Dominic Les Guillaume


Place and Date of Birth: France, Early 1400s

Age: Roughly near 600

Appears: 35

Status: Vampire

Creator: Witch craft

Character background: As the very attractive son of a wealthy land owner, Dominic would want for nothing. Somehow his good fortune caught up with him.

At the age of 20 he was married off to a well breed woman for whom he cared not. She was a self center, spoiled brat and the two could not stand each other. Manly because Dominic was much like her. This fact did not matter to their parents who simple wished for an heir to the family fortunes. In return for this favor his parents did for him, Dominic would blatantly have affairs, trash his 'wife' in public and refused to give them an heir no matter how his wife and parents begged.

Stubborn to his last, Dominic picked the wrong woman to meddle with. His latest and final mistress, Verona, was born and raised with the knowledge of witchcraft. When she discovered he was married, she had already fallen deeply in love with the charming French man. She cursed him to walk the earth for all eternity feasting on the blood of others. From that day on, he vowed never to love again.

He left his homeland and wife behind traveling the world from place to place looking for others like himself or others that would understand.

It was until 1753 AD that he found the answer in a pair of dark black and forbidden eyes. A understanding soul was BlackHawk, a son of a Native American Tribal spiritual leader, who offered to aid him in his death from the world of the undead. But things went very wrong. The end product left him a creator of the thing he hated most, a vampire. BlackHawk, had become another version of himself.

He took the new born undead boy back to Europe with him, renamed him William, for the upper-class people he tended to mingle with and taught him the ways of the vampire as well as teaching him to mistrust and be weary of all other vampires. When his work was done and William was well trained, Dominic kissed his "aimez" goodnight and retired to his bedroom one last time. Dominic allowed himself to age and grow weak against his immortal son's wishes.

One evening, as the sun set, William did not return to his room as he had every night in years past to tend to his father. William never came again.

Personality Profile: However charming, he is bitter, stubborn, terribly selfish, and oh so manipulative. Dominic leads a lonely existence only allowing William a window into his soul which is well guarded. Dominic is extremely possessive of William and has not handled his disappearance well at all. Through his growing hate for humanity, he has learned to kill again.................

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