Daniel Trepes


Name: Daniel Trepes

Nicknames: Happy Puppy, given to him by William BlackHawk

Place and Date of Birth: Clifden, County Galway, Ireland, February 1, 1978

Age: 23

Status: Vampire

Character background: A military school, full of dedicated and powerful cadets and soldiers who put their school first in their lives, was perhaps not the ideal place for a slender, red head with lavender/blue eyes and a passion for music, poetry, and fiction. Daniel's mothers participated in the same program that produced Evan Leonhart, however the genetic material used in creating Daniel came from a family which his mothers didn't belong. The family that got mixed into his blood was a very old family with a history of magic and demons and vampirism, and the curse that kissed family members from time to time had a strong hold on Daniel. What he didn't know was that violent death wouldn't be the death of him, but only the beginning of an endless blood hunger and music with no sunlight.

It didn't show. Sunny and enthusiastic about life, he grew into a gentle and intelligent man who was very much in love with his childhood friend and rival, Evan. When Evan went to Japan, Daniel almost followed him, but both his mothers and Evan's fathers urged him to go to Paris instead, to study and get on with his own life. Which he did. Paris turned out to be a lively and lovely city. He made friends easily and dated often but found no one to his taste and kept his kisses to himself.

Music wasn't terribly lucrative and he ended up with both a room mate and a job in a local bookshop. His roommate, Amanda Sifford, is also a music student and becomes a good friend of his. Amanda's boyfriend Timothy has a family curse of his own though, in the from of a drug addicted little brother and a temper which was aided and abetted by just enough intelligence to get him and Amada in a lot of trouble.

Timothy attacked a courier who was carrying for the organization his little brother had sold drugs for. Making off with a quarter of a million US dollars and the hand written 'recipe' for their latest drug, he fled to Paris, where Amanda and Daniel were preparing to go on tour with their University's Orchestra. He gave the money to Amanda, then disappeared. As the sun set on Daniel's last day, Amanda burst into their apartment , babbling this whole story out. He braced the door with a chair, and hurried her out onto the fire escape, then when back for his violin. Her pursers broke down the door and caught him in the process of putting his violin back in it's case.

They insisted he tell them where Amanda had gone. He insisted he didn't know. They put a bullet through his Stradivarius, but he still insisted he didn't know anything. They put a bullet through his forehead.

Character Personality: Cheerful, musical, his head in the clouds, loyal, honest, frivolous, stubborn, generous, full of pretty ideas and stories and music, but lacks practicality.

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