Fights, Dreams and Strange Realities

by Duchess of Buffonia


Rating: PG-13… I think. You tell me if you think it’s R-worthy. They do curse a little…

Distribution: Take it, keep my name on, then email me and tell me where you took it!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters… you know the drill. They were created by god-man Joss. We worship him for everything he is… yada, yada, yada. Can anyone else tell that I'm tired?

Author’s Note: This is a different take on a fic I’ve already written, "Thoughts". Basically the difference is that this is my own little B/X world and the Xander/Faith thing hasn’t happened. It pretty much just changes the ending of the original and it’s more of a humorous/sexually amped version.

Spoilers: Everything upto about Gingerbread… nothing specific. Definitely Surprise & Innocence spoilers. But, this is pre-Zeppo.

Feedback: Please? Pretty Please? I'll love you forever... in a non-literal kinda way.

Summary: Willow locks Buffy and Xander in a room together in an attempt to have them work out their problems. Words fly, anger ensues, and some cooky romance stuff happens.

Fights, Dreams, and Strange Realities