Darius Prudentia


Name: Darius Prudentia

Place and Date of Birth: Italy, around 200 BC

Age: Roughly near 2200

Appears: 50

Status: Werewolf

Creator: Naturally born

Character background: Darius Malcor was born to a tribe of that lived in Italy, near Rome. Unlike many tribes, they interacted closely with civilized men. They hid what they were effectively, and had a much higher level of discipline than many other tribes. The Shadow Kings related closely with the Empire and later, the Christian Church.

Darius was a Spirit Walker, meaning that he could physically travel to other realms. He requires reflecting surfaces to travel through, and is capable of taking other with him. He has had wide and varied experience with spirits, their ways, and the means to bend them to his will. His abilities in the Spirit Worlds rival those of a sorcerer in the physical world, though his power comes through the manipulation of spirit.

Being a Spirit Walker, and a powerful one, assured him a position of power in his tribe. He exploited this to eventually take control of the tribe, and made it a prime tool in his ambitions to expand his control. While he has not always been successful, he does control one of the larger tribes in the world today.

A thousand years ago, a 'Wolf came to his attention. Hogan, of the shattered Germanic tribe known as the Garou, championed ideas of leadership by ability and consensus, rather than by birth and might. Darius became aware of the demon Odium, and an idea spawned in his mind. He arranged for Hogan to hear of the creature, counting on the altruistic 'Wolf to investigate. He hoped the death of the popular 'Wolf would galvanize the werewolves to eliminate Odium for once and for all, and in the confusion and mayhem of the crusade, he saw his path to greater power.

Hogan did, but to Darius' surprise, he did not die. Instead, he formed a pact with a woman who had some kind of power over the demon. Darius chafed at his plans going awry, but Hogan's sense of duty, and the pact he had made with this Lady Coronet, kept him from being active the werewolf politics, so at least part of Darius' objectives were met.

Years passed. Decades turned to centuries. While Darius wanted revenge on Hogan for thwarting his plan, he recognized that this was a petty desire, and did not let him sway him for other matters he deemed more important. Either Hogan would follow his idealism to his death, or their paths would eventually cross again.

The Spirit Walker had a dream. He saw himself the ruler of the world, the werewolves bowing to him, the other Lycans bowing to them, and all of them served by the leeches. Humans were reduced to their proper status, little more than cattle. In his dream, there was peace and prosperity in the world, and all came to recognize his rule as the source of heir peace. Darius saw this dream to be his destiny, and began making plans to see it come to fruition.

Darius learned of a prophecy. It spoke of a union between a werewolf turned to a vampire mating with a vampire become werewolf, and that their union would change the world. He knew it was theoretically possible for a werewolf to become a vampire, though the Lycan genetics usually rejected the vampiric blood, leading to death. A vampire becoming a werewolf was thought to be impossible. However, Darius had learned over the centuries that the impossible is usually exactly what happened.

He learned of William, and tried to stay aware of the hybrid's whereabouts, and who came and went in his life, but did nothing else. Half the prophecy was not enough, and the hybrid's sire was the protective sort that would stop at nothing to regain him, it seemed. When his daughter, a disappointment to him, unleashed a set of circumstances that made her the other half of the fulfillment of the prophecy, plans long made started to go into action.

Personality Profile: Darius is excellent at portraying himself as a benevolent and wise leader. His true nature is rarely seen, and usually only to those already dedicated to his dream, or those he believes will never escape his clutches except through death. He believes he is striving for a better world, and will do whatever is necessary to achieve it. He is ruthless, and mercy is a very blessing to receive from him. When it is doled out, there is usually an ulterior motive attached, though often not seen by the beneficiary.

Torture, betrayal, deception, death, and worse are all acceptable tools if they help him achieve his ends of gaining dominion over the world, bringing it his peace.