. "Uh, her house is actually close to yours Buffy."

Everyone looked at him questioningly. "What?! I took her to the prom" he explained. "We had to meet somewhere".


It was decided that Xander should go and see Anya, and that Buffy should accompany him, in case they ran into trouble of the winged kind.

Xander knocked on the door. There was no answer.

"Anya?" he called "you home? It’s me, Xander."

"How do I know it’s really you?" a response came from inside. Buffy rolled her eyes.

"I don’t know....barfy feelings remember....c’mon Anya, open up."

Buffy looked at him puzzled. "I’ll explain later" he mouthed to her as they heard the latch click and the door opened to reveal Anya on the other side.

"Oh Xander" she sobbed and threw herself into his arms.

Xander, after getting over his initial shock, embraced her and led her inside.

Buffy just stood there mouth agape, before she followed the two of them inside.


Buffy was oddly disturbed by seeing Anya with Xander.

"So what’s the deal with the winged creatures" she asked trying to draw Anya’s attention away from Xander.

"Oh, Buffy....hi" Anya said, as if just realising Buffy was present.

"yeah winged creatures? What’s the deal?" Buffy asked abruptly.

"It’s a long story" Anya said.

"Hopefully not too long" Buffy interjected...then seeing the look she got from Xander..."please go on."

"When I was a demon, I granted wishes to women to avenge the wrongdoings committed by the men in their lives."

"We know this part....moving on..." Buffy was silenced by another menacing look from Xander. *Why am I being like this* she thought. *It’s as though Anya’s awoken the bitch within*. She had to stop herself from laughing out loud from this final thought. She brought her attention back to what Anya was saying.

"...failed and the woman never got her wish completed. Shortly afterwards her boyfriend was turned into a demon. He vowed to get his revenge, but was not as powerful as me. He hasn’t had the opportunity until now."

"Because you no longer have your powers?" Xander asked.

" now he’s coming after me."

"So once again...the winged creatures?" Buffy asked.

"They are his minions...he’ll send his weakest first and if, or when, they are defeated, he’ll send more powerful beings."

" we have more of these creatures to look forward to?" Buffy groaned. "And I thought this was going to be a peaceful vacation."

Part 3

Anya had barely shut the door after them when Xander turned to Buffy and grabbed her by the arm. "What was that all about?"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Buffy replied, and shrugged her arm out of Xander's grip.

"You know very well what I'm saying Buffy. Why did you attack Anya like that?"

"I didn't"...then seeing Xander's look..."Maybe I'm just having a bad day!" Xander raised his eyebrows. "Look, I'm sorry ok...I promise I'll be extra nice next time" she countered, trying to get Xander off her back.

"Just think next time, ok Buff!"

Buffy had to bite her tongue to keep herself from saying something she'd regret later. She simply nodded her response.

"Good" Xander replied to her action. "Now let's get back to Giles and tell him our news."


They entered the library to find the others hard at work researching.

"Did you find her?" Giles asked.

"Yep...we got the info" Xander confirmed.


"Oh,'s a demon with a grudge against Anya because of something she did to him when he was human."

"And the winged thingys are the demon's minions" Buffy added.

"Did you catch the name of this demon." Giles asked

"No" Buffy said.

"Well I don't know where YOU were then, but Anya told us the demon's name was...oh, yeah it was Brikersan." Xander looked questioningly at Buffy.

"Hmmm, Brikersan. I know I've heard that name before" Giles picked up a book and started flicking through the pages. "Aaah, yes here it is. Did Anya say anything about his followers?"

"Yes, I know this one." Buffy said, now recovered from the embarrassment of not knowing the last important piece of information. "She said that these winged creatures are the easiest and that when they're defeated he'll send stronger ones. Apparently he doesn't like to fight himself...the lazy bastard."

"Yes, well...That's what is confirmed here."

"So...what? We have to help Anya now?" Buffy whined.

"Buffy I think that would be best. As it is you've already killed two of his minions so chances are he'll come after you when he's finished with Anya." Giles countered.

"Well maybe I should conserve my energy so that I'm at full strength when I'm attacked" Buffy suggested hopefully.

"Buffy" Xander yelled. "I thought we discussed this."

"Yes. And I said I'd be polite to her when I next saw her. Do you see her here, because I must be blind then."

"Why are you so quick to judge her?"

"I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact she's evil and trouble follows her."

"People could say the same about you." Xander said angrily.

"Oh, yeah...which people!" Buffy stepped towards him, as though challenging him.

"Ok guys," Willow interrupted, "that's enough."

They ignored her. "Yeah, you don't have one ounce of compassion for anyone's situation but your own, do you." Xander continued.

"Do you have any idea what you're talking about Xander?" Buffy glared at him.

"Maybe you should grow up and stop acting like a bratty child."

Buffy snapped. Before she knew what was happening her arm was swinging towards Xander. He just managed to dodge her punch.

When he recovered from the shock he stood glaring at her. "What?! You have to resort to physical violence? You really want to go there?"

"Why? You want to take me on?" she challenged.

"Ok. That's enough!" Willow yelled, and Giles moved towards Buffy to restrain her from doing something stupid. (Or should that be more stupid?!)

"You're right" Xander said. "I'm going back to see Anya. I assume you'll want to see her sometime Giles."

"Ummm, yes. Why don't you get her now and I'll discuss things with her here."

"Do you really think that's safe with Psycho Girl here?" he asked gesturing towards Buffy.

Buffy glared at him, but he didn't even look in her direction. He said goodbye to the others and left. When she realised what she'd done she went from feeling angry, to feeling ashamed. She just sat there stunned.

"Oh my god. I nearly hit Xander" she thought out loud.

"We noticed." Willow said. "Care to talk about it?"

Buffy shook her head, still in a state of confusion. Willow just looked at her. *Why is she behaving like this?* she thought, confused. *It's almost as if she's jealous of Anya.*

Willow had little time to analyse these thoughts, as Xander and Anya came bursting through the double doors of the library. "They're coming!" he yelled.

More coming soon!
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