

Name: Keket, also called Coronet

Place and Date of Birth: Egypt, 17BC

Age: 2040 years

Appears: 25

Status: Vampire

Creator: None, she was born a vampire

Physical Description: She is 5’5” with waist length black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. She is of medium build and appears to be very athletic.

Character background: Vampires and Mortals are not supposed to be able to procreate. The only way that Vampires are suppose to be able to have children is by ‘bringing across’ a mortal. In Keket’s case however this is exactly what happened. Keket’s mother was impregnated and bitten by a Vampire around 35 BC. However, she was not fully turned. She lived long enough to have Keket but supposedly died in childbirth. The midwife named her Keket after the Goddess of Darkness because it was believed that she was a child of Osiris.

Because of her supposed lineage she was taken into the palace and raised by the Pharaoh’s family. When she was old enough she became a handmaid to then Pharaoh Cleopatra. During her time with the Pharaoh she drew the attention of one of the palace guards. She spurned his affections, incurring his anger against her. She was partial to spending time alone in the gardens at night and knowing this the guard chose to ambush her there and take what she denied him. She fought back against him and somehow in the struggle her true nature was revealed and she bit him, draining him of his life's blood. She would have continued to drink even after his heart stopped beating (bringing about her own death) had the corpse not been ripped from her grasp by another palace guard.

Assuming that he would kill her for what she had done she tried to run from the guard, but he was much faster. To her surprise he grabbed her and spirited her over the garden walls and out of Alexandria before the other guards could catch them. The two of them left Egypt, finding their way to Rome where they found a safe haven in the countryside. Only then did he reveal his true identity.

His name was Odium (meaning Hate) and he was a very unique Werewolf who had been sent by her father to be her guardian and companion. He was bound to her, and bound by a promise to her father not to tell her anything about her lineage. This upset Keket but there was nothing she could do to make him tell her of her father so after a while she simply let it go.

Concerned that her birth name would cause problems he renamed her, calling her Coronet.

They traveled together for centuries, becoming lovers despite the danger that it posed to her. Because Odium was not a normal werewolf he did not have the feelings of a human. Instead of his feeling for her being interpreted as the human emotion of 'love' his mind interpreted them as hunger for her flesh. Knowing that he could not kill her he fought the feelings as best he could, only allowing himself to make love to her after he had eaten so he would not be tempted to devour her.

In the mid 1500's she turned a young Pirate woman named Viper. This young woman, although strong and independent, allowed the power that came with being a vampire to corrupt her. After several years Viper left Coronet and struck out on her own, going against any and all rules that were known to all Vampires.

A few centuries later Coronet brought across another, a Lord's daughter by the name of Velia. Velia was a mild and demure young woman and her life as a vampire caused her nothing but heart ache. None the less, she refused to kill herself because she knew how much her sire loved her.

In 1899 Coronet and Odium found their way to London where they learned that a vampire was hatching a plan to turn the entire city. Upon further investigation they were not surprised to find that Coronet's 'child', Viper, was behind the plot. Coronet pleaded with her to stop but when she refused Coronet left the matter to be dealt with by the Council.

After years of turning their backs on what Viper had done because she was Coronet's 'child' the incident in London finally spurred the Council into action. Going against all tradition they called upon a slayer named Rhiannon to deal with the problem.

While Coronet and Odium were in London they met another group of vampires led by one Dominic Les Guillaume. This was the first vampire Coronet had met which had not tried to kill her first. They also appeared to be friends with the slayer Rhiannon who had come to London to take care of Viper. Despite what she knew would happen Coronet allowed Rhiannon to hunt and kill her child without fear of retaliation for she knew it was best.

During this time Coronet also became friends with Dominic and his 'son' William, an American Indian who showed a great deal if interest in Odium.

Only two days after Viper's death Coronet's daughter Velia was passing through and came to visit. By the end of the night Velia was dead at the hands of Odium, and Coronet was on a boat out of London...alone.

She wandered the world alone for almost half a century before settling in France in the 1950's. In the 1980's she once again came across Dominic Les Guillaume who's son William had left him, this time in France. Dominic had sunk into a state of depression and had neglected his feedings as well as all else around him.

Coronet took it upon herself to nurse Dominic back to health and during that time they became lovers. A short time later she left after a disagreement and did not return. She remained alone until 2000 when she once again met up with Odium in London. Despite the fact that he had devoured her daughter Velia she chose to stay with him, taking him back as her protector but never again as her lover.

A short time later she ran into Dominic Les Guillaume again, just in time to pull him and his companions out of a conflict with a witch named Verona. After much discussion she decided to help them with this witch and joined their siege on the witch's home. When they once again lay siege to Verona's manor Coronet was met by her daughter Viper, whom Verona had resurrected in an attempt to kill Coronet. Odium stepped in and Viper too lost her life to Odium.

It was during this night that Coronet met her father and mother for the first time. She was only able to spend one night with them though before they had to return to the council. She learned what she could from them and then bid them farewell hoping to see them again soon.

Dominic once again enlisted Coronet's help in finding an elusive Vampire known only as The Collector. She agreed and the group once again set out.

While Coronet went with Dominic, Odium had been summoned by the council. However, once Odium arrived he found the Council murdered. The only thing left behind (besides the piles of dust) was a silver dagger with the symbol of the Vatican pinning a note to the council chamber's table. Taking the note he used his powers and his link to Coronet to find her and give her the news.

Angered and wanting revenge Coronet, Odium and a were named Krysta attacked a small bookstore in London run by the Vatican and promised more retaliation to come. Upon their return to the Collector's Lair underneath London they found that a Mortal named Renata had snuck into the underground community and was now in conference with the Collector and the others. As soon as Renata (who was carrying a gun) saw Odium she retrieved her gun and fired upon him. Angered by the attack Odium charged the mortal and would have killed him had Coronet not interfered. However, when she interfered Odium's anger was turned to Coronet and he tried to kill her. Using a spell that her father had given her Coronet sealed Odium in a tree.

The mortal named Renata, after being given an ultimatum from the Collector, chose to be turned by Coronet. Unsure of the idea and yet not truly wanting to be alone for the rest of her life she agreed and Renata became Coronet's third child.

With Odium now gone and no way to truly protect herself Coronet asked the Collector how she could become a full vampire. He revealed to her that she already had the answers. She had been researching it for years and had discovered that all she had to do was be killed by a Vampire and she would gain all the power that came with her age. However, with her feelings for Dominic she decided that it was better to ask him to turn her human side so that she could be near him always and not have to fear being pushed away. So she went to Dominic and asked him to turn her. He agreed and she became his 'child', gaining all the power and strength that came with her 2040 years of unlife.

Personality: She is a warm and caring person, driven by her thirst for knowledge and the experiences of life. When she cares for someone be assured that she will die for them. Her loyalty and compassion are matched only by her hunger for 'life'.