

Name: Argos (Aison, Demon, Shiva, Un-Named & Yu)

Place and Date of Birth: Argos near Sparta in 350 B.C.

Age: 2355

Appears: 24


Creator: Kali

Character background: Aison was young soldier when he joined Alexander the Great's army. Over the course of the next 8 years he increased in rank from Phalanx to Elite Phalanx, the Hypaspist. To his friends he became known as Aison the Agile for he was quick and light footed in battle for as big as he was. In 326, age 24, he was separated during battle when Alexander's horse was killed. Aison then charged to help his king when he somehow got thrown into a river. He struggled to get his armor off of himself and once he completed he smacked his head into a log knocking him unconscious. A black skinned woman nursed him back to health for she had fallen in love with Aison. Aison too was stricken by her pure exoticness. Once healthy she turned him. The woman's name was Kali and she then re-named Aison to Shiva. As Shiva he protected and destroyed many a people with Kali.

Eventually they traveled to the east part of India where Kali started to make more vampires. Though she made Shiva a vampire, he had drank more from her blood than she let the others. He was much stronger and more equaled to his lover, Kali. Kali and her children still made Shiva jealous so he disappeared into the Himalayas. He came back to Kali almost a hundred yrs later to find her even more insane than before. Her children were making more children and she had lost complete control of them for they were all have blood orgies everywhere. Shiva at this time was more at peace with himself as a vampire and learned to coexist while in the Mountains with humans. He shared this with Kali and she too after a fight agreed with him. The children must go though. Together they slaughtered many of them but there were too many to all kill at once. Shiva yearned to go back to the mountains and Kali wished he would stay. He promised that he would return again soon and did so every decade for over 150 yrs.

While Shiva was away in 503. B.C. his lover Kali was ambushed by her children and trapped for sunlight to incinerate her. Shiva felt her death instantly and came back to finish hunting down those that remained. Shiva and Kali were recorded as gods later on but Shiva left to find several thousand other names. As The Un-Named he traveled. He would pick up names and use them for awhile and always come back to the Un-Named. He learned all sorts of philosophy and fighting techniques. Fought in countless wars for centuries. Traveled all over Asia and parts of even Africa. He became a poet and artist. He was becoming a living legend among the continent. He would disappear and reappear century later. This went on until 1500's where he went to rest for a couple centuries.

The Un-Named woke up to a couple of explorers and from the darkness he pushed down before he emerged as a Demon. He took that as his new name. For 2 more centuries he killed and slaughtered thousands of innocence people in various ways. Until the early 19th century did he finally truly fall in love again to a woman. This time her name was Ming. Ming and had fallen for Demon's appearance instantly for when she saw him he looked more like a pale angel than a demon. He changed names once again to Yu. Yu turned Ming into a vampire and together they lived in China for 150 yrs. All over the place. Yu was very wealthy and Ming was in love. Yet Yu was hunted by slayers for his terrible acts when he was called Demon. Soon enough they caught up him and Ming. Ming was separated from him and she was later slain. Yu on the other hand escaped. He fled east and kept going.

As he raced east he was slowly reminded of the names he carried all his life. And he spent the better part of 2300 years in Asia. It was time to move on and find out what else is out there. He learned that people in the West used 2 names so he was trying to figure out which one when he was going through Greece. He was reminded of his very first name Aison the Agile. He changed his mind and took up the name Argos instead in remembrance of his life. Argos it is he said to himself as he was deciding upon where to go.

Argos researched and found that there were many places he's never been and it was time to see them so where first. London it is as he spun a globe and put his finger on it.

Personality:Argos is a wise and well diverse vampire. He has found peace and restraint in the thirst. He drinks mostly from morally inept people and animals. Although occasionally his dark side slips and when it does he ruthless. He can be kind but all in all he's a loner and making friends isn't something he likes to do often. Argos has been with only 2 others of his kind had doesn't even know lycans exist. But he much like his name. He is one to seek out adventure and explore and learn new things. He then masters that skill that he sets out to learn and is an expert at a large number of things including; poetry, painting, many forms of martial arts, samurai, ninjitsu, pottery, drawing, and linguistics.