It's Not Just Me! Stacy Declise Okay, Here goes. I have been a B/X'er since Welcome to the Hellmouth. I saw the previews of Buffy my senior year in high school but just figured it would be like the movie so I didn't bother looking for the premire.
BIG Mamma
Now that I think of it there really wasnt a moment that got me hooked. It was
kind of fate I guess u could say. I missed the first hour or so of the season
premiere and when I saw Xander work with Buffy, I just thought "hey they'd
make a nice couple". But it never really was a priority, I just was more BX
each season. So I was pretty a fan from the get go. Although theres always
the possibility that if I had seen the first part when it originally aired i
would have been a different shipper; yet with all the bx chemistry there is I
probably would have found my way to the same train of thought.
I'm not really sure when I decided I was a B/X shipper. It was just like,
one day, it dawned on me. "Yeah, I *really* want those two together..."
I always thought Buffy and Xander would be the coolest couple because Xander
was instantly attracted to her. And proved that love hurts(even though he
didn't love her from the begining..but still.) As the show progressed, the
way Xander acted around Buffy made me want them to hook up even more. In PG,
when Xander asked her out and she rejected him, I was so pissed but in Season
2, there were so many B/X moments that made me think wishfully (does that
even make sense?)
I didn't watch the show when it came on during the first
season. One day I was just flipping though the channels during summer repeats
and happened to come across BTVS, and it happened that the first episode that
I watched was Teacher's Pet and the scene where Buffy was drugged got me
hooked on the show, and made me a B/X shipper.
Charity (aka Taygeta)
There has never been a moment in the vicinity of BtVS that I have not
been a B/X shipper. never is a little too definite, but
something close to that. Even when I was enjoying "Homecoming" and the
beginnings of the W/X fluke the first thing that came to mind was,
"Gee...that's cute...W/X resolution...paving way for possible B/X-ness."
So, I guess I've just been a B/X-shipper from the beginning when Xander
whacked his head on the head railing. I despised Angel...I've always
thought that Xander was more of a mystery guy than him on the factors
that there's so much about Xander we don't know even though we always see
him on screen. I especially love the fact that what I see in B/X moments
is something deep...and it's only obvious if you delve into it. B/X is a
relationship that is reflective of the show - like the show, you have to
try and interpret aspects of it and combine it into a whole.
Duchess of Buffonia
As for me: I actually liked Angel right off the bat.
I thought he was incredibly attractive and that his
first interaction with Buffy was great. It's still a
classic and sets my heart racing... but, that didn't
last. He got old really fast. I fell in love with
Xander indefinately in The Pack. When the scene where
Buffy and Xander tumble made me get all strangly giddy
and made me grin uncomtrolably, I knew there was
something there. It's still one of my favorite B/X
moments. PG was great, but WSWB really made me more
B/X. Now that is a classic scene. Even B/A fans can
admit it was steamy. No B/A scene can compare to the
"sexy dance".
Sprittlex (The Dreaded 'Shipper Manifesto)
First I'm essentially, when you get down to the proverbial brass tacks, a
Xander shipper. I really don't care who he ends up with, as long as she
realizes what a great guy he is. I'm like every Xander fan out there and feel
like he is sort of an avatar for me. A mystical being that is living the life
I could be living...If only....
Dark Dyer
After reading Sprittlex's Manifesto, I'm going to have to say that my
reasons mirror his own.
Xander is the one I relate to most, he reminds me of a lot of my friends,
also the guys the underdog, and I always root for the underdog.
Since Welcome to the Hellmouth I've thought B/X would be great.
W/X was an interesting alternative, but now that doesn't seem right.
C/X while fun, never had a feel of permanence for me.
A/X well to tell you the truth this one makes no sense to me after the
whole Angel is a demon and should die thing, I would think Xander would stay
away from Anya demon, but his logic does not resemble earth logic.
Buffy,.,. Buffy,.,., yes Buffy, she's the girl for Xander, she just
doesn't know it yet.
Ashley The first episode I ever caught of "Buffy" was "Surprise", I knew what was
going on because my friend never shut up about the show. So I decided to
watch it and see this Angel guy that was "oh so hot" in her words. When I
saw him I wasn't really attracted to him, and found the kissy scene a bit
much, but when I saw Xander, I knew this show had something. I became a
B/Xer the minute I heard these lines.
"Buffy, I feel a pre-birthday spanking coming on" Aurorose13 Why? Okay, I always thought the show was gay until I
actually sat down and watched it. The first one I saw
was Halloween. I loved it. But I didn't start out an
anyone shipper; just a disliker of Angel b/c he was
such a whiner (I always say "Go head, cry baby, cry!)
