Evan Leonhart


Name: Evan Leonhart

Place and Date of Birth: Clifden, County Galway, Ireland, January 12, 1978

Age: 23

Status: Mortal

Character background: Evan grew up with two 'fathers', the result of an experimental program in Europe to help same-sex couples have children. One of his father's runs a school, Niwa, in Europe that trains students in many forms of martial arts, sword work, and other nontraditional weapons styles as well as diplomatic teachings. His other father is an Instructor there. Inheriting both his fathers' skill with swords, Evan became a student at the school. Though serious when it comes to his studies, Evan spent a lot of time getting into mischief (he also instigated most of it) with his best friend, Daniel Trepe, the son of another Instructor and friend of his fathers'. After graduating at 18, Evan decided to travel to Japan to study the tradition of the Samurai instead of joining some organization as a peacekeeper, or diplomat, or an Instructor at the school like most other graduates did. His older sister had become an Instructor just like their Papa. While Evan went off to Japan, his friend remained in Europe to study music. One day he had received word that Daniel had been murdered and that since he was listed as his contact, he was to come and identify the body. Shocked and hurt, Evan went to Paris to ID Daniel and pick up his personal effects. Evan puts off returning to Japan search for Daniel's killers unaware that Daniel is 'alive' and searching for his killers also.

Character Personality: Kind and caring, Evan grew up in a loving and supportive family. Can be equally talkative and happy or moody, depending on what's going on around him and in his life. And Evan's fascinated with anything involving swords, magic or manga/anime.

Details of death: Killed by Edward while at Dominic's Manor.

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