Anyway, off subject. It wasn't until my all time
favorite ep - Killed By Death - that I knew they were
meant for each other. When I saw Xander stand up to
Angelus like he did, I said to myself, "There's a real
man, brave and sooooo sexy." From that point on I was
a die-hard shipper, which is quite the problem for a
friend of mine (since he's a loser B/A shipper)
Anywho, I caught a few of my other friends and told
them to watch the show. They did, then I brainwashed
them into B/X.
Jai L I could list all the reasons until this is pages long. The lingering
looks... The unrequited love on Xander's part in Season one that inspired such
an awe that a following emerged... I became a shipper quite unexpectantly. I need YOUR reasons too! Just e-mail me at And you can see your name up here in multi color.
It just happened that the night it premired I was off from work and just decided to flip through channels. I caught it at the beginning and figured, hey why not watch it?
I saw Xander and Buffy and instantly wanted them to be together. I also disliked Angel from the very beginning! So I've stuck with this show for the last three years and have loved every B/X moment!!
It was probably during the second season that I really decided they would
be a great couple, and the third season just kinda strengthened it. During
the whole "Angelus" thing, Xander was always there for Buffy; whether it was
for patrolling, or a hug, or even saving her butt. (ie: Phases)
Then, there's season three. Xander was the only one who stood up to Buffy
directly, and confront her with his feelings on everything from Angel to her
running away. He also was the one who managed to keep her grounded, keep her
in her place. It did come off as harsh, but it did work. And, it showed
Xander cared for her enough to question her actions that may have been wrong.
And, as I look back on the first season, I see more chemistry going on
with Xander and Buffy than even Angel and Buffy. (That's just my opinion) And
Prophecy Girl really does seem to show who was willing to die for her... and
the answer ain't Dead Boy.
And it's rather funny that one should place in the definitive "Why?"
because just this past week I realized what was such an important
foundation to my B/X Obsession... Surprisingly, it's the Ross/Rachel
relationship on "Friends." I realized this while watching the re-run
where Rachel and Ross are remembering the moments in their relationship
(in the midst of Ross preparing for his wedding w/ Emily) and then it hit much of their relationship that I love, I love in the possibility
of B/X. I mean, here's this "geeky" guy always in love with who he's
perceived as this amazing girl. She's knew he had had a crush on her,
but never shared the idea and always thought he was over her. It made me
reflect on why I have so many stories where B/X and the gang are in their
late twenties. Another component of foundation to the idea has to be the
even stronger drawing of the "Anne of Green Gables" series. I've
continuously done compare and contrast with Anne/Gilbert and
Buffy/Xander. Anne saw Gilbert as a friend, when deep down she really
did love him. Gilbert always loved Anne...from the first moment he saw
her...he helped her in her times of need and gave up a lot for her
happiness - even if it meant a little extra trouble for him.
So to conclude, my B/X-ness comes a lot from what I've already seen and
from the realm of books I've read in the younger aspects of my youth.
The scene that sealed me and made me a die-hard fan
was the Phases hug. That was a moment that made me
jump up from the couch and start hollering "Yes!!!!
That was so awesome!!!" I did the same thing when the
Amends moment happend, and don't even get me started
on Go Fish. These are the reasons that people think
I'm a psycho.
Anyhow, the fanfic definately does it to. After
reading any of Taygeta's fics I can't image Buffy and
Xander not getting together when they're older.
In general I think Buffy and Xander have more
chemistry than any relationship on the show. Besides,
I don't see how a relationship that causes so much
pain could ever be the real/true/great thing. B/A was
way overdone. B/X is wonderfully subtle and has so
many possibilties. I don't think B/X could be boring;
where as B/A had me rolling my eyes by season three.
Now before I can get toBuffy and Xander I have to get past 'The Great
I was originaly(circa the Witch[the first time I saw it]) a diehard W/Xer.
But as Oz was introduced, and as one of my other favorite characters, the
delightful Cordelia Chase, became Xander's girlfriend, I found what I thought
would be a lifelong shipping stance starting to weaken.
The very 'Nick and Nora Charles'-like banter that came with C/X won me over
quickly. Besides I liked that my two favorite people were getting more screen
time. Once I heard that Cordy was jumping ship and going over to Angel I
found that my C/X loyalty dwindled.
Now we get to the actual occurance of 'The Great Sin'. I found the way the
idea ofW/X was handled so disturbingly bad, that I still don't like Willow
anymore.(Willow is a rant that I can only assume would take up several small
libraries if I went into it thoroughly, so let's just leave it at that I
don't like her much.)
Okay so this brings me to Faith and Xander. I know that this one sickens many
people the way B/X sickens some others. I personally really liked Faith(Good
and Bad) I still do. I personally feel this is one of those universal
dividing lines. Like Beatles or Elvis, Jeapordy or Wheel of Fortune, Chicken
or Beef. You are either a Faith person, or a Willow person. I'm A diehard
Faith supporter, and find all references to her as a whore, or Bitch very
offensive. I've explained to Jai, why I feel so connected to Faith. Anyway, I
think that Xander and Faith could have been the B/A that actually worked out,
but the writers(if your willing to dip down low enough to call them that)
screwed Faith up as badly as they did everything else. I think there will
always be a little piece of me rooting for F/X to get together, but I know it
won't happen intellectually.
Now to my favorite ex demon, the adorable Anya. I'm actually rooting for
these two a lot as well. Ilike Anya, because she's been the first to
appreciate Xander. She seems to realize how amazing and brave he really is.
Besides she is just so darn cute.
By now you're saying 'He is a B/X shipper, isn't he?' Yes, I am. you just
neeed to understand that I'm also much more than that. B/X is my dream
couple. I think they would be perfect, on one level or another I have thought
that all along. Even in the deepest, darkest days of my W/X shippping I would
often be suddenly struck by the thought that Buffy and Xander looked really
good together(and I mean as a team as well as in the 'cute couple sense')
I've expressed, in discussion and stories, my feeling that Buffy and Xander
have been dating from the beginning, they jut don't seem to realize it. Have
you ever noticed the way Buffy touches Xander? She's always puttin her hand
on his arm, and generally sitting next to him. She moves around him the way a
women moves around a boyfriend. And whodoes she go to to talk about her
troubles most of the time? Xander has always borne all of the
responsibilities of the boyfriend, while Angel reaped the rewards.
As much as I would love an out and out B/X relationship I fear it would do to
BtVS what the end of the Will they, Won't they? in other shows did. Does
anyone remmeber the last season or so of 'Moonlighting', 'Northern Exposure',
and Who's theBoss?'? I'd hate to see a moment of open love between them tear
down what years of secret devotion has built.
"I'd curb that impulse if I were you Xander"
"Check. Cancel Spanking"
I knew it was immature, but I also knew it was funny, and backed up with
something more than hormones. Throughout the episode I saw I was right,
Xander cared about Buffy even though he was with Cordelia.
From there it's just grown. I've never seen a moment where Xander wasn't
caring about Buffy's well-being. And I've just always thought that Buffy
should drop Angel and be with someone she can actually share her life with,
someone she can be somewhat normal with.
Plus I always route for the underdog, and in Xander's case it's easier
because I like him so much. He's willing to do anything for Buffy and I
think that's the kind of relationship anyone should be in.
I figured the show would be another lame show which would dissappear within a
couple months. I was so wrong. Out of boredom, I watched the two hour series
premiere. Totally blew me away. And I totally fell in love with the concept of
BX. I saw a young, shy guy who was totally in love with a hero. His
protectiveness over a superhero was cute. And unlike MANY others, I didn't
think of it as some little puppy love. He was the unlikely hero. Shy, witty.
But the emerging qualities of a hero were there.
He wasn't the embodiment of the "Tragic Romeo and Juliet couple." He didn't fit
that mysterious, broody, badboy persona that I had come to loathe. The typical
guy to get the girl.
He was the everyday guy. The one who falls in love with a girl, but is far too
shy to say it. The one who gets overlooked far too often...
But until PG, it was all a onesided romance. When Xand saved her life... I saw
it for sure. On her lips as she said his name.
Over the next two years, we were offered small moments. His gentlemen like
nature in BBB. The sexy dance, however midguided. That lingering look in IMG.
Or the famous "White Knight" scene in KBD that blew us all away. (Maybe that's
why I love the "You're gonna die... And I'm gonna be there" line in KBD. Proud
keeper of that one.)
The big moments are worthless in my opinion. The small things count. Those
small moments when we see a moment is greedily accepted by BXers. The unlikely
romance, which becomes more and more acceptable.
Honestly, I believe Joss is offering little bits of moments to appease the fans,
as well as set the prologue to a great love story. We've all had those dreadful
moments when we wonder if Joss will ever bring these two together. He's always
been a bit unpredicatble... But I believe that denying the chance for these two
to get together would be a crime, because there is such potential for a loving
relationship between the two. I feel a balance would come from a relationship,
which would be normal for both. Season 4 offers rumors of a daywalker that will
be Buffy's romantic entanglement. And of Xander getting involved with our
favorite former scorner of men, Anya. These two have been blessed with far from
normal relationships, and I think that the big one... The true one, will be
with each other.
But that's just me and my opinion. I never force this on others. I've jut
droned on and on, and yet I barely scratched the surface... But those are some
of my many reasons for liking BX